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gja1000 12-30-2010 07:59 PM

Janet, I'm so glad to hear that your mom is home and that you got some things done today. I know how they can pile up!

Paula, no we don't have a backup camera - we need one! LOL! I'M THE BACKUP CAMERA!

DianaB 12-31-2010 06:02 PM

Today I cleaned......not very quickly......so I still have a lot to do. I have a Christmas party tomorrow with my side of the family. My Mom's making chicken and noodles so we're all excited about that!!!! She was going to have all of us at her house but when she counted how many were coming she changed her mind!!!! LOL My Mom has just two kids but there's 29 or so in our family now!!!! Her little family didn't stay little!!!

It will be nice having my kids all over again.....plus my neices. My nephew won't be able to make it which is disappointing because he's a sweetheart!!! My neices have gotten married since I last saw them so we'll be meeting their husbands and they each have children........so we'll have a lot of little kids!!!

Glen and I didn't make any plans for tonight. It's probably the first time that we've ever stayed home or didn't have a party!!! We could have gone to one but decided not to. We've really enjoyed having things slow down.

We bought ourselves a new tv and sound bar the other day and now have HD and a DVR!!! So watching tv has been interesting lately!!! We're still trying to figure everything out!!!............Hey, Janet........the tv comes right on now instead of taking 10 minutes!!!! :cheer:

Janet 01-01-2011 12:59 AM

Yeah!!! Diana....I would have already been sleeping waiting those 10 minutes....LOLOL I was in bed early last night, so I didn't get to see the New Year creep in. I was probably asleep by 9:30. Here it is 3:56 AM and I'm wide awake...lol. I know this is just a stage I'm going through waking up at this time...I've done it before so I just enjoy the quiet time.

I didn't get the dogs groomed yesterday like I had planned. Most of the day I just chilled, but later in the afternoon, I went to Mom's and changed her bed sheets, got her fluids ready for her dialysis and mopped her kitchen floor and Ricky took out her trash. Today, I hope I can get the dogs groomed..they sure need it. :)

gja1000 01-02-2011 11:53 AM

Today I worked on the attic at our old house. It is bulky curbside pickup at the old house so I got some OLD OLD stuff from the attic to put out. My granddaughter helped me and we got most of the junk out of the attic, closets and garage. There's still some stuff to be disposed of, e.g. Sold, given away or thrown away, but we are making progress.

Now I am at the Texas womens basketball game with my iPad!

Janet 01-02-2011 12:58 PM

Today I went to Mom's to help get her Christmas decor put away. My younger brother and his son were there and did most of the work (for a change), but he was in another of his bad moods. Was so glad when he left.

Right now...I'm home....alone and loving it for the moment. My son is working and husband went to a funeral. I'm hoping we go out for supper this evening.

Gayle I wish I was there to help you....I love going through things in someone's attics or garage sales....always fun to see what they have.

DianaB 01-02-2011 02:56 PM

Christmas is officially over at my house now!!! We had my side of the family over on Saturday. Mom's chicken and noodles were delicioius........and she made lemon meringue pie.......my favorite.......YUMMMMMMMMmmmmmm!!!!!!

My brother came really late......opened presents with us.......laid down and took a nap......then left!! So we didn't get into the discussion about his new girlfriend. It was a good thing.......she's into drugs and he's trying to get off of drugs so in my opinion it's NOT a good combination. I did talk to my neice, Natasha, and she knows all about it. According to Tash they are going to help each other get off of drugs......we'll see.......I don't believe it will happen.

Anyway.....the party went well. I got to play with my two neices kids and they were so adorable.....and of course, we had our little cutie, Dean!! By the way......Dean is taking a lot of steps on his own!!! He's so cute tottling around!!!

I'm so looking forward to January......it's my "do what I want to" month!!! I usally consider doing my crafts or something like that......but I think that I might start taking the border down in Jaci's room and get it ready to be painted. I REALLY don't like the color of purple that's in there!!

gja1000 01-03-2011 07:08 PM

What a busy day - I am worn out! I met my daughter, mom and granddaughters for breakfast, then I took mom to the doctor. After that I ran some errands, and then my daughter and I checked out an assisted living facility for my mom. We've come to the conclusion that it is not practical for her to live with either me or my daughter after they move to Houston, since mom cannot stay alone, who will stay with her when we travel?? Right now, I stay over there (5 minute drive from my house), but Houston is 3 1/2 hours away, and I can't just drop everything and drive over there, and visa versa, my daughter can't come to Austin when we need to be out of town. There is a real nice assisted living facilty across the street from where mom goes to church. She already knows some of the residents who attend church. Brooke and I toured the facility today and it is REALLY NICE. Mom, Brooke and I will eat lunch there on Thursday and mom will take a tour. I think she will like it. I hope so at least. I know she'd rather be with Brooke or me, but it just isn't practical with us living in Austin and Houston.

Tomorrow Gary's aunt and uncle come for 2 days. WHEW! I have a lot to do!

JJJ 01-03-2011 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 115219)
What a busy day - I am worn out! I met my daughter, mom and granddaughters for breakfast, then I took mom to the doctor. After that I ran some errands, and then my daughter and I checked out an assisted living facility for my mom. We've come to the conclusion that it is not practical for her to live with either me or my daughter after they move to Houston, since mom cannot stay alone, who will stay with her when we travel?? Right now, I stay over there (5 minute drive from my house), but Houston is 3 1/2 hours away, and I can't just drop everything and drive over there, and visa versa, my daughter can't come to Austin when we need to be out of town. There is a real nice assisted living facilty across the street from where mom goes to church. She already knows some of the residents who attend church. Brooke and I toured the facility today and it is REALLY NICE. Mom, Brooke and I will eat lunch there on Thursday and mom will take a tour. I think she will like it. I hope so at least. I know she'd rather be with Brooke or me, but it just isn't practical with us living in Austin and Houston.

