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lynne b 01-04-2011 03:47 PM

Gayle, I hope you are able to get your mom in the AL place that you want, you remember what i went through getting my mom to where she is now. Do they have a waiting list, I was suprised at quick a room became avaliable for mom. She still can't call it home, after living in the same house for almost 50yrs that is still her home.
I hope your mom does well where ever she ends up living.

Lindey, glad to hear you finally got some time off and was able to relax and enjoy yourself. I do that also after being off work for a week, come Sunday night i usually lay awake most of the night, things running through my head, and afraid i will over sleep and be late for work.

Diana, I bet little Dean is just too cute walking around, now the fun begins, next he will be running and grandma will be chaseing right behind him LOL. I can remember my girls playing in my cabinets, they had one cabinet in the kitchen that i kept some toys in just for them, it was big enough that they could climb inside it and play.

gja1000 01-04-2011 07:50 PM

Lynne, they actually have a studio apartment available right now. It is even a larger one. So, we are very fortunate to be able to get her right in.

Lindsey 01-05-2011 08:37 AM

Gayle, I hope your mom agrees to go there! Even in my tiny town of 900 people, there's a year waiting list for the Assisted Living place across the street from us!

I am pretty tired today because I went to bed late last night (cleaning a bit for company tonight) and woke up an hour before my alarm because Layla pooped... We rearranged the room so her bed is on the floor beside my side of the bed and we're pretty close now. We both smelled it and woke up at the same time lol! I realized what happened and then her head shot up and she flew out of that bed. Anyways, after cleaning it up I couldn't get back to sleep.

Tonight we're having my brother, his girlfriend, the girls, my grandma, and my uncle out to watch the World Junior Hockey gold medal game on our projector and big screen :D It doesn't seem like a year ago already that we were at the games! This year it's in Buffalo, NY. Something like 75% of the ticket holders are Canadian lol! Surprised? Anyways, last year we were defeated by the USA, but Canada knocked out the American team early this year in the semi-finals on Monday night. Tonight it's Canada vs Russia for gold!

DianaB 01-05-2011 09:26 AM

I guess that I have a couple of days all to myself. Glen got a call at 4 a.m. from his Mom to go to Nebraska with her and his sisters. His Mom is suppose to get the battery changed in her pacemaker and she doctors in Nebraska, thanks to Glen's sister that lives there. It makes it really hard when something comes up down here because none of the doctors here know her history or what's going on with her.

Anyway.....one sister's son was suppose to come and pick her up and take her home from the hospital while the other sister would bring his Mom back home but she wasn't feeling well when it came time to leave so Glen was called. And they called at the time they were suppose to be leaving. Glen grabbed his clothes and went over.....thank goodness he doesn't have anything going on for the next couple of days. He'll be ready to get away from his Mom once he gets home. He loves her but just doesn't have patience with her anymore.

So........after Dean goes home I think that I'll work on taking the tree down. Sounds like an exciting day.......LOL

Janet 01-05-2011 10:35 AM

Sounds like everyone is busy. I love the idea of having a few days to myself, you're lucky Diana. Today I went and got my hair cut, bought some flea/heartworm for the doggies and and this PhyCox stuff for Penny. She got so she couldn't hold her back end up very well and it would fall to the ground. She is now getting on the furniture and doing great. No more losing control of her back legs.

Then I headed to Mom's, got her dialysis supplies ready for tonight and then took her to get her hair cut. Now...lol...I'm on my laptop, watching Days of Our Lives with two dogs on my lap...lol.

Lindsey 01-05-2011 01:20 PM

I'm glad to hear Penny is doing so much better!

JJJ 01-05-2011 04:19 PM

I went and tried to clean my moms storage.

gja1000 01-06-2011 04:54 PM

I had a meeting this morning with a group of persons from a funding foundation in our city. We had submitted grants to them, one for 3,000,000.00 (yes, 3 million dollars :eek:). It is to name our research center after their foundation. I have no idea if they will fund it, we shall see. We also asked for two other grants to increase the size of our nurse practitioner program. There is a great need for primary care and mental health nurse practitioners - so hopefully they will give us money to increase the number of students we can take in that program.

Then, I went to lunch with my mom and daughter at the assisted living facility. THE FOOD WAS GREAT!!! Good food is really important to my mom - she can be so gripey about food that is not good. Both my daughter and I were holding our breath, hoping the food would be good and it WAS!

