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It will be kind of a sad Valentines day tomorrow for me. I don't have my valentine with me anymore, :(. We never got each other big gifts for valentines, but we always got each other 2 cards, one mushy and one funny. One time Gary waited till Valentines day to pick up a card on the way home and of course, it was a dumb card becasue it was practically the last one on the shelf. I made the mistake of saying it was a dumb card and that he shouldn't wait till the last minute to get one. Well every Valentines day after that, he made a BIG POINT to say he shopped WAAAAAAY in advance for my card so it wouldn't be dumb. It became a running joke with us. There won't be any dumb, funny or mushy valentine's cards from my sweetie this year, but I'll be thinking about all the funny and sweet cards he got me for 30 years, and I think that will help me make it through the day!
((((hugs))))) for you Gayle!!!
Oh Gayle! I'm thinking of you today.
On our way home yesterday, Scott stopped at the post office. I said "It's not mail day! It's Tuesday!" We normally stop to pick up mail on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. He said "No.... it's Wednesday" and I realized I was too late to get him a Valentine's day card! Oops. This morning the roads were bad so we stayed home. He was really concerned about getting to the city today though. Conditions improved after a couple of hours so he went in to work. I have my laptop at home so I'm just staying at home to work for the day. He told me not to worry about cooking tonight. I came back upstairs to work and I saw an envelope on the top of a doorway with my name on it. It was a Valentine's Day card from him! I feel like such a bad wife this year lol! I will have to make it up another day. I hope I don't forget about his birthday or something lol. |
A BIG hug for Gayle!!!! How funny that you got each other two cards!! How sweet!! I hope your memories help you to have a wonderful day!! Wish you were here I'd have you over for a Valentine's supper.
Since Dae Lynn's divorce is tomorrow I knew that she'd probably be down so I'm fixing supper. I usually do that anyway but was actually looking forward to going out this year.....Oh well. We're having BBQ pork steak (Dae Lynn's favorite), twice baked potatoes, a red-hot jello salad (that is Glen's favorite), cream cheese in corn, garlic bread, and cheese cake with cherries.......Yummm......I can't wait!! The salad is finished and the potatoes are baking......Glen's going to grill the pork steaks so I won't have too much to do. Glen gave me a HUGE card this morning. I have a card for him too but I haven't signed it yet. I'll probably just set it on his desk rather than give it to him in front of Dae Lynn. Well.....I better go.......Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!! Lots of love!!! |
My kiddos are coming for the day. This is an unexpected trip - a funeral. They have to be in Houston tomorrow, so they are making a quick trip today. I'll get to keep the girls while mom and dad to to the funeral. Then we'll all eat a late lunch together before they head back. It will be good to see them!
Well I knew I was being a bit too cocky writing about getting a vehicle and one of these days I'll learn. I really want that Camry, but just got our taxes done and we have to pay. They didn't take federal taxes out on me, so I have to pay them and then the income from mom's house. It really wasn't much income because we sure don't have any left after paying for repairs, updates, taxes and insurance.
Not sure what I want to do now. A friend of mine told me that I would be going about $16,000 in debt for the car and that I'm just trying to make myself happy through getting a car. Even though I couldn't afford it, I was willing to go in debt for it anyway. She's probably right, but I've got to find something other than my van. It's needing some repairs and I just don't want to put a bunch of money in to it. So....I'm going to try and watch my outbursts and cocky attitude. I've been looking forward to today, no school. Suppose to be in the mid 50's with beautiful sunshine, but we are under a wind advisory. Walk out the door and you darn near get blown away...lol. I have errands to run in town so will do that and then I guess come back and stay inside. Sure wish it was warmer so I could be outside in the sunshine. It usually helps my depression. Also, wanted you all to know that Ricky is still seeing the same girl, Audrey. I'm trying to push him out to fly on his own. I don't need to know everything he does, it just upsets me, so he needs to move out on his own. Either try to purchase a house that he can work on (only kind he'll be able to afford) or find a place to rent. All I know is it's time. |
Janet, if you are needing a new car, I don't think you're just trying to make yourself happy through getting a car! If you need one, you need one. The right one will come along that you can afford!
