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Janet 06-23-2012 01:17 PM

Today I went to the rental house and worked. Got the back room all cleaned up, washed the paneling in the dining room, painted the drawers in the bedroom and helped Rick rehang the front screen door. Neither of us will be there tomorrow. I'm going to (maybe) give the dogs a bath and Rick is going to one of those Cowboy Shoot things.

Ricky gets off at 6 this evening so when he gets home I want to go out to eat....either at Pepe's or Main Street Pub. I'm hungry.

Lindsey 06-23-2012 01:41 PM

Sounds like you got a lot done today Janet!

I got up at 6:30 because Scott was getting "kidnapped" from bed by his friends. They took him to Edmonton today. I haven't even spoken to him yet at all since last night, but I don't think I should be calling or texting during his stag party. Maybe I will text him tonight before I go to bed just to say good night and I love him. I don't want his friends to think I'm needy, but it really bothered me that I didn't get a chance to say good bye this morning before he left.

After I got over it, I drove to the city. I had to stop at the insurance place to renew my drivers license. I am so getting married at the wrong time lol! I had to get a new picture taken today. I guess after I'm married and change my name, I have to go get another new picture taken and pay an extra $10! I should have gotten married a month sooner lol!

Then I headed to a walk-in clinic for a prescription because I'm between doctors right now and the doctor I am meeting with next week will not do prescriptions on the first visit. After that, I headed to PetSmart for some "grass saver" treats for the pups, and then went to Micheal's craft store for a clip to attach my flower to for my veil :) Finally, I stopped at Walmart to fill my prescription and bought a couple of cheap new bikinis for our honeymoon!! :D

When I got home I planted 10 planters full of flowers, and two more with tomato plants. I also pulled all the weeds in the front yard because it was getting VERY overgrown!!! I finally just came back inside and I am exhausted!

Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I finally sold my motorcycle!!! A younger guy bought it, and he paid in cash and took it home on Thursday. What a relief!

Janet 06-24-2012 02:14 PM

Went to Main Street Pub last night for supper, it's on the downtown square. I had the Tilapia again and we all shared a sampler plate. It was sooo good. After all the work I did yesterday I was really hungry and looking forward to eating out.

Today I was going to give the dogs a bath, but didn't do a darn thing....lolol. Tomorrow I'll be in at the rental house so maybe I'll bathe them on Tuesday.....or not.

gja1000 06-24-2012 05:20 PM

Hi everyone. I made it home late this afternoon. I had a good visit with my family and Gary's family. Saturday was a pretty hard day, but it got easier as the day went along. It was hard leaving today. Everyone begged me to come back soon, they are afraid I won't be a part of their family anymore. I have very little family of my own, so I know I'll go visit them often.

DianaB 06-25-2012 10:42 AM

Gayle, I knew that this weekend would be hard. You've been in my thoughts and prayers all weekend. I'm glad that you'll stay in touch with Gary's family. You all need each other.......and you're a part of their family......a death doesn't change that.

Lindsey, it sounds like everything is coming along!!! The BIG day will be here soon!!

Janet, You've had a busy week and I don't blame you for taking a day off or going out to eat!

I went to garage sales on Saturday. There were a lot of them in town but I didn't get much at all. It was disappointing. Dae Lynn and Damon went to Wichita with the kids because Damon needed new glasses so I had the day to myself!!

On Sunday after church there was a church picnic up at the lake. After we ate a bunch of us went swimming. It was a really hot day and the water felt really good. Our pastor took his boat and there were a couple of seadoos but mostly the kids were on them. We had a really good time.

Janet 06-25-2012 03:37 PM

Gayle I'm glad you're home safe and that you were able to be with family...remembering Gary. It would be good to stay in touch, like Diana said...you're all family and death doesn't change that. It shouldn't anyway.

Today I was in at the rental house cleaning carpets again. I also swept out the basement and wiped down all the cop webs. I'm so tired of going in there, but after Rick lays the linoleum in the one bedroom, I'm going to clean the carpets again and try to get out the spots that didn't come up the first time, then I'll be done. I'll be glad too.

DianaB 06-25-2012 08:07 PM

You'll have it all ship shape in no time, Janet!! I'm sure that you're tired of being there but you'll be glad that you got it all ready. Have you decided to sell or rent?

Janet 06-26-2012 01:16 AM

I would rather sell, but Rick wants to keep it and rent it out. Either way..we have to rent it for awhile anyway. Everything will be completely paid off in June '13, so we'll just have to see. I'll probably just keep nagging till I get my way....lolol

gja1000 06-26-2012 05:16 AM

I'll be glad when you are done with the work too, Janet. I know you'll find good renters this time! Then things will be OK.

I have class today, but attendance is optional as the students are working on a group project and I don't care if they work at school or somewhere else. They are to notify me if they are at school so that I can come by and check in with them to see if they need help. Only one group has notified me they will be in class - there will probably be more, but they probably won't let me know till later.

