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Not much longer Sandy. You're doing good. You have a very nice place. I so happy that your home was spared from the falling trees. This fall would be a good time to plant some more....you'll always remember what year you planted them and what hurricane caused you to do so. I'm just glad you and your family are okay and you're still here with us.
This storm was really bad for oaks in our area. Hubby and I are planning to replant, but are debating trying a different tree. We realized last evening that the live oak we planted after Hurricane Rita (2005) is dead too. It's about 12' tall and was blown over. I guess it broke the roots loose or something. Hubby braced it back up the day after the storm, but the leaves are brown and dead.
At least our fruit trees weren't harmed. What's a good shade tree that bears fruit? |
Center Point just issued a new map with estimated electricity restoration dates. I don't like the trend it's taking. Last week our date was "beyond September 22nd". Yesterday it was "beyond September 25th". The new estimation is "beyond September 28th". And, that's not the date we'll have electricity to my house - just the date the major line to my area is estimated to be restored.
Oh Sandy I'm sorry things are not looking better for you as far a electricity. Maybe they set a timeframe and hopefully it will be done sooner. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya anyway.
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Still no electricity at our house, but we did get continuous water supply back and they are finally working in our area. I'm pretty sure we'll have power before Monday. I just want to go out of town this weekend, but Hubby wants to stay close and work on cutting up trees.
He hired a couple of guys to cut up the biggest tree and they finished last night. It's oak, so we're keeping the wood. Hubby's been dragging all the tree tops to piles in the back half acre. We'll have a huge bonfire when my son comes home next month. I asked Hubby to push (with his tractor) about three huge logs, from the bottom of the tree, over by the kids swing set. They'll get a kick out of climbing and playing on those. I can already see them using them as stages to perform on! |
Hi Sandy,
I'm sorry your electricity isn't on yet - hopefully soon!!! I really don't know a fruit tree that is also a good shade tree. I planted a Monterey Oak tree - sometimes called a Mexican Oak or White oak and it is doing so well. And it is very fast growing for an oak tree. Also, it is like the live oaks, in that it doesn't lose its leaves till spring as the new leaves come out. I highly recommend it. We also planted a chinquapin oak which has grown very fast but it loses it leaves in the fall. We also planted a red oak - but it is slower growing and is more susceptible to oak wilt, although we don't have any in our neighborhood. I hear on the gardening radio show on Saturdays, the host recommending the lacy oak - but I personally don't know anything about it. |
Still no electricity. Still taking COLD showers and the ground is cooling, so I do mean COLD showers. I feel so much better that I was able to climb up onto the tractor (with one foot and crutches) and help Hubby with tree removal. I drive up to the log, Hubby rolls it into the front loader, and I go dump it by the pile that he'll eventually split into fire and pit wood. We won't need to buy wood for a few years.
I'm pretty sure that we'll have power today! I told me boss that I'll be taking a day or two off when we get power, so I can have somebody clean my house. My daughter will come help me give the doggies a good grooming. I think we've decided to go back with live oaks to match the four we have left from that planting 15 years ago. We'll actually lose one more that is leaning too much towards the garage. But, it can wait until we get the others cleaned up. |
Keeping my fingers crossed you get power today Sandy. If I lived closer, I'd come help you do what ever you needed.
I hope that your electricity gets turned back on today. Being without it for a few days makes you really appreciate having it. It seems like everything that you go to do takes electricity! Fingers are crossed. :crossfingers:
Your thoughts and crossed fingers help more than you know. It's been 17 nights and I definitely do/will appreciate the conveniences of electricity. Can you believe I'm actually getting tired of eating out every night!
OK NOW I'M COMPLAINING! 18 nights without electricity - hubby's grouchy, doggies are neglected and dirty, house is filthy, mosquitos are horrid, I need a hot shower, and I'm depressed. I came into work this morning and am working with my door closed. I put a note on the door, "NO POWER - suffering meltdown - open at your own risk". I've had to bite a couple heads off already.
awwww sweetie! Im so sorry! You truely are a trooper! I think I would have gotten a hotel room at this point! I know home is home but no hot shower for 18 days would have done me in by now! Not to mention you need the blender for the margaritas!!! I hope and pray and pray and hope you come home from work today with electricity on at your house!!! *fingers crossed*!!!! I can also see you being sick of eating out at this point.. nothing like home cooking!
Can't get a hotel with my doggies! Cold showers aren't really that bad - I'm just having a bad day with the crutches and everything. All three daughters have power, so we could get a hot shower at their houses. I just wanted to complain!
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