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Janet 10-16-2012 07:50 AM

Everyone seems to be getting so much accomplished. Lindsey, I don't think all the boosters are need either. Sometimes I think it's just a racket with such high prices, so I've decided to just go every two to three years.

Gayle....I think you have been just about the busiest...lol. Wow! It's so nice your neighbor was able to help you out.

Linda, I'm glad you get to spend more time with Gary and someplace other than Indiana. Hope you can post some of your pictures soon.

I've been getting little odds and ends done here. We have the new front doors in and they look really nice. They fit so well and there are no air leaks. Finally..lol Still have some window caulking to do before winter, but it will get done.

This morning after the route I cleaned my bathroom cabinets. I thought I had cleaned them recently, but there were still a few meds of Mom's in there. I threw out all the old meds and other things that I just didn't need or use anymore. Even threw away some old perfume that I think I've had for years. It may still be good, but it's gone now. I sure have room in my cabinets now!

DianaB 10-16-2012 08:49 AM

Sorry that I've been missing again but I've been so busy!! We have a Chi-Alpha group coming from Wichita this weekend for a hot dog roast and hayrack ride. They'll mostly be outside but still I'm cleaning and straightening the inside. This is a group that we love to have! There will some international students and they are always interesting. We have every weekend filled with hot dog roasts and hayrack rides until the second weekend in November!

I shampooed the living room carpet on Saturday. I did it not too long ago but while Dae Lynn and the kids lived here it got really bad again. It looks so much better now!

Gayle, what a sweet neighbor you have!! You should bake some cookies or something and take over to him!!! Or pick up a pie from the farmer's market!! I'm so glad that your ants are taken care of. Yuck!!

Linda, how nice that you get to spend some time with your husband!! I'm sure he really misses having you to come home to! Enjoy your time together!!!

Lindsey, I hope that Layla's better. It always breaks my heart to hear that she's having any problems. She's just been through soooo much. Give her a sweet hug from me!!

I don't keep up with our dog's vaccinations.......mostly because I forget. They ARE expensive!

Janet.......you are soooo organized!!! I don't have that gene!!! Well.....I just have a lazier version of it I suppose!! I could use your help in getting rid of outdated stuff in my cabinets!! LOL I took some Hamburger Helpers to church for our food pantry.......and when I looked at the dates I was ashamed of myself!! I did tell the woman in charget that they were "very" outdated and she was still going to put them out and let people decide if they still wanted them or not. I will say.....that I have bought new food to go there and don't just give them my outdated food!!

Dean's just not getting the hang of potty training so this morning I set him in the bathtub and took his diaper off and let him clean himself.......Mean, I know. The funny part is that he told me I was not a nice Grandma!! Maybe he'll start getting the idea of using the toilet now!! I wasn't mean about it. I just wanted him to know how yucky it is!!! We'll see tomorrow how it goes!!

Janet 10-16-2012 12:45 PM

Throw some cheerios in the toilet and let him play bomber...lolol or giant putting out the fire!!!

judy 10-17-2012 07:35 AM

He said that you are not a nice Grandma! That's too cute! At least he knows it's yucky to clean up! Boys can be difficult to train. I like the cheerio thing. There is something people do with M & M's too. You can be sure that he will not be wearing diapers to his wedding!

I have food in my cabinets and my pantry that are older than yours Diana!! I am waiting for really bad weather to do the kitchen cabinets, pantry and closets. The drawers need doing too. All this means is getting out the garbage bags, and making a trip to the thrift shop! I am a bit afraid to clean out the food....I'll have empty cabinets! My silverware drawer is chaos! I have things in their that were my mothers, or that I have from when I first got married, 40 years ago. I don't even cook! Food storage containers are so cheap these days, I have a good mind to dump all of those odd covers, and stained containers, and just buy a new set. They are so hateful to store, especially the tops! I use baggies whenever possible! Thank goodness we have a good dollar store!

As for the dogs, I do the rabies every 3 years, even though I have read that the vaccine does last for 7 years. Living in the country with all these critters running around all summer, I don't take a chance. I had a lot of bunnies living under my walk this year. There are squirrels, chipmunks, moles, and who knows what else around all summer. I do forget to frontline them though, and that's a big mistake! Ticks are still around.

Max has to go back in 2 weeks for his eyes, but they are much better with the drops I am using. My vet is reasonable, and I have the money at this moment, so I took them all for checkups, etc. Otherwise, aside from Max's eye thing and Annie's rabies, I would not have gone.

Today is manicure day. I am stopping at the farm stand on the way home. I want some zucchini, onions, and tomatoes, and apples. I'm making quinoa, and I want to throw some veggies sauteed in oil in there. I make it with chicken broth, and I'm going to add turkey sausage. That should feed me for 2 or 3 days. I have gained over 2o pounds, and, if I have food already made for dinner, I find it easier to eat right.

How is Layla doing, Linds? How are the other dogs? Do they all get along now?

