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Janet 08-12-2012 01:21 PM

I'll have to post something later....I'm just reading now because I'm way too tired to post.

DianaB 08-12-2012 02:11 PM

We are having fun, Betsi, but we haven't even thought about taking pictures yet!!

We got up this morning and went to church. I really liked Janet's church. It was a lot like the one I attend. The people were pretty friendly too and Janet ran into several people that she knew.

After church we ate Chinese food and then went to Wal-mart to walk some of it off. Chinese food bothers me so I made several trips to the bathroom! I hate that! I bought some cans of spray paint to paint some shelves and things for Dean and Karlie's rooms. I'm really excited about getting things ready for them! I have some great ideas!!

Right now we've just been on the computers while watching TV and taking naps once in a while! A nice relaxing afternoon! Rick and Ricky have been mowing the yard and straightening up outside!!

I'm heading home in the morning. Janet has some things to get done before she goes back to work on Wednesday and I'll have time to relax before I have Dean and Karlie on my own on Wednesday. It's so hard to believe that it's time for school to start already!

Blueyes 08-12-2012 02:16 PM

I'm so glad you're having a nice, relaxing day! Don't forget to snap a few pictures before you leave, and have a safe trip home:)

judy 08-13-2012 06:55 AM

You have been so busy, Janet and Diana! I think this was a wonderful way to begin the fall! I can just picture you, laughing about the 19 cents, and rummaging around the flea markets. What a fun time!!!

I hope Mike's sleep test goes well Betsi.

I hate to sat this, but I am bored!!! I love when my friends are here, and I sure love summer, and the pool, but doing the same thing every day is getting to me! I really need to take a day or so every week to do my own things! I feel like a slug, spending my days lounging on beach chairs, and gossiping at the pool! The heat wave really made me feel like a slug too. Glad that's over!

Also, my group of friends are drinkers, and it seems to have evolved into drinks being brought to the pool, and drinking beginning at around 3 or 4 PM. I get there late, so I'm not sure that they don't start earlier! The older kids are also allowed a little booze when they are here. That's usually on the weekends. I don't like all of this drinking, and I sure don't like giving kids alcohol! My Mackenzie comes, and is dying to become part of this group too! So far, she hasn't bonded with them, and I can't imagine that she will if they drink! She is so innocent. She has just been allowed to drink coffee, and has never been kissed by a boy yet! (Not for lack of wanting to).

I hate for the summer to end, but it is going to end soon, and I will have some time for myself. I do love these people. I just don't connect with their drinking, and I feel bad for Mackenzie when she comes over.

My party is this weekend, so that will keep me busy. Now one of the group has been arguing with another friend, so I hope she will be coming!

Jessie came over to the pool with the kids on Saturday, and it was lots of fun!

Janet 08-13-2012 12:44 PM

Oh Judy, I love having a beer when I go out to eat now and then, but to be around people who always seem to want to drink is not for me either. Living with an alcoholic really turns me away from people who drink alot.

Diana left this morning around 10. She did take a couple of pictures of us right before she left, but I won't be able to see them until you all do. I'm sure after she gets home and Dae Lynn moved she'll post them.

We hit so many little shops and garage sales that it wore me out...lol. I ate like crazy while she was here and didn't watch at all what I was eating. Got on the scales and lost a pound. I was so surprised.

After Diana left I had to go to the school to have my picture taken for a badge they like us to wear while driving the bus especially on trips. Once I got home I started laundry, made out my weekly deposit for tomorrow and paid bills. I also put the wastebaskets in the bus and did assign seats by grade. I like for the young ones to sit up front and the older ones to sit in the back. I called my students to see if they were still riding and needing picked up. Some have their driver's license now and some were not riding the first day, but riding on Wednesday. There were quite a few not home so I left a message. I bet my phone will be ringing off the hook this evening.

I'm really not ready to go back to driving, but there's not a lot I can to about it. The sleeping in was so nice...lol, now it's back to rising at 5:40. I hope my bed doesn't miss me too much in the morning...ha!

DianaB 08-14-2012 02:10 PM

I made it home about 9:30. It wa s looooonnnnnngggggg day of driving.....12 hours. When I did make it home the only one here was Damon....the rest were at a swim party. When Karlie and Dean got home they both made running leaps into my lap and showered me with hugs and kisses!!

This morning I gave them a little wooden train set that I bought at one of the flea markets. It's was a huge hit......with both of them fussing over it most of the day!! It's a good thing that there were 2 little trains in the box!!

Karlie said to let Janet know that she liked the little yorkie purse!!

While I was gone we had some friends from church that had a stillborn baby so this morning we went to the funeral. So sad. The baby was due in just 4 days before it died.

Then I went to help Amy at a movie for the kids. We made popcorn and gave out a can for free pop as well. She usually likes for me to be there because I get onto the kids for being out of their seat. I'm a pretty good bouncer!!! Bossy!!!

I'm so tired. I think that the weekend is starting to catch up with me!!

judy 08-14-2012 02:21 PM

That is a long trip, Diana! Rest well!

