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We don't have any plans. The guys have been in the garage working on vehicles and I've been in the house where it's cool. It's suppose to get up to 99 today and then for the 100 every day up to and including Saturday. I'm so tired of the humidity, it feels so much hotter. I want to be able to enjoy being outside again.
I wouldn't mind going out to eat someplace nice and relaxing, but I doubt it will happen. We'll see. Hope you all have a nice holiday. |
Diana, one of my Yorkie boys, Rex, is very afraid of fireworks. I have one of those thunder shirts and it really helps him, but he is still afraid. At least he doesn't shake in the back of the closet all night. I'm going to stay home with him this evening because he would be really scared if I left.
I went out shopping a bit today, lots of stores having good sales. I only bought a pair of capris. Now I'm home and thinking about what to fix for dinner. Chicken I think! |
Oh, I forgot to say I went by the Toyota dealers and drove a Prius Wagon. I think that's what I'll get when I get all the vehicles sold. I really liked it. It's bigger than the Prius car, both inside and outside. But it only get 43 in town and 40 on the road, whereas the smaller car gets 53/50. I'd like to get the better gas mileage, but I think I need the room (it has LOTS more cargo space to carry things in the back), since I won't have a pickup to haul things. Anyway, I liked it and liked driving it.
Even though I'm so thankful for what the 4th of July stands for, it has to be one of my least favorite holidays. Having to listen to the popping, whistling and crackling of fireworks all day long is so annoying. They should only be allowed the evening of the 4th. The dogs don't mind them near as much as I do...lol. Old age setting in huh? LOLOL
Gayle I really like the look of the Prius. I'd like to have something different. I have always loved my Dodge Caravan....can haul darn near anything. Nice ride too. It's just starting to have some slight issues and it does need to be painted. My husband was going to do this when we bought it, but of course, never did. So I'm ready to trade it off. The vehicle I'm wanting is a Honda CRV. They last forever and have good gas mileage. Trouble is...I don't want payments and I don't have enough to pay for one outright. I'm also looking at Ford Fusions. I really don't know what I want other than the CRV. Today we have to attend a funeral service. Rick's Aunt Patti (his father's sister) passed a few days ago and today is the visitation and service. Patti is going to be so missed....I really loved her. She and her sister Dorothy (who also has passed) had the loudest funniest laughs. You always knew their laughs whenever you heard them, no matter where you were. It just makes me so sad to know that the family is down to just a few now. Rick still has an aunt (mother's sister) and uncle (dad's brother) and that's it. There are still cousins, but none really get together...all spread out and busy with their own families and kids and grandkids. Doesn't even have siblings close...all out of state except for one step-sister. I have no aunts or uncles left. Have a couple of cousins, but not many. Of course there are my two brothers, but haven't seen or spoke to them since February except for Jerry. Spoke to him when he came to get his inheritence check at the lawyers. That's it. So...really.....no more family except for us. So many are missed, mostly Rick's side...they were all such a hoot at family get-togethers. Also had a friends father who passed, but the service is at the same time only at a different funeral home so I won't be able to attend. It's going to be so hot and humid again today with a record temp of 102. The heat index will be horrible. I got up early this morning and cleaned the carpet in the hallway and family room which will soon be our dining room. When I let the dogs out of the kitchen before, they had missed the pad and there were some stains that I couldn't get up very well so I finally got the big carpet cleaner out and now it smells so fresh and clean. I was so afraid someone would come out and see it. Now they are not allowed out of the kitchen. Wish I could find homes for them but I definitely won't let Joey go...he's my baby and Ricky doesn't want to let Gidget and Ozzie go. He'll take them with him when (and if) he ever moves. Brenna I have listed on some FaceBook sites for sale and I'm just not sure what to do about Emilee. I don't want her, but feel guilty to rehome her since she's been here the longest. Hopefully Brenna will sell soon...I'm so tired of her barking. If it wasn't so hot out, they would be outside. Well, I need to get a few other things done and then get ready for the the service this afternoon. Everyone try to stay cool. |
Janet, I know you are so tired of the dogs barking and making a mess. My guys mark in the house, but only sprinkles here and there. Since we have all tile and wood, it's not a problem, just a wipe up now and then. Of course, that is why we ripped out the carpet because we knew we couldn't stop their marking. I could keep belly bands on them, but they hate them so much. Anyway, I understand. I hope you can re-home some of them.
i'm going back to OK tomorrow and will likely come home Monday or Tuesday. Gary's sisters begged me to come back this weekend as they will all be at the lake. It's a good time to take some things up there for everyone. It's not much, but things like fishing poles, pictures and the like that his family will want. I will get together with my family on Sunday. It will be nice to see them. I'm not sure the last time I saw my (step) sister, brother and sister in law. I think a niece and her family may be there too. I'll have my iPad but there is no cell signal or wireless at Gary's sister's house so I probably won't be able to post till Sunday evening. Ya'll be good! |
Thought I was going to pass out when loading the metal lawn furniture. It was that it was heavy, just bulky and then it took a while to tie it all down. I had to come in and sit in front of the fan with a cold drink!!!
