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gja1000 09-14-2010 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Blueyes (Post 113073)
Then I'll go with ICE CREAM!!!

DING DING DING! You are half right Betsi! It's a ice cream and cupcake shop. We were talking to the owners the other day and they said they were originally going to call it:

Licks & Bites

But then someone said that sounded like a vet clinic. LOL! It kinda DOES!

So, they came up with Lick It, Bite It or Both. You see, you can get ice cream (lick it) cupcakes (bite it) or BOTH! :D

Janet 09-15-2010 07:34 AM

Judy...she's a cute all right!!! Have you tried using Pixriser? I always resize to 33% or 50% and you can save it to whatever you want. Here is the link and it's really easy to use...


Lindsey 09-15-2010 11:47 AM

This being back at work thing really sucks. I wish I was rich and never had to work again lol. Somebody buy me a winning lottery ticket please :)

What a long week so far! We're really busy but kind of disorganized at work. Being out of the loop for a week means I'm a little unsure of what is going on with projects now, except they are due soon!

At home we have started putting everything back together after the painting spree. Scott put up a new ceiling fan in the living room, took the chandelier from over the kitchen island and moved it to the dining room (replacing another ceiling fan) and put up a new light over the island (not sure what it's called... it hangs low and is bowl-shaped lol). I got a chance to put the old ceiling fans up on internet classifieds this morning but haven't gotten any replies yet. We'd like them cleared from the dining room asap!

This weekend my parents are taking my brother and his girlfriend to a football game, so Scott and I are taking the girls for Friday night. He'll pick them up from daycare after work, since the football crew will be leaving in the afternoon. I'm excited to have them over again :) I just got word that on Saturday, everyone is coming out to our house for golf and supper again! I'll have to figure out something to make now. My uncle is also bringing out my treadmill in his truck so I need to clear a space for that! My brother kept it at his house when I moved into the condo.

It is getting cold here... we're starting to have frosty mornings, yellow leaves are falling off trees, and I'm sure we'll have snow in a month. I'm kind of glad for it though, because life slows down in the winter!

Janet 09-19-2010 06:58 AM

Lindsey...you know we need pictures of your home improvements. I just know everything you and Scott have done is lovely.

I had a great time at an auction yesterday. I posted about it on another thread. Today...I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'm here alone for the day so I've not turned on the TV or radio and just enjoying the silence. Dogs are sleeping so no barking at the moment from them. I am trying to get laundry caught up, seems like a never ending battle.

Rick and I went out for supper last night while Ricky was at work. Of course....I paid mine and he paid his. We talked a bit, but nothing too deep. I was in the mood to drink, which doesn't happen very often so I had a Filet of Pork wrapped in bacon, potato wedges, cole slaw and 3 beers. They were sooo good and sooo cold. To be honest....I could have drank another, but my son will never see me in that kind of condition... ever!

Wish I could see you all today....

gja1000 09-19-2010 12:10 PM

Well POOP! Gary and Bryan were going fishing this evening/night - but now there is rain coming so they can't go. Oh the rain is good, just not this evening. Gary has been soooo looking forward to going - he hasn't been fishing since we were in Alaska. He loves it so much. Bryan was taking off work tomorrow so they were going to fish from about 5:00PM to whenever..........

I feel so sorry for him - but then again, there will be another time!

Truthfully, I was looking forward to an evening alone too ;). I don't get many of those!

gja1000 09-19-2010 12:12 PM

Janet, a few beers sounds good to me too. I don't ever drink either, and it usually because I'm the designated driver. Gary doesn't drink much, but he doesn't see well and doesn't like to drive too much, so I usually do all of it.

I'm like you though, I don't like to drink too much. I don't think I could drink even 3 beers! :p

Janet 09-19-2010 03:27 PM

I drove over, but since I knew I was going to enjoy my drink(s) he had to drive home, so he limits it to two. I was worried though....I thought he had more during the day and his driving proved it. I just made him drive the back roads and slow. I won't drive at all even with just one beer in my system....if I would ever get caught...I'd lose my job. Next time I need to take a non-drinker with me...lol

Can't they go fishing in the rain or are you expecting storms? We've done it many times especially when it's been so hot. Seems here the fish will bite at the drops...lol.

gja1000 09-19-2010 05:36 PM

Yeah, they can fish in the rain, but they were going to be out on the lake in the boat and the radar looked like there might be wind. When the wind picks up they sound the sirens and make everyone get off the lake. Plus is it a pain getting the boat in and out with the wind/rain. It started raining at the lake about 3:00 and it is still raining - even though they have rain gear, they would have been wet and miserable by now.

I don't drive with even one drink either. As a health care worker, a DUI could have consequences too.

