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You get quite a bit done too Diana!!
For cleaning the cabinet surfaces, I use the good old Murphy's Oil Soap. It always makes my cabinets look great and feel like new. I haven't started cleaning them yet... :) I ran my errands and then came home and put together a shower caddy on one of those pole thingys...lol Now I'm on the darn computer again. I may start here in a few minutes.....or not..lolol. I have to get my hair cut at 9 tomorrow morning so I'll probably start when I get home. Sure hope so!!! We got the snow Sunday night and Monday morning....about 9 inches total but it's suppose to get into the 50's this weekend and it's above 32 now so it won't stick around long. Now....if spring would just hurry and get here before anymore winter stuff. This kind of weather sure doesn't help the mood very much. I need sunshine and warmth so bad. It does help when the sun is out for me to sit at the big window and take it all in. Makes me feel so sleepy, but it does help my mood some. |
Wow!! You got a lot of snow!! Ours pretty much melted the next day and there's only snow where there were big drifts. Feyn had a huge drift in front of his house on the road and had to pull every people out of it.
I'm trying to get ready for Easter. I think that my neice, Natasha, and her three kids are going to come and spend the night on Saturday. Plus her sister, Jamie, and her three kids are probably coming too. I don't know if they're spending the night or not but I suggested that they stay at Mom's. It will be good to see them. They both have new babies and I haven't seen Jamie's. I've decided that I'm going to serve tacos. I can have the meat already cooked and the girls can bring the goodies to go on top. I was originally planning on ham but nobody else is interested in fixing what goes with it. Tacos will be easy. We also have the Baker Easter picnic on Saturday. It's suppose to rain so I'm not sure what will go on with that. They always go to a creek or somewhere interesting outdoors. In fact, Glen, his brother, Mark, and Dean, are all out looking for a place right now. If I can get everything cleaned and ready then I may be able to go this year. I'm usually home getting ready for Easter. However.....it's not something that I enjoy going to. |
The snow isn't sticking around much. We still have some just in spots...nothing much. I'm so glad. It was 49 degrees today and the sun felt so warm. Since there was no wind blowing at all, I opened the front door. The screen door is all glass right now so the sunshine sure felt warm coming in.
Still haven't got started on the kitchen cabinets...lol. But hey....I have one heck of a clean bathroom....lolol. I did dust real good and run the sweeper today, but that is about it. Also took a nap. I think tomorrow I'm going to Lafayette and test drive a couple different vehicles. I've been wanting a different one as you know, so I thought it at least try them out. I'm really wanting a Toyota Camry or Honda CR-V. I am (probably) going to wait to purchase one in June because that is when everything we have will be paid off. Looking forward to that! Also want to go by this house that may be something decent for Ricky. Just want to check it out and get out of the house for awhile. Still haven't heard anything yet about a job I interviewed for. She said she would let me know this week, so maybe tomorrow I'll find out if I got it or not. |
I'll keep my fingers crossed about the job.
We had a really nice day yesterday as well. I got hot while shampooing carpets and had my front door open too. I'm wondering WHY I bother to shampoo the carpets.......Karlie walked on the area that I had just done and left huge chunks of mud.....I picked it up but still! Then this morning Dean knocked the table that my coffee was on and......well, at least the whole cup didn't spill. I'm not sure what I doing today but it will be cleaning and getting ready for Easter! And going to the grocery store! |
This weekend we were able to relax a lot, which was nice for a change. We both had Friday off, so we did some house cleaning and then just watched some tv!
On Saturday we made a trip to Costco because we needed two things, and we left $402 later. On the plus side, we don't have to buy groceries (other than fruits and veggies) for a long time! We also decided to clean out our closet, and put together a large box of clothes for donation. I'm so glad Scott is finally purging some of his stuff! He honestly still wears t-shirts from when he was 14. He still wears pants from the 90's, and you know, pants that were COOL for teenagers in the 90's and are NOT COOL now lol! I still wonder how they even fit, becuase he's 6'4. Must have gotten his growth spurts early in life!!! Sunday I started putting together a slideshow on our trip to Africa. I'm presenting a lunch and learn on Wednesday for my office. It's so hard to choose only a portion of the pictures! We spent most of Sunday evening in front of the tv. I just felt like doing nothing. Our laundry room is on hold for now while we wait for our friend (a plumber) to come over to rough-in our pipes. Then we need my brother to check Scott's electrical work and say it's okay, and we can start putting up the drywall. So in the meantime, Scott has been working on our basement. It was partially finished (a few unfinished walls put up) but we have decided to completely change the design, making a smaller bedroom and a much larger living space. Scott spent the weekend taking down some of the walls and it makes the space look so much bigger already! Oh and Scott starts a new job in 2 weeks. He was contacted by a headhunter a few months ago, and decided to try for an interview with this company. They liked him, and sent him an offer a couple of weeks ago. The salary they offered was substatially more than he or I make now, so it was hard to turn down. It also will cut about 45 minutes off our daily commute. I'm excited for him to start, and I really hope he likes it there! |
Wow! Lindsey, so many changes in your life. I can see why you would be tired and needing a day in front of the TV.
