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Janet 01-20-2013 12:18 PM

You sure are getting to be the traveler Gayle. Paris....only in my dreams I'm afraid.

Yesterday was a pretty full day for me. Went to Lafayette with my friend Diane. I was needing some tops and found 3 at CJ Banks. Nice clothes, but a little expensive for me for a total of $70+ dollars. Hope these last for a bit. Was wanting to wait until I lost some weight, but need to face the fact I'll probably always be fat and ugly.

We went to the mall and we stopped at my favorite Chinese restaurant, because that was the plan. While waiting for a table, we realized we really weren't that hungry at 3 in the afternoon so decided to wait and meet up with some fellow graduates back in Frankfort at 5:00. It was nice and there were 5 of us. Great laughs and great conversations. We ate at Arni's and they have the best jr. salads.

Came home and went to bed. Woke up this morning with a tummy ache for some reason. I think it's pretty well gone, but now have a headache. I'm thinking I spend way too much time on this computer and need to take a break from it. I'll probably still check in daily, but limit my time to 30 minutes if at all possible.

Not sure what I'll be doing the rest of the day since it's getting later in the afternoon. Hope you all have had a great weekend.

DianaB 01-21-2013 08:13 AM

I'm glad that you found you some nice shirts. Some times you just have to splurge. As for being "fat and ugly"........you are certainly NOT that! Quit putting yourself down!!! There are plenty of heavier women out there that are beautiful!!! I have learned to like myself at what ever size I am. I would prefer to be smaller but that seems to not be happening so I just do the best I can with what I have!!!

I bet you had a good time eating out with old friends. That sounds like fun!!

Gayle.....you are quite the traveler!! I would love to see California......especially this time of year! Enjoy your time away!!!

Glen and I did something totally crazy yesterday!! There is a young man who started coming to church. He is married with children but is wanting to move to our area for his kids. He found a job at a neighboring town and is living in a small apartment. His family is still in Dodge City getting ready to sell their house so they can move. We offered to let him move in with us. Crazy huh. Glen felt that it was something that God was telling him to do. Also we checked him out a little. His pastor in Dodge City is a brother to our pastor's wife......small world!! He came out yesterday and checked out the house and saw the room.....which needs straightened up and he is thinking about it. We are going to try it......if he accepts the offer......on a two week trial period to see how it goes. He does smoke but smokes only outside so that shouldn't be a problem.

This Wednesday I go with Jaci to the doctor to find out what the baby is!! I can't wait!!

I finally bought a shelf off of e-bay to go in Jaci's room! It's made out of an antique organ. I'm excited to get it and get it put up! I also have an old toy box that was mine when I was a kid that I've painted black to go in the room. I'm going to write "TOYS" on the front of it and pain the wheels burgundy. The room is really coming together. I can't wait to show you all pictures of it!!

Janet 01-21-2013 10:11 AM

Wind is blowing so hard today and it's cold. Suppose to be even colder tomorrow with a high of 3 degrees and a windchill of 20-30 below. I don't like this one bit!!!

2tiredmom 01-21-2013 10:14 AM

I don't care for the cold cold either. But my hubby is in N. Dakota and it is really really cold there in the negatives. Have gotten alot done today on my day off. Cleaning and now watching movies. Got a crochet baby blanket done. Now i have to start on my project for next fall. 20 headbands 20 hats and 20 scaves. A fund raiser for a school.

gja1000 01-22-2013 08:03 PM

It really is cold up north. I feel guilty because it's in the high 60's here. And I'm going to CA tomorrow where it's in the 70's.

Linda your knitting project sounds really wonderful. I'm knitting too so I may need to find an organization to take some of my things. But I have to get better first. HA!

Diana, that's a really nice gesture to offer the family a place to stay.

I heard an owl in, or close to, my backyard last night. I worried about the dogs, but they were OK. I haven't heard him tonight. It was really cool to hear him though.

gja1000 01-25-2013 03:30 PM

Yay for wireless Internet on the plane. It makes the time go so much faster! I'm on my way home from SanDiego. Good trip, saw some old friends and learned a few things. It was really pretty, lots of flowers and green grass. I like seeing the ocean. I'm ready to be home though, I was in Houston last weekend and then on to San Diego Wed. No more traveling for a few weeks.

gja1000 01-26-2013 08:47 PM

Busy day today getting everything put away and straightened out. I'm not finished though, I've got laundry to do and cooking to do tomorrow. It feels good to be home! A friend of Gary's came today and took all of Gary's outdoor hunting equipment. I thought it would be sad to see it go, but it wasn't. Robert is one of Gary's best friends and I know he treasures having all of Gary's hunting things. He will put everything to good use.

I'm tired! I didn't sleep well in CA and although I did sleep well in my own bed last night, I'm still really tired tonight. I'm so glad I got home on Friday, so I had all of today and tomorrow to get ready for the week!

Hope everyone is OK, it's been pretty quiet around here the past few days!

Shada 01-27-2013 08:16 AM

Been really cold this past week, so yesterday was the first day out of the house except for work.... spent the afternoon with my Mom. Went and did a little shopping, me a trip to PetCo for treats for my doggie, he also has a birthday coming up so picked up a deer antler chew, plus a cute and hideous at the same time stuffed toy possum. Looks really real!!!
Mom had to return a top and of course found another.. that woman loves to shop.
Then lunch at Culver's. I love that place! Got a pot roast beef sandwich and it tasted like leftovers at home. Good.

Today is laundry day. Called my Dad in Florida to hear about the nice weather.
Going to work around the house and hopefully get a few needed things done.