Lindsey 09-20-2010 09:05 AM

I am back at work today and getting over a bad cold. I actually took Friday off work it was so bad. It's a good thing too... between around noon and bedtime on Friday, I had SEVEN nosebleeds! A few started from blowing my nose, but the ones in the evening seemed to come on just from tilting my head forward (looking at Scott's computer screen, washing my face). My nose was just pouring blood! I've never had that many nosebleeds before. Saturday I had two more, but I've been doing well since then. Today at least my head is clear enough to think!

This weekend coming up, Scott's family is coming up to our house so I need to get a LOT of cleaning and organizing done. His sister and husband haven't seen it yet, and neither has his grandma from BC. We want to make a good impression! His mom hasn't seen it since we moved in either, and I'm pretty sure she'll hate the green paint in the kitchen. Oh well :rolleyes:

paula1961 09-20-2010 02:04 PM

My goodness Lynsey! That's alot of nose bleeding. Is it from sinus problems or allergies maybe? Hope you get over that soon honey.

I'm sure you and Scott will get everything done for your company. Hope you enjoy having everyone there.:)

judy 09-25-2010 09:07 AM

I hope you feel better Linds!

The kids are back at school, and they have been very busy lately. They were very busy with the play rehearsals,the girls went to the city to see Wicked on Wednesday, and tonight they are going to see Sally Mayes, a singer.

I love it! I hate to say it, but I need more free time than Jessie gives me. I love them all dearly, but I am very used to feeling a lot of freedom. Since I moved up here, I have not had that feeling. Even if I haven't had plans with them, she or the kids can call at anytime and want to come over sleep over, have me visit, etc.

I sometimes dread when the phone rings because my nice easy going day is about to be devoted to them. I wish that she could just cut back a drop. Oh well, having said that, I better go enjoy my day before she calls me to come meet them tonight! The show is in my town. I called her this morning, but had to leave a message.

Janet 09-25-2010 11:51 AM

Do you have caller ID Judy? Maybe you can just say you were out walking or something and didn't hear it ring... :)

judy 09-25-2010 04:51 PM

I did that today Janet! I was about to leave, and just didn't answer it. This evening though, I wanted to say Hi, and see what they were up to. I felt guilty about ducking them too.

Well, wouldn't you know it? Mackenzie got on and asked if she could sleep over. I had to say yes, because she gets so hurt if I say no. Jessie said in the background she didn't know if she could. It depended on what their plans for tomorrow are. She said she would call me back.

How many of you think she called me back? None...good! You're all right! So here I sit at 8:49, having no idea if the bell is going to ring or not, with Mackenzie being dropped off to sleep here, and maybe Kassidy too.


gja1000 09-25-2010 07:38 PM

Judy, I do know how you feel. When Abigail was 4-12, she spent every weekend at my house. I loved having her, but I work and it really was a chore to have her here and get everything done I needed to do. It was a relief when she started athletics that required her to play/practice almost every Saturday (so she didn't stay over - maybe Saturday night only). Then, she developed so many friends about age 11-12, and they all visit each other over the weekend. So now, she hardly ever stays over and I really miss her sometimes. But I see her a lot, go to her volleyball games, and stay as involved as my time will allow.

However, I just don't think I'll be able to take Emma every weekend like I did Abigail - although Emma may not want to stay with us - who knows. I have so much more to do with Gary now, and he needs a lot of my attention. After his best friend died, he doesn't go out much, and his health is much more tenuous now anyway, if he was running around, I'd just be a nervous wreck! Yet, I don't want Emma to not be able to stay with us some of the time - however, I just don't think I can keep her every weekend. Now, that may be a moot point if the kids have to move to Houston - which is looking more imminent. Of course, then I will be so sad that they are 3 hours away, and I can't run over to see them any time I want. Although in some ways, that will be better. But I will still be really sad!

Anyway, I do understand your feeling like you are at their beck and call all the time and I know that doesn't feel very good. I need my space and alone time and the older I get the crankier I get when I don't get it. I have fallen into the trap of picking up my mom from church and taking her home every Sunday at noon (she rides to church with a friend, but can't ride home with her and the church is near my house). She called tonight, and I just thought, "I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow and I need a break from picking you up!" So, I told her I didn't know what we'd be doing and to call me tomorrow. I'll probably pick her up, but grrrrrrr........

Maybe that is even more reason to get away to FL for part of the winter! Maybe I'll join you! LOL!!! ;)

Janet 09-26-2010 12:52 PM

I'm really understanding out you both feel, but not with grandchildren.....my mother. I'm exhausted and tired of it. But then again ...I love my Mom and I really do want to help her and be with her....just not all the time.

I think I want to go to Florida with you two....just don't say anything to my Mom...she'll want to go.

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