You all have been cleaning house and doing so many things! I'm just trying to keep my head above water at school. It is such a busy busy time! I went to Houston to see my kids over Easter and we had a good time together. My daughter is having some issues with anxiety. She has a generalized anxiety disorder and with the death of her dad a couple of years ago and then Gary this past year, she is having a hard time. We got to talk a lot and I think she feels some better. I convinced her to see a therapist because I think she has more issues than she can work out on her own. I'm doing fine. It will be a year next month that I lost Gary and I'm feeling pretty good. I still miss him every day but things are getting so much better and so much more normal. I'm looking forward to school being over and having a bit more time for myself! |
Lindsey, you are soooo busy!! I'm sure that you enjoyed an evening in front of the tv!! Everything will look so nice once you get it all done!!
Gayle, it's so hard to believe that it's almost been a year without Gary. I'm sure that it's been so hard on you. I know that your family has been such a great help and also your work! You're amazing!!! We had a very busy weekend. First.....Glen's family's Easter Picnic.......we had it closeby by the river. It was such a fun day and the weather was so beautiful!! Then on Sunday after church I had my family over.....with my brother's family. It was so good to have my neice, Natasha, here with her new baby. She's the one that I went down and stayed with a few days. Then her sister was here with her new baby....only a month old!! And of course, Baby Jed was here so we had lots of babies to hold!! You could tell my Mom was thrilled to have everyone here. I also had a nephew that I haven't seen for awhile as well. Oh.....and Natasha brought a friend and his 4 kids!!! Trust me.......we had a housefull!!! I think that we counted about 30 or so. I was really questioning why I bothered to shampoo the carpets!! With no grass in the yard......and I'm not kidding......there was mud tracked into the house!! Oh well.....the kids were really well behaved so I'm not complaining much about the mud!! Now I'm just trying to get things back into order. Also I just realized that our cruise is in about 10 days!! So I'm trying to get things bought to take with me! I'm so excited!! Glen's getting fustrated though because it's time to plant corn and it's been raining so he's getting grumpy about the cruise. And......we have rain expected all week!! Maybe next week he can at least get started then Feyn can work on it while we're gone. |
HI Everyone,
Spring is such a busy time for everyone. It seems that they are out and about doing things - not to mention work is busy for me at this time of the year. But school will be over in a month and I can catch my breath! I have been working in my yard some, not too much, but getting my garden in shape. I noticed a tiny baby tomato on one of my vines yesterday! I mowed all the dead grass off and mowed my leaves into mulch. That really wasn't too hard since I have a riding lawn mower. LOL! The yard looks nice now. We haven't had much rain this spring so things are not as pretty as usual. I'm afraid we are not going to have any rain over the summer so I am gearing up for that. I'm thinking about removing some of the grass in my yard and replacing with beds for a few native plants that don't have to be watered much. I've contacted a landscape designer but havent heard back from them yet. I'm going to Las Vegas this weekend! I like Las Vegas, but not to gamble so much, just to people watch and look at all the sights. I have a friend in California and she and her husband are coming to Vegas for the weekend so I'm meeting them. It's only 2 days, Friday and Saturday, then home on Sunday. Hope everyone is having a wonderful spring. |
Diana, your cruise is going to be so much fun!