DianaB 10-17-2012 07:50 AM

Judy.....I think that we are sisters!! Your drawers and cabinets sound like mine!!! Trust me......Janet is NOT a sister in that way! She has everything so very organized that she should help other people with organizing.......namely ME!!!

Dae Lynn and I are having a garage sale the first weekend in Nov. and I have things in the cabinet that need to be added but I have so much already in the basement so they'll just have to wait until next year or maybe the next year.....etc!! LOL

I've never had quinoa so I'm going to have to look up that recipe. I'm sure it's good!! Our farmer's markets are pretty well done. We had a pretty good freeze the other day that took care of the gardens around here. Bummer!!

I got Dean's sign painted last night. It didn't turn out quite like I wanted so I need to do some more work and take some sandpaper to it. I think that it will turn out pretty nice in the end. If I get that done then tomorrow I'm going to take everything over to Dae Lynn's house and get it all put in Dean's room. I'm so excited about getting it all put together. Then I think that before I start on Karlie's room I'm going to get Jaci's bedroom painted so I can get my furniture set up in there before I get it all junked up!! I can't wait to get it done!! The bad part is that there is a border at the top of the room. Hopefully it will be easy to take down.

DianaB 10-17-2012 08:00 AM

I forgot to add that our new baby, Jed, is due any time now. The doctor was wanting to induce Tammy today but decided that she's not ready. She hasn't dropped yet so I think that it will be a week or more yet. I guess that we'll see!!

I got to see some sonogram pictures of him the other day and he has a little round face just like Elijah did and he has Feyn's mouth. It's so funny that you can see things like that already. The sonograms were amazing to look at!!

gja1000 10-18-2012 07:09 PM

My day was not quite as busy as the previous ones, so I feel better tonight. I'm packing to go to Houston this weekend to see my babies. I'm also taking my car in for it's first service. It's free at Toyota and if I take it to Houston, I don't have to wait on it or find a ride to and from the dealership, cuz my sweet daughter will pick me up and take me back. That's nice. I need to take the pickup in for an oil change too, but I have to take it to the Toyota place here in Austin because it's only free if I take it to where we bought it. Ugh. I'll have to wait on it.

Oh! I sold the travel trailer today. Well, not actually me, but the consignment place sold it for me. They got a much better price than I expected, so I am happy. I had to pay the 10% of the selling price, but I feel OK about that since they got more for it than I expected.

Well, I'd best get off and finish getting ready for school and Houston! :)

Lindsey 10-18-2012 08:11 PM

Judy, Layla is doing very well :) They sort of get along now. Lucy will go sleep right beside Layla, but after Layla is already sleeping and can't feel that she's there lol! Layla still gets all riled up when Kash wants to play or wants attention from me. But there is not drama all the time like there used to be! They can all fall asleep in the same room together lol.

Diana, a new baby! That is so exciting!

Gayle, that is great that you got one more thing out of the way, and got more for it than you thought you would!

I am just really really emotional and snappy lately :( I am just overwhelmed with work and trying to keep up with housework and trying to keep up with this diet and exercise thing (taking up half of my free time every night, while not losing any weight anyway). I had a bath and a little cry tonight. Last night I slept almost the whole night and the three nights before that I didn't sleep more than a few hours. I don't know why, I'm just feeling wide awake at 2 or 3 in the morning. So that is probably taking a toll too!

This weekend we are watching my nieces for an evening on Saturday. Actually, we are picking them up in the afternoon while we do some shopping for our halloween costumes (my brother is giving them $20 each to buy something for themselves) and then we are taking them out to eat, and then my brother is buying us tickets to a hockey game so we will take them there! Hopefully it's a good game! He texted me today and said they are really excited to "hang" with us :D And I am happy to spend some time with them too! I honestly don't think I've seen them for more than a couple of minutes since our wedding!

gja1000 10-21-2012 07:07 PM

Yes Lindsey, you've got so much going on and that is certainly part of the reason for you feeling bad and not sleeping well. I hope things get better! Did you have a good weekend with the girls? I hope you got to rest just a little bit!

I made it home from Houston and have had a nice productive day today. I did some cooking for the week and cleaned up a little bit. I broke a dish on the tile floor in the kitchen and it went everywhere!!! I had to sweep then get out the vacuum to be sure that I got up all the little slivers!

I'm taking my mom out to breakfast in the morning to Cracker Barrel. She got a gift card for CB and it must be burning a hole in her pocket because she called to see if we could go over the weekend. So I'm taking her tomorrow and then we need to go to the back and do some business. It should be a good day.

I have two dinners out after work this week. One is to meet some researchers from the University of Texas Medical Branch and the other is a fancy smanchy dinner with doners to the School of Nursing. The dinner with the researchers will be OK, but the other one makes me uncomfortable. I never quite know what to say.

Lindsey 10-22-2012 09:06 PM

Gayle, I hope you can just smile and get through it! That's what I do when I'm uncomfortable lol.

I hope you enjoyed your breakfast with your mom!

