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HALEY 12-03-2008 03:59 AM

well he didn't mess with that ear to bad last night, i don't know what to do, wait till Friday or run him tonight to med express, my sister told me to take him tonight. so i might just pick him up at daycare and run there just to see what they say... i'll call my mother in law today to see if she can go with me or i'll go by myself...

Tiramisu 12-03-2008 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by HALEY (Post 83355)
well he didn't mess with that ear to bad last night, i don't know what to do, wait till Friday or run him tonight to med express, my sister told me to take him tonight. so i might just pick him up at daycare and run there just to see what they say... i'll call my mother in law today to see if she can go with me or i'll go by myself...

Girl, you need to get that baby some medical care and quit putting it off. I know you're the Mommy and you'll do what's best.

I'm curious - why do you need help taking him to a doctor?

HALEY 12-03-2008 06:04 AM

Sandy i'm not putting anything off, he's been to the doctor's three times for those ears, and an appointment was made for dec 26th, i called the doctors again and they said to bring him in friday, he's just driving me crazy.... i called the doctors several times for Micah, so don't act like i'm putting it off.... i called and called for him!!!

Tiramisu 12-03-2008 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by HALEY (Post 83363)
Sandy i'm not putting anything off, he's been to the doctor's three times for those ears, and an appointment was made for dec 26th, i called the doctors again and they said to bring him in friday, he's just driving me crazy.... i called the doctors several times for Micah, so don't act like i'm putting it off.... i called and called for him!!!

Haley, I'm sorry! Like I said, you're the Mommy and you'll do what you feel is best for your baby boy.

donna1990 12-03-2008 12:10 PM

Micah still sick

Originally Posted by HALEY (Post 83355)
well he didn't mess with that ear to bad last night, i don't know what to do, wait till Friday or run him tonight to med express, my sister told me to take him tonight. so i might just pick him up at daycare and run there just to see what they say... i'll call my mother in law today to see if she can go with me or i'll go by myself...

I understand why you want someone to go with you, I was the same way, just so afraid. Hang in there GF, let us know asap.

donna1990 12-03-2008 12:13 PM

And to add more about my emotional well being, when Cory had his tonsils and adnoids removed, the tubes in his ears, they brought him to me after the surgery, he had just a little blood coming out of his nose and ears, I FAINTED. Thank God I had my husband and Mother-In-Law with me. I think I felt more physical pain than he did. He was just 18 months old.

Tiramisu 12-03-2008 12:31 PM

Our babies being sick is one of the most helpless feelings in the world. My son had his first eye surgery at 17 months and had a reaction to the anesthesia. I aged many years waiting that day!

Janet 12-03-2008 02:40 PM

I have been so blessed with Ricky having such good health. I thank God every day that he's been healthy and has had no serious injuries.

2tiredmom 12-03-2008 03:45 PM

Oh Haley, I'm so sorry he's still having problems. Motherhood can really be the pits. Please know that I'm praying for you and the little one. I wish I could help

HALEY 12-04-2008 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Tiramisu (Post 83365)
Haley, I'm sorry! Like I said, you're the Mommy and you'll do what you feel is best for your baby boy.

sandy im sorry im just frustrated...

HALEY 12-04-2008 04:08 AM

I took him to med express yesterday, and both ears are red and swollen, she couldn't tell me if he has an ear infection cause of the swelling What????? she couldnt see if he had an ear infection!!! she asked for his peditrians number and i gave it to her.
she came back in the room and told me to make an appointment today, The peditrian didn't want her to give him anything cause of the back to back antibiotices he just had. So make the kid suffer!!!
i asked her what about the swelling? tylenol or motrin, that's there damn answer to everything, i asked what was causing this does he have allergies or what? she don't know and can't test Micah until he is 4 years old... well can't anyone give me an answer to what the hell is going on with his ear??????? i am so pissed right now..
so i went home and called the washington emergency line, and told them who ever is on call to call me now!!!! she called back and i explained everything to her.. and she told me to double up motrin and clairton for the night so he is comfortable and when to call today to make an appointment to tell them she said he is to be seen today!!!! so here we go again,,, i am not leaving that office till i have an answer and if they can't answer me then send me to a damn specialist!!!

2tiredmom 12-04-2008 04:16 AM


I'm so sorry you and Micah are going though this. Does he drink alot of Milk?
My son was allergic but he out grew it. When he lays down for a nap do you give him anything to drink then? Just trying to throw out some things there. I'm still praying for you both. Good luck today.:o

HALEY 12-04-2008 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by 2tiredmom (Post 83413)

I'm so sorry you and Micah are going though this. Does he drink alot of Milk?
My son was allergic but he out grew it. When he lays down for a nap do you give him anything to drink then? Just trying to throw out some things there. I'm still praying for you both. Good luck today.:o

Thanks Cecil, no he's not allergic to milk, he is just allergic to strawberries...
Thanks for your prays im just so sick of no one answering me, im just in tears right now...

donna1990 12-04-2008 06:02 AM

Good luck today, stick to your guns.
Cory was the same way and I had to clean every inch of his room, walls, windows, furniture everyday. I used Lysol, it did help.
I bet you are fit to be tied.
My prayers to you sweetie and that precious boy.

