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Lindsey 07-04-2013 05:44 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I just saw I forgot to attach the pictures!!

Is it laminate flooring, Janet? My parents have laminate in their kitchen too and it has held up really well. They just make sure to wipe up any spills immediately, and when our dogs are over, their bowls go on a little placemat so they don't drip right on the floor!

Shada 07-06-2013 06:15 AM

Yesterday was a great day ~ spent it with my good friend doing a little window shopping for a new kayak, for her not me, I love mine!

Afterwards came back to my house for a nice visit. Where my newest Ebay purchase was waiting for me outside my garage! Years ago I had a Krups toaster oven. Loved it. Then thought I needed to upgrade to a KitchenAid toaster oven. Main reason was the KitchenAid was red and my kitchen has lots of red 'stuff'. Sold the Krups at garage sale. Immediately regretted selling it. The KitchenAid never worked as well as my Krups. I wanted my Krups back! The search began. This week the search ended. I found the same model Krups on Ebay. I was the only bidder at $9.99 with $25.00 shipping. I had no problem with that as all together I didn't want to go over $50.00 ~ well next day got a message from seller stating shipping was too high and put $10.00 back into my PayPal account! What a unexpected bonus. Plus the toaster oven is like brand new. I don't think it was ever used. I am happy!!! Soooooo...

Then her, me, and two other friends got together for our birthday dinner at local family owned steakhouse. Three of us have the same week for our birthdays. Well our dinner was the best I have ever had there. I can never decide on steak or fish so I got both. Broiled walleye with a perfectly cooked filet steak. American fries.. salad... I ate so much and still had some to take home.
Which is calling my name now.. yummy...

Today I am relaxing. Maybe pull a few weeds later.. up late as my neighbors were firing off large fireworks till the wee hours.. so I am a little lazy...

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend!!!

gja1000 07-07-2013 10:13 AM

Hi Everyone! Shada, your weekend sounds so much fun! I love good times with friends, almost nothing better!

I had a wonderful week in Oklahoma. The weather was glorious - in the low 80's during the day and high 50's low 60's at night. It was just fabulous for 4th of July week! We just sat around (outside mostly), visited, ate (of course), visited some more, went gambling at the casino a little bit (I won $50) and just generally had a good time. Thankfully, there was NO family drama. HA! I went to Oklahoma City with my cousin to the Museum of Natural History and the Cowboy Hall of Fame (art museum) one day. We had a fabulous Greek lunch, such good food!!! Then another day my sister-in-law and I went to Oklahoma City to pick up an outdoor table and chairs.

All in all it was a wonderfully relaxing 4th of July week.

gja1000 07-14-2013 07:02 AM

Whew! My kids were here for the weekend and they just left. We had so much fun, but I feel like I've been on a FAST treadmill ever since they got here. I really miss them when they leave!

My class starts Tuesday, so I will be teaching now, every Tuesday/Thursday afternoon till Aug. 15th. I've had a really nice break this summer and I am ready to get back to work!

DianaB 07-15-2013 08:49 AM

We had a great 4th of July......Dae Lynn had a get-together at her house. She was so excited to have us all there. It ended up just being Amy and her family and Kera's boyfriend, Jordan, and us, with Dae Lynn and the kids. Jaci and Nate didn't come and Feyn and Tammy had company come. We could see the town's fireworks display from Dae Lynn's house so we ended up just staying there.

We've really been enjoying Baby Ali!! She's such a sweet baby!! Jaci is getting where she's not quite as nervous with her. We have an appointment for an ultra sound on Ali this afternoon. The doctor is concerned with her butt crack!!! I guess it's a new thing that is checked on.......and Ali's is curved and deep. It's can be a sign of closed spina bifida so the ulta sound will decide if there's a problem. There's probably not a problem so we're not concerned.

I've finally got my yard looking good!! I still have a few more plants to plant and some that I need to move but it's looking sooooo nice! Now to work on the house!!

I've finally convinced Glen that we need another camper so we're looking for another pop-up. We loved our last one because it's so easy to pull where ever you're going and not too hard to put up. We found one in Bartlesville on Craigslist but trying to get the guy to call us back is slow. If we go down there to look at it we can go and see my brother as well in the hospital.

I've finally gone swimming in our pond. The weather's been a little cooler than usual so the pond didn't warm up as quickly but it's finally warm enough!! Yay!!

I don't know how he did it but my grandson, Elijah, sprained BOTH of his ankles on the 4th of July!! I swear he takes after his Dad!!! Some how he did it while on his motorcycle!! One ankle is worse than the other......Jed is enjoying having Elijah on his level......the floor!!! I need to get pictures of Jed......he is one cute little boy......and scooting all over everywhere!!!

Lindsey 07-15-2013 09:19 AM

Gayle, it will be nice to be back to work and on a schedule again :) Although, sometimes I wish I got more time away from work and schedules lol!

Diana, it sounds like you have had a lot of time with family lately! I hope the camper works out for you! I really want a camper, but we have nothing to tow one with (even our SUV doesn't have a tow hitch). We always just go camping in our tent, but it's obviously not very comfortable lol! And when we have a family, a camper is so much nicer!