We've had a busy but quiet weekend. We're getting all of our Africa stuff in order and we did some shopping on Saturday for extra stuff we need. I went to Winners (not sure if that is in the USA too or not, but it's a discount store with good brands) and got myself some good athletic shirts to take - a couple of short sleeves and a couple of long sleeves. Everything I own is heavier cotton, or colors I can't wear there (white or blue mostly), so it will be nice to have thinner shirts with wicking for the hot temperatures. Then I went to a sporting store to use a gift card I got from my parents for Christmas. I planned on getting some polarized sunglasses for the trip (I only own cheap Walmart sunglasses lol!) I didn't even look at prices, but the ones I liked ended up only being $100 so I had another $100 to spend! I found some nice grey lightweight zip-off pants... and they are long enough for me!!! I have really long legs and have issues finding pants that fit! So anyways, now I'm totally ready to go on the trip :) It was a successful shopping day! On Sunday morning, Scott asked if I wanted to go skating with him. He goes almost every Sunday that there is a free family skate. Normally I'm busy doing other things, but I had only planned to run on the treadmill, so why not go skating instead? I pulled my skates out of the basement and when I took them out at the rink I noticed the blades were all rusted :( It made me sad!! I wiped off as much rust as I could, and went out. I was not really that bad. I had it in my head that I'm not good at skating now, because I've only been skating on bumpy outdoor ice for the last 10 years. It's just not the same! I've been skating basically as long as I've been walking. My parents had a rink in our backyard when I was little, and I would push around a little stacking stool for balance on my teeny tiny little figure skates. When I was 4, my parents put me in figure skating. When I was 14 I started teaching the smaller kids as a helper to the coach. I stopped taking lessons when I was 16 (I was at the same level as my coach and would have to travel an hour each way for lessons at another town with a more advanced coach) but I continued teaching until I graduated high school, and I still performed at the town skating carnival. I didn't try anything on Sunday, like spins or jumps or anything, because I wasn't sure how good those would be, and the rink was pretty full of kids so I didn't want to cause any injuries lol! But I can still skate. And I can still skate fast and backwards and balance on one blade and it all came back to me like I never stopped! I told Scott that I felt more like ME than I had in years. It's kind of a thing that defined me when I was growing up and I thought I had lost it! It's a really cliche thing to say, but I felt alive lol. I will be going to more Sunday skates with Scott now :) Today is Family Day, a stat holiday here. I am catching up with laundry and housework! Boo. |
Janet, I agree with Lindsey, you will get your car when the time is right. You need one and it will happen.
I had a good weekend, got to see my kids on Saturday. Then on sunday, I took Rex & Rowdy to the farmers market in their stroller. They loved it and so did everyone else. Gary used to say the boys in the stroller was a chick magnet! LOL! Of course for me, it's just a people magnet, but of course the main admirers are female. LOL! There is a lady there that sells organic dog treats (yes, of course i bought some!) and she took a picture of them and asked if she could display it. Of course, I said yes! I love the farmers markets. Food products have to be organic to be allowed at the market. I love that I don't have to worry about pesticides. Everyone there appreciates organic products and so it is a love fest amongst the customers. LOL! You can find goat's milk soap and lotions, natural deodorant, handmade jewelry, it's all just so much fun and makes me feel good! There is always a band or singer at most farmers' markets and that is nice too. The boys and I sat down and listened to The Mighty Pelicans for quite a while. They are sorta New Orleans jazz band and it was fun! Today I'm going to a lecture at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at my university, the University of Texas, given by a former mayor of Atlanta (who is here as a visiting scholar at the LBJ School) about where we've been with civil rights and what the future may hold. A friend of mine that I don't see very often is going with me so it should be a wonderful event. I'm still appalled when I think about Governor Wallace standing on the steps of the University of Alabama and said Black students could not attend. I recall the old footage of the National Guard escorting the students to class. I can't imagine that happened in my lifetime, but it did! |
The lecture yesterday was very good! The speaker made an interesting statement, "We are a country of immigrants, learning to be a country of immigrants". True statement.
Today is Gary and my anniversary (31 years). I'm not sad, just nostalgic. |
Thirty one years...no wonder you are nostalgic, and you have every right to be sad.
I have started an exercise class called BodyFit Bootcamp. My niece encouraged (made) me go with her. Its a hard class for this ol' fat gal, but I'm doing the best I can. My sil Teresa is going too so we all sweat together! Gayle, here is a picture of one of the halls in the Paris Opera house. Michael took a picture of me gawking at it, lol! |
Hmmm. The preview showed that it loaded. I'll try again! Sorry, the upload keeps failing. Guess I'll try again later!
Gayle, I'm so proud of the way you deal with the special days of your marriage. You treasure your memories and draw strength from them. You are such a special woman and I admire you!!
