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Diana, a new grandbaby! How exciting!!!
I have been working my butt off. It is only Wednesday and I have already worked 10.5 hours of overtime this week, and I am working more tonight. I am sooooo sleepy. I hope I can get everything done early and go to sleep at a normal time. I don't think I can even tell you what else is new, because my brain is stuck on work! It's good though, I need the extra overtime knowing I now need an extra week off next year for my brother's wedding. I have to ask permission to work over the Christmas break as well. My friend who works in a different department at my company said they were told they could not work even if they have work to do. So if I DO have to use holiday or banked time while the office is closed, at least this overitme now can be used towards that. Such is the life of a workaholic! |
Had a busy day getting ready for tomorrow. Deviled eggs are made, potatoes peeled, dressing is ready to mix up and put in the crockpot, mushrooms ready to be stuffed, turkey and ham ready to be cooked. Noodles ready, and rolls out to be warmed. I cheated this year....the band at school was selling pies for their fundraiser so I bought a pecan pie for me, strawberry rhubarb for Ricky and Rick bought himself a sugar creme. I think everything will be easy tomorrow, since basically it's just putting it in the oven or on the stove.
Enjoy the day everyone! |
Not the same.
What's "not the same," Janet?
Congrats Diana!!! What a wonderful surprise! I remember when Jaci was Homecoming Queen, and so cute in that school show. Now, she will be a Mama! You are a very lucky woman! So many babies, so much love! Linds, don't stress over work days. Life is short....enjoy! I feel for you about the deer. I hit one last year, but I only got it in the hip, and it ran off. There was NO damage to my car, so I figured I didn't hurt it much. Whew! I felt sick though. I made Thanksgiving in my house! Jessie made the stuffing and the veggies, and I made the turkey, potatoes, cranberry sauce, etc. The kids and I were so excited, facebooking each other back and forth! Kass woke up yersterday morning, and ran into Jessie, asking her if she called me yet to make sure I got up to make the turkey! The turkey came out perfect! That was s bit surprising since they so often are too dry. I found a food thermometer, and that did the trick I think. Well, maybe the ton of butter I used in the stock and basted it with helped too! It was a wonderful day. At the end, of course, Steve took some off the pleasure out of it, but I refuse to dwell on it. My dishwasher died two days ago, and then my sink was leaking from a pipe! I got the good paper plates so I wouldn't have to wash dishes. We even used plastic forks and knives and cups! There weren't too many dishes at the end, and I washed them in the bathroom sink. Steve had rigged up the drainpipe in the kitchen so I could use the sink, but I really didn't want to take the chance of a flood. I was soooo tired after I finished cleaning up! Jessie had put everything away already, and took tons of food home. It was a really good day! The kids were wonderful. I am going into Oneonta to Sears to pick out a new dishwasher. On Black Friday! Help! I know what I want, but I would like to see what is on sale anyway, and see this Maytag I want. It got really good reviews. Gayle, I know you must miss Gary so much. You are always in my thoughts. |
It sounds like everyone had a good Thanksgiving with sooo much food!! Glen and I were home alone......well, I was alone......he was out harvesting soybeans. The weather was nice and there was work to be done and since we'd already celebrated with the kids he worked. I ended up fixing a nice supper for us. I really missed not having turkey though!!
I started taking the wallpaper border down in Jaci's room. Dark purple with a star border just isn't for me anymore!! I picked out a medium taupe color. I'm excited to get the room painted and get the furniture in it. I want to have it done before Christmas gets here and I don't think that it will be a problem to have it done by then. We took the Tahoe in to get repaired. A "service 4-wheel drive" warning has been on for some time. We had it repaired a while back but obviously it didn't help. We got it back this morning and the warning is still on. I guess it's going back again. We've also had problems with the AC and heater for some time. It's been in before on that but again, it's not fixed. If it can't be fixed this time then I'm going to try and talk Glen into trading it in. Not having an AC or heat is not fun.....oh, it works off and on......but on the off times it's running the opposite of what it's suppose to. My brother, Delaine, came over yesterday. It was his birthday and he was in town to see his girlfriend and since they were fighting he came out to see me while he cooled down. I really don't enjoy my brother. All he wants to talk about is himself.....and a lot of that is bragging. He doesn't talk much about his kids.......just himself. He tells me how much he loves this girl that he's fighting with........but then he tells me how he's attracted to this other girl and he talks all about her. My brother is soooo much like my Dad......and I don't mean that in a good way. My Dad also liked to talk about himself. I was so relieved when he finally left.......after 2 or 3 HOURS!!!! It's so sad when you only have one sibling and you can't hardly stand to be around him!!! BTW......he's already been married 4 times and is working on his 5th and I can already tell that it's not going to work and I mentioned that. UGH!! Sorry but I could go on and on.......believe me, Glen's already had an ear full of my fustration!!! On a better note.......I went over the other day and got to hold Little Jed!! He's so cute!! He's starting to fill out and was smiling a little. He makes a lot of expressions with his face and little noises all the time......so cute!! |
That's a shame, Diana! 4 marriages is a couple too many! You do have lots of family that you love though. I have no siblings, but I do have some cousins I love a lot.
