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Betsi, I'm so glad that you checked in. We were worried knowing that you had been in the hospital!! Are you feeling all right? Are you having to watch your diet?
I'm so glad that you're getting rain, Janet!! I sure wish that we would get a little more. We've had about an inch or so. Janet, I don't know what to tell you about your classes. I do think that nursing is a good choice but I really don't know much about it. We have a man that's paralyzed and he gets to have someone help him out. It pays $17 an hour. I'm not sure what it entails.....the problem is that he's difficult to deal with and he only keeps them for awhile then fires them. I'm sure that you could find something like that.....only with much nicer people if you ask around.....after you take the classes. Who knows......maybe you would still be able to drive the bus and keep your insurance......at least until you find something that has insurance. Glen and I went out last night and went through a trailer of stuff that was left from Nancy's garage sale. Some we threw away, some we kept, and some we're putting in our garage sale. There was also some things.....like ceiling tile.....that needs to go back to Dae Lynn's house. Afterwards Glen and I went for a short 4-wheeler ride. It was so nice to get out and not have to worry about what was going on at home. However.....I'm having a really hard time getting into the fixing supper thing!! And going to the grocery store......Both are things that Dae Lynn did!! Well I need to get off of here and go work on garage sale stuff!! YUCK!! |
Betsi, I'm glad you got to do a girls weekend! Sounds like fun!
What a day I've had! Well, starting last night I guess.. I thought I had some sort of stomach bug. I was having stomach troubles all night, until I took some medicine for it before bed. I fell asleep okay. I woke up at about 3 in the morning feeling really nauseous. I was so tired and didn't want to get up and go throw up so I kind of just made myself lay there and deal with it. It took at least an hour before I fell asleep again, but I know I woke up at least one more time with nausea. I kept getting waves of nausea on the way to work. When I got to work it happened a couple more times while I was sitting at my desk. All I could do was look away from my computer, stare at my desk, and breathe through it. At around lunch time, my stomach started cramping up really bad. I told my cousin about it and she said she was convinced I was pregnant!!! :eek: I said no way... but the more she talked about it the more I kind of thought it COULD be.... So she told me I had to go get a test after work. So I did. And I'm not lol. I'm kind of relieved because Scott and I are planning a trip this spring that I am really really excited for! It's a once in a lifetime kind of trip and we had just decided that we actually CAN do it and are getting ready to put the wheels in motion lol... of course I would be thrilled too if we were to start a family now but it's not in the plan at the moment! |
LOL.....that's the same thing I was thinking!! Sometimes you don't get to plan these things! You just have to go with the flow when it happens......later you're always glad that it happened.
Well, the garage sale has been put off until November. That works better for me. I kept asking Dae Lynn if she was ready for this weekend because that's what we had planned a couple of weeks ago.....but it ends up that neither one of us will be ready by then. Dae Lynn's stressed with moving, work at school, cleaning the church, and moving back with Damon. She was almost in tears yesterday when she came to get Dean so we decided that it would be best if we did it later. We've found that garage sales do better at the beginning of the month because that's when people have money......October is out because we have Homecoming and people spend all their money there......so it's November. I'm going to clean Dae Lynn's bathroom today and work on some of the kids room decorations. I'm anxious to get it all together and in their rooms. The ideas just keep coming and coming!! Getting the right color of spray paint is hard when you live in a small town. |
Do you have many people show up at garage sales in November? They are pretty much done here by then and don't start up again until spring. They take so much work, but are worth it, especially getting to visit with people, and of course the money.. :)
I hope things can settle down a bit for Dae Lynn. Does Damon try to help her out some? Some are lucky to have men that help, others... just make for more work. Today at 4:55 PM will be one year that Mom passed. I've done pretty good so far today, but then I cried Monday and most the day yesterday. After my bus route I went to the cemetary and put new flowers in Mom's favorite color on the site. I really miss her....as much as she drove me nuts...I miss her. I don't think anyone loves you more than your mother. After visiting the cemetary, I picked up a friend and we went to McDonald's for breakfast. Not a very healthy meal, but it was good and so was the company. Saw a few others there that I knew so that was nice too. Not sure what else I'll do today, probably not much...just not in the mood. I have quite a bit I would like to get accomplished within the next week or so, so I'm glad we have a 3 day weekend coming up. Think I'm going to start with the garage again, so when I start in on the house, I have a place to put the things I no longer want. |
Diana, a garage sale in November sounds heavenly to me! It's still pretty warm the first of October here. I bet it will work out just fine.
