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Daisynkodimom 09-17-2006 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by RLC12345678
I have a mild form of ADD. I was not put on meds until I was in college. But I talked with my dr. and explained to him how I really needed to do well in college because I wanted to go to law school and I also wanted to do well in law school, but I was having a hard time concentrating in class and I had a hard time staying awake in class and a hard time staying awake to study at night. He put me on Adderall and it did wonders. I am applying to law school now, and I am not worried about being able to concentrate. I was on Concerta when I was first diagnosed, but it upset my tummy, so he switched me to Adderall.

yes I feel like I too may have add but never have been seen by a dr. I wish i had the (H) maybe i could get some weight off LOL :o well Off to ZZZZZZZZ land for me now I may not be back on till tuesday. Lots of work :(

Amber_lv 09-17-2006 08:05 PM

i think my son might have it

Janet 09-18-2006 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by RLC12345678
That is what my mother & grandmother preached to me....do ALL the things you want to do BEFORE you get married. I got married right after undergrad, but luckily my hubby and I have the same life goals. He is all about me going to law school and being a professional and having a career. He works so much that I HAVE to have something to keep me occupied. I figure, why not make a little money while doing it, right? Plus, I LOVE law. I have wanted to be an attorney ever since I can remember.

Rebecca that is great that you have such a supporting husband. I was just young and stupid and wanted to get out of my parents house. Boy isn't it the truth that hindsight is 20/20? :)

Janet 09-18-2006 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by Amber_lv
i think my son might have it

Amber, I would have him tested. My son, even in the 4th grade, knew something wasn't right. He knew he couldn't stay focused. He could tell a difference and even told me so one day after school a few days after he first started taking medication. It's been a Godsend.

RLC12345678 09-18-2006 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Gina
Rebecca you go girl!! that is wonderful that you are studying to be an attorney. I am sorry I never had the head to apply myself , law is a very interesting field. I wish like Janet mentioned that I can turn back the clock and I would definetly go to law school. Good luck to you sweetie! I encourage both my children to do something with their lives while they are young. My son is taking business in college and my daughter is studying to be an optomertist .

Thank you SO much! :D My mom made me promise her that if I got married right after undergrad that I would still go back to school. I promised her I would. :p I love it too much not to. I am just not the "housewife" kind of person. I don't cook, I don't clean, I don't want kids for a LONG time...I gotta have something to keep me occupied since my hubby works about 80-100 hours a week! :eek:

RLC12345678 09-18-2006 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by Janet
Rebecca that is great that you have such a supporting husband. I was just young and stupid and wanted to get out of my parents house. Boy isn't it the truth that hindsight is 20/20? :)

My mom got married right out of college and she said the only reason she did it was because she wanted out of her parents house. But that only lasted 2 years and luckily they didn't have any children. My mom married my dad when she was 29 and they have been married now for 25 years and have 3 girls (including me, of course). So, you can imagine my mom's apprehensions when I came to her during my senior year of college and told her that my then boyfriend and I wanted to get married.:eek: She made me promise her that if she let me get married that I would go back to school and pursue my dream and finish my education. I promised her I would :p My mom has her masters degree, but she didn't get it until she was divorced from her first husband.

Necee419 09-18-2006 05:39 AM

My stepson, who is 15, was diagnosed with ADD. He was put on Ritalin and he didn't like the "dopey" feeling he got from it. He has since been off medication. He lives in Florida with his mom but spends a month in the summer with my husband and I. One of the things that strikes me about him is that he cannot concentrate in school or anything academic. But put a playstation 2 game or an action movie in front of him and the world can collapse around him and it would not break his concentration. So how is this ADD? Or is it selective ADD? I don't know how I feel about all of this medication for such young children. I know it truly helps some kids do better in school and that some children ABSOLUTELY need meds but I worry that doctors are too quick with prescribing medication for children. In the case of my stepson, I don't think he lacks attention skills, it is more like lack of interest and laziness. I am sure there are many others like him out there that are being pumped full of medication unneccesarily. Again, I am not referring to anyone who truly needs them.

Janet 09-18-2006 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Necee419
My stepson, who is 15, was diagnosed with ADD. He was put on Ritalin and he didn't like the "dopey" feeling he got from it. He has since been off medication. He lives in Florida with his mom but spends a month in the summer with my husband and I. One of the things that strikes me about him is that he cannot concentrate in school or anything academic. But put a playstation 2 game or an action movie in front of him and the world can collapse around him and it would not break his concentration. So how is this ADD? Or is it selective ADD? I don't know how I feel about all of this medication for such young children. I know it truly helps some kids do better in school and that some children ABSOLUTELY need meds but I worry that doctors are too quick with prescribing medication for children. In the case of my stepson, I don't think he lacks attention skills, it is more like lack of interest and laziness. I am sure there are many others like him out there that are being pumped full of medication unneccesarily. Again, I am not referring to anyone who truly needs them.

Don't be too quick to judge your step-son as being lazy and lack of interest. The reason they can do so well with video games is because there is soooo much happening in them all at the same time. At least that's how the Drs. explained it to us. It's when they are in the classroom, where, really not too much is happening. I mean they are just listening to the teacher, or doing their school work. Basically, just one thing at a time and that is why it is hard to stay focused.