I found out why my friend Debbie is drinking so much. They were quite wealthy until her husband lost his job a couple of years ago. Then, they had to catch up on their taxes, and have no savings. Her hubby is a big spender, and was waiting to make a big commission to pay the back taxes. Bad idea! She told me yesterday that they have to be out of their (rented) house in 3 weeks. She is looking for another right now. I feel so bad for them!

It was a dreary day. I went party shopping, came home and fell asleep.

Janet 08-15-2012 06:23 AM

Yesterday was our first day of school. Can't say I was looking forward to it..lol..I really enjoyed sleeping in just a tad later. Those days are gone now so I have to make sure the alarm is set and that I have a back up..just in case.

It was good to see the kids, I have quite a few new ones. The two brothers I wanted to move did...lol...to Canada! I'm glad I won't have to deal with them this year. Now if I can get just one more to move.

It was great seeing most of the other drivers too. I've missed them. Seems like the school year is starting off in a bad light. There have been articles in the paper and people moving their kids out to other schools. I had no idea all this stuff was going on. I will be continuing my pursuit of another job. Hope one comes along soon.

DianaB 08-15-2012 08:23 AM

Dae Lynn's first day of school is today so I have the kids home with me. The train set is still a big hit but they're fussing a lot more over it today so I may just put it up and make them go outside for awhile! I'm getting really tired of the fussing.

The teachers start a week earlier than the kids so they can get ready. So I have Dean AND Karlie for a week then Karlie will go to school too.

Dae Lynn and Damon are signing papers on Friday.....Nancy is moving on Saturday.....and Dae Lynn will be moving on Sunday, I believe. She's taking off Monday and Tuesday so she can get things settled since she's not actually a teacher that has to get things ready. Dae Lynn has been busy while I was gone packing up things and getting ready to move. I don't think that the actual moving will take too long. I'll probably be in there with her the two days she has off to help get things in place.

Tonight we're having ice cream sundaes at the church. This has been "Slammin' Jammin' Kids' Week"......we do different activities with the kids before we start the Alley again. Monday was swimming......Tuesday was a movie.....Wednesday is ice cream.....and Thursday is making a craft.....Busy....Busy!!! Plus Dae Lynn's move......Really Busy!!

gja1000 08-15-2012 05:46 PM

Hi All, busier week than I anticipated. I had a couple of hard days, in addition to being busy. I received a reminder letter from the VA saying that Gary had a dental appt on Tuesday. They ask that you call of you won't be at the appt since they can give it to another patient and the waits are usually pretty long. So I called on Monday to cancel the appt and they said that I needed to bring a copy of the death certificate to the clinic. Of course everything is already settled with the general VA, so I was surprised that the regional office needed his death certificate. But I took it out to the clinic before I went to work because I didn't want it hanging over my head as a task to be done. When I got to the VA clinic, I didn't expect the emotional response of walking in to where I have been with Gary so many many times in the last 10 years. I had to sit in the parking lot a while and cry before I could drive.

Then on Tuesday the daughter of one of Gary's closest friends had a baby. She called Gary "Grandpa Gary" and he had been at the hospital when her other 2 babies were born. She came to visit Gary in the hospital and they made plans for him to be at the hospital for this baby too. She was scheduled for a C section so I knew that Tuesday was the day Gary would have been with her. And, there is a really BIG AND, she named her baby girl Garynn (like Karen with a G) and she named her that in honor of Gary. So when she texted me that she was at the hospital and she knew Grandpa Gary was there looking over her, well then I just lost it again, and then once again when she sent me pictures of baby Garynn.

So, it's been a hard week.

DianaB 08-16-2012 11:20 AM

BIG HUG, Gayle. What a hard week you are having. I know that you never know when things will hit you. You've been in the hospital soooo many times with Gary that it's understandable that it hit you........but how special that the baby was named after Gary!! It just shows how special he was to this girl!!

I was cleaning things out of the basement a while back when the girls were helping me.....I came across a Avon silver set.....salt dish and a few other pieces. I never use them and really don't even care for them.....but my Dad gave them to Glen and I for our 25th wedding anniversary. I started to put them in the garage sale box but then I just started crying so I ended up keeping them. Of course, Amy had no idea why I started crying but she understood when I told her. I never thought that it would hit me like that so I'm sure you're going to have moments like that.

I'm here.....give me a call!!! Hugs!!!!!

Lindsey 08-16-2012 05:54 PM

I am so sorry you had such a hard time Gayle. I wish I could give you hugs in person!

I am just feeling awful. I have been stressed to the max with work. I really love my job but I hate all the crap that comes with it. Last-minute projects suck and the managers don't understand how much stress it puts on me and my coworkers.

