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My goodness has this place been a ghost town. Hope everyone is doing great. See most everyone on FB so that is good.
I spent a few days last week helping Linda (2tiredmom) go through her parents house to get ready for a sale. Her parents lived just a few miles from us. I so enjoyed being with her and catching up and just having a good time. On Saturday night her husband and MIL and my husband and I went out to eat. We both got to see people we hadn't seen for awhile so the whole evening was nice with great food. My graduating class has been meeting or trying to meet once a month at a local restaurant. Our next one is on Saturday evening. It's for anyone in our class and their family. We've had 4 or 5 get togethers so far and only about 5 show up. There are so many still living here and in cities that are within an hour drive, but do not attend. We always give a month's notice when the next one is scheduled and reminders leading up to the get together, but we just can't generate enough interest and not sure how at this point. Our 40th class reunion will be held in June and many show up for that, so maybe we can encourage others to attend. It would be so nice to catch up with eveyone. Not much else has been happening with me. What's going on with the rest of you? |
Today was a work day.... at work. LOL...
Now I am getting supper ready: Sausage links ~ french toast ~ scrambled eggs - I like my breakfast for supper! Making enough for lunch tomorrow.. Rained all day.. the grass is all green and growing. But still chilly! Saturday I am going to a very nice consignment shop a friend shared with me. I took quite a few things over a month ago and hoping to trade items I sold for new items Saturday... AS IN: Hoping my stuff sold!!! Then Sunday my first auction of the year. Sounds like a really good one. Elderly lady sold her home and is going to a assisted living home. I feel bad for her having to sell her beloved belongings and move out of her home, but looking forward to maybe bring something into my home I can love as much as she does.. Well my sausages are browning nicely and french toast needs cooked.. so off I go. Hope all is well with everyone! |
I love auctions too and there is one tomorrow night and one Saturday morning. Would like to go to both, we'll see. Hope you find some treasures!
I hope Janet can get back on 4WT SOON!!!
My classes are finally over and I am finished grading my papers and have submitted my grades. Now, I have to do all the things I put off in the crazy spring semester!!! I'm going to Oklahoma this weekend to see Gary's family. I haven't seen them since before Christmas since I couldn't get up there over Christmas due to bad weather. It will be a nice weekend, but, this is the month Gary died, so that will be hard for all of us, I know. It's very hard for me this month, I keep thinking of things that happened just before he died and it makes me sad. But my friends/family are helping me a lot to keep pushing forward. I hope everyone is warming up and having some nice weather. We've had a cooler than normal spring, but no rain so that is very BAD. Actually, we are supposed to get some rain in the next couple of days, so keep your fingers crossed for us! Of course, it's supposed to rain the weekend I am traveling, but I won't complain! LOL! |
We went directly from winter to summer! The melt happened so fast that many communities in the province declared states of emergency because of flooding. Quite a few highways have detours because they are under water. It's crazy! But I'm glad for the weather now because this winter in our province was the snowiest winter in recorded history, and we had the coldest spring in recorded history. We had over 6 months of snow!!!! Yikes. I saw this on facebook and it made me laugh: "Saskatchewan - where you can get frostbite and sunburn in the same week." It is so true lol!
This has been a tough week for us so I'm happy it's the weekend and I can relax. We are having a garage sale tomorrow and our friend is coming over with some of her own stuff for it. My parents are coming out too, because they love garage sale weekend in our town! We have a lot of houseware type stuff this year because we replaced most of our kitchen stuff with wedding gifts. Hopefully we get rid of most of it! Saturday night, Scott is heading down to his parents' place to stay until Sunday. On Saturday his brother in law has a fight that we were all invited to. I don't like watching fighting so I am staying home, plus the tickets are expensive. I have the option to go out with some friends if I stay back, or another girl said she might come over for a visit because she'll be at a wedding in our town that night too. Or I can just enjoy some alone time! Whatever happens, I won't be bored. |
We are having a cold spell, but it sure has been beautiful! Today was the last Friday to drive the bus this school year. Next week we go Tuesday, Wednesday and then Thursday will be our last day. I'm so ready too!!! lol Then I'll have to get the bus all cleaned up and take back to the bus lot for the summer. I'm going to try and do some of it this weekend while it's cooler.
Not sure yet what we'll be doing for Memorial Day weekend, no set plans. Tomorrow is about the only day planned for me. I'm taking the powerwasher in to my Mom's house and washing the siding down. Should only have to wash down two sides unless the remaining two really need it so it shouldn't take much longer than an hour if that. Monday I would like to go to a nearby covered bridge and have a picnic by the water and take some pictures. Just have to wait and see what the weather is like. |
Today was a great day... weather was nice but high 50's, sun was out so it actually felt pretty good!