HALEY 12-04-2008 06:06 AM

thanks Donna, i'm calling them now but no one is answering yet,,, im not leaving a message,, i want to talk to a person!!!!

donna1990 12-04-2008 06:08 AM

Why don't you just walk in and demand some help?

HALEY 12-04-2008 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by donna1990 (Post 83437)
Why don't you just walk in and demand some help?

im going to do more than that today girl if i don't get some answer's, i got a 10:30 apt.. gotta run, wish me luck.... it takes 1/2 hour to get there, going to pick him up at daycare and run and get my mom she's going with me,, micah don't like long car rides, he screams his head off, so im nervous enough with out that added on top of the ride...

Marilyn 12-05-2008 04:55 AM

Oh, Haley, know you have your hands full!! Hope all went very well yesterday. It's definitely time to see a specialist!!!

donna1990 12-05-2008 06:02 AM

Now I am getting worried.

Tiramisu 12-05-2008 06:37 AM

We usually only hear from Haley while she's at work. My guess is that we won't hear until Monday. I sure hope she got Micah in to see the doctor AND that they got him some relief.

donna1990 12-05-2008 10:51 AM

That is serious, my son's ear drum burst. He was young enough that it healed.

judy 12-05-2008 01:01 PM

I hate when doctors give you the run around.; My daughter just went through this for Kassidy. She needed antibiotics and nobody would give them to her until they had proof that it was bacterial. A mother knows her own child! She finally found some ampicillin in the back of her fridge, and found a new doctor who immediately put her on antibiotics.

Poor Haley - I'm so sorry she has to go through this. He's just a baby and is not feeling well.

I'm praying for them both.

Gina 12-07-2008 06:54 PM

Haley I hope Micah is feeling better .. Let us know please.

HALEY 12-08-2008 04:35 AM

Took him to the peditricians, and they gave him a total exam, she was asking me questions about my family history and my husbands concerning allergies? so i told her we both have allergies, and i also get sinus infections.
She told me that both ears are still swollen and the redness is from Micah scatching them, she told me his nose is slightly swollen and eyes alittle puffy, nose stuffed up, but not fever, she "thinks" he is starting to get allergies with a combination of his two year old molars coming in, is causing the ears to swell, she told me to put him on clairton, and rotate the tylenol and motrin for pain and swelling, and the clairton for three weeks, and if he is still messing with his ears to bring him back in a week, no ear infection so that was a relief,,
i don't know if i liked her answer or not... but Saturday night, Micah's nose finally broke and all that congestion was running out of his nose, it was gross, but maybe that was the problem,, like the peditrician said there is no way to test him for allergies until he is 4 years old...
So i think he is improving some, we will have to see what the clairton does, Mike will finally be home after this week - so if Micah is still messing with his ears, he's going right back to the doctors again!!! So keep Micah in your prayers, hopefullly this was the problem with his ears...
Thanks everyone....

Tiramisu 12-08-2008 06:30 AM

I've used Clariton for years and always keep it in my purse. I also keep Children's Clariton at home and in my purse for the g-kids. It works wonders for most of us.

HALEY 12-08-2008 06:33 AM

Sandy, i just hope this is the problem with Micah and he is on the road to recovery, he's been suffering long enough....

Tiramisu 12-08-2008 06:49 AM

Unfortunately, if it's allergies, there will be more discomfort. But, it will be easier to deal with, knowing what's bothering him. My son (almost 34 year old, 6'2", 260#) who is and will always be my baby boy, has allergies and sinus problems that sometimes throw him into migraines, and there's nothing I can do except hurt for him.

Give Micah a hug from me!

HALEY 12-08-2008 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Tiramisu (Post 83607)
Unfortunately, if it's allergies, there will be more discomfort. But, it will be easier to deal with, knowing what's bothering him. My son (almost 34 year old, 6'2", 260#) who is and will always be my baby boy, has allergies and sinus problems that sometimes throw him into migraines, and there's nothing I can do except hurt for him.

Give Micah a hug from me!

I'll give him a big hug for u at 3 today when i pick him up :p

DianaB 12-08-2008 10:07 AM

Haley, I'm so sorry that Micah's still dealing with this. At least you found a dr. that told you what's going on with Micah. Hopefully he'll be feeling much better before too long. Give him a hug from me too!!!