I have a telephone appt with the Social Security administration at 12:45 (one of those appts you get TOLD you have, rather than getting to schedule). That's only 15 mins before my class and since the students are working in groups anyway, that will be OK.

Now talking with the Veterans Administration is another thing :mad:. I had my appt with them last week. One of the things they said is that as the widow of a disabled vet who died of a service connected illness (heart failure), that I would receive his full disability check for the month of May (the month he died) and I also received a letter saying the same thing.

So over the weekend I received the check made out to me. I hadn't put it in the bank yesterday before the mail came, and in the mail was a letter from the VA that says I am NOT entitled to receive his disability payment for May and there was a form to send them back the money. So, of course, I've got to talk to the VA to see what to do. When I called yesterday the first telephone appt I could get was Thursday right in the middle of my class. So I waited till this morning to call back and the first appt. I can get is still during my class. :mad: So I'm going to have to wait a while longer before I call back. S.I.G.H.

DianaB 06-26-2012 09:15 AM

Oh Gayle, what a hassle!! I hadn't even thought about dealing with all of that!!! My heart goes out to you!! There's nothing worse than dealing with government things!! Hang in there you'll get it figured out.

Well, I finally got a few things carried out of my bedroom and taken down to the basement. I really hated storing my sewing machine down there but I really don't have anywhere else to store it with Dae Lynn and the kids having the extra bedrooms. Oh well.....at least the basement is dry. Now I just need to straighten it up and dust the furniture and it will look pretty good......better than it has since Dae Lynn moved in. I also have some antique picture frames that I want to put something in and hang up. I've got some ideas it's just sitting down and getting it done.

The weather is HOT. We got up to OVER 100* yesterday and we're suppose to be that way for awhile. Glen's worried about another drought.......the joys of farming!!!

With it that warm the pond will be really nice......can we say SWIMMING!!!!!.........Yes!!!!!!

Janet 06-26-2012 09:27 AM

I think that all the things one has to deal with after someone passes is so confusing and tiring. So many calls, appts...decisions.

So far today I have groomed and bathed 3 dogs....2 more to go, but I neeeded a break. Then I will have all the stuff to put up and get the house back in order.

Suppose to be really nice today temp wise, but then tomorrow and for the next few days it's going to be up near 100 degrees. I'm so not good with hot! Thank goodness the rental house has air conditioning because I'll be back there on Thursday.

Lindsey 06-26-2012 09:39 AM

It has been very warm here too. It's been around 35 degrees Celsius with humidity which is about 95 degrees Farenheit.

We have become tornado alley! I think it was last week or maybe the week before... 8 tornadoes touched down on the same day, most of them within an hour of my town.

Yesterday there were severe thunderstorm warnings and today there are more tornado warnings. There are storm chasers up here from the southern states, saying these could be the worst storms in the province's history. I just want to get home safely after work! I have so much to do and these storms are getting in the way of my plans lol.

Anyways, I have been busy with wedding, and that's about it.

gja1000 06-26-2012 12:34 PM

I just heard that it is officially 109 in Austin. WHEW! Thank goodness for good air conditioning.

Well what do you know, I got to talk to the VA TODAY!!! When I called them back trying to get an appointment after class on Thursday, I got a recording saying the wait time was 30 minutes, but if I wanted to leave my number, they would call me back when I got to the top of the wait line. WAHOOOO!

When they called me back I found out that I DO get to keep the check they sent over the weekend. Turns out they direct deposited Gary's check on June 1 AND they sent me the check over the weekend - so both checks were for May, thus, I was double paid and they will simply retract the check out of my account that they direct deposited. Now, wouldn't it have been easier to just let me keep the check they had ALREADY DEPOSITED, rather than sending me a paper check and then retracting the direct deposit check??? Oh well, everything is OK and I have a check that I didn't expect to get. I thought they would NOT pay for the month Gary died, but they did, so that is a gift in my eyes!

gja1000 06-27-2012 06:26 AM

Busy day! I'm getting ready to go to the bank to do some business. Next to the insurance agent's office to check on a better (lower price too) policy for our rental house. Then to school for a bit, then out to lunch with a couple of colleagues. Next I have to go to the Parks and Wildlife department to submit the paperwork to get Gary's boat title put in my name. Then probably back to school for a little work time. And last, out to dinner with a friend. I like days like this, keeps my mind from wandering.

DianaB 06-27-2012 04:27 PM

Ah....everyone is soooo busy!! We haven't had much going on here. I've been working on my bedroom......hanging some of my little dressers and cabinets on the wall. Dae Lynn and I went and swam in the pond for a little while. I'm getting ready to go out and water flowers. Our temps have been over 100* too. That's too hot for us this time of year. We don't usually get that hot until July.

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