I did nothing today, which was very nice. I just came from my friend's house, where we all got together for drinks and snacks. My friends are up for Thanksgiving. I really, really love them! Tomorrow, I have a surprise birthday party to go to for a friend who is 80. Her daughter is making it. You would never think Alda is 80! She is like the energizer bunny. These friends are also so nice. What a good weekend! |
We had a great Thanksgiving day in Houston. And we had some wonderful black Friday shopping. Mom and I came home yesterday and I was so tired. I went to a Texas women't basketball game last night - they won - we have a better team this year! Today I've gone to the farmers market and to Big Lots and did some Christmas decorating. I still need to go to the grocery store.
I bought a little composter at the farmer market. I'm on a septic system so I don't have a garbage disposal. All my scraps go into the trash. I had a little electric composter a couple of years ago, but it didn't last very long. This one is not electric and it is anaerobic so you just put the scraps into the bin every day and sprinkle in some wheat bran stuff that will digest the scrape and turn them into compost. Then once a month or so you have enough for compost. I don't have a lot of scrapes so I'll be able to use all the compost I make in my little garden and that will be good. I have 2 more weeks of school and then the semester will be over. I will have about another week of work to do so hopefully I'll get a little break before Christmas. |
Gayle, you do such interesting things!! I wish that I could go with you!! Your little composting thing sounds interesting!! What I don't put down the garbage disposal I throw out the back door......literally!!!! We don't have anything back there so I just throw it in the trees!! The chickens love it!! It's a good thing that I don't have any close neighbors!!!
Judy, your friends always sound like so much fun.....sitting by the pool.......going to their houses.....birthday parties!!! I think that you picked a great place to live!! I didn't get as far painting on Jaci's room as I planned to do because on Saturday I had a stomach ache so I didn't do much. My step-dad was sick last Sunday while he was here and I was worried that I was getting it but it never got very bad......it just gave me an excuse to do nothing!! Yesterday Jaci was at church. She's doing really well.....a lot of morning sickness but she's taking medicine that's helping some. Bad morning sickness seems to run in my family. It was so good to see her because I hadn't talked or seen her since I found out that she was pregnant. She was hungry so her Dad was happy to drive her 30 miles to eat Chinese!!! He still spoils her terribly but she's easy to spoil!! Nate was busy working so he wasn't with her today. We stopped at Wal-mart and we picked up a few things. I have Dean back today!! I haven't had him since last Tuesday and I've missed him!! He's so much company and keeps me laughing so much!! |
Our Thanksgiving was very lonely. Don't think we'll participate next year. I think we'll just go out somewhere instead of sticking around home. It was just the three of us and it wasn't too bad until we sat down for the meal. I love the family chatter and with just the three of us, well...kind of lonely. Did you get a new dishwasher yet Judy? Not sure I would want to be without since I've had one for so long. Kinda of gotten myself spoiled I guess. Gayle, we're on a septic system, but we use our garbage disposal. I just don't put alot of stuff in it. Large quantities like potato skins, etc. I throw in the trash. Smaller type food items I'll run through the disposal. You can paint my living room, family room and hall if you'd like Diana. It really needs it, but don't know if I care enough to do it. Maybe come spring. What did you say you were going to do with this room? That was so nice of Glenn to keep spoiling Jaci. I love Chinese food and Ricky and I ate at a really nice Chinese Restaurant last weekend in Lafayette. |
I am sorry that your holiday was lonely, Janet! Do you know anyone who has no family nearby? You could always invite them to share your holiday with you. That might really cheer itn up.
I did get a dishwasher. I got a good deal at Sears. The only thing is I have to wait until Dec. 8th to have it installed, and my kitchen sink needs a pipe replaced. I am washing dishes in the bathroom sink! It's not too bad since I'm using paper plates and plastic forks and spoons. No cooking either! I was really busy yesterday and today woke up sick, so I didn't even think about it. I can ask the maintenance guy here to fix the pipe. There is a whole story about the installation, which I will post tomorrow. I'm going back to bed! |
So sorry, Judy, that you're sick. It's really going around here. I found out that my Mom is sick today too. At least you both made it through the holiday.