Everyone was so nice and mom liked it. Although as I've said before, I know she'd rather stay with us, we will be completing the paper work and she will be moving some time next week.

In the meantime, my granddaughter has a volleyball tournament in Houston on Saturday, so I'll be spending Saturday night with mom at my daughters. Hopefully, this will be the last time I'll have to do that! YAY! The assisted living place is only about 3-4 miles from my house, so I can visit often. I'm going to make it a point to visit at LUNCH OR DINNER! LOL! :D

Now I'm at home taking care of Gary. He had an unexpected root canal done today. Now, you might say, how could a root canal be unexpected. Well, he had a dental appointment at the VA this morning - and you never know what they will do when you walk in. He has a tooth that has been very sensitive, so they just did a root canal today! Poor baby, his jaw is really sore! I fixed him VERY SOFT macaroni and cheese.

gja1000 01-06-2011 04:56 PM

Oh I forgot to report on Gary's appointment with the orthopedic doc about his shoulder. When she examined it, she was very encouraged because he has quite a bit of range of motion - so she seemed to think it might not be a torn tendon or rotator cuff. She gave him a shot of cortisone and he is to come back in a month to see how it is doing. He says it is not any better, but he has not had to sleep in the chair the last two nights, whereas he had been up in the night with shoulder pain the two previous nights. I sure hope he is able to get by without surgery!!!

gja1000 01-07-2011 07:54 PM

We completed all the paperwork today at the Assisted Living facility. The apartment is ready and we will move her in on Monday. She seems fine.

Oh the neatest thing happened. The facility director asked us if we wanted to use the primary care physician at the facility. They said she (the doctor) had two nurse practitioner who worked with the doctor and were at the facility every Friday. When I asked their names, they turned out to be two of the faculty at the School of Nursing that I have worked with for 20 years! I knew they worked at care facilities one day a week, but didnt' know they worked at the one my mom is going to. Mom has no major health problems, just well controlled high blood pressure, low thyroid, and low bone density. So having the NP's take care of her is great! They see the residents in their apartment (house calls!) and there is a clinic if they need a more extensive exam. Now, how cool is that! I have mom's power of attorney so they can discuss her care with me, if they need to. I think we can give her much better care than her other primary care doc she only saw once a year or when she had a problem!

Janet 01-08-2011 05:12 AM

I'll keep my fingers crossed Gayle that surgery is not in Gary's future and that his shoulder pain gets better asap. You've just really been busy huh Gayle??? Sounds like a great place for your mom. We have some nice places around here, but having someone you know helping with your mom really makes it nice.

I don't think I've written much the last few days....the days are all running together so I read and then sleep...lol. Been busy with Mom and trying to keep things running here. I was able to call and speak with my friend of over 30 years....her birthday was yesterday so I called and sang happy birthday to her...lol.

gja1000 01-08-2011 06:37 AM

Janet, as long as you are able to sing Happy Birthday to your friend (or anyone), you will be OK. Love you!

It does sound like your mom might be needing assisted living too. I am so fortunate that my mom doesn't have any health problems right now!

gja1000 01-08-2011 03:25 PM

I am running back and forth between my daughter's and my home today. Daughter and family are out of town this weekend, so I've got to keep an eye on mom (and stay the night with her tonight) and Gary at the same time. Our houses are 9 miles apart - not that far, but keeps me busy. I'll be SO GLAD to have mom in her own apartment so that I don't have to worry about her.

We are packing her things today too. Quite an adventure! I'm home now to be sure Gary has dinner and get my clothes for the night. WHEW!

gja1000 01-09-2011 06:40 AM

I got mom mostly packed last night - have to go back today and do a few more things but not too much. I'm home now to get myself cleaned up and ready for the day. We will move in the morning. YAY!

We had an inch and a half rain last night. WHOO HOO! That is the most rain we've had since - I can't remember when. It is supposed to get butt cold on Monday night, but frankly, I'm ready for some cold weather. I've had to have my air conditioner on at night sometimes - IN JANUARY - to cool off the house to sleep. That is just wrong wrong wrong!

I'm sure I'll be whining about the cold weather soon. :D

lynne b 01-09-2011 01:47 PM

Gayle, I am glad things are going so good with your mom'a move, and hope she enjoy's living there.

Wish Janet was having the same luck, I am worried about you girl!!!

Diana, I read on FB you are excited about having snow, I hope you enjoy it, only time i enjoy it is when i don't have to go out in it.

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