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gja1000 01-14-2011 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 115512)
I'm so glad your Mom is adjusting so well and I like the name of the place. Most places like that have lots to do to keep the residents busy. I couldn't even get my Mom to visit this place in town for senior citizens (not a home of any sort). They play cards, dance, movies, go on trips, have pitch-ins, entertainment..etc. She said they were all too old there......LOLOL

Janet, that is EXACTLY what my grandma said, 30 years ago about the Senior Citizen center in her little town and she NEVER went! My mom however, is a bit more open! LOL!

gja1000 01-14-2011 02:56 PM

I don't know if she had some irregular heart beats before or after the breathing treatment, but if it was after the treatment, there's a good chance the medicine in the breathing treatment caused the irregular beats. That medicine can cause your heart to do all sorts of funny things - but it does help difficult breathing.

Lindsey 01-14-2011 04:31 PM

I finished off my work day by getting shafted by the new manager for raises and bonuses. No bonus for the first year since I started working there, and a terrible excuse for a raise. Obviously they don't appreciate all the overtimeI have put in over the last year, all the nights I spent in the office, and all of my free time I've given up. I feel like Clark Griswold from National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. I was counting on a bonus for our trip to Europe. I agreed to go 3 months early and told my manager the reason it would be hard is because we need to save more money. I am so upset and too emotional because I've been crying since I got in my car after work. You know who got a better raise than me? The receptionist who just came back after Christmas from maternity leave. I thought I proved myself over the last year.

I am starting to feel very expendable now that they have outsourced this job to actual Engineers from the states who probably only make as much as I do from the company but can do way more work and get charged out for way more money.

I am going to write the manager an email this weekend after I calm down (if I calm down) and state my points (because I will probably just cry in person) and ask if we can please have a meeting about it next week. It just feels like I've been kicked in the stomach. I've spent 4 years at this company and I have never felt as underappreciated or done as much work as I have in the past year. I miss our old manager.

gja1000 01-14-2011 04:46 PM

Lindsay, I'm so sorry! I know you have given WAY above and beyond to your company and this is so unfair. Good employees are hard to come by and they must be treated fairly. I hope the manager is amenable to talking and hearing your rationale.

I hope things turn out better than they look right now!

lynne b 01-14-2011 05:54 PM

Gayle, I am so glad that your mom is getting settled into her new home and that she is getting involved in the things that they provide for them. They do lot's of things where my mom is at, but she would much rather be shopping LOL though she doesn't really need anything, it just gets her out of there for a while, she has never really been able to call it home, not after liveing in the same house for 30 years and even though my brother owns the house now we all still call it home.

Janet, I hope you were able to get some much needed rest today and hope that you get to feeling better. Hope your mom is doing better also.

I went to the nuero surgeon on Tuesday for my back, I have a herniated disc on the same disc that ruptured in 2009, just the other side this time, he wants to start with cortisone shots first (2 of them) to see if it will heal on its own. I got my 1st shot on Thursday (scared the heck out of me), well the pain is gone but i still have a limp to my gait, i go next Thursday for the 2nd shot, honestly i think it is just a temporary fix to something that i will need to have surgery for later on down the road. He gave me 2 options on the surgery, #1 is to do the same surgery he did last time if he can reach it at the angel he need to because of my hip bone, #2 option is a fusion of the 2 lower vertibrase (sp) but he said the only way he would do that surgery is if i stopped smoking, because the smoking would prevent the tissue or cartliadge from growing together to fuse them together. So will give the shots some time to see if they will help, and if not then i need to stop smoking. I have talked with a couple people that have had the same sugery and they say it really helped them. It's exhausting walking this way and i think if i'm gona have any surgery done i want it to be a permante fix this time, not something that i will have to worry about having done again in the future.

gja1000 01-14-2011 06:34 PM

I hope you get relief from the shots and don't have to have surgery at all - but my uncle had the fusion procedure and he is doing very well. I am NOT a fan of back surgery, most people need at least 2-4 surgeries to get relief. I think though, that the new minimally invasive fusion procedures have a better success rate.

I think since you got relief with one shot, that they might work, at least for a while. And hey! You'll be much healthier if you quit smoking too. I know it is very very hard, but it is something that you should do. I know you know that and don't need me to say it. Let us know how things go.

gja1000 01-16-2011 10:21 AM

At the Texas women's basketball game!

Janet 01-16-2011 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 115737)
At the Texas women's basketball game!

I so want an IPad....lol.

Lindsey 01-17-2011 06:20 AM

I sent my manager an email on Saturday and got a reply immediately. She wants to talk with me today. I am so nervous. I didn't sleep at all last night and have huge bags under my eyes today. She's not in the office yet and I can't concentrate on anything else.

Janet 01-17-2011 02:08 PM

Today Mom called and told me they were releasing her and to come get her. She is at her house, but with people coming in to help. We are having a nurse, physical therapist, and home health aide come to help her. I got her home and settled, meds are all set up for two weeks and her dialysis fluid is put in place and ready for use.