Janet, glad you had a nice breakfast/visit. It's always nice to see and talk with good friends. I'm going to the lake (in southern Oklahoma) for Labor Day weekend. It will be hot though, unfortunately, the hurricane has pushed HOT dry air over Texas and Oklahoma. It's supposed to be 100 almost every day. Oh well, the humidity is supposed to be low, so it won't be too bad (hopefully). |
A garage sale in November can be iffy here. You never know what the weather will be like but Dae Lynn has a barn that we can always move into. People here are always ready to find a good deal so I don't think that will be a problem. I may take some things down to Marva's for a garage sale. They have a craft weekend down there where people also set up garage sales and last year I happened to be there and I couldn't believe all the people who showed up. It's the last weekend in September. I have bought a lot of nice school clothes to go in the flea market but a new owner has taken over and they don't want clothes so this will be a good way to sell them.
Janet, Damon's not being very good at helping Dae Lynn. The move has been hard on both of us, I think, because we're so used to working together on meals, cleaning, and taking care of the kids. We're both doing a lot of readjusting in our . Of course, it's a lot easier for me than it is for her. I think that as time goes by Damon will help out more. He's used to living on his own and not helping much with anything. She did say that they are getting along pretty good though. That was good to hear. Dae Lynn's just overwhelmed by all of the changes going on right now. Jaci and Nate stopped by the house the other evening......with a brand spanking new car!! We knew that they were looking and were ready to buy. They got a 2013 Ford Explorer!! I have NEVER had a new car!! Nate's family is different in a lot of ways than ours is. They always buy new vehicles (Actually this is Nate's second NEW vehicle. He also bought a new truck when he graduated.) and trade them off in five years. HA HA!! That's usually when we buy them!! They also farm with new tractors and equipment.......so different than the way we do it. I'm happy for them. Jaci will be well taken care of by Nate and his family. |
You all are so Busy. Hope you all have a great weekend. I just did the normal today. Worked at work. Dr tomorrow. Garage Sale here Saturday. November is way to late here to have a sale. This will be my last Sale. Seeing as how we have been up her 10 years and all other sales were bombs. will see what happens. Have a Safe weekend everyone.
Good luck with your sale Linda. I always found that living in the country...my sales did best in early spring before too many others were advertised. People are so anxious to get out to sales they'll drive clear out here. One time...we had between 25-35 people outside of our garage waiting for me to open the door. Then it was a steady stream all day and I made over $350 from mostly small stuff. Hopefully you'll have a great sale, if not...wait till early spring.
Have a great time Gayle....it sounds so nice to be able to be near a lake. Enjoy and relax. Diana.....I doubt very seriously I ever will be able to have a brand new vehicle. Mom even had to wait until she was 87....lol. I would love to have a Honda CRV, but it will never happen. So...I'll drive my van till it dies I guess. Anyone doing anything over this 3 day weekend besides Gayle? Looks like I'll be home for the most part. The guys will be working on Ricky's car and I think I'm planning on cleaning out the garage again. Seems like things keep getting piled in my garage and I'm tired of it. Gonna get my wagon, load it up and dump it in Rick's garage. Maybe he'll get the hint!!! LOL! Not sure what else I'll do besides church on Sunday. We are suppose to get so much rain from Hurricane Isaac. It said on the news this morning that central Indiana (including me) can expect anywhere from 6 - 10 inches of rain depending on which way it actually goes. So...whatever I end up doing, I'm sure I'll have to have an unbrella... :) Supposedly it's moving in this evening and I believe it will. Even though it's beautiful out right now, the wind has picked up. Whatever you all do, stay safe and have a great time. Also...don't forget to check in here once and a while....this place has really been sssslllloooowwww...... |
Gayle, Have fun this weekend!! Drive carefully!! We don't have any plans for the weekend.......remember I'm married to a farmer!!! Labor Day is like any other day! The only thing is that I won't have to watch Dean on Monday.
Janet, I hope you don't get as much rain as they're predicting. That's a LOT of rain! We're on the western edge and we've got out fingers crossed that we get a fair amount. They're predicting rain but not much so we're holding our breath!!! I finally got Dae Lynn's bathroom cleaned. I took everything out and washed curtains, shower curtain, and rugs. She had gotten foundation in one of the drawers and it was really hard to get out but I did finally get it. She is not the most careful or the cleanest person. Out of all four of my kids Dae Lynn is the messiest. Oh well.....her room and the bathroom are now clean. Now I just need to get the kids' room cleaned. I think that I'm going to wait a while on that because I need to paint it. I really don't want to leave it purple with stars!! Glen's sister, Brenda, has been here for a day or two and last night we went to Burke's (Glen's other brother) and ate hamburgers and visited. It was so beautiful outside and the moon was so bright! Oh.....and tonight is the Blue Moon!! Today I'm hoping to get my Cricut out and start making pictures for Dean's room.......oh, and I'll be spray painting too. I'm not ready to do Karlie's room yet. I'm still working on ideas for her's. I can't wait to put it all together!! |
Well, we only got a tiny bit of rain from the hurricane. I think it turned toward Janet!