I went out and bought a new dryer. Old one finally after a year of patience and dread to see how long a load of laundry would tumble/dry until it over heated and stopped, before clothes were dry.... laundry day had clothes hanging everywhere! So.... last week it gave up. Totally. I got a really good deal at Sear's. Will be delivered this Thursday evening. I am happy. No more worries about the old one giving out.. it gave out! Then celebrated by doing a little shopping. Got a pair of capri's ~ 2 nice tops ~ all for $6... half price day at consignment shop... all look brand new! Then off to get a battery for my watch. Plus flowers for my hanging planter out back. Back home and repotted flowers, trimmed a small plum tree, swept out the garage.. now getting ready to heat up leftovers from last night.. broasted chicken from local VFW. I think I had one of the most productive days for at least a month for me! Lets hope I can continue this and get some much needed things done around here.. winter was long and I need to keep busy for awhile.. but then tomorrow maybe my first golf game.. we will see... |
4 Attachment(s)
On Saturday, I got my bridesmaid dress for my cousin's New Orleans wedding :) I went shopping with a friend, and texted my cousin pictures of all my choices. In the end, I made the choice against the one she liked best (she had two favorites, and I took her second favorite lol). It's black and makes me look very hourglass-shaped which I love :) It is to my knees and there is a lace detail at the top that is high to my neck but cut-out across the chest sort of... and the back is lace. I should find a picture because I don't think I'm describing it well lol!
On Sunday, Scott and I demolished our current mudroom area! We took out two closets (a large coat closet and a triangle-shaped utility closet). It was so much fun to kick the drywall down :D We used to come in from the garage, and to the right was a small room with laundry, about a 2.5 foot wide walkway, and the closet facing the laundry. So now that is ALL gone and the laundry will be moving to our brand new laundry room :) We will build a closet where the laundry is currently (hasn't moved yet) and the whole rest of the room will be open, other than a bench with storage that Scott is going to build. It will be so much easier for bringing in groceries, and I'm sure we'll really see the benefits when we have children getting ready to go outside in the middle of winter :) Can never have too much space!!! Okay pictures!!! Dress front and back when I tried it on in the store.... and the new mudroom after taking down the drywall, and then after Scott removed all the framing. Attachment 7215 Attachment 7218 Attachment 7216 Attachment 7217 |
The dress is just beautiful on you! I know you're excited about coming to N'awlins!!
Taking down those walls sure opened up your space! We don't really have mud rooms here, because we don't have winter messes. That space will be filled with little boots and coats and backpacks before you know it, lol!! |
Oh I am so excited! Mostly just for another vacation lol! I am counting down the weeks :) 16 left to go!
I am glad Scott came up with the idea to take those closets out. It really does look so much bigger now. I'm just anxious to get it finished, and get the laundry room finished, and to not be living in a construction zone anymore! It will be at least a couple of months still though. We are doing everything ourselves whenever we find free time. |
Sorry that I've been MIA. I don't know why. My blood sugar really had me bummed........but it's doing a lot better now. In fact.....it's been running a little low sometimes but I have a doctor's appt in a couple of days so maybe she'll do a little fine tuning with my meds.
I still need to put pictures on of our vacation. I honestly haven't even looked at them. Everyone is so interested in Glen's underwater pictures. I was going to put them on this weekend but Glen went diving again and took the camera with him. Yep....I spent the weekend home alone while Glen went diving. Tammy was getting certified so their whole family went.....plus some friends......and of course, Glen and Logan. I stayed home and planted flowers and TRIED to clean the house. I know.....I know.....I said that I wouldn't plant flowers because of the chickens but Glen started working on the chicken coop and PROMISED that the chickens wouldn't bother my flowers........well.......the coop isn't done......so the chickens are still out.......AND in my flowers......again. I'm one fustrated woman!!!! It doesn't help that Glen is getting busy with farming and probably won't get it done. Ok....enough complaining about that!! Dean's been soooo funny!! He has begged and begged for a bow and arrow. We went to Wichita last week and Dae Lynn looked at Target but didn't find one......later I found one at our local dollar store......so she went and bought one. It came with some kind of holster to hold the arrows. She saw him playing with it later and was amazed that he had the holster on his side. She thought that he'd gotten a rope or something and tied it on........and then she saw him reach down and pick up the Elmer's glue..........YEP.....he'd glued it to his side!!!! THEN.......a couple of days later.......Dae Lynn left Dean in the car while she ran back in to get something. She wasn't gone long but he managed to open two sticky mouse traps (that Dae Lynn had gotten for spiders not mice) and he stuck them to the bottom of his feet........they were his "scuba fins" so he could go scuba diving with Papa!!!! That sticky stuff doesn't come off easily either!!! Oh my goodness what that boy can get into!!!! Gotta' keep an eye on him ALL THE TIME!!! We've got storms coming in again tonight. I hope they're not bad. I hate the destruction that comes from them. We always keep an eye on the weather. I haven't read the other posts but I'll catch up soon with everything. I hope all is well with everyone!! |
I see a few of us pop in here now and again... :) It's so good to keep in touch as much as we are, wish it could be more. Facebook really has dropped a bomb on 4WT hasn't it?
