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You bet...they won't let me win...and now...neither will you. No matter how hard I try...I just can't win...LOL.
Now move over Tink!!! I WIN!! |
Make room for me too, will ya' Janet? Then I can win!!!!!
Aww let me win!!! I have been so busy working.. SO THERE!
I WIN! |
Ok, Gina, I'll let you win, especially since you've been working so hard. You win................................
It's been a LONG day but I thought I'd better pop in!
Good to see ya', Tink!!!!!
Okay now...Gina's been busy...Tink...where have you been and Diana...back away sister...
I WIN!!! |
I've been babysitting, am hosting a pets forum for a couple friends who just started a site, have been busy with my dogs, have company coming this weekend so am trying to gt ready between everything else and I've been really exhausted at night so have been in bed early which is weird for me. But I still make the time to pop in when I can.
Tink you can relax I am here to take over now...
I win!! |
Just don't ever leave us Tink....you'd be missed way more than you can imagine.
Gina.....I win!! |
Aww thanks Janet!
:) |
Tink I shall relieve you....
I win! |
Thanks Gina, you're too kind.
I Win
Good morning everyone!! |
Good Evening all!
Now scoot over MS. JANET...lol I win! |
I'll scoot over so you can sit beside the
WINNER......ME!! |
HA!! You gave away your seat....
I Win! I am here now... |
I'm here and I'm not budging. If you all wanna sit with me fine, but I'm planted. lol
Okay...it's morning, it's Sunday, it's raining and I'm the WINNER!
I am the 700th person to post in this thread!!
Which means I win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Sorry Shada...look again.....701 LOLOL
I WIN!!! |
Good Sunday morning ladies!
Good evening, Everyone!!!
Good evening Diana!! I'm glad you had a good weekend with your guests.
I win ya know! |
Janet, isn't it your bedtime? Nighty, night. Don't let the bedbugs bite!!!!
I should be in bed...I'm tired, but I've missed being able to post with you so here I am....
The Winner!! |
Okay...I give up for just this evening....but I will be back...tomorrow. Nighty night all!!! |
Good night, Janet. I'll talk to you tomorrow!!
Ta da...while Diana is sleeping....ha ha ha I win!!!!
YAWN........I'm up now!! Thanks for holding down the fort for me, Janet, until I woke up!!!!
12:12 PM and you're just now waking up...alright you!!! I win by default!
Actually I had been up for a while when I posted that and, I'm an hour behind you so it was only 11:12!!
Anyway, I'm here now and that's all that matters!!! Good night again, Janet!!! |
Sleep tight ladies.
Good Morning Girls......................I still don't know what I've won..................
Good Luck You all.............. |
You don't actually win anything except for the right to be called the winner. The only catch is is that you have to be the last one to post! Good luck because right now I'm the winner!!!
Yeah right......I win, go back to sleep!
Nice try but I have company...........two year old size company!!! She's a cutie. I'll have to post some pictures!! No sleep for me but who needs sleep when you've just WON!!!!!!
I want to see some pictures!!!!
You'll never win...but I will! |
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