I have actually been sick since yesterday. On Saturday when we watched the girls, Morgann had not been feeling well. During the hockey game she spent most of the time just laying against my shoulder, and we gave her a children's Tylenol for her fever. When we got back to their house, they went straight to bed. So yesterday afternoon I started to feel unwell, and I had a fever too! I felt groggy and feverish at work all day, but I had a 2 hour nap after work and woke up feeling quite a bit better.

I found out today that my brother has changed his wedding date again... but not only the date, also the location. Apparently the rest of the family has known for weeks! The girls just mentioned this weekend "Mom and Dad are getting married on a beach in Mexico!" so I asked him about it this morning... and yup, it's true. They were supposed to get married here next summer. Now they are getting married in Mexico next November.... sounds great, but Scott and I are attending my cousin's wedding next November in New Orleans! We are the only people going to their wedding... we are their wedding party and their only guests! This cousin has been my best friend my whole life and was my bridesmaid too. My fingers and toes are crossed that they do not pick the same weekend :( Neither of them have a date set yet... my brother is going to set one soon, but my cousin is waiting for next year's NFL schedule to come out :rolleyes: lol. Her fiance is a huge Saints fan and wants to go to a game while they are there. So there's my newest dilemma lol! I told them both each others' plans though, so hopefully when one picks a date I can let the other know to work around it.

I also don't have that kind of holiday time available next year.. thinking my brother's wedding would just be a weekend in the city, I have all of my holidays next year spoken for! We booked our trip to Africa and had planned on going to New Orleans (and maybe a few days of travelling down there if we had extra time!) So it looks like I will have another year chalk-full of overtime, if I can get it! Maybe after that, I can relax a little!

Janet 10-23-2012 02:06 PM

It's so nice reading about everyone's plans and how busy you all are. I don't have a whole lot going on here. I did spend some time on the phone and watching the rain out the front door. It's in the 70's so it's very nice out.

My friend Diane's mother turned 95 this past Sunday so I went to the party at the nursing home. She made me feel that she was so glad I was there and it made my day. Guess that's about all there is in my exciting life...lol.

gja1000 10-23-2012 04:44 PM

Man, this is turning out to be a busy busy week!!! Plus, I have 40 papers to grade from last week!!! They are interesting to read, but they are about 8-10 pages, so it takes some time. I'm tired in the evenings, but that is about the only time I have to grade them!!!

My mom fell in her apartment over the weekend. She actually just slid off a folding chair, so it wasn't a bad fall, but she did hit her ribs on the way down so now they are painful. They started her on some Aleve so I'm hoping that will help. She's OK when she's not trying to reach or pull with her arm on that side. I afraid I scolded her to be more vigilant. At her age, a fall is the most devastating thing that can happen, but thankfully she was not hurt badly.

Well, my sweet Abigail has a broken foot and it is a really bad break. She hurt it last month in a volleyball game. Her mom took her for a xray and they said it wasn't broken, that it was strained ligaments. They gave her steroids and it got better, but not well. This month it started hurting more, so Brooke made an appt with an orthopedic doc, but of course it took 2 weeks to get in. The ortho doc immediately saw the break, it's called a lisfranc break and is very serious, especially if it is unstable. She had an MRI today and another appt with the doc in the morning. If it is unstable, then she has to have surgery to put in a plate, screws and pins. She will be no weight bearing for 6-8 weeks, then after 3 months they'll take out the pins and she'll be partial weight bearing for a few more weeks. :( Poor baby. They will know tomorrow what needs to be done, but of course we are thinking it may have to be surgery since she has walked on it and played volleyball for 2 months.

DianaB 10-24-2012 01:43 PM

Poor Abigail. It seems like we've been having a lot of broken bones around here. I hope that Abigail gets good news on her foot. What an awful time to have it broken.

On Saturday one of our Internation students fell and broke her pinky. She was from India and had never been to a hospital or had a shot before. She was really nervous but she had a friend go with her and of course, I went too. The people at our hospital are extremely nice and her doctor was especially nice and after a couple x-rays, a pain shot, and a splint, she was sent home. She still had a good time the rest of the afternoon but her friends were really taking care of her!!

I've been busy with Dean but not much else. I'm so ready to hold the new baby but we've got The Alley tonight. He's suppose to be home tomorrow. I can't wait!!

Blueyes 10-25-2012 06:28 PM

Wow, everybody has a lot going on!

My niece Casey has her wedding Saturday at 6pm. It's an outside wedding, and it was forecast to rain but now it's not supposed to. BUT the temperature is supposed to drop A LOT!!! She's gonna freeze in her strapless gown, lol! Today she brought me a blank canvas, a can of spray paint, lots of scrapbook paper, and a big wooden letter F, the initial for their last name. Then she said "do something with this, it needs to go over the food table"!! Her colors are eggplant and silver/gray. I'll be sure to take pictures.

gja1000 10-25-2012 07:19 PM

How fun Betsi! Can't wait it see the pix!

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