HALEY 12-08-2008 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 83611)
Haley, I'm so sorry that Micah's still dealing with this. At least you found a dr. that told you what's going on with Micah. Hopefully he'll be feeling much better before too long. Give him a hug from me too!!!

I will Diana, but i just think there guessing at what is wrong with Micah, since he is to young to actually do any testing, but i'm keeping my fingers crossed...

Gina 12-08-2008 11:18 AM

Haley, So sorry he still not feeling well.. I guess claritin is like Dimeatapp was when my kids were little. I hear that it is no longer good for anyone some ingredient in there , I read it on a list of medicine ciruculating through the internet. But back then the doctor always told me to give that to my children when they were congested.

I hope you nip it now, and he is feeling much better soon. Poor little guy, while your giving him hugs give an extra one from me....

HALEY 12-08-2008 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Gina (Post 83627)
Haley, So sorry he still not feeling well.. I guess claritin is like Dimeatapp was when my kids were little. I hear that it is no longer good for anyone some ingredient in there , I read it on a list of medicine ciruculating through the internet. But back then the doctor always told me to give that to my children when they were congested.

I hope you nip it now, and he is feeling much better soon. Poor little guy, while your giving him hugs give an extra one from me....

i sure will Gina,, he was a little congested this morning, i am thinking about getting him the vapor bath if he is old enough, my girlfriend just told me about it today... i'm going to see if rite aid has it tomorrow when i go for lunch... or i'll bring out his cool mist vaporizer tonight... i'll try anything .....

donna1990 12-08-2008 11:32 AM

I would try the vaporizer. Poor baby, give him a big hug for me too.

HALEY 12-08-2008 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by donna1990 (Post 83635)
I would try the vaporizer. Poor baby, give him a big hug for me too.

i'm pulling out the cool mist vaporizer tonight, heck it might even help me too ..
i'l give him a hug for you too donna, what the heck i'll just sit with him all night and hug and kiss him and watch thomas the train all night.. how does that sound? Good to me .....

gja1000 12-08-2008 06:32 PM

He definitely needs the cool vaporizer. The vapor bath is also good. Does he do a shower (with you or dad)? You can also put the vapor thing in the bottom of the shower.

Hope he feels better soon. My two year old granddaughter has some allergies too - at least that is what they think. It can be frustrating

Marilyn 12-08-2008 08:44 PM

Haley, our youngest, Melissa, has had alergies since she was really small, but never had ear infections. We would use the vaporizer and as Gina said, at that time Dimetapp was the thing. Claritin is really good, also. Vapor Rub on her chest seemed to help, also. We were up with her many a night when she was small. We visited the piney woods of East Texas when the pine trees were blooming one year when she was about 2 years old. There was pine pollen everywhere, and she got really stuffed up from that. I spent the day in bed with her giving her antihistamines and tylenol trying to help her to feel better. It's no fun at all.

She did handle it better as she got older, but in the spring and fall of each year, we had a couple of months of alergy problems. She lives in the Austin area now, and has even more problems there with all the cedar trees, but she's old enough to be able to deal with it on her own now.

So hope he gets to feeling better and better. The Claritin seems to become more effective after being on it for about 2 weeks. It's not a quick fix. Seems it has to get into your system a bit.

donna1990 12-09-2008 08:17 AM

Micah still sick

Originally Posted by HALEY (Post 83636)
i'm pulling out the cool mist vaporizer tonight, heck it might even help me too ..
i'l give him a hug for you too donna, what the heck i'll just sit with him all night and hug and kiss him and watch thomas the train all night.. how does that sound? Good to me .....

Hope it went well last night and he got all of those hugs.:)

HALEY 12-09-2008 11:02 AM

No it didn't go good last night, didn't even think about daycare having that damn cat!!!!! He was all stuffed up again last night, i think its the cat!!!.... he was cranky and miserable.. I might have to find a nother new daycare for Micah!! I'm going to see how he is this weekend, if he's not suffy. or nose running then i know for sure he is allergic to cats... She puts the cat upstairs when the kids are there but still,, i even forgot she had that cat til i called Mike and he said it might be the cat they have.. My mother even thinks its the cat... might be...
oh crap,,, im going backwards instead of forwards here... I told her at daycare today to make sure that cat is far away from my child and she said its always upstairs when the kids are here..

donna1990 12-09-2008 12:15 PM

I just can't believe that a daycare center could have cats.

Tiramisu 12-09-2008 01:10 PM

My DIL, Emily, and almost 6yo g-daughter, Abby, break out if they're in a room where a cat has been. They can't even get within 10 feet of one outside. Cats and rabbits really affect them badly.

Once, Emily flew to be in a college friend's wedding, not knowing there were two cats in the house. The friend had forgotten that Emily was highly allergic. She took her meds and tried to stay there, but it got to the point that she almost couldn't breathe, so she escaped to a hotel.

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