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Janet 12-02-2010 06:41 AM

Yes...she is still in Indiana, but from what I hear....my 'bad witch' sister-in-law is taking her down after the first of the year. I have a good sil and a bad sil so I call them the good witch and the bad witch...lol.

Lindsey 12-02-2010 08:38 AM

Well, Janet, at least you can be thankful that she is not driving herself.

I have been keeping myself busy. I have started running on my treadmill again, but not in the evenings because I don't have the time or energy! So I'm getting up at 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday and Thursday to run before I get ready for work. I also try to do at least one run on the weekends. I haven't checked my weight or anything but it is making me feel a lot better! I have also started taking a multivitamin again because I don't eat that well sometimes. My doctor wanted me to start on Vitamin D pills too so I've started that finally. It is pitch black when I drive to work and when I drive home, so I'm not getting any sunlight these days! I am having more blood tests later this month to check everything again.

Scott is going to the doctor today too, so we're leaving work early. I'll pick him up and take him over there and stay in the car with Layla until he's done. Hopefully over his lunch break he'll be picking up some gifts for the exchange we will do at my work Christmas party this weekend. We can wrap them tonight.

Busy, busy, busy!

gja1000 12-02-2010 06:32 PM

Tonight Gary and I painted the quarter round that will go on the baseboard in the rooms with new wood flooring.

ALL OF THE NEW FLOORING WILL BE DONE TOMORROW! I can hardly believe it. The fence should be done tomorrow too! WOW! Everything is almost done! I'm certainly not ready to move - but the house will be ready to move into after the weekend. I have LOTS of dusting to do as they kicked up lots of dust when they removed the carpet and cleaned and scraped the floors.

Oh, there is someone coming out tomorrow to give us a bid on putting a doggie door into our sliding glass door. Here is a link to show what they do. http://www.petdoordesign.com/default.asp I hope it is not too expensive - cuz my boyz have GOT to have a doggie door - they don't know how to ask to go out and I can't have them pottying in the house with the new floors! HA!

I have to agree with Gary that the tile is darker than I would have liked. It is fine, and I will get used to it, but I wish it were a bit lighter. I do not like really light tile - so I guess I went a bit too far in the other direction - but I SWEAR, the sample in the store was NOT this dark. Oh well, it won't show a THING - and since I am NOT Suzie Homemaker - this tile will not show a thing! LOL!

The wood floor is GORGEOUS! I absolutely love love love it! I will try to remember to take pictures over the weekend.

Janet 12-04-2010 06:42 AM

I have never seen a doggie door like that. Looks very convenient too. I hope it's not too expensive too, from the video..it looks like you'd like it real well.

judy 12-04-2010 03:35 PM

That doggie door is really nice! I hope it doesn't cost too much.

I went and bought groceries today, and that's it. I have had a busy week, but a good one. Next week is even busier! Christmas parties and such. I really have a good time once I get there, but the truth is that I don't care for parties and so much socializing. I have to push myself because I am basically a loner, but I do want friends. I haven't been going the last few weeks, but I think I better get my butt out the door!

Janet 12-04-2010 04:34 PM

I spent the biggest part of the day with Mom in the hospital again. I'm so tired. I'll write more about it in the thread about her.

paula1961 12-04-2010 05:05 PM

Janet I'm so sorry about your Mom. I sure hope she gets better soon.

Today I went to the store. It has snowed here all day but it has been a beautiful snow. I love watching it snow but I don't like having to go out in it. Anyways... I am keeping my Mom's two yorkie boyz while she is away singing in a revival at my brothers church. I have 5 yorkies in the house but it is working out just fine. Other than that.......haven't done much at all. I made home made veggie soup for supper:)

gja1000 12-04-2010 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by judy (Post 114751)
I have had a busy week, but a good one. Next week is even busier! Christmas parties and such. I really have a good time once I get there, but the truth is that I don't care for parties and so much socializing. I have to push myself because I am basically a loner, but I do want friends. I haven't been going the last few weeks, but I think I better get my butt out the door!

I am exactly the same way Judy, I don't like parities, unless I know everyone there - and know them well - and then I don't like it very much. I just feel so uncomfortable at parties, especially where I only know the hostess. I was just invited to one like that where I will only know the hostess. She is a good friend of mine, and I really should go, but I will feel so uncomfortable. And just like you Judy, if I go, I'll have to force myself.

gja1000 12-04-2010 07:47 PM

MMMM Paula! Vegetable soup sounds WONDERFUL! It has been really warm the past few days, but a cold front came in this evening, so maybe I'll make some vegetable soup. That sounds so good!

I washed down all the woodwork in my new house today. It was all covered with dust from putting in the new floors. I'm so stiff tonight! I need to get more exercise. LOL! I also vacuumed and swiffered all the floors. Everything is clean now and ready to move in. We won't move till the week of the 13th, but at least everything out there is ready.

Gary sat out in the backyard most of the day. He is completely exhausted from being out there with the floor and fence people for 4 days this week. It was so beautiful outside today - about 75 and bright sunshine. He sat under a big tree, and we decided we need to put a picnic table under the tree.

There were all manner of pretty birds in the big bushes at the back of the yard that we could see while sitting under the tree (I took my breaks out there). I've got to get some bird feeders out, because there were cardinals, and several other really pretty birds out there.

Janet 12-05-2010 04:34 PM

Today I finished cleaning and then headed to the hospital to see Mom. I'm really tired, lack of sleep mostly, but that is going to be cured while I'm off at Christmas time. Tomorrow I hope to get a couple of dogs bathed.

gja1000 12-05-2010 07:34 PM

I'm PACKING :( It's hard when you haven't done this for 25 years!!! I just know I'm going to pack something that I NEED!

Janet 12-06-2010 03:22 AM

The best thing is to label...label...label...so you know where everything is. Good luck...wish I was there to help...it's 5 degrees here.

gja1000 12-06-2010 04:17 AM

I wish you were here too! But you can keep the 5 degrees up there, thank you very much!

Lindsey 12-06-2010 06:48 AM

I had a busy weekend! Layla got her gift exchange gift Saturday morning from YT :) So we spent the morning opening and getting pictures and posting online. Then we went into the city to attend a giant craft show that I go to yearly! We got quite a few Christmas presents there.

Saturday night was my Christmas party. It was our first party where the owner of the company made it here, at least since I've been working for this office. It was nice to see him and his wife there and he made an effort to talk to everyone which I think was really good of him. Later in the night, Scott and I got sucked into playing Cranium with a few people that I do enjoy spending time with. Unfortunately, one guy brought his girlfriend who always causes problems and she got us all kicked out of the venue. I mean, screamed at, and kicked out, and probably not welcome back. We will also be fined for what she did. I was pretty mad about that, even though it was late and everyone was leaving soon anyway. It wasn't a great end to the night, and I wish we would have left sooner. I hate being in the last groups to leave, especially when that kind of drama happens!

On Sunday we got ALL of our Christmas shopping done! Woohoo!!!!

paula1961 12-06-2010 04:46 PM

Sorry your party ended bad Lynsey! But I'm to that you got your shopping done! I bet Layla got some cute stuff from the GE didn't she?

Gayle......I agree with Janet....label every box!

Today..hubby and I went to Walmart:eek: We found out yesterday evening that my stepdaughters want to have our Christmas this coming week-end! I had only bought a few things so needless to say.....we had no choice but to start our shopping! The crowd was horrible.......we stood in line to check out for at least 45 minutes:eek: and didn't get all of what we needed! Oh well.........we will try some different stores tomorrow. I usually do most of my shopping online but I don't have time now to get things shipped before the weekend.

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