A lot of ADD and ADHD kids do great in sports because there are so many things to watch for and do at the same time. Hope this helps explain it. :)

Necee419 09-18-2006 06:09 AM

That makes sense. He is good in anything that involves lots of brain stimulation. Like if you buy him those complicated Legos sets (like Star Wars, etc.), he'll spend hours constructing the images on the box. Hubby made him and his sister get books from the library to read over the summer and it was torture for him. He hates to read. His mom took him off the medication because he complained that he didn't like the way he felt on them. He just started the new school year in Florida and already my husband has gotten a few calls from his mom saying he isn't doing well and has gotten in trouble a few times already. My husband is resolved the he is never going to be an "einstein." I feel so bad for him.:(

Janet 09-18-2006 06:22 AM

Have them talk to his Drs. again. Maybe they can ask him about Concerta. It's a one a day, time released pill and it makes my son stay focused. We don't notice any change in his behavior, moods, or anything like that. It just helps him stay on task and focused. Do give up on him yet. They know how they are feeling and it wears on them too, not to be able to concentrate.:)

Necee419 09-18-2006 06:29 AM

I wish I could do more for him but being the "stepmom" there is only so much I can say. I express my opinions to my husband but he lets the mom make most of those decisions since she is the one taking care of him. She is another story, the poor woman is manic depressive and is on meds too. Sometimes she is in bed all day and the kids have to fend for themselves. My stepdaughter is 13 and she has to remind her mom to take her medication sometimes. It is as if they are raising themselves. They don't come to live with us because it would devastate their mom. My stepson has many anger issues as well as the ADD so together it is a recipe for disaster. :(

Janet 09-18-2006 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Necee419
I wish I could do more for him but being the "stepmom" there is only so much I can say. I express my opinions to my husband but he lets the mom make most of those decisions since she is the one taking care of him. She is another story, the poor woman is manic depressive and is on meds too. Sometimes she is in bed all day and the kids have to fend for themselves. My stepdaughter is 13 and she has to remind her mom to take her medication sometimes. It is as if they are raising themselves. They don't come to live with us because it would devastate their mom. My stepson has many anger issues as well as the ADD so together it is a recipe for disaster. :(

Who could blame him for being angry...his parents are divorced, his father is so far away, his mom is manic depressive, he and his sister have to "take care" of his mother, his grades are failing, (other students probably know this and can be cruel), plus all the feelings he is having because of his ADD. His father needs to step in and help his children. If the mother can't handle it, then she needs to get some help. He needs to take care of his children, above all else. It doesn't have to be permanent..just until things straighten out.:)

Necee419 09-18-2006 06:45 AM

He always talks to their mom and tells her if she needs time to take care of herself, to send them to us. She doesn't want to because she says they are all she has. She has a husband but they have their own problems in that relationship. My husband has been divorced from her for 10 years so the kids are pretty used to it and I don't think that is an issue. She uses my husband as a threat to the kids "better shape up or I'm sending you to your father". My husband is very stern with them and they are afraid of him. When they are with us they are straight and well behaved. Once they go home, mom lets them go out with their friends and hang out and get away with lots of things. Then when they act up, she calls my husband.

Janet 09-18-2006 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Necee419
He always talks to their mom and tells her if she needs time to take care of herself, to send them to us. She doesn't want to because she says they are all she has. She has a husband but they have their own problems in that relationship. My husband has been divorced from her for 10 years so the kids are pretty used to it and I don't think that is an issue. She uses my husband as a threat to the kids "better shape up or I'm sending you to your father". My husband is very stern with them and they are afraid of him. When they are with us they are straight and well behaved. Once they go home, mom lets them go out with their friends and hang out and get away with lots of things. Then when they act up, she calls my husband.

Let me begin by apologizing for what I'm about to say. Please do not take it as critisisim or in a negative way....PLEASE.

Those children need someone to intervene for them. It is not their responsibility to give their mother something to live for. What a heavy burden on top of everything else. NO CHILD UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD BE USED TO IT. They need to know that others don't live like that. If she and her husband are having problems, then she needs to do what is best for her children FIRST. If not her, then their father!

Those children should not be AFRAID of their father. Somewhere along the line he crossed it in his discipline. They need him and need him now, before the young man turns to other means to make himself feel better. Please, please talk with your husband or show him this thread...his children need him.

RLC12345678 09-18-2006 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Janet
Let me begin by apologizing for what I'm about to say. Please do not take it as critisisim or in a negative way....PLEASE.

Those children need someone to intervene for them. It is not their responsibility to give their mother something to live for. What a heavy burden on top of everything else. NO CHILD UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD BE USED TO IT. They need to know that others don't live like that. If she and her husband are having problems, then she needs to do what is best for her children FIRST. If not her, then their father!

Those children should not be AFRAID of their father. Somewhere along the line he crossed it in his discipline. They need him and need him now, before the young man turns to other means to make himself feel better. Please, please talk with your husband or show him this thread...his children need him.

I agree 110%, Janet. Your hubby needs to intervene. They should not be "taking care" of their mother. Their mother is being SO selfish...she "needs" them?? NO! Those kids NEED someone to take care of THEM. They need to be KIDS. A 13 year old girl needs to be able to be a kid. Please talk to your hubby. Those kids need someone to love them and take care of THEM. :(

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