Tomorrow Gary's aunt and uncle come for 2 days. WHEW! I have a lot to do!

Are you looking for assisted living in Houston. I used to work at two places here in houston. There were both great. My sis worked at one and it might look ok but I would never enter that one.

And today I didn't do anything but lay around.

Lindsey 01-04-2011 06:19 AM

You guys have all been so busy! I had last week off work and I relaxed as much as I could! Scott's friend was back in the city from Vancouver so Scott drove in to visit him a few times. We also came in a couple of times together to do some shopping and play cards with my grandma and uncle. We got our Christmas tree and inside decorations taken down and put away, and even found time to go snowboarding for a day! Any spare time in between, we relaxed!

Our office actually opened again yesterday, but I took an extra day off. I don't know why, but on Sunday night I just couldn't sleep. I would turn my lamp on and read until I felt tired, then I'd try to sleep again but my mind would race! So I'd try it again... and eventually I went downstairs to work on a puzzle for 2 hours. I finally fell asleep around 5:30 a.m. so when I needed to get up at 6 to be ready for work, I just couldn't do it. We got up at 8:00 and went to the city for blood tests and some shopping, then came home and played Wii for the day :) Scott wouldn't let me fall asleep during the day so I had no trouble falling asleep last night.

We also tried to book our Europe trip through Scott's travel agent yesterday, but when she called the tour company, they were closed. She'll try again tomorrow because she's off work today. Finally we'll have some concrete plans!

gja1000 01-04-2011 09:41 AM

We are looking at assisted living in Austin. But we may have to move her to Houston since my daughter hasmore time than me. I will certainly give u a holler if we have to look in Houston. I'm familiar with assisted living facilities in Austin but not Houston.

gja1000 01-04-2011 12:00 PM

Our aunt and uncle will be arriving in a few minutes from Oklahoma on their way to spend the winter in South Padre Island. They are pulling a fifth wheel trailer and will park on our long RV pad beside the house. I sure hope my uncle doesn't hit the house! :eek: Gary didn't hit it with our trailer, so I'm sure he won't, but still.........

They will be here till Thursday. I have a roast, potatoes, carrots, and onions in the oven for dinner this evening. I will make beef stew out of the leftovers for tomorrow. I think the house is in pretty good shape. The only problem is that there is that a heavy mist coming down right now, so someone (Gary :p) will get damp guiding him into the RV pad.

DianaB 01-04-2011 01:56 PM

Gayle, it will probably be in your Mom's best interest to put her in assisted living. She'll get good 24 hour care and there'll be others there to visit with.

Glen's Mom is getting to that place, in my opinion. She's still living at home but only because the boys are over there constantly to help her out. She can no longer get herself a meal and can barely get to the bathroom.......a lot of times she waits too long to go. Glen goes over every night to get her in bed and everything set for the night......another brother gets her up and makes sure she has breakfast and what she needs for the day nearby. I'm hoping that since the holidays are over that they'll make a decision to put her in a nursing home.......she's not well enough for assisted living. We'll see what happens.

Lindsey, it sounds like you had fun!!!

Gayle, have fun with your Aunt and Uncle!! I'm sure that they enjoy visiting with you for a couple of days!!! Supper sounds really good!! Yummmm.......

DianaB 01-04-2011 02:05 PM

I had Dean today. The ornery little guy is into everything!!!! He pulled out some of my recipe books and had them all over the floor.......then later he cleaned almost everything out of the diaper bag!!! The other day he emptied my rag drawer!! It was so cute......he was just throwing them over his head!!! Oh.....and he's walking now!! It just a few steps here and there but he's really starting to go places!!!

Yesterday Jaci came and spent quite a bit of the day with me. She has times that she doesn't feel good but it's hard to tell if she's really sick or not. When she did that while she was home I'd finally send her to school and tell her to come home if she got worse.......well, she's doing that now at home. I'm not sure what it is exactly........maybe a little too much time on her hands so she worries about herself. I recommended some headache stuff so we'll see if anything helps. It ended up that Nate had said some mean things about her not being really sick so she was upset with him. I need to check and see how she's doing today.

My little adopted granddaughter, Lexi, and her Mom came over yesterday and got Lexi's Christmas gifts. She was so cute and she knows Jaci really well so it didn't take too long before she was chasing Jaci and laughing!!! She is such a doll!!!

gja1000 01-04-2011 02:48 PM

Yes Diana, mom will do much better in assisted living. She's not a real social person, so it will be a bit hard for her, but it will be better. She will be able to go visit my daughter for a week or two at a time and see her great granddaughters and everyone will enjoy each other alot. Right now, they pretty much get on each other's nerves. She wouldn't have anything to do at all if she lived with us. I'm gone all day to work, and then I'm tired and not real social when I get home. We all know this is best, and she does too. The assisted living complex is absolutely gorgeous. Everyone is so nice and she will enjoy it once she gets used to it. It does feel odd though - and I'm sure it feels odd to her too.

gja1000 01-04-2011 03:41 PM

And Diana, you are so right. You're mother-in-law definitely needs to be in the nursing home or to have full time in home care. It really isn't safe, but I know how it goes. Good luck with that.

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