My boys will turn around so we can put the belly bands on them.....lol...they are so use to them. I'm hoping to get some wood looking linoleum for the dining room and hallway. That should help with the girls. I'm just dogged out..lol. I want some time for me now. It will help when Ricky gets a place of his own, because he wants Gidget and Ozzie and the cat.
I don't think I could have done anything too physical today as hot as it was. I know you don't need to be told, but be careful.....you're loved! The service was very nice for ricks aunt. I was surprised though that there were not very many visitors. She was loved by so many so maybe it was the heat that kept people away. This evening....after I cleaned the hallway carpet, Joey threw up on it....it seems I'm the only one here that cares how things look...lol....not the guys and definitely not the dogs...lol. Good thing I hadn't cleaned up the carpet cleaner yet....lol |
Lol! Janet, Rowdy threw up on me and the couch night before last. :o
Sometimes dogs are such a pain! I just took the carpet out of my house and got laminate that looks like slate through my kitchen, den, hall, and bathrooms. I got the dark wood in my bedroom. Mike wanted carpet in his bedroom, so we got different carpet for in there. My dogs are good about going outside to potty, but two of them are big and track in dust. I painted Mike's bedroom green today. Got a comforter from the Bass Pro Shop with deer and fish and crap on it, so I matched the green in that. I'm so glad to have it done!
I have been back from Seattle for a week. It was so nice and cool up there I hated to leave. I don't have any plans to go anywhere in the near future, and I'm so glad. I'm a homebody, but I have to travel if I want to see my kids:rolleyes: Jim and Teresa (my brother and sil) bought a barge yesterday. We are going to the lake with them tomorrow to take it for a ride. I think it will be lots of fun! Janet, try to stay cool. That kind of heat is dangerous, especially when you aren't used to it. Gayle, I think about you every single day. Please be careful going to OK. I know everybody will be glad to see you. |
Gayle, I hope you have a good time with Gary's family this weekend. How nice!!
Janet, I saw where you had Brenna for sale on FB and I was surprised. I do know that you're tired of the dogs barking and I understand. Mine have gotten worse. I'll work on it more after Dae Lynn and the kids move out. As for the carpet.....try having two little kids live with you for awhile!!! LOL I'll send Dean over and you'll appreciate the small messes that your dogs make!!! Betsi, so glad that you're back home. I bet you wanted to stay if it was cooler......maybe we should ALL join you there!!! Glen has a cousin that's in Washington State somewhere!! Well....it's hot here too!! The grass is getting crunchy! I refuse to water it because it's mostly weeds......and bare spots!! I'm having a hard time keeping the flowers watered and this morning I finally set up the soaker hoses. That should help. I'm trying to get some things priced to go into the flea market. Since I cleaned the bedroom they're all sitting on the dining room table and it's time to get it cleaned off!! I've got some purses and some things.......but the girls keep picking stuff out of the sale pile!!! Oh well.....I got it all cheap enough!! We've been swimming pretty much every day.......now if I could just get my diet under control and start losing weight again. I'm ready!!! |
Hi Guys, I made it to OK fine and it's good to see everyone. I don't have wireless or very much cell signal at my sil's house, but it's better this morning, so hopefully I can send this post.
Betsi, thank you so much for thinking of me everyday, I so appreciate your thinking of me everyday, I need it. Diana, Janet, I understand about needing rain for the crops, we lost almost all our cops last summer in Texas. Diana, I love flea markets, I wish I were there to shop your market. We are having a nice time here at Gary's sister's place. It's hot but we have a good AC. lol! |
Gayle, have a good time!! You deserve some time to laugh and have fun......and share memories of Gary!! Hugs!!
I went to garage sales this morning with Karlie. She was good for me but she and Dae Lynn have been having some problems. I hope they get ironed out soon. I found some more "stuff" for the flea market. I had loaded up a few boxes of stuff that I had priced but the flea market is closed for a few days so I'll have to take it in next week. Bummer.....I was soooo ready to get it out of my way!! I didn't make it swimming yesterday but I sure am going today!! Have I mentioned that I absolutely love to swim????!!! LOL While I was in town I went by a cousin's house and she was outside so I stopped and saw her. I haven't seen her since her Dad passed away. She has a brother that has been on drugs so badly that he has literally fried his brain and has to live in an assisted home. Her Mom was an only child and she doesn't have any close family on that side of the family. Our Dads were brothers so the only close family she has is me.......and well, my brother, but he's a lot like her own brother. She does have a son that just graduated from high school. Anyway I wanted to let her know that we're family and if she needs anything she's to let us know. I don't want her to think that we don't care......and I told her that I want her to come to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter......times when families get together. I think that she appreciated the concern.....but she's very independent so I really don't think that she'll ever call for anything. It will make me feel better to stay in touch with her though. She's a sweet lady......loud.....like her Mother but still sweet!!! |
Diana....you are so good to let your cousin know that she is welcome to join your family for the holidays. Now you'll just have to see if she'll take you up on your offer.