Lindsey the dress is really pretty and you look great in it. The renovations are opening a lot of space for you. Scott must be really good at invisioning what something will look like and then goes for it. That's a good man! Diana I'm hoping by now that your blood sugar is under control. I can't stand the thought of something happening to you. We all are ready for your pictures. Maybe it would be easier to post them on FB or in a photo program like Photobucket, Flicker, etc. That way you can load them faster and easier and then we can look at them with just one click. Just a suggestion. I'm sure Glen got some good shots, but I'm more anxious to see the ones you took. That Dean is a little dickens isn't he. Ya just can't help laugh at his antics. Hes' just so darn cute and you have to admit....the little guy is using his thinker. Can't believe he used glue...lol. I've been at the Recorder's office now for 3 full weeks and I really love it. It's hard to remember everything so I have lots of notes, but I know I'll get it. There is a lady a few years younger than me that has been there 15 months and still makes lots of mistakes so it's one of those jobs that just takes you awhile to learn. Yesterday Rick and I went to Ricky's girlfriends graduation open house. Neither of us wanted to go, but we were sent an invitation and we wanted to support Ricky. The open house was in a back room of a bar with of course bar decor everywhere. Not something I would choose for an 18 year olds graduation, but hey. I was totally shocked when she walked in the room wearing a formal...lol. Honestly, without any exaggeration, it looked like she walked into a Goodwill store, put it on in the dressing room and then showed up at the open house. When or if I find some pictures that someone might have taken I'll post them for you to see. Audra is her name and she is overweight. Not an insult, heck look at me....lol. BUT...she has zits on her back, chest and shoulders and the dress was strapless. It had an empire waist and was royal blue in color. The top part of the dress was med-large sequins and the bottom had a netting type material over a silkier type material. I did ask Ricky this morning what he thought of her dress and well, he thought the same thing as me. She looked like a little girl playing dress up. Her family didn't act like it was a little far out there at all, so they must be use to it. A meal was served and it was good. We left after about 90 minutes. We spoke with all of her parents, (her mom and her boyfriend, dad and stepmom and her former stepdad and his wife). Wow! Two sets of grandparents were there and only one set spoke to us. They seemed nice and had good things to say about Ricky. Just glad it's over with. Her Mom even said something about we should go out for a meal or something some time. Hmmmmm......I don't think so. :0 I guess her mom likes being the center of attention and her ex-father-in-law layed the law down on her and told her it was Audra's day and to not take that away from her. Again.....WOW. |
I've been waiting for this update! LOL! No, I can't imagine having an 18 year old's graduation party at a bar, for heaven's sake, that doesn't sound right at all. And then for her to wear a formal to a BAR, well goodness gracious, that's really odd to me too.
But I'm glad you and Rick made an effort, to support Ricky. That's all that matters. I know you don't approve of her, and I know Ricky knows that, so it is good that you showed support and were pleasant even though you don't support the relationship. I'm running around getting ready to go to Europe on Thursday. I go to Houston on Wednesday and we fly out of Houston Thursday evening. We arrive in London about noon on Friday. Last weekend Brooke and I planned out every day and she typed it up so we would have an idea of what we could do each day. We even put in all the subway stops/changes to each location. Now, if I can just figure out how to buy a subway ticket, we'll be set!!! I went to the bank and got some pounds and euros. We have to use pounds in London and Euros in Paris. The exchange rate is not good right now, this will be an expensive trip!!! But oh well, it will be fun. |
How exciting Gayle!! You'll take lots of pictures and post them won't you? ......Unlike some one else on here who took a cruise? Lolol
How long will you be gone? I know you'll have the best time, just be safe and aware of your surroundings. |
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