My wonderful sister-in-law shampooed Mom's carpet after the mess she made the day we took her to the hospital. Mom had NEVER had her carpet cleaned and it's probably at least 25 years old, probably older. She almost started crying because it looked like new...so bright and so pretty.

This same SIL will be taking Mom to two Dr. appts. tomorrow back in Lafayette again. One is her heart Dr. and the other is her G.I. Dr. Then I'll do the ones on the 21st, 24th and 27th. Then she should be all caught up with follow up visits.

She does seem pretty good, but I still don't like the idea of her being home alone. The nurse will come on Wednesday since she'll be at Dr. appt. tomorrow. Not sure when the other two will come. We are also having Meals On Wheels deliver meals to Mom for her noon meal. That way we know she is getting a good healthy hot meal every single day.

She still has that infection in her colon, but has this med she is suppose to take and it is obviously working. Bowels are getting more back to normal...still will take time and the pain and burning of the hemorroids is gone for now.

I told her that if for some reason she didn't feel right, wobbly, bowels..anything...she is to call right away so we can get it taken care of before she lets it get out of hand.

Lindsey 01-17-2011 02:20 PM

I am so glad your SIL is taking some of the pressure off you Janet!

It's 4:00 PM and I finally got a chance to talk with my manager. She asked what I'd like for my salary, I told her, and it's done. She said she thinks I'm worth a lot more than that, and asked where I'd like to go from here. She asked if I'd be interested in project management, because she has some jobs she could give me. I didn't expect that! But she thinks I have lots of experience and she can phase me into being a project manager instead of just a drafter. It's more responsibility but I would be able to manage my time so much better instead of having people tell me what to do at the last minute. It's exciting! I told her about my interests in road design so hopefully I can get into some of our highway jobs. She asked if I'm happy working here and I told her I'm so thankful that she lets me bring Layla in because that is a huge cost saver. She said she is happy to have Layla here and she is glad that I am able to talk to her about my problems, and not to hesitate if I am not happy with anything else here. PHEW!

This morning I was worried I would lose my job. Now it turns out I'd only lose it to be promoted lol! I wish I would have slept more last night!

lynne b 01-17-2011 03:25 PM

Janet, so glad to hear that your mom is home. Hopefully with more people keeping an eye on her things will work out this time. And hopefully having more help will give you a chance to relax and not have to worry so much. Will be praying that everything goes good this time.

Lindsey, I hope you gave yourself one heck of a raise LOL, I'm sure you deserved more than you got. Must make you feel pretty proud of yourself that someone finally see's your potential and is willing to give you a chance to move forward in your job. Good luck!!

gja1000 01-17-2011 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Lindsey (Post 115796)
I am so glad your SIL is taking some of the pressure off you Janet!

It's 4:00 PM and I finally got a chance to talk with my manager. She asked what I'd like for my salary, I told her, and it's done. She said she thinks I'm worth a lot more than that, and asked where I'd like to go from here. She asked if I'd be interested in project management, because she has some jobs she could give me. I didn't expect that! But she thinks I have lots of experience and she can phase me into being a project manager instead of just a drafter. It's more responsibility but I would be able to manage my time so much better instead of having people tell me what to do at the last minute. It's exciting! I told her about my interests in road design so hopefully I can get into some of our highway jobs. She asked if I'm happy working here and I told her I'm so thankful that she lets me bring Layla in because that is a huge cost saver. She said she is happy to have Layla here and she is glad that I am able to talk to her about my problems, and not to hesitate if I am not happy with anything else here. PHEW!

This morning I was worried I would lose my job. Now it turns out I'd only lose it to be promoted lol! I wish I would have slept more last night!

So, she was above the new manager? I'm really glad that she changed things - why on earth did the new manager do what he/she did to you? Do you think the new manager will be mad about what this manager did. It was completely unfair for a new manager to do the raises when he/she hasn't been at the company very long!!

I'm so glad that you got what you asked for - I know you are relieved. I'm glad too that you got a promotion. More responsibility is sometimes stressful, but ultimately if you have more control, you will be happier! CONGRATULATIONS!

gja1000 01-17-2011 04:04 PM

Janet, I"m glad your mom is home, but I am not sure that is enough help for her. Is someone coming by everyday to help - not you or family, but aid, etc. She really needs someone every day or every other day to make sure things look OK. A home aid could come in and fix her supper, clean the house, and report if she is not doing well. Usually they stay about 4 hours. I know she is getting meals on wheels for lunch - but someone in the house every day or every other day would be such a help.

Blueyes 01-17-2011 07:27 PM

Way to go Lindsey!! I hope you get things just like you want them. You deserve it for working so hard!!

Janet, I'm glad you have some extra help with your mom. Maybe she'll do ok for awhile!

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