Janet, our Thanksgiving was a bummer too. Since we celebrated ours early there wasn't anyone around on the actual day and Glen was working. I told Dae Lynn that I wouldn't cry over it and I didn't but it was hard. I really missed not having turkey and all the other special foods that we usually have. I did fix a nice supper for Glen and I but it wasn't turkey. I don't know that I'll do it early again because I really didn't like it. I've got Jaci's room almost painted. It looks so nice. The color is a putty color......a medium color. We're going to make it into a sitting room. I have a hide-a-bed that we're going to put in there and I bought a new burgundy cover for it. Then I'm moving my roll top desk in there too. It's always a mess in Glen's office because he moves everything over to my desk so this will let him have the office all to himself. Then I bought a TV at a garage sale for a few dollars that has a dvd and vhs player in it. I'm not sure the vhs works but that's alright. Then the kids can watch movies in there. I have an old toybox that was mine when I was little. It's wooden and has wheels on the bottom so I think that I'll paint it and put it in there too. I bought a safety hinge so the lid won't slam on the kids. I'm so excited to get everything put in there!! I'm not sure what I'm putting on the walls or the windows. I've been looking for curtains and an antique shelf. With the couch in there we can still use it as a bedroom if we have company or as a sitting/play room when the kids or family are here. It will be a lot more usable this way than just a bedroom. I just have a little bit more to trim then I'm ready to start moving in the furniture!! I'm so sentimental.......taking down Jaci's star wallpaper border was hard and then painting over her purple.....just made me want to cry. It's just another sign of my family growning up. Sigh....... |
It sounds like you have it all nicely plannd out Diana!
I think so. I just hope that I have room for all of it!!
I got done painting all the trim now I just need to go around and make sure that it's all painted good and touch up any spots that are too thin. I'm going to start clearing everything out of it to get ready to move the furniture in. While I was painting I just moved everything into the center of the room.......all my "projects" that I'm getting ready to work on!! LOL Mostly it's stuff to decorate Karlie's room and a little chair that I bought to recover. I'll be working on getting Karlie's room ready after I finish Jaci's room. I stopped by last night and held Little Jed!! Ahhhhhhh.......It just feels so good to hold the little guy!! He's so sweet!! Jaci went to the doctor yesterday and they were able to see that the baby has grown and saw the little heart beat!! The doctor can tell that she's worried and told her to stop in and they would check her out any time that she gets worried about her pregnancy. I'm sure that's a big relief to Jaci. She has a really good doctor. I asked her if I could start telling people but she didn't think that she felt comfortable with that but last night at the Alley she was talking about it with about everyone that was there so I think she really is ready to tell.....it's just hard because in the back of your mind the thought is always there that I could lose this one too. I know.......I've been there. I have a Christmas play practice with the Alley kids this afternoon after school and then I have a jewelry party later this evening. I really don't want to go to the jewelry party because I was just at one and bought some stuff and I don't need any more but the hostess is a good friend so I'll go. I really don't like days I have to get out......I'm just happy being at home!! |
I am happy to be home too Diana. In fact, I stayed home Tues, Thurs, and yesterday. I like having nothing to do and staying in my cozy house when winter sets in.
I am going to Jessie's today. I want to see the kids and her. We have been fighting for the past couple of weeks, but it is over now. I have to say, I was scared because she can keep an argument going forever! I still panic because she wouldn't talk to me for those 3 years. If Steve decides to get involved, then I am really in trouble. I'm glad to say that she is not as passive aggressive as she used to be, and, although she takes a long time, she will get it off her chest. It was like normal people for a change! She yelled and carried on, I listen4ed. Then, I yelled back - don't make me the only bad guy! Then we forgot about it. It is a terrible feeling not to trust your own daughter. Maybe it is getting easier to trust her. Whew! I sure hope so! |
Snow day!!!! It snowed so much yesterday and overnight, the highway conditions are awful so we are staying home until they improve. I could really use some extra time off anyway :)
On Saturday, we took two German exchange students to the Festival of Trees at the museum. The museum is one of my favorite places to go, and I've been going since I was little! As you walk in, it is "main street" in "1910 Boomtown" all recreated inside the building. It shows exactly what a little prairie town would have been like. There are full buildings, houses, dentist office, doctor's office, lawyer, engine repair, saddle makers, dressmakers, school, church, everything! And you walk into the buildings and they have all original everything, and display cases of real things used in those places in 1910. They also have mannequins in some of the places and conversations or music, or other sound effects you'd hear in those places. I see something new every time I'm there :) But Christmas is the best, because the whole main street is full of trees up each side, decorated in themes by local businesses. You can buy the trees and whatever is under them (but they are very expensive - hundreds to thousands!!) The girls loved seeing them all though and took so many pictures. They said in Germany, they normally don't even put up trees until the 23rd of December. They celebrate Advent first, and then Christmas. After that, we headed to the craft fair in the big arena. There are hundreds of vendors there and I go every year! This year we are done Christmas shopping already, so I just bought stuff for myself :) Every year I stock up on epsom salt bubble bath from what started as a small company in Alberta a few years ago. They have gotten huge now though! This Christmas they have kiosks in every mall here. But they are half price at this craft fair, so it's much cheaper for me to go there with the amount I buy, even after the $8 fee to get in. Yesterday we stayed inside and got things done around the house. I made a roast chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing, and gravy. It was sooooo good! But so much food lol! As I was setting the table I asked Scott if I forgot anything, and he said "Yeah, about 6 people!" Hahaha |
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