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Mmmmm I love KFC!
We had a busy weekend! On Friday night we ended up having 14 people over! We had to split up between the dining table and breakfast nook for cards. Everyone left around midnight and my parents stayed with us for the night. On Saturday we went to Scott's gigantic Christmas party for the company he was contracted to for most of the year. I thought there were going to be around 600 there... There were over 1000!!!!! I ran into my old roommate, who I lived with right out of high school. She is getting her masters degree right now, and I told her she's way more ambitious than me lol. The free champagne was flowing and the food was great, but we left around 10:00 to get back to my grandma's to visit with my family. I didn't last long and fell asleep about an hour later :) I felt so beautiful that night and I'm sad that Scott forgot his camera! |
I wish he had taken a picture Linds!
The packing is so much work Gayle! I still would rather move than have a paint job though! At least you had help and Gary supervising. You will move....and everything will get there. Keep saying that over and over to yourself! When I retired, I began going through everything I owned, donating some and throwing out others. I only kept what I really used. Even stuff I wasn't sure about, I got rid of. I think I have missed 2 or 3 things! I used big, black hefty bags. It took over a year because I didn't even have a place I was moving to yet, but I knew that I was going to be moving sooner than later. That was quite a luxury! I also knew that the superintendent of my building would take the good stuff and find a place for it all, either with him, or whoever. That was a load off because everybody hates to throw out when you can donate. By the time I found the house and was moving, I really got ruthless. IK didn't even take my everyday dishes! I went to Walmart when I got here and bought new dishes, plastic containers, etc. Anything I wanted to save, but didn't want, I gave to Jessie. Like I said, it was a luxury. I never had the chance to do it that way before! I did learn Gayle, that it is way better to get rid of it before you move than to go through it after. Maybe you can get your daughter to help you. |
That's really good advice Judy! I only had about a month though, as we bought the house so quickly! My strategy was to go through something everyday - and I did - even if it was only one drawer or a nook. I threw out and donated TONS of stuff. But we have lived here 25 years, and my husband is a bit of a pack rat - not in the pathological form, but he hates to throw out something that he MIGHT use. If it were just me, it wouldn't be bad at all, but with him and his stuff, it really is pretty arduous. I will say that we have thrown out or given away so much stuff. How can two people accumulate so many THINGS! It's sinful!
We are so fortunate though, that we don't have to dispose of everything that we own. We are leaving some things here for the kids if they have to stay here. Of course, after May, we will have to dispose of these things, or rent the house as a furnished place. I'm toying with the idea of renting it to visiting professors, or perhaps some of our commuting doctoral students. They would need a furnished place, and I would like my home to be used in that way. But then again, maybe we will just sell it when the real estate market perks up a bit! My only problem is that I am so tired now, and by the time I get everything unpacked, I will be even more tired and I'm not going to want to come back here to get things picked up and cleaned up. But then I probably have several weeks before the kids will need the house. Yet, I know ME, and the longer I procrastinate, the harder it will be to get it done! LOL! Judy, if I ever move again, I WILL have someone else pack everything for me. This has been really hard, and I've just worked a little bit every day (until this week of course, when I've worked HARD). I just don't think I have it in me to pack everything up again. My sil's company is paying for their move, of course, and will pay to have someone pack them. I'm curious to see how that goes. I will definitely go that route, if I ever move again. |
Here is a picture of the shower curtain I bought today. It is called TREES! LOL! Note the little squirrels and birds. I just love it. Our master's bath needed some color and I found this at Target. It is just perfect. And I can go with so many different rug colors, e.g. brown, gold, green, rust, beige or aqua. I got a dusty aqua for the rugs - I hope they look good, I'll take them over tomorrow. If I don't like them, Target had several other colors that would work.
![]() Look at the Frequently Bought Together (below the curtain picture). I also got the Dot Shower Hooks, and the Hoot Toothbrush Holder. |
Hi Everybody! Sorry I haven't posted for a while, but I've been keeping up.
I just got back from a great trip to Seattle to see Joy and Dustin. I won't be able to see them at Christmas, so we celebrated while we were there. This is my first Christmas to spend without my kids and grandkids. I dread it so much. I cried all day on Thanksgiving...and I'm really not a crier:rolleyes: We'll have Christmas Eve with my brothers and their families, but will be alone on Christmas Day. Mike says we are going out to eat Chinese food like they did in A Christmas Story after a dog ate their turkey, lol! He's even found a restaurant that will be open. We are so crazy... but laughing is SOO much better than crying:p The high school football team here in our little town of Carthage will be playing for the 3A State Championship Friday in DALLAS COWBOY STADIUM!! They have won State for the last 2 years, and everybody is thrilled to be going there to play. Of course Mike wants to go, so I'm sure we will. All of you sound so busy! Gayle, we downsized our house after 24 years. It's NOT fun to go through all that STUFF, lol! |
Oh Betsi! 24 years is just too long in one place. There's too much time to accumulate too much STUFF - and I just know that Mike had all the same STUFF that Gary has!! WHEW!