Janet 01-28-2013 08:17 AM

I have been a little more on the go here lately. The time came when I decided I just wasn't going to sit around or work around this house all the time. When I have the opportunity to go out, I've been going. Last weekend I went shopping with my friend Diane and bought 3 tops. I think I already mentioned that somewhere. Then I wanted to go eat at Treece's and decided I would go even if I went by myself. Rick decided he wanted to go so he did.

Then this past Saturday I went to the city of Lebanon (just south of Frankfort and also where my mother was born) with a grade school friend named Judy. We went to a restaurant called Parky's Grill and had a pulled pork sandwich, slaw, tea and then I topped it off with pecan pie. Judy had sugar creme. From there we went to the new Menard's store there, so fun and so nice!!! Menard's is my favorite store of all time. I could walk through those aisles all day. Then we went to Big Lots, where I bought a new red coffee cup and then we stopped at the Goodwill store there. We had a very nice day and the weather was in the 40's, but felt much warmer.

Yesterday I just got caught up on laundry and didn't even bother to get dressed. We had spare ribs which were so good, but next weekend....I'm planning on going to the Teppanyaki Grill. Wanted to go this past weekend, but thought the weather was going to be bad on Sunday.

Also need some new walking shoes and I always buy those at Kohl's. So that is what I want to do next weekend too. I just feel so much better getting out in the world.

gja1000 01-28-2013 04:01 PM

Janet, I'm so glad you are getting out more, you should do that - get out and about more and enjoy yourself!

DianaB 01-29-2013 01:47 PM

I'm glad that you're getting out too. That's something that I need to do more of as well......and I will when it warms up.

It's been busy here. We had a late Christmas party on Thursday......then we had Kera's Sweet Sixteen party on Saturday.......then Sunday is church. On Saturday I leave to go to my neice's to help take care of her and her new baby......plus I have a party here at the house on Friday!! January hasn't slowed down at all!!!

We are FINALLY getting some rain!! So far this month we've had a couple of inches and it's been raining off and on all day today! I'm so glad. All of Kansas is in a drought so the rain is very welcome!! With no grass in the yard though I have mud.....mud......and mud everywhere!!! UGH!!!!

Gayle....I would love to go and see California and the ocean....especially this time of year where we're not green at all!! I bet the flowers were beautiful!!!

gja1000 01-29-2013 08:33 PM

Wow, Diana, you have been really busy! My life is so quiet now, I can't imagine all that activity! LOL!

I've had a busy week so far. Being out of town last week put me behind so I'm trying to catch my tail this week and you know how that goes! LOL! I'm still tired from traveling. I think I might have caught a little bug because I just haven't felt quite on par since I got back. I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow.

It's been HOT again, but we had a cool front through today and it's only supposed to be in the 40's in the morning and then maybe 30's Wednesday night. I'm rooting for some more cool weather. I'm not ready for summer just yet.

Diana, we haven't had any rain this week, :(, like you we are so dry - I don't think as dry as you, but dry none-the-less. We need rain badly!

Janet 01-30-2013 08:05 AM

We're not green here either, so dirty and muddy looking. We've had a lot of rain here lately and last night severe storms because the temps got up to 65 degrees. Temps going down today into the teens and colder the next couple of days. It's so hard driving the bus down these wet gravel roads. If you don't stay in the middle and go fast enough, you'll sink and get stuck. Can't believe it's 2013 and we still have gravel roads that really...in the winter time are mud roads. Well, with the temperature dropping they'll be freezing hard again so it will be somewhat better.

Yesterday was kind of a wildlife day for the kids on my bus. We had 18 deer cross the road in front of us yesterday and then on another road, we saw a redtail hawk fight with a snake and take off flying with it....so cool! Kids loved it.

Heard from one of the places I've applied to and they don't want me. It was at Unity Hospital in Lafayette. Oh well, this is the second position they've turned me down on so I guess I won't apply there anymore. There are other places, so I'll just keep trying.

Sure looking forward to Spring. I don't want to wish time away, but I want to look out the windows and see leaves, green grass and flowers.

DianaB 02-02-2013 09:14 AM

Sorry Guys, but I don't have time to read the posts. We had a church party here last night so I've spent the last few days cleaning and getting ready for that......and this morning I'm getting ready to head to Oklahoma. My neice had her baby on Thursday and I'm heading down there as soon as I get my clothes packed. I'm not sure when I'll be home......I'm just going to play it by ear. It just depends on how she's doing and IF her boyfriend gets rude.

Anyway.....I love you guys and will talk with you when I get home UNLESS she happens to have internet but I doubt that she will. Talk to ya' soon!!!

Janet 02-03-2013 09:43 AM

Safe travels Diana...hope to hear from you soon.

Last night Ricky had a date so Rick and I headed to Lafayette. I have been wanting to eat at the Teppanyaki Grill (Chinese food) for a couple weeks so we headed there first. Everything tasted so good and fresh...loved it. Ate way more than I should have, but that's what happens when it's an all you can eat buffet setting.

After eating we went to Kohl's Department store. I needed new walking/cross-training shoes in a bad way. Mine still looked decent, but had wore down and my feet were hurting. Met this wonderful older man, Indian I named Ivan. I was getting ready to leave not finding exactly what I was looking for and this wonderful man found a pair just like the ones I was wearing. They are so comfortable. Told him he was my new best friend...lol.

After we got home Ricky and Audrey came out to watch a movie and we talked a bit, before me going to my room. Enough time has passed since 'the incident' and she does seem to be a nice girl. Wish she was a bit older, but I'm staying out of it.

Church was nice this morning, everyone is so friendly there. The Pastor wants me to take these classes to know more about the church beliefs. Not sure I want to do that....I want to be able to go and worship without restrictions. I may go to a class and see what it's like though before I just say no.

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