We have severe storm warnings today. It's still sunny at the moment but we are supposed to get severe thunderstorms this afternoon with a good chance of tornadoes. If things start getting bad, Scott and I might just pack up our work stuff and head home. I know it's not really safe to be driving if there are tornado warnings, but I'd rather be at home with the dogs than at my office. If a tornado hits around home, the dogs wouldn't know to get to the basement, and can't anyway because there is a gate blocking them :( And Kash is so terrified of thunderstorms, I hate the thought of him being without me during one!

gja1000 07-15-2013 06:46 PM

Lindsey, I hope you didn't have any bad storms today. One of my boys, Rex, is terrified of storms too. I feel so bad for him. I have a thundershirt that i put on him and it helps a little bit. He doesn't go hide in the back of the closet with it on. He's terrified of fireworks too and I forgot to take it to Oklahoma with me over the 4th. There were fireworks everywhere and he was so scared. I just sat and held him very close to my body and he could tolerate it.

Diana, family gatherings are so much fun! I know you really enjoyed it. I'm sure little Ali is OK, they are just being cautious and that is good!

We had rain today, my goodness, we really need it! Our lake (where we get our water) is lower that ever in history. It's only about 33% full. So, I can't in good conscious, water my yard. I just can't use precious water to keep my lawn green. So, it was beginning to look pretty bad. But this rain will perk it up a little. We are allowed to water once a week, but I just can't do it, I'm so glad for the rain.

Lindsey 07-16-2013 12:53 PM

We ended up not getting storms! Later in the afternoon, the tornado watch was lifted, and we did not even get any rain! The southern part of the province got quite a few tornadoes though!

I'm glad you got some rain, Gayle! I haven't kept up with my watering, and almost all of my flowers are completely fried :( Better luck next year, I guess!

Tonight, Scott and I are going to the speedway to watch some races. I got him tickets for our anniversary. It's some Nascar thing on for two nights (tonight and tomorrow night) t but I really don't know anything about it, except that I will go and Scott will love it lol. I am leaving work early, in about a half hour, so that is nice. I am leaving even earlier tomorrow!

Janet 07-16-2013 12:54 PM

Not much really going on here. Decided to wait on the flooring, not sure why, just don't want to use all (or any for that matter) of the money I've been saving. Since everything is paid off, I may just wait until we get more money saved in the rental house account and use money from there.

Doesn't really matter right now anyway I guess. The boys just don't seem to care about taking care of things like I do and I know they would have the floors ruined or scratched up pretty bad, so I'll wait a bit. The carpet isn't that great, but I can keep cleaning it for awhile.

gja1000 07-16-2013 08:21 PM

Janet, I guess I missed where you were thinking of new flooring! I sure do love my wood and tile floors. So much easier and cleaner than carpet. I hope you are able to get them sometime!

gja1000 07-18-2013 08:02 PM

Oh goodness, I'm tired tonight, but it's a good tired. I have 4 hours of class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. My class is so great, I love the students (25 of them) and they are such a positive interactive group, they keep me on my toes. This is a health policy class, so with all the things going on regarding the Affordable Care Act on the federal level and the legislature being in session in Texas, well it makes for some mighty fine discussions in class, to say the least. We do current events every day so the students bring in health policy information they have gleaned from the media and then we discuss it. We have some pretty healthy debates, for sure. Today we had someone from Texas Medicaid here to talk to the class and they asked him some really tough questions. For example, for persons on Medicaid, Texas is one of only 2 states that tests for sexually transmitted diseases, but does not provide treatment if you are positive for an STD!!! Does this make sense! I think not. Anyway, the class is so much fun but at the end of the 4 hours, I am completely whipped out!

gja1000 08-11-2013 06:44 PM

I spent the weekend with the kids in Houston. We laughed, shopped, ate, played, swam and just generally enjoyed the weekend. It's always good to see them.

This is the last week of school, then my school starts Aug. 28th. Actually my class doesn't start till Sept 3rd, so I will have a little break here.

It's just too hot and dry to do anything here in Texas. We sure need some rain and it has rained a little around Austin the past few days, but none at my hacienda.

Lindsey 08-12-2013 03:47 PM

Gayle, that's nice that you will have a little break again! And it sounds like you had a fun weekend!

Scott got sent away to a mine for a week for work so I'm holding down the fort alone. This morning I got up 10 minutes earlier than usual, and was still 10 minutes late for work. I had to let the dogs out and feed them, and while I was at it I had some breakfast which I never have time for lol! Tomorrow I will try to get up 10 minutes earlier than today. It will be early to bed tonight!

I am just going to try to get through this week alive lol.... I never appreciate Scott so much as when he's gone and I have to do his chores on top of mine!

gja1000 08-12-2013 08:36 PM

It is quite an adjustment when you are alone. I enjoyed it when Gary was gone hunting or fishing, but in other ways, it was a pain. And when you don't feel so good, I'm sure it is not too much fun!

Shada 09-01-2013 05:56 AM

I am so sore today!!!

The last two days I stained my deck. And I have a big deck!!! Thankfully I had help.. another woman, my good friend, or I would still be out there. Powerwashed my house last weekend. Along with both front and back deck. Need to redo the front as I blew my hose so didn't have enough pressure to do a good job. Then to stain front deck and paint trim and garage doors. Going to be busy here for another week. Or two.

Makes me wish I had a man around the house to help out! There are things a woman just should not do. Especially one pushing 60.

Today I have to let deck dry for another day so can't get out there, water hose is hooked up to back so can't get to that either, so I just might go golfing...

I need a day of fun and leisure.. after all it is the last official weekend of summer..

so how is your weekend?

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