LOL! We just watched that Christmas movie where they ate at the Chinese place! That is so funny. I can just see you and Mike. I know you are sad! I'm so sorry - but you are right to laugh, not cry. Every year brings new adventures, who knows where you will be or what you and/or your kids will be doing next year, or the next or the next....... I'm really glad you had a great time in Seattle! That is such a wonderful city! Good luck to Carthage FB team. You'll have fun in Dallas! I've missed you! |
This afternoon I'm having the kids and grandkids all over to help decorate the Christmas tree. I'm planning on making a big pot of taco soup and some gingerbread cake to go with it!!
My house is such a mess that I've got to get it back in order!! I just hate the feeling of not being somewhat organized.......and lately it just seems like I'm really losing in that area!!! Christmas and all that goes with it just doesn't help!! I'm trying not to get too stressed over it and make it worse for myself though!!! Easier said than done!!!! |
Today I'm extremly tired. Wish I didn't have to run the afternoon route, I'd much rather take a nap.
I visited Mom in the hospital for awhile this morning and now I'm taking a quick break here and then off to pick up the little darlings...lol. |
Gayle, that shower curtain is adorable!!!!
When we moved from the condo, I had planned to get rid of a lot of stuff! But, it didn't really work out that way. We ended up just throwing everything in boxes and moving it all. Now we have a wall full of boxes in the basement, and if they haven't been unpacked yet, we don't need the stuff that badly! In the spring, our town has a big garage sale weekend. If you plan to hold one, you submit your address and what sort of things you're selling and they will list it in the monthly newsletter. So that weekend, a lot of people come in and just walk around town going from sale to sale. I'm anxious to get rid of things and simplify a bit! Scott is stressed out at work so I'm dealing with his grouchiness at home. I told him to deal with it at work and not bring it home, because he tells me that all the time! Oh welll. He didn't even tell me that he got a promotion! He let it slip yesterday. He's now a design lead, and I told him how proud I was and how great it is that he's moving up so quickly, but that still didn't make him happy :( I just wish he didn't worry about work so much. He never did before. |
Well, we took the TVs over today - I just couldn't stand the thought of the movers moving our new 60 inch TV - just too much money tied up in that thing! We got it over there in my daughter's van with no problems. I'm so relieved.
I think I have everything packed. We'll have to strip our bed in the morning and I'm going to throw everything in my car, so I'll know where it is when everything gets to the new house. I don't want to have to search for my bed linens! :D I sure have a lot of things to do in this house after we move, but I will be so glad to get to the new house. |
Good luck Gayle!!! How exciting! Good luck with the move, and please keep us posted asap.
Betsi, I would cry too. It is wonderful though that you and Mike can laugh and enjoy each other! Now, that is a blessing!!! Linds...how is Layla doing? I have been in the house more than out lately. It isn't really that bad, and I certainly can drive, but it is soooo cold. I never liked winter! I need to get one windshield wiper replaced - it's probably the engine since it's not moving at all. I just haven't been able to get there at 9 AM! I'll go Friday. Other than that, I have my fiber optic Christmas trees and angels up. It looks so pretty! I have to do my cards, and buy some small gifts. Checks have to be made out for the people who run this community, pick up the garbage, etc. I do like giving them gifts because it is nice to be able to show how much I appreciate their hard work. The kids were easy...Jessie told me what they wanted, and they have been ordered on Amazon.com. Mackenzie sent me her own list! Of course, it took her about 10 days to get the list to me, by which time the peacoat she wants is sold out! I found it on eBay for $30 more!!! But, I bought it because this is what 13 year olds are programmed to do! The grown ups are not exchanging gifts this year. Steve and Jessie can't afford it, and I have been helping out here and there, so we are being tight this Christmas. Steve's birthday is January 3rd and I will get him something from the Harley store. |
Layla is doing well Judy! She was half done crate rest yesterday :) Right now she's barking at me for attention lol.