Tuesday night I was just feeling very weird and very off. I had a stressful day at work, and then when I came home I was exhausted and I started getting these awful stomach pains. It was like a big cramp that just wouldn't go away in my left side. I ended up staying awake all night and I don't know if it was the cramps or the tiredness but I couldn't stop feeling nauseous. I finally fell asleep just before the alarm went off and decided I am taking a sick day and sleeping it off and relaxing. I fell asleep for a couple of hours and when I woke up, my throat was swollen and painful! By mid afternoon my head was getting stuffy, and by bedtime I was sneezing and coughing like crazy. I drank some sleepytime tea and took a Gravol to make myself go to sleep last night. I did go to work today but it has just gotten worse and worse! I had a nosebleed this afternoon in the office, and again tonight. Because the day was so stressful and there's another deadline tomorrow, I brought my laptop home and here I am, working the night away again. All I want to do is lay in bed and not get out until I'm feeling better!

gja1000 08-17-2012 03:20 AM

Yuck Lindsey, it's no fun at all feeling sick and having to work so hard. I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. You've been under such stress for a long time now (albeit good stress - getting married!) so your body is bound to demand some down time, it's just bad when it comes at a time like this! I hope you feel better soon!

I was awakened by two dogs under my chin at 5:30 this morning. When I got up to go to the bathroom, neither of them got up which is highly unusual. They are always so eager to eat that whenever I get out of bed in the morning, they jump up and are at my side. So I knew something was wrong. Then I heard the "smoke alarm" chirp, but the chirp was followed by a voice. I had to go stand in the living room and listen for it to happen again (and no I was NOT accompanied by two little dogs - great protectors I have, huh). Since we have only lived in this house a year and a half, I'd never heard the low battery warning on the smoke alarm - which of course what this was since the voice said, "low battery". So I changed the battery and all is well but the dogs still seem to be very cautious!

I'm glad it's Friday, this has been a busy week. I have a meeting today with some of our community partners (hospitals, clinics, etc) and I always enjoy that. Plus it is a lunch meeting :D Then I may take my mom lazy boy chair shopping. She wants a new chair, I'm not sure she really needs a new chair, but oh well, she will enjoy it.

I'm not sure what I'll do over the weekend. I don't have any definite plans. There is a home and garden show in town I could go to and there is a festival in a little town not too far away - but it is so hot I'm not sure how long I could stand to walk around. I enjoy the farmer's markets on Saturday mornings and many of them have arts and crafts booths too so I might just do that. It's too hot to work outside and I'm still itching a bit from all my skin rash stuff from last week. I might do a little cooking to have some lunch/dinners for next week or to freeze. IDK, this might just be a lazy weekend!

Janet 08-17-2012 05:50 AM

Gayle I'm so sorry you had such a bad day. They come when you least expect them to sometimes. I know I'll be fine and then a picture, a song, something...will throw me for a loop. This month is a bad month for me because both of my parents died in the month of August. Dad...13th in 1973 and Mom..29th..one year already, can't believe it. I need her so much. I know Diane probably got sick of me mentioning Mom all the time, but I miss her.

Sounds like you are really safe with your two guard dogs huh? LOL Our alarm just beeps, it doesn't talk. It would probably freak me out.

Your weekend sounds like my kind of weekend. Being able to do whatever I decide to do. Home and Garden shows are so nice. We just have to go to Indianapolis when there is one and usually there is no one to go with. Most of the time I would rather go alone or with a friend, but Indy is so big and I'm not use to driving in big cities...makes this old girl a little nervous.

Ricky has to work and wanna be cowboy is going on a shoot Saturday so I'm planning on going to an auction. I haven't seen this auctioneer in quite some time so I'm hoping to get to visit with him for a few minutes. There haven't been any auctions advertised for him so I'm hoping he is in good health. There is suppose to be a lot of everything and a lot of things in oak. Don't have anything else planned so that will most likely take up most of the day.

Finally called the Vet this morning. I can get the cats in next Thursday to get them spay/neutered and declawed. Also, Skeeter will need his shots and Kitty...well, we think she's pregnant again so they will terminate the pregancy. Next thing is to get Joey his shots, I may just take him with me and hope they can work him in. I'm changing Vets because the one I went to when I was breeding is just too darn expensive. For the two cats the cost will only be $276 compared to over $375 at my former Vet. Good move I think.

DianaB 08-17-2012 08:08 AM

It sounds like you girls have a nice relaxing weekend ahead of you.....not me! Dae Lynn and Damon are signing papers on the house this morning and Nancy will be moving tomorrow.....and Dae Lynn and Damon are moving on Sunday. They have several guys lined up to help with both moves so things should go quickly. Nancy has a lot of things but she's been working hard and I'm sure she'll have everything boxed and ready to go. And Dae Lynn's been working on stuff here as well. Of course, her furniture and most things are still boxed from the last move.

The kids are about to drive me crazy again this mornng......especially Karlie. I don't know what's going on with that girl but she's been annoying for the last couple of days.....more than usual. Maybe it's the move and everything that's going on.

Last night for our kid's night at church we did a craft and it was so cool that I made one for myself!! It's a tic-tac-toe game made from a piece of wood.....the game pieces are marbles and there are little holes that they sit in on the wood. Then on the side there's a little door that is screwed in the middle......there's two holes drilled in the side to hold the marbles and the door covers them. So cool!! Everyone's turned out so neat!! I was in charge of spray painting....with Jaci....and we both ended up with painted fingers. UGH!!

I need to go to the grocery store today. Dae Lynn's stopped getting groceries, I guess, and we're low on several things. I'm not used to shopping because she's been taking care of all of that!! And cooking!!!

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