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Janet 03-13-2007 11:41 PM

Ya don't have to apologize to me Marilyn, LOL...I've never been to Texas Roadhouse. I didn't even know it was an Indiana based chain. (I need to get out more...LOL) There is one is Lafayette, a city near us.

When I visited a friend in Texas (quite a few years ago) she took me to a Mexican restaurant and let me tell you it was the best eat'n I ever had. Sooo good and sooo hot. I was impressed with a place in Dallas that was called the Beer Barn. Ya didn't even have to get out of your car, just drive through the barn and order your beer. That was great.

rivermom 03-14-2007 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Marilyn
No offense, Sheryl, but his cracks me up!!!!! :sidesplit: Only in Arkansas. One of our daughters spent a year at Harding Univ. in Searcy. There was a very nice Mexican Restaurant in town that appeared to be very authentic with Mexicans working there. Being from South Texas, we ask for chili con queso with our chips, and they looked at us like we were crazy. They did not know what we meant. Finally after describing what we wanted, they said, "Oh, cheese dip".

CHEESE DIP???????? :eek: Chili con queso is not CHEESE DIP!! Just a warning, if you are in Texas, ask for chili con queso or they will probably laugh you out of the restaurant.

Although with so many northerners migrating down, they are now asking if you want sweet or unsweet tea. This was also unheard of down here. If you wanted tea, it was never supplied with sugar. The sugar and sweetener were and still are on the table. If you ask for sweet tea 5 years ago, the server would probably have ask you what was wrong? Your arm broke???

This began happening around the time that Texas Roadhouse came to town. You know, that fine INDIANA based restaurant chain!!?? Sorry, Janet, but there ain't nuthin' Texas about the way they serve their food. I knew something was wrong when they asked if I wanted sweet or unsweet tea!!!

Times they are a changing!!!

Now Marilyn, why would I take offense to that? LOL, such a silly lady you are! :D

Trust me, restaurants can call their Mexican food anything they want to, I will find it. LOL. Growing up in Southern CA I am no stranger to authentic Mexican food. Plus my first husband was Mexican and his Mother taught me the ways to cook authentic tamales, refried beans (gross), and tacos. (Why do you think I have such a weight problem? LOL) :p

Then moving here to AR my hubby and I go into Mexican food places that most Americans wouldn't dream of setting foot into, LOL. But, him and I both love our spicy foods.

When we went to Mexico they don't even really consider "cheese dips" or "chili con queso" a food item. It's more of an American thing. I was pretty surprised to find this out. They do more like a queso (cheese) that is thick and gooey then you grab it wtih flour tortillas and add some peppers and eat away. But the entire "dip" thing they laugh at and are foregin to.

Seems restaurants change authentic Mexican quisene (sp) to satisfy most americans. They have found that most Americans wouldn't really like the "authentic" stuff. Go figure??

Our neighbors down the road, I believe the hubby is from Venezuela (sp) and his wife is from Mexico. They often bring up their homemade tamales to us and we scarf them down. I truly appreciate them because I know what a pain in the rear they are to make. They make a couple different kind and one type they do I can actually barely eat because they are too HOT. I like spicy food but even I have my limits, hahahaha :D

And the sweet tea thing cracks me up. I found all that out my moving to AR. (south) Honestly I do prefer my tea sweetened but don't hardly get it because the calories and tea wires me like a drug. :eek: But it surely tastes good!

I'm not a fan of unsweetened tea at all, yuck. :confused:

Tink 03-14-2007 04:05 PM

I'd want beef tenderloin stir-fry over rice with raspberry pie for desert and a strawberry margarita.

Marilyn 03-14-2007 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by rivermom
... my hubby and I go into Mexican food places that most Americans wouldn't dream of setting foot into, LOL. But, him and I both love our spicy foods....

We know exactly the type places you are referring to. We frequent them from time to time as well. However, there are about as many Americans in them as Mexicans around here. American's, we refer to them as Anglo's, are a minority in this part of the world. Many of my "Mexican" friends have been Americans as many generations as I have.

Also, being in sales and taking guys out to lunch all the time, I have to take them where they want to go, and some of the places are not where I would choose. It's difficult to stay on a diet when you eat at a place where everything runs together and is covered with cheese.


Originally Posted by rivermom
... They have found that most Americans wouldn't really like the "authentic" stuff. Go figure??.....

They actually have some of the "authentic" stuff on the menu around here, but very, very few of the Anglo's touch the stuff. How can you eat bar-b-qued cow intestine, or brains :eek: . How gross is that?? But when you are truly poor, you eat anything you can, and learn to like and consider it a delicacy.

Oh well, enough about differences in Mexican food, bottom line, most of it is incredibly good, and no matter how healthy we try to eat, or what you call it, it will always be part of our diet. YUM!!!

magnolia 03-16-2007 05:08 AM

Well ladies, first of all, sorry it took me so long to get back with you on the burger - shrimp thing. I've been experimenting and......yep, the burger STILL tastes like burger!!!!!! I guess if I want shrimp and steak, I gotta BUY shrimp and steak - burger ain't gonna do it for me.

Happy Friday all!

Chandra Amaya 03-17-2007 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by magnolia
Well ladies, first of all, sorry it took me so long to get back with you on the burger - shrimp thing. I've been experimenting and......yep, the burger STILL tastes like burger!!!!!! I guess if I want shrimp and steak, I gotta BUY shrimp and steak - burger ain't gonna do it for me.

Happy Friday all!

lol Here even shrimp doesn't taste like shrimp :( . I can't wait to go see hubby's family in New England so I can get real seafood :cool:

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