I haven't done much this week. Yesterday I cleaned out and organized my pots and pans. They were to the point that there was a crash every time I tried to get one out, lol! Tomorrow we are having a surprise retirement party for my brother, Jim. He taught high school Biology forever, and he used to coach, too. Everybody is meeting at our favorite catfish restaurant in Shreveport, then Jim, Teresa, Mike and I will go over there by ourselves like we usually do. He better be surprised when we walk in and all our family is there, lol! Diana, I can't believe you're going to paint over your purple with stars room, lol!! Janet, don't drown in all that rain! |
Diana, I love the new Explorer!! I have never owned a new vehicle either, other than my motocrycle, which was brand new but the previous year's model and priced to sell :)
Scott bought his Camry new in 2008 and said he wouldn't buy new again. He got everything he wanted, but he said the depreciation as soon as you drive off the lot and it is now a "used" car is just not worth the price in the beginning! So we bought our SUV used too. There are some end of summer garage sales around here now, but most happen in early spring. Most years, snow is flying by October so they can't go too late :) Good luck with the party Betsi! I am heading to my parents' house for the long weekend! One of my closest friends is getting married on Saturday, and the weather might be iffy! There is a 40% chance of showers on Saturday and they are planning to get married outside in the park. If it does rain, they will move it inside the rink. I am excited to see lots of people I haven't seen in ages! This friend lived two doors down from me and I was basically a part of her family growing up. I even went on family vacations with them! When I was 14, we went on a camping trip with her cousin's family. Her cousin also brought a friend, and it turned out they both had a crush on me lol. I had to choose between the two of them, and I chose his friend. He was 16 and he could drive :thumbup: but he ultimately broke my heart lol. I saw her cousin a lot of times back in those days but haven't seen him now in years! He is now married with children so it will be great to be able to catch up! The rest of the weekend will probably be spent at the lake. Hopefully we can get some fishing in! |
Lindsey, it sounds like a fun weekend!!
We didn't get any rain from the hurricane. I think that part of our county did but we're on the western side and it missed us completely.......we were so close!! I hope that you're not drowning up there, Janet!! At least you'll have a couple of days so the water can drain away before you have to drive the school bus. I'm having an awful time with heartburn. I can't seem to find anything that helps so I may have to go to the doctor. I've just been miserable. Betsi, I hope that your surprise party really surprises your brother!! Have fun!! |
Diana, go to the doctor! Heartburn can be a symptom of many things in women.
Lindsey, I hope you have a great weekend. It sounds like lots of fun! Mike and I went to see a movie yesterday. It's so hot here, there's not much else to do:rolleyes: I'm still watching my diet pretty close. My goal was to keep off the 10 pounds I lost in the hospital, and I did that. Now maybe I can lose a pound or 2 in the next week. Same old story of my life, lol! |
Good luck with the weight loss!!! You're doing really good!!
Betsi, I think that I have acid reflux. I had some medicine that irritates my stomach because it's suppose to be taken with food and I don't always do that. It's not a med that I have to have so I've cut it out.....hoping that it will get better but that's not happening. I've been miserable so if it's not better soon than I will be heading to the doctor. I just know that once she gets me in there she's going to run all kinds of tests to check other things as well and it gets expensive. |
Just trying to catch up with everyone!! Y'all have been busy!!! We all went to Schlitterbahn Waterpark in New Braunfels yesterday and had a blast!!! We had been trying to go all summer, but couldn't get everyone together at the same time. With a nurse and a fire fighter in the family, plus other conflicts it wasn't easy! We took turns playing with one year old Emma so her parents could have some fun. We all declared it a wonderful day, definitely a "do over"!!
Rex and I had to hurry home after lunch today. I'm coaching a group of young people to participate in a Bible competition in November, so we had to get back. There are several adult helpers, but I'm the leader and this was only our second practice session. Tomorrow will be labor day for me... Laboring on laundry, mopping and such. We had Emma's birthday party here a couple of weeks ago and some of the decorations are still up. I think we've had enough of Minnie Mouse for a while. Lol I want to hit a couple of furniture stores tomorrow, too,just to get ideas. Karen took her bedroom furniture with her since they bought a house. She had a really nice queen bedroom set we had bought her for graduation, and Melissa & Garrett are moving out to an apartment (finally!!!) in two weeks, so we have a couple of bedrooms to furnish. We have good queen mattress and box springs in both rooms, so think I'll just get bed frames for now and take my time redecorating. :) |
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