Gayle, I wouldn't call what we are having "spring" lol! We still have about 3 feet of snow everywhere, and it just keeps snowing. We have had snow now for almost 26 weeks - half a year. Last year by this time our grass was turning green! I hope you have lots of fun in Vegas! I don't like to gamble either, but I enjoy walking around there and seeing everything, like you said! Speaking of Vegas, we got an invitation in the mail a couple of weeks ago from my best friend's mom. She is having a vow renewal ceremony in Las Vegas in November, and she wrote on the card that she didn't tell her daughter she was inviting Scott and I, and her she is in the "wedding" party, so if we come it will be a big surprise to her!!! I thought that would be so cool to say to my friend "Have fun at your mom's ceremony and we'll talk when you get back!!!" and then just show up there!!! Unfortunately, it is the week after my brother's wedding in Mexico :( So it probably won't happen... the only possibility is that coincidentally, the ceremony is on Friday, and on the following Monday, a conference/training thing is starting in Vegas, and I have been asking to go for the past two years (it was promised when I was hired, but they haven't had the budget to send me yet). I am going to try to secure a spot this year and see if my company would pay for the flight a few days early if I pay for the hotel room until Monday when the conference starts. So I'm holding on to that glimmer of hope lol! Yesterday, our friend came over and put in the plumbing for our new laundry room. Scott finished the electrical in the walls too. Now we just need to have it inspected and we can cover the walls. I think today he is going to start framing a linen closet. I'm going to do some cleaning and probably start removing things from the back entrance closet - we are going to be tearing that down and rebuilding it on another wall. It just never ends lol! Oh yeah, and Scott's sister had a baby girl this morning! So I am an aunt again! My best friend is scheduled for a c-section on Thursday. Babies everywhere!!!! |
Today has been such a wonderful, beautiful day and I've really enjoyed being outside. Usually I rake the small limbs and sticks, but just can't do it as well, sooooo I used our leaf blower and it works great!!! Ricky was sweet enough to pick them all up after I got them blown into a pile.
Then I cleaned out my van, hadn't done that since last fall and boy did it need it. No wonder I haven't lost weight....seen evidence of what I've been eating in the van...lol. It needs washed, but I just can't do that anymore. The bending over and scrubbing just kills my back. So...I'm thinking of taking it to this car wash that will get it squeeky clean for me. Also advertised some items on local "For Sale" sites on FB. Sold Mom's 3-wheel bike and a wall lamp I had. The people came to pick them up today. Also sold a hose reel with a hose on it and it was picked up today too. That was a quick $75. I put something on FB that now I wish I hadn't. I put that I wished FB hadn't turned into a recipe site. There had been sooo many recipes and pictures and although I did enjoy them and I copied and pasted a lot of them in my word program, I just got tired of seeing so many. When everyone shares them I was seeing some the sames ones over and over and over. Besides my weight, I'm going to work on keeping things to myself a bit instead of voicing it out there on FB. Well, think I'm going to go for another walk. Love being outside in the sunshine! Hope you're all having great weather too. |
LOL Gayle, that's EXACTLY what I thought! I'm in capris, a t-shirt and barefooted right now:p
The weather is so crazy right now!! I know that some are still getting snow!! I have to say that I'm finally ready for warmer weather.......and we get some a couple of days a week!! LOL Then we have snow, rain, or whatever!! Glen keeps putting away his long johns only to have to pull them back out again!! LOL
I got my hair cut and highlighted yesterday. I need to wash it and style it my way to see if I like it or not. The girl I go to is just ok. There's another girl that I really prefer to go to but she's always booked so far ahead so I stay with Jennifer and just cut a little more when I get home!! LOL I've been slowly getting things ready for the cruise. I need to start packing and getting ready. We have to be in Muskogee by 5:00 on Saturday to get a good seat on the bus. I'm so ready!! Glen has been doing things for the girls lately. He got a trampoline put together for Dae Lynn's kids......and they are loving it!! Then yesterday he moved a shed for Jaci. She is so excited about it! I don't know what she's going to do with it but I guess we'll see. I picked up pizza and took it out last night when the guys got done. I got to see the baby's room! It's so cute!! Of course she's still working on it. They had one large bedroom that they built a wall in and made two rooms. It turned out so nice!! Oh.....and Jaci's at 28 weeks!! Little Ali Kay is coming quickly!! I think that today I'm going to work on laundry so we have everything clean when we actually start packing and I'm going to start picking out what I'm taking. Tonight we have the Alley. I may beg out so I can still work on getting ready to go. Amy should have plenty of helpers tonight. I'd also like to leave the house clean. It's so much nicer to come home to a clean house. I wish that you were all going! |
I'm trying to pack for our cruise and, believe me, Dean's NO help!! He took everything I had laying out and put it in a suitcase!! I was trying on some clothes and he even packed the shirt I had on!!
Glen's been trying to pack his scuba gear and Dean's pulling it out faster than he can put it in. Glen's pretty fustrated with him because he's got to have everything in it's place. It's a good thing that it's nap time!! As far as packing......I'm ready to quit and just go! It's fustrating because Glen's got to have help on every little thing! UGH!!!! We leave TOMORROW and I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
That sounds like so much Fun, Diana! It will be great for you to have a vacation with your hubby. You have been through so much in the last year, a little R&R is certainly in order! Take lots of pictures, and don't forget the sunscreen;)
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