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Mandy78 09-04-2006 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Sherry Lynn

I'd live in sandals and flip-flops if I could.

Me too!!!! :D

Amber_lv 09-04-2006 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Sherry Lynn
I know what you mean, Mandy!!! We had a full week of rain here, and everything was so soaked that I had to put on shoes for the first time in MONTHS! It only took about 15 minutes for me to get blisters on my heels.

I'd live in sandals and flip-flops if I could.

You know whats funny i have worn the same pair of flip flops for a year and a half now even through the winter(i know i'm crazy) but they are so comfy and i hate shoes so i wear them year round lol

Melissa 09-04-2006 09:00 PM

I love the fall! all the beautiful colors in the trees.
Join a jym so you can exercise!
You can still go for walks, there is nothing better then going for a long walk all bundled up in a sweatshirt, hand in hand with the one you love, walking down a nature trail!

magnolia 09-05-2006 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Jlynn
Okay, good things about this time of year:

1. no mowing
2. yorkies wearing sweaters
3. no yard work
4. excuse to light a fire in the fire place

okay, that's all I can come up with, for now.

And don't forget:

5. Snuggling with the one you love - be it covered in skin or fur :D
6. hot chocolate on a cold night
7. bring on the sweat pants baby!!! my outfit of choice when it's cold...LOL!

hle_625 09-05-2006 06:26 AM

I like the winter and fall! I love summer too, but its nice to have some cooler weather. I wear sandals no matter what, I dont really care what people think LOL!

Sherry Lynn 09-05-2006 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by Amber_lv
You know whats funny i have worn the same pair of flip flops for a year and a half now even through the winter(i know i'm crazy) but they are so comfy and i hate shoes so i wear them year round lol

I have a pair that is about 5 years old that I wear around the house all year long. They are molded to my feet and feel so comfy!! Believe me if I could wear them in snow, I would!:D

lisa 09-05-2006 07:43 AM

iI love fall but i hate winter. I always get in the mood to cook good food in the fall. We send alot of time at a waterpark and it just closed this weekend boo!

Mandy 09-05-2006 08:55 AM

I don't mind fall, but i hate winter, it seems to last forever, i can't stand the cold :eek: I would love to see snow at Xmas, but it always rains or the sun shines on Xmas day :rolleyes:

Janet 09-05-2006 09:15 AM

I think what I need is one of those roller things to sit on so it will help roll the fat off the behind. I love fall, because of everything fall has to offer. Love being able to wear long pants again, won't have to shave near as often....LOLOL :D

okiegal 09-05-2006 11:45 AM

another good thing about fall
I look cuter in fall/winter clothes:p ....less of me to show and to hang over:eek:

I am thinking about a "burka" (SP).....that would just about cover my trouble spots.....well not really the baggy eyelids would still show:rolleyes:

Elaine 09-05-2006 12:38 PM

I am sorry you are bummed... I love winter, I cant wait for snow lol now I can see you shaking your head at me lol

Mandy78 09-05-2006 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Elaine
I am sorry you are bummed... I love winter, I cant wait for snow lol now I can see you shaking your head at me lol

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: For real??? YIKES!!!!! LMAO!

Khristine 09-05-2006 10:37 PM

well im partly bummed.. only because im still fat after this pregnancy and everyone around me drills it in my face that im "fat" or "getting fatter"..

but the good thing is.. its almost my bday (im turning 21) and i just want to party and just relax and get away from those people who loooooove to put me down..

Kimberley 09-06-2006 04:42 AM

Move on down here! I'll make room for ya!;)

blowry 09-06-2006 08:13 AM

I live in Mass. My husband is from Florida(orginally from PA) he HATES it here at this time of the year...I won't move because my entire family is here, (2nd marriage) and he knew this when he asked me to marry him. I have a daughter that got married in March and will be having babies someday...And I have a brother that has lukemia and may need my marrrow someday....I could never leave. You may have that seasonal depression...They have special lights that you can sit under...My daughter bought some (happy light bulbs,,,is what she calls them) because her husband gets like this too...she said she has noticed a difference in him...I am going to buy some this year and give it a try for Eric.

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