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Janet 07-19-2012 05:50 PM

Glad you're back safe and sound Lindsey, but Wow....sure went by fast!

Gayle I hope you had a great time in CO and that you took some pictures. I don't think I've seen much from that area.

Betsi, I will keep Mike in my prayers. Please keep us informed.

Today my cousin Kevin came out and spent the afternoon with me. Kevin has been researching his dad's (my mother's) side and I had some pictures I wanted to give him of relatives of long past. Some I kept, but made copies for him, others I let him have. I also gave him our grandfathers bible. He was really happy to receive it. We talked about so many things and I had such agreat time.

Tomorrow, I have phone calls to make concerning a house that Ricky is wanting to put an offer on, hope I can get everything done so I can enjoy part of the weekend.

Blueyes 07-20-2012 07:08 PM

Mike's heart cath went well, and all of his stents are open. The small branches off of the main arteries are blocking up. They are too small to treat with anything but medication, and he's been taking that for years. Sooo.. nothing new, which is always good news:) He has so much scar tissue in his groin from multiple caths that they have a really hard time getting the line to go in to even do the test. It was a long day in the hospital, but we get to sleep at home tonight! He'll be as fine tomorrow, just a bit sore.

Thank for the prayers and well wishes, everybody!

gja1000 07-20-2012 08:05 PM

So glad all the stents are open! Did they mention to limit the activities that are causing his chest pain, or do they want him to keep going as usual? I know you are relieved to be home.

Blueyes 07-21-2012 10:00 AM

No, but when his chest hurts, he stops. He's determined to do what he wants to while he can. I know you understand:o

gja1000 07-21-2012 04:56 PM

Yes, Betsi, I do understand, but at the same time, I don't want him to do any more damage to the heart. It's such a delicate balance!

Janet 07-22-2012 06:30 AM

Betsi, I do hope that Mike knows his limitations and will not overdo it. It's also great that he has you to make sure he doesn't.

Yesterday we were in at the rental house signing the lease with the new tenants. They seem to be good people and I checked them out thoroughly. One never knows though and just prays for the best.

I also stopped and looked at a house that Ricky may be interested in. He and his Dad will go look at it today. The guy is selling it himself so we're not sure how to go about this. I think Rick is going to talk to our favorite realtor and get his advice on this.

Something kind of strange happened to me Friday evening. I was sitting in the recliner watching something on TV when I felt like my jaw was feeling a little different. Almost like I had a toothache way in the back. My teeth didn't hurt and my bite seemed to be okay so I didn't really think much of it. When I got up to go to the bathroom, I saw myself in the mirror and the right side of my jaw was all swollen. It's right in front of my ear lobe and down a bit. It feels hot at times and yesterday I could close my bite on that side, but it hurt and didn't feel like it was closed. I was checking on-line and saw something called TMJ and even though it sounds very much like that, it doesn't in some aspects. Last night I took some ibuprofen and when I woke up this morning, it wasn't sore at all, but still swollen. I was going to go to urgent care to be on the safe side, but no Drs were in so I'm just waiting to see how it is on Monday. Not sure why these things happen to me. Guess all of my negative thinking draws it nearer to me. Gonna have to stop that!

The temps are suppose to go back up into the 90's again and be humid this week. We did get some good rain, not sure how much, but it made the weeds grow and some of the grass. I really wouldn't mind a week of rainy weather. This heat is awful. I don't see how you Texas people put up with it, of course, you all probably don't know how we put up with such bad winters.....me neither... :)

judy 07-22-2012 09:27 AM

Welcome home Linds!!! I am so excited to hear about your honeymoon! When do you go back to work?

Betsi, I am praying for Mike, as always. He is right to do what he can as long as he can do it. My mother was that way, and so is Jessie. I mentioned that something she was doing with the kids was too much physical work for her. She didn't miss a bit, and just told me "No, I want to do it." I really respect her for that, and anyone else who has physical problems.

Gayle, welcome home too. It is good that you got away for a few days!

Diana, have a wonderful family reunion! That sounds like fun!

Janet, maybe you got a bug bite??? I hope whatever it was is now gone!!

I am just hanging out, going to the pool, relaxing. It's too hot to do much, and I enjoy having my friends here in the summer.

Went to a camp show Friday night. Mackenzie was a CIT at a drama camp, and it was so much fun! What a great bunch of kids. One is cuter than the next, and there were 2 boys who are really talented! Of course, Mackenzie singing blew everyone away. She amazes me! What a voice!