I worked at the rental house all day Saturday. Cleaned the carpets again and general cleaning. I think it's all done now. Now to chose a renter. We have quite a few to choose between and it's not going to be easy....what a group! Hopefully we make the right choice, but honestly...you never know for sure. I was really sore by the time I got done so headed home to shower. Just settled down and my friend called and wanted me to join her and her mother for dinner at Mainstreet Pub so I did. It was nice, but I probably should have stayed home...I was so sore and tired. Sunday I cleaned out my garage. After the flea market awhile back, everything was unloaded in the garage and I have a loveseat and chair out there that needs dumped and there was no room for my van. Now there is! If feels so nice to see everything back where it should be and my van too. I really wish I could find a different vehicle. When I finished the garage...I mowed the yard. Ricky did help with the trimming, but the jerk I'm married to was in the garage making bullets. Thanks for all the help hubby!!! Today I went to town to get a little bit of food for the week. Ricky started his new job at Raisor Ford this morning. He has been looking forward to it for 2 weeks now. With this job he'll work the same hours every week and work every other or every 3rd Saturday and then only till noon. He's not gonna know what to do with normal work hours and much better pay. I'm so happy that he is happy. He'll be working as a mechanic, but when an opening comes open for a diesel mechanic, he'll transfer to that department and even more pay. Can't wait to see how his first day went. I'm been trying to find a different job myself. I like the time driving the bus gives me, but I need more money. I'm not good at the ebay thing and when I list something for sale on a FB site, I get no responses. So, I'm trying to find something that will have insurance and then quit the bus driving or find something that will work with driving the bus so I'll be able to keep my insurance. I also don't want to work weekends very much....never did for some reason. I'm checking online for right now, but I'm hoping to get up to the courthouse tomorrow, they are needing a file clerk part-time and maybe it would work with my bus driving. |
I swear, Janet, that you could clean circles around me!!! I know that I say this alot but you are so good at getting things done!!
I'm sure you'll be careful and get some good renters in your house this time. Just don't let Rick make the decision!! LOL If I know you, you have everything all ship-shape and move in ready!! You're good landlords!! Tell Ricky congratulations on his new job!! How nice that he'll make better wages and will have more time to himself!! Maybe he'll find a house soon too!! He's a good kid!!! Yesterday we had church and afterwards there was a Relay for Life dinner. It was chicken and noodles with mashed potatoes so I definitely went off of my diet for that!! It was so good. I'm really struggling with staying strictly on my diet. I can do pretty good but I'm finding that it's awful easy to cheat here and there. After church we came home and Mom and Art came out too. They live a ways from town and when we have evening church it's easier for them to just stay around rather than drive back and forth. I had talked to Mom a while back about how they want things divided up between Art's family and ours.....and where she wanted to be buried. Morbid....I know.....but still things I need to know. With my Mom being divorce and Art having a place with his first wife.......anyway, they had talked about it and had a place in mind. She did tell me that they are going to make a will and Art's oldest son, Mike, and I will be executors of it. That's good. Mike is pretty easy going and I think that we could get along. I've told Mom that there is some furniture that was my Grandparents that I want back on this side of the family.....and of course, I get all of Mom's jewelry. There's not a lot else that I'm interested in. I hate talking to them about all of it but I really need to know what their wishes are in some areas. It's funny because we visited and we all took naps!! Dae Lynn and the kids weren't here so it was nice and quiet!! Then we had evening church and afterward we went to Pizza Hut with friends. It was a nice and relaxing day!! Hopefully Dae Lynn will get her papers today that let her know about her loan. She's so nervous. I so hope that things work out!! |
I know I have been "missing in action lately." I have missed you all, and always keep you in my heart. I have been so busy, and quite stressed and cranky!
Max needed knee surgery. He came home on Saturday from Cornell Veterinary School. He has had luxating patellas for a couple of years no0w, but his ACL tore, and his knee was so out of the joint that it was on the side of his knee. He was walking on 3 legs when I took him to the vet. It is a 3 hour ride, and he was there for almost a week. It cost a fortune! I will pay it out, with no interest....luckily! I have to do his rehab exercises soon. He will be fine. I was just so worried. Jess and the kids had pertussis (whooping cough), and the Bd. of Health contacted me to go to the doctor for antibiotics. It is very contagious. I did not tell everyone I came in contact with. I cannot even remember all of the people I was with, but I did not catch it, so I wasn't contagious. It is a big problem what with parents opting out of vaccinating their children. We had the heat wave everybody else had, but it cooled down today. I can't think of what else has been going on here. My car is acting up again! The stick shift needs to be checked. I just had the damn thing fixed! I am very unhappy with this car's gear shift and wish I could get another car. Not now!!! I have been unhappy lately. I don't know why though. I will figure it out. I think I am bored. Jess and the kids have their own lives, for which I am glad. My summer friends are here, and that is wonderful. The pool is lovely. I think I feel that I am just too self involved. When I was teaching, I always had people to give to, which I really don't have now. Maybe I'll find some volunteer work to do. |
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