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Gina 06-19-2009 06:05 PM

Haley so happy to hear that all went well and the rest is all behind... Micah will be so much better you will see.. :)

Sorry to hear about Mike's grandmas passing , my condolences.

judy 06-21-2009 09:56 AM

So sorry about Micah's grandmother Haley.

It's finally over with his ears though! It sounds like he's doing great. It must have been awful to go through, but it's done now.

HALEY 06-22-2009 02:56 AM

Thanks everyone, the funeral went well, they released white doves at the end of it, it was so beautiful.
Micah is not doing well today, he had a fever since sunday morning, trying to keep it down, i'm going to call Gram today at lunch time to see what his temp is, i might be taking him back to the doctors today. :(

Marilyn 06-22-2009 03:51 AM

Haley, soooo glad that the surgery when well, soo sorry about the grandmother's passing and hope Micah's fever goes away quickly. You're getting a full dose of what it's like to be a mom right now. My heart goes out to you.

I wonder if the anesthiosologist's concerns about the heart murmur caused him/her to give Micah a lower dose of the anesthesia and that's why it wore off sooner. They may have been trying to protect Micah. It's a balancing game for them, I'm sure.

Huggs!!!! Hope each day gets better!!!

HALEY 06-22-2009 03:57 AM

i hope it does get better Marilyn, i thought all these doctors visit's were coming to an end! But i was wrong i guess. :(... Poor baby been thru so much..

judy 06-22-2009 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by HALEY (Post 94364)
Thanks everyone, the funeral went well, they released white doves at the end of it, it was so beautiful.
Micah is not doing well today, he had a fever since sunday morning, trying to keep it down, i'm going to call Gram today at lunch time to see what his temp is, i might be taking him back to the doctors today. :(

His immunity may be lower since the surgery. I hope it's just a passing thing. How are his ears?

HALEY 06-22-2009 05:16 AM

His ears seem to be fine, the right one was draining some blood the first couple days but i called the ENT and they said that was normal, he's hearing so much better thank God, loud noises scare him but that's normal also, having a hard time washing his hair, he hates those ear plugs, It takes two of us to bath him at night, what a pain in the butt!
I just don't know if i should call the peditricians office again or call the ENT about his fever, i called the peditrician Sunday .. i'm going to call my MIL to see if she took his temp yet... hopefully it went down some :(

Janet 06-22-2009 05:34 AM

You sure are having a time aren't you Haley? I hope things get better real soon.

HALEY 06-22-2009 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 94384)
You sure are having a time aren't you Haley? I hope things get better real soon.

Seems like i can't win with him lately :( i thought that after his surgery i wouldn't be going to the doctors every week, this is crazy.. it's getting very expensive also, glad Mike is working alot of OT.. cause were about 300.00 in co-pays. and medicine so far since Nov. The money don't matter is just feel so bad for Micah, its a same when you baby grabs the siringe out of your hands and gives himself medicine.. :(

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