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Diana, you are a busy woman!
I had a busy day. I drove home from Houston, then proceeded to run MANY MANY errands. I've been gone 10 days and I sure had a lot of things to do! I've been putting things away and paying bills all evening. I need to go to bed, I have a full day at school tomorrow but for some reason I'm not very tired. I sure will be tomorrow though, I'm sure. |
I have been BUSY!!!! I just read through everyone's posts but I'm running short on time to comment on them all!
Last week was so hectic at work. Wednesday we had a deadline and I was taking over the project that same day and ended up working until 11 at night!!! Luckily, Scott was able to catch a ride home with a woman on his ball team from our town. I drove home in the dark, following a black truck with no working rear lights :mad: I couldn't pass because the highway was so busy. I slept very little that night because I had to be at work bright and early in the morning again! The next day I had to leave work early because a guy was coming out to quote us for installing a new sprinkler system. He was supposed to be at our house at 3. I took my work home with me so I wouldn't lose hours. By 3:15 he wasn't there, so Scott called the company and got voicemail. He tried probably 10 times between then and 5:00 and he left messages and never heard back. The guy never showed up. The next morning he called the company and got the receptionist. She said she couldn't say why he wasn't there, he was supposed to be. She said maybe something came up. She doesn't know why he didn't call. She doesn't know why Scott's calls didn't go through to her, because she's there until 4 pm. Yes, she did get his voicemail. Then she says "So do you even want anything to do with us now? You sound pretty upset" Well, duh.... She said the guy would come out Monday and do the quote without us around, and he would call Scott to discuss it while he's there. Yesterday was a holiday, and we didn't hear anything from him. Oh well. We went to visit Scott's parents on the weekend. We spent some time at the lake, and some time in the city. I am looking forward to this weekend just staying home. I am going to have a very hectic week at work :( |
We had our primaries today so I went in and voted. I'll be glad when elections are over......I'm so tired of getting calls and things in the mail.
I have to go in to the swimming pool tonight and help pass out cotton candy to the kids. It's National Night Out tonight and the police are sponsoring a free swim at the pool and other things will be going on as well. We'll also be telling the kids about the Alley starting back up again. I believe that they have things planned for tomorrow too but I'm going to be packing that day to go to Janet's. I'm so ready for the rest at Janet's!! The kids have been awful!! Dean is so whiny when Dae Lynn's around and Karlie doesn't help things. He's learned to scream whenever Karlie is around him. I won't miss that part when they leave......which is less than 2 weeks away!! I am looking really forward to getting my house cleaned up and having it stay that way for awhile!! My living room needs to be shampood again......and I just did it! Oh well....... |
Today I cleaned carpets and did some laundry. Also did some other odds and ends around the house in preparation for my special guest. I'm so excited!!!!!
Diana, will you be keeping Dean when school starts? I think I remember that Dae Lynn will be working at the school?
Yes, I'll be babysitting Dean! I think that babysitting until the end of my life is what I'll be doing.....bummer!! It's my fault for having my kids spread out so far!! LOL It will be alright when I just have Dean. It's when I have BOTH kids that things are hard!
Well....we did the National Night Out.....and it was fun!! We made cotton candy for the kids. The police had their cars there......the fire department was there.......and the ambulances were there as well as a helicopter. It was one like Dean rode in when he was ran over last summer. The kids got to swim at the pool.....eat free hot dogs, chips, and drinks.....had cotton candy....got to see all the vehicles.....and then there was a drawing!! One of the prizes was a Kindle Fire!! I would have sure loved to have gotten that one but it was alright that I didn't since I already have a Kindle Touch. |
Gayle I hope you had a good vacation. I loved the pics. Diana you make me tired just reading about the kids. Hope you and Janet have a great visit. I am sure you will. Have a safe trip. Everyone is just so busy. I just tried hoeing the garden. I just gave up. The ground is so hard. My tomatoe plants are dying too.
I have 4 and have only gotten 10 tomatoes so far off of them. Need to figure out what is wrong with my soil. Can't seem to grow much except weeds. Then when my plants do grow either deer or groundhogs come in and eat them all up. I can only hope next year will be better. : |
I'm planning on leaving early in the morning. It takes about 11 to 12 hours to get there. Linda, I'm hoping that we can catch up with you somewhere. I may be there until Monday or Tuesday.
Today's been hard.....the kids were awful. I'm so ready for some time away. I've done pretty good until lately and I think that I'm ready for some time to myself again. Plus.....Dean's well into his Terrible Two's!! He's becoming so independent and into sooooo much. Everyday it's a struggle!! |
Keep us posted on your visit, Janet and Diana! Have a safe trip, Diana! This is so nice!!!