Janet, You'll get a car......just keep looking. There are nice cars that are in a lower price range. Don't give up!! Not much going on here. I had Dean today. Oh....he's doing so good with potty training!! All of a sudden he's getting it.....of course, a little swat on the rear helped out!! Dae Lynn thought that Karlie had pink eye last night so she took her to the doctor this morning. It turns out that she has an upper respiratory infection that is affecting her eyes as well. Whew! I'm so glad that it's not pink eye!! When Dae Lynn came to get Dean she said that she's not feeling well. I hope it's not the flu!! We got SNOW today!! Not much and it really wasn't that pretty but I'll take it!! Church this evening was canceled and we're suppose to have more bad weather tonight and tomorrow! I love watching it from my big windows!! I've spent the last couple of days cleaning my bathroom. I even took a steamer and cleaned the tile around the bathtub and the floor around the toilet. It looks so nice! I really need to clean out some drawers too but I think that I'll worry about that later!! |
I forgot to add......
Lindsey, I'm so glad that you found out that you hadn't forgotten to skate!! I'm sure you were thrilled. I didn't grow up skating and could barely roller skate but I wish that I could. My family all go if the ponds freeze over which isn't very often. |
Gosh this place is quiet. I guess everyone is really busy. I've been busy too! Diana, did you all have a lot of snow this week? In western Oklahoma where my farm is located, they had about 16 inches with big drifts. My brother said there was a five foot drift in front of their front door but they could get out the back door. However, they have not had any electricity since the storm blew in, however I heard from someone else in the little town that their electricity was on this evening. It was quite the snow event and rural Oklahoma is ill prepared to handle such a dramatic snow event.
I've been busy at work, we are about mid semester so students and faculty are working hard. I'm in administration as well as teaching so we are actually trying to get the fall schedule set. Our students pre-enroll for the fall starting April 1, which is only a month away. So, it is a busy time! I'm going to Houston this weekend. I'm anxious to see the kids, I haven't been down in about a month. I'm going to New Mexico for spring break. I have 2 cousins who live out there and one who lives in Oklahoma. My Oklahoma cousin is driving to Albuquerque and I'm flying - but only 1 way, because I'll ride back to Austin with my Oklahoma cousin as she wants to swing by here and see my mom. I think I'll be gone about 8-9 days, not really sure though. I'm leaving the dogs with my daughter this weekend. They won't be very happy staying with her for 2 weeks. But they'll survive! We have not had any rain in several weeks now and very very little all winter. The drought is getting quite severe again. Year before last was horrid, last year a little better, and now it looks like we are going back to horrid! Hope everyone is OK and checks in soon. |
Gayle, I hope you have a good time!! It sounds like a nice trip!!
Sorry, I just haven't been on here or FB much lately. It just seems like it's too much effort to type out what's going on. Yes.....we got snow!!! I was so excited and I have pictures to post on another thread for you!! Last weekend we went to my Aunt Marva's where we went to a get-together to meet others that are going on the cruise. I was disappointed in the women because they weren't very friendly and I didn't meet as many as I would have liked to and I would have felt awkward marching out in the middle of them and making them meet me!!! LOL I did meet.....oh, maybe....5 or 6 so that's a start. One girl is about my age and seems to be fun so I'm really looking forward to chatting with her some more. I know that we're going with Marva and her husband but I know that they won't want to do EVERYTHING with Glen and me and I'm looking forward to making some new friends!! Before I left for Marva's my neice called (the one that just had the baby) and her boyfriend took her car.....and it's basically all she has. Plus he's threatened her and she's terrified of him. So....she needs to figure out what she needs to do. With three kids and a drugged up boyfriend she has some decisions to make. It wasn't the most relaxed weekend with me worrying about her. I need to talk to her and find out if her car has been found yet. Also my neice's sister, another neice, Jamie, had a baby on Monday. Our family is really expanding!! Plus we have three babies due in July on Glen's side of the family.....not counting Jaci!! Speaking of Jaci......she's really starting to show!! The baby is quite active.....and I hope that's not an indication of what she'll be like when she arrives!! Jaci and Nate have her furniture already. Now they need to have a wall built (they live in a one bedroom house but it's a big room so they're building a wall to make another bedroom.) I've been buying thngs for the baby......and Nate's Mom has been too!! This will be her first granddaughter......she has 5 grandsons and the others are done having kids now so she is really excited about this one!! Jaci and Nate came over a couple of days ago to visit and when it got late they ended up spending the night. It was so nice to have them here!! I wish that you all could meet them.....they are just the sweetest couple!! |
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