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Janet 01-09-2011 03:12 PM

Spent the night and entire day at the hospital with Mom. Came home around 4 and showered. Read a brochure on home health care and now.....relaxing. Eyelids are getting heavy so I know it won't be long till I'm in la la land. :)

paula1961 01-09-2011 03:14 PM

I'm so sorry to hear this Janet. Did they keep her? Get u some rest.

gja1000 01-09-2011 05:42 PM

I'm sorry your mom is back in the hospital, Janet - but that's where she needs to be to find out where this bleeding is coming from!!!

I'm so tired I want to cry. Moved most of mom's things to the assisted living facility. We helped my sil put together a dresser and wardrobe that we got at Ikea. Mom only has a studio apt. so she needed maximum storage space. The apt. looks good. We'll move her bed and chair tomorrow and the rest of her clothes.

I ran home during the day and put chili in the crockpot. Yum, it was good. It's cold outside so the chili really warmed me up! Now, I'm ready to relax in front of the TV!

Lindsey 01-10-2011 08:00 AM

We went to a wedding this weekend. I saw some friends I haven't seen in a really long time (including the bride) and I really miss those girls! I had a really good night, drank a lot of wine, danced until my feet ached, and went back to my grandma's house to sleep for the night :) It was storming and we didn't want to go all the way back home.

When we got home yesterday afternoon, I went on a cleaning spree. I vacuumed the whole house, then took out my Shark steam mop and it wouldn't steam :mad: Scott thinks an element might have stopped working. So I got out the old mop and bucket and washed all the floors that way! When I got upstairs I noticed the dust at the bottom of the railings. When someone comes up to the top floor just to talk to someone there, they'll stop on the stairs and look through the railings, and there were fingerprints in the dust :rolleyes: So I grabbed a cloth and washed between every spindle, and over all the railings and in every little crevice of the designs! I also went down all the stairs and wiped the wood down beside the carpet runner. All the woodwork is really beautiful but it's terrible to clean! I guess that's why I hadn't done it yet lol!

When Scott and I first started dating, he got me hooked on this British tv show that he had downloaded, called The IT Crowd. We just loved it and watched all three seasons within weeks! That was over 2 years ago, and the show was on hiatus even though there were ramblings on the internet about new episodes being made. I just happened to find the fourth season this weekend so we watched the whole season last night!!! :D I told him wouldn't it be weird, when we're in London, if we turn on the tv and the show is on just on regular tv instead of the computer? Lol!

I probably should have gone to bed earlier though, I am exhausted at work today!

gja1000 01-10-2011 06:37 PM

Finished moving mom's things and got everything set up and put away today. Left at 8:00 this morning and got home at 7:00 this evening. I am pooped.

Janet 01-11-2011 03:21 AM

You've been so busy Gayle.....time to rest a bit. I'm so glad your Mom is in such a nice place and so close. That will make a big difference in her adjusting.

I have just been doing the same thing the last few days...:) running back and forth to the hospital.

gja1000 01-11-2011 06:31 PM

So, have they found anything yet, Janet? How's your mom feeling?

I was so tired today. I went to work but completely whimped out and had to come home and take a nap. I had a killer headache and felt like I was getting sick. But after some Advil and a nap, I feel much better.

Janet 01-12-2011 03:36 AM

I didn't get to visit Mom yesterday (Tuesday) because of the snow. I was planning on going today, but we have a two hour delay so now I'll have to wait until after the afternoon route.

The hospital is making me very angry. The last time Mom was in the hospital (Dec. 25-30) the Drs. spoke about her swallowing this camera pill. She was to do it as outpatient and is scheduled for the 18th. I want them to do it while she's there now. She also has horrible internal hemorroids that are causing her a lot of pain and discomfort......but they may dismiss her today....just doesn't make sense to me....but what do I know! Mom could end of bleeding again before her scheduled appointment.

gja1000 01-12-2011 04:57 AM

I wonder if her hemmoroids are bad enough to be causing this bleeding???

Janet 01-13-2011 09:04 AM

They are thinking so.....she has 3 small ones outside, but 2 very large inside and sometimes 'coming out'. She is in so much pain, but they are doing a flexible sigmoidoscopy at this moment to make sure it's nothing else.

gja1000 01-13-2011 07:53 PM

I had an all day work day at school - getting ready for some changes that will be happening next year. I know it seems odd to be working now for changes next year, but we were looking at what we did this past fall semester, and how things will be different next fall. It's easier to remember what you just did, and change it, than wait till summer and try to remember what you did last fall.

Anyway, it was a long day. I am not yet recovered from the move because when I do anything - all day - I am just BEAT in the late afternoon and evening!!!

gja1000 01-13-2011 07:55 PM

Oh and my mom is doing good at Parmer Woods. My daughter and I made it a point to both be "busy" today and unable to visit her. We want her to start doing some things on her own and she did! She went to exercise class this morning and she said she really liked it! YAY!

Janet 01-14-2011 03:28 AM

I'm so glad your Mom is adjusting so well and I like the name of the place. Most places like that have lots to do to keep the residents busy. I couldn't even get my Mom to visit this place in town for senior citizens (not a home of any sort). They play cards, dance, movies, go on trips, have pitch-ins, entertainment..etc. She said they were all too old there......LOLOL

Lindsey 01-14-2011 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 115512)
I'm so glad your Mom is adjusting so well and I like the name of the place. Most places like that have lots to do to keep the residents busy. I couldn't even get my Mom to visit this place in town for senior citizens (not a home of any sort). They play cards, dance, movies, go on trips, have pitch-ins, entertainment..etc. She said they were all too old there......LOLOL

Lol! Your mom is so funny Janet. We have a place like that in our town too and Scott and I can't wait to be old enough to go play cards lol!

I felt really sick last night. I made a pork roast and potatoes in the crock pot yesterday, and then ended up working late and we didn't eat until about 7:30. It was really really good, but the smell of the pork and rosemary filled up the whole floor and I just felt nauseous. I laid down on the living room floor with Layla, covered myself in a blanket, and fell asleep for about 20 minutes. When I woke up I went up to bed and Scott brought me some green tea and I finished reading my book. It was 9:00 when I tried to go to sleep. At 10:00 I still wasn't asleep. I got up and grabbed my journal from a box in a closet and started writing. I haven't used it since April 2009, with my last entry saying my mom is in the hospital and nobody knows what's wrong. :( It helped to get some things off my mind, but I still had to start reading a new book before going to sleep.

I use my cell phone as my alarm in the mornings, and before I went to sleep it was half full of power, and this morning it was dead :eek: We woke up 5 minutes before we usually leave. I was a half hour late for work this morning!

Janet 01-14-2011 07:38 AM

Today...I home alone. Ricky had to work today, so did his Dad and me...well..I woke up with some sinus drainage and chest congestion so I really can't go see Mom. I'm doing a bit of laundry, cleaned up the kitchen and now I'm just chill'n, feels good. Don't think I'm going to do much else either...lol...although I really should go get some groceries, I may just wait till morning.

Mom didn't have a very good night last night. The Dr. told me she was having trouble with breathing and they gave her a breathing treatment. She's never had one of those before. Also...her heart had some irregular beats. Seems like it's always something new going on.

Today....I'm going to try and just relax...Mom is in good hands.

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