I haven't been going to Jessie's much. The kids haven't slept over in about a month either. Kass still has a very bAd cough from the pertussis, and the kids have been going to camp. I expect that they will spend some ti e here in August when camp is over. Kassidy can't stay in the pool too long. She starts coughing. Brandon has become very problematic. Mackenzie was telling me that she and Kass keep away from, him. She said that Steve is influencing him too much. They are some pair! Steve lays around all day. or does nonsense work around the work. (He built a koi pond). Brandon lays around on his xbox all day. I worry about him a lot! Steve is a terrible role model for him to copy! Thank God the girls take after Jessie!

I hope she gets him under control this year. He missed months of school last year. She has her work cut out for her, and probably let it go too far with allowing Steve to have control over him. These things creep up on you though, so I can understand it.

Janet 07-22-2012 12:13 PM

Your grandkids are at such a great age. I bet the girls are just a hoot to be around. If you're worried about Brandon then I'm sure you have reason to be. I hope Jessie can get him turned around before it's too late. It's just so sad that Steve is not the role model he should be.

Did you mention to Jessie about shaving their ears early? I really hope it helps, the puppies always look so cute with their ears up early, but heck...they're cute anyway.

gja1000 07-22-2012 07:39 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Hi Everyone, I made it home late this afternoon. We had a good time, mostly just relaxed, browsed the little stores in town, did some sightseeing, listened to the rain and thunder and enjoyed the cool weather. It was in the low 70's during the day and 40-50's at night. It was glorious. Here are some pix.

1. a bronze statue in downtown Breckenridge
2. My view as I rode up the mountain in the chair lift
3. My favorite view sitting by the river. I think I was eating breakfast at a little french bakery when I took this
4. Columbine, Colorado's state flower

gja1000 07-22-2012 07:41 PM

2 Attachment(s)
A couple more pictures.

1. an old wagon with pretty flowers,
2. opps, double picture - me on the ski lift again

Janet 07-23-2012 02:36 AM

Oh my gosh Gayle......the view in that 3rd picture is beautiful!! I don't think I've seen any place that beautiful in person. I'm glad you're home safe and sound and that you had a nice trip.

Lindsey 07-23-2012 10:30 AM

Great pictures Gayle!

We've been trying to get back to normal. On the weekend we did TONS of yard work because it needed it! I weeded and Scott cut grass and we cut some branches off the tree and pulled out some shrubs along the house that were half dead. When Scott was trying to cut out the roots, he cut the underground sprinkler line :eek: We were planning to completely redo the sprinkler sysem in the next few years, but I guess we might as well do it now! So we'll call around and get some quotes.

Today is my first day back at work. We still have a whole room of wedding stuff at home that we just piled before leaving before the honeymoon. We'll have to go through that as soon as we can. We're getting a little closer to normal! I will update the wedding thread with more stories later :)

DianaB 07-23-2012 03:17 PM

Betsi, I'm so glad that Mike is doing better. I know that his health is a worry for you.

Gayle, I'm so glad that you had a good time. Colorado is beautiful no matter what time of year you're there.

Judy, I'm sorry that one of the kids is still fighting whooping cough but I'm glad that they're about over it.

Enjoy your time by the pool because it seems like it just doesn't last long enough!! I'm enjoying swimming so much right now and I wish that it could last much longer!!

We made it back from Tablerock Lake last night. We had a really good time......visiting and swimming!! Teresa already knew several of my family so she fit right in really well........and of course they all made her feel welcome!! Glen and Logan took off one day to scuba dive with the boat and were gone ALL day!! Everyone was worried except for Tereas and I!! They finally got back to the cabin around supper time! Come to find out they had gone clear to the dam.......over 100 miles away!!! Plus.....the lake is big enough that they got lost twice!! Silly men!!! At least they had a good time!! The next time they went scuba diving they didn't go nearly as far!! Ha Ha!!

We just mostly visited and swam......one of the girls sells jewelry so we had a jewelry party and then split the free hostess jewelry so we were all able to get a free piece of jewelry and one half price!! It worked out really well!! Anyway....it was still nice to get back home......except that the kids are about to drive me crazy!!!!

Janet 07-25-2012 12:07 PM

So glad you had a good time Diana......being in the water sounds so refreshing!

Today I went to town to have lunch with a friend. We use to work together years ago and have been in touch through Facebook. We spent 3 hours for lunch and still didn't run out of things to talk about. I had such a great time catching up.

2tiredmom 07-26-2012 03:31 AM

Sounds like everyone is having a busy summer in one way or another. I have all of you in my prayers at night.
Yesterday my boss and i had a meeting in Middlebury which is Indiana Amish Country. Great meal. We put on a skit for about 30 to 40 other county recorders.
Got alot of laughs and it was fun.
Back to work today and Doctor appts tomorrow for me and my hubby..
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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