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Janet 04-27-2010 03:19 PM

Yes Paula...how are you doing? Just remember.....if you have a set back....just start over, don't get discouraged.

DianaB 04-28-2010 05:44 PM

Didn't she go camping? Oh well.......Go, Paula :cheer:

Janet 04-29-2010 09:45 AM

You're right!!!

paula1961 04-30-2010 02:13 PM

I'm back!! Got back this afternoon. Had a wonderful time. About the smoking...I am still lighting one or two a day but it's not like I'm smoking them. I just puff them and don't inhale. I think it's just the habit of holding them. I should probably try really hard to stop doing that too, right? I got a bag of those dum dum suckers:D and I really go to town on those. This is my 5th week. I still think that I am doing really great!! From almost 2 packs a day to 2 cigarettes a day that I don't inhale.:)

Janet 04-30-2010 04:45 PM

You are doing great...now cut them out all together. Maybe carry a straw with you so you can hold something in your hand. I don't know what would help break that habit...I didn't have a problem with that.

Gina 04-30-2010 06:19 PM

Hi Paulaaaaaaaaaa So happy to hear that your quitting smoking... First I want to say that I am an ex smoker. It has been over 30 yrs.. yes I quit when I was young so it may have been easier back then. But let me tell you I had met my husband and he to didn't smoke. I just did it COLD TURKEY!!! I was a pack and a half smoker a day.. They didn't have the patch or anything else.. I gain a few pds. but I lost it , I hate , hate the smell of smoke now. But in the day I use to pay 55 cents a pack...

I have always had strong will power , when I put my mind to something I do it.. Paula you are young do it for yourself, your family and your grandkids.. I have faith in you g/f YOU CAN DO IT!!! :cheer:

DianaB 05-05-2010 04:39 PM

PAULA......two cigs a day is great!!!!! AND not inhaling!!!!!! Soon you're going to throw those things completely away!!! You go girlfriend!!!! :cheer:


:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


judy 05-06-2010 05:33 AM

Good job Paula! Keep up the good work:):):)

Janet 05-06-2010 08:17 AM

Good job Paula!!! Won't be long and you won't even want or need the two. Like Gina said...the smell is horrible now that I've stopped and just don't understand why it didn't bother me before...man...did I stink!!!

MaddieBoo 05-06-2010 11:08 PM

YAY! Go you!!! :):):):):):)

Janet 05-10-2010 04:20 PM

Have you stopped completely yet Paula? You can do it and it will be easier if you replace it with something else...like suckers, Tic Tacs..etc.

paula1961 05-10-2010 04:42 PM

I have lit one cigarette today and that was before noon. I feel so nausiated right now. I haven't taken a chantix today either. I have bit my finger nails so bad.....I hate doing that. I have been using the lil dum dum suckers, they seem to help some. I just don't want to smoke. I wish this were easy........but I knew it wasn't going to be.

Thanks so much for all of your support!!!

MaddieBoo 05-10-2010 10:55 PM

You can do it!!!!! :)

DianaB 05-11-2010 07:16 AM

Keep it up, Paula!!! :cheer: You can do this!!! :cheer: You're doing great!!! :cheer:

Janet 06-13-2010 06:35 AM

How's it going Paula? I know it's hard, but I liked your statement I just don't want to smoke. I wish this were easy........but I knew it wasn't going to be.

I hope you want it bad enough because if you do, then you won't be smoking anymore. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you Paula!!

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