I am going to get my hair done, and then I'm free for the day. I just called my massage person. My neck is killing me! I went 2 weeks ago, and have to have another treatment. I think it's a sleeping position thing because it's worse when I wake up in the morning. I laid down again with the heating pad this morning, and it feels better. I am sleeping on the couch because Max is crated downstairs. I will have to figure out a different sleeping position, or carry the crate upstairs, which is not making me happy! It's too heavy to carry up and down! I am hoping she will do just a half hour massage to save me some money! |
Wish you could come too Judy...and everyone else too. We would have so much fun together.
I hope you are having so much fun Janet and Diana!
Scott is almost an hour away playing ball this weekend with his office team, so he decided to just take our tent and camp there last night instead of driving home late and being there again early. So it's just me and the pups until tonight! I am really energetic for some reason lol. Last night I cleaned the kitchen and prepped veggies for cooking today with my new food processor we got as a wedding gift. I LOVE it!!! Best invention ever. Overnight, we had a huge storm. Kash woke me up at 2 am because he is scared of storms and he was trying to snuggle right between my neck and my head and he kept stepping on my throat lol. So I got him all wrapped up in my arms and then I thought of Scott out in his tent! So I texted him and said I hope this storm isn't heading his way. He said he could see lightning in the distance so he packed up the tent and went to sleep in the car! I felt a little better knowing he was at least safe in the car. The wind was so strong I could feel the house moving on the second floor. I even checked my phone for any wind or tornado warnings! But there weren't any and I fell asleep again. Kash woke me up again at 4 and the storm was still going! Poor little guy is so scared of storms but it makes me feel so good when he wants me to protect him :) I finally got out of bed around 9 this morning and so far I have homemade chili in one slow cooker to be put in the freezer for meals, spaghetti sauce in another slow cooker to also be put in the freezer, AND three dozen homemade burgers ready to be frozen. Look at me be a good little wife :D I think I'm going to start on laundry and tidying up the house again. It's kind of nice not having Scott around sometimes lol! |
Enjoy having the house to yourself, Lindsey!! You won't get to enjoy that very often....especially after you have kids!! You're just becoming Miss Suzy Homemaker!!!
Janet and I are having a good time......lots of laughing and chatting!! I tell you.....I have to keep putting Janet in her place!! Ha!! Ha!! Ha....Janet!!! The weather has been so nice here!! Such beautiful days! When I first got in the area there were tornado warnings and storms all around!! UGH.....Then my Garmin didn't take me to the right house so here I was driving around in pouring rain with tornoado warnings all around......and all Janet could do was laugh!! It ended up that I actually wasn't that far and found my way......stinkin' Garmin!! I finally named my Garmin.....his name is "Idiot"!! Ask Janet.....it fits him!!! LOL We've been to flea markets and garage sales and have just been having fun! We've talked about how much we would enjoy it if we were all to get together!! What fun we'd all have!!! I'm going to head back home on Monday morning. Dae Lynn starts work on Wednesday so I need to be home to take care of the kids. Then school starts the following Tuesday or Wednesday. It's so hard to believe that it's that time already. BTW....Janet and went to the school and she got to drive her bus home!! She does Ok driving the bus and she's really looking forward to the little brats that she....OOPS did I just say that?.....has to drive around!! LOL |
Diana made me go to flea markets and garage sales yesterday and today. You all know how I hate that! She even made me scramble her two eggs for breakfast and fix her chicken breasts for supper....now come on, you all know I don't like cooking either. I was really trying to be helpful on our way home today and since she was kind enough to drive, I pointed out the cheapest gas we had seen for two days. Well, she filled up and then when we drove another block and it was a penny cheaper and BOY!!! did she give me a hard time over the 19 cents she could have saved.
I didn't sleep well last night and she drug me around everywhere today.....now guess what she's making me do tomorrow........GO TO CHURCH!! Geez.....I just want to rest! |
You know....on the gas price.....I could have saved a WHOLE 19 cents!!!! It was a penny cheaper!!!!! |
Janet, I think you owe Diana 19 cents!! You girls are having too much fun:D Be sure to take some pictures!
Yesterday I went to the Lake with my brother Jim, sil Teresa, and their kids and grandkids. They have a pontoon barge that we spent the afternoon on. We swam and they took turns riding the tube. Mike didn't want to go, so I just left him at home, lol! We has so much fun laughing, singing with the radio, and just acting dumb in general! Mike has a sleep study done tomorrow night, so we can see if he has sleep apnea. His cardio doc ordered it, so hopefully if he gets a cpap, he will have more energy during the day. |
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