I'm at home today because the roads are terrible. The temperature rose last night and it poured rain on the way home! It was the scariest drive home ever... the roads were pure ice and everyone was driving very very slow. It was raining so hard I needed the wipers on full blast. When we pulled into the garage and got out of the car we realized the WHOLE car was encased in ice! This morning the highway reports said travel is not recommended between here and the city so we decided to stay home. I'm glad your Christmas shopping went well Judy. I am unsure about ordering online now. I've ordered 3 things... one says it's still on backorder, but my credit card was already charged. One has been stuck in Winnipeg for 4 days and the arrival date has been pushed back 6 days. The other one is my biggest problem! I checked the tracking yesterday and it said "Contact UPS for more information" so I found the number for UPS and called... and went through about 10 minutes of pressing buttons to talk to an actual person... And then found out that they can't deliver to a box number (I assumed it would be through Canada Post when it arrived in Canada) so it was sitting on a shelf in Saskatoon for the next 3 days before being sent back. I said, well, can I just have it delivered to my office in Saskatoon? They said no, that would be a change of address to a city different than where it was originally to be delivered... EVEN THOUGH IT'S ALREADY IN THAT CITY!!! They have already given it over to Purolator and they will have to get it back and change address to deliver it. So they put in a request for Purolator to call me and tell me where it is so I can pick it up. REALLY? I needed to REQUEST that?? I can't believe nobody called me about it. If I hadn't checked tracking yesterday, it would be sent back in a couple of days and I would have never known it was here! Next year I'm doing all my shopping in stores. |
Gayle, I would hate to have to go through everything before I moved!! The last place we lived at for almost 20 years and we had a LOT of stuff!!! Yuck!!! Wish that I was close by and had the time to help you!! You're a hard worker and I know that you'll have everything ship-shape in no time!!!
Betsi, I'm so sorry that the holidays are being so hard on you. We're having our Christmas on Christmas Eve with the kids. Besides not having anyone here on Christmas, this will be our first year without anyone to bring their stockings in on our bed to open them up. I know that it's not as bad as having them across the country and ocean from me but still, I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it. You'll just have to plan on watching the kids open their presents while on your Skype!!! Then you'll feel like a part of things!! Lindsey, that was one HUGE party!!!! I can't imagine!!!! I bet you were beautiful in your new dress and we're all a little upset that Scott didn't get a picture of you!! LOL I 'm glad to hear that you're putting that big house to good use!! I'm sure that you had lots of room for everyone!! Judy, I think that a lot of people are cutting back this year. We usually have the kids exchange presents at Glen's family's Christmas together......but this year it just seems out of place to be buying presents for your cousin's kids so since it will be at my house this year we're not going to do it. I'm sure that I'll have some people upset with me but that's alright. I think that we can just enjoy getting together without gifts. We had such a good time last night......I had all of the grandkids, Amy, Dae Lynn, and Jaci....plus Glen and myself. I was disappointed that the others weren't here.....but that's alright. Tammy spent her time wrapping gifts so I can understand why she'wasn't here. I really enjoy the noise of having everyone here and while we ate it was so loud......the kids talking loudly at the bar......and the adults talking loudly at the dining room table...........and right in the midst of all this noise was Little Karlie singing "Silent Night" at the top of her voice.........Gotta' love her!!!!! |
Wow, everyone has been sooo busy. I can't begin to comment on everyone's posts, there are so many and I'd probably forget and leave someone out.
It's been crazy around here. Melissa and Garrett left this afternoon for Disney World, so we are baby sitting their English bulldog, Mack. I can hear him snoring in the living room as I type. He's a mess!!!! a loveable mess. LOL. They will be back briefly on the 22nd and then off to his parents for the 23rd and 24th and back here for Christmas. Karen and Carlton will be headed this way on Friday or early Saturday. They are driving from California in his "project car". It's a supped up silver Pontiac Formula, a late 90's sports car, like a Trans Am, and its loud. Karen wanted to fly and we offered to pay their airfare, but he want's to show his friends what he's been doing to his car and he has a mechanic here locally who he wants to have tune it up after his modifications. Whatever.... as long as they are here for a visit for a couple of weeks, we're happy!!!!! His family does their Christmas on Christmas Eve, so we get to have them all here for the actual Christmas!!! I've been very busy with work. Traveling around handing out Christmas cookie trays and wall calendars to all my customers and visiting with them about their holiday plans. It's really a nice way to get to know them better, so it's enjoyable. Just making good freinds with the bakeries this time of year, and lots of traveling. Next week will be very boring at work. Many of my customers will be off, so not much for an outside sales person to do, but I can work on planning for the future and researching other opportunities. Never nothing to do, just not as fun. I could get online with y'all, but they track our internet activity, if I can even get on 4WT from there now. They have really tightened up security, and my iPhone signal there is very low. |
Today is starting off with a 2-hour delay because of the snow we got last night. Not sure how I will get to see Mom because of the shortened time between routes. I'll have to wait until I'm done for the day and head over. She is suppose to be having the nuclear test today and I wanted to be with her. I'll call her here in a bit and see how she's doing and then will go see her late this afternoon.
Sounds like everyone is so busy and having such good fun. I still haven't got my tree up yet, nor have I bought any gifts. I did order something online for Ricky, but he was sitting here letting me know the exact thing he wanted...lol. Not sure when I'll have time....it may be just cash or gift cards this year...lol. |
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