Willow |
10-09-2006 05:39 PM |
Originally Posted by khardy57
If he is I feel for you! For my own sanity, I've had to cut all ties with my late husband's family. They were driving me crazy!
I spent a lot of time choosing the headstone and slab for my husband. I arrange the flowers myself and every time I go to the cemetery, they've moved something! It really ticks me off. I don't say anything though because that's what they want me to do. I just put the flowers back like they are supposed to be and move on.
Yeah we have pretty much cut ties with my husbands siblings. His sister we no longer talk to at all! Everytime we take flowers up to his mom's grave his sister used to take them off and throw them away. She said we should all ask her permission before placing anything there since she paid for the headstone and it cost her $500. My husband replied she should have asked him before she had a headstone set since he paid $8,000 for the funeral out of his own pocket with no help from his siblings. She shut up, packed up her family, and moved to Tennessee. We haven't spoke to them in over a year and it has been so peaceful!
Now his brother, he ruined my husband financially and still expects us to help out when he and his wife need it. His family has bled us dry and it is all we can do to care for our own now. We lost everything we owned at the hands of his brother. We have forgiven, we just do not forget. We only see his brother once a year and that is once too many for me. We are only polite because we have to be.