Marilyn |
07-22-2008 03:33 AM |
This recruiter sounds a bit over anxious and more than a little unprofessional. He should be respectful of your wishes about contacting you during working hours. Sounds like you are considered a good candidate and he is excited about the prospect of fitting you with that job and getting paid quickly.
He will definitely want to know reasons for you not wanting to continue to pursue the position. You need to be nice to him and think through what you want to say. Don't burn any bridges. You many need him someday. If he likes you, he will remember you and maybe even years down the road when he matures a little he may come across a job he feels you would be great for and contact you again. Once they get to know you, they seem to keep contact until you just flat tell them you are absolutely not interested in making a change at all, and it's never a good idea to do that until you are nearing retirement. ;)
And it is good to discuss the interview with him. He may be able to give you some pointers for doing better next time. We all have room to learn and improve!!