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gja1000 01-17-2011 07:37 PM

Gary and I ran errands until early afternoon. I was tired! Then Brooke and the girls came over for a bit to bring some of Abigail's things (hair stuff, bath stuff, hair dryer, etc). Today was the first day her daddy has to be in Houston M-F, so anytime my daughter goes to Houston during the week to look for a place to live, Abi will have to stay with me. We set up her bed yesterday and are looking for a nightstand. Actually we have one, but are looking for a white one that will go with the bedding better.

Lindsey 01-18-2011 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 115801)
So, she was above the new manager? I'm really glad that she changed things - why on earth did the new manager do what he/she did to you? Do you think the new manager will be mad about what this manager did. It was completely unfair for a new manager to do the raises when he/she hasn't been at the company very long!!

I'm so glad that you got what you asked for - I know you are relieved. I'm glad too that you got a promotion. More responsibility is sometimes stressful, but ultimately if you have more control, you will be happier! CONGRATULATIONS!

It was the SAME woman! I don't really understand it. They increased my position from Tech 4 to Tech 5, so I guess she just gave me the minimum for Tech 5. I don't know what happened for sure. Maybe she didn't even look at my old salary, but I find that hard to believe. I'm just glad she wasn't so scary to talk to and did make me feel like I'm needed here. She's been at the company for a long time actually, but was just a project manager. She just went back to school for her masters in whatever she does... environmental management maybe? So then she took over managing our office in the last year while our old manager focuses on one of our major projects, and other big things as VP of the company.

Anyways, I guess I should have given myself a better raise lol! I did ask for double the raise I got, although still the smallest raise I've gotten at this company! It works out to 3.7%. Still no bonus though. On our way home, Scott said "Well, I guess I'm still the breadwinner in this family" (he has been for 2 weeks lol... I always made more than him before) and I said "No... we're making the same now" because I based my salary on what he now makes. He said no... his salary has an extra $40 :rolleyes: So I told him, great! I won't have to feel bad about him paying for our nights out! :D

Janet 01-18-2011 07:38 AM

Congratulations Lindsey....you did great girl. Always remember from now on, when someone asks how much you want....for anything...reach for the sky...lol.

Gayle..the home health aide is suppose to come and see what the needs are first, but I imagine we will want her there everyday if that's possible. If not, then we'll have to look elsewhere. I'm with you...especially after this morning.

I called Mom to see how she was and she was tired, out of breath and slurring her words a bit....sounding like she didn't have her dentures in. She didn't sleep much at all last night. I called my SIL to go get her earlier since she was taking her to two Dr. appts. today. She and my brother went down and said Mom acted a bit better, but they told her to quit "playing it up" for me. I guess she does this to get more attention from me...that the others don't give her.

Mom had me a nervous wreck so now I'll be speaking to her about the same thing.

gja1000 01-18-2011 05:40 PM

Janet, sometimes my mom is a bit "goofy" in the mornings. We think it is due to some dehydration that occurs during the night. She doesn't drink much in the later evening because she has some trouble with urine leakage and she doesn't want to have an accident at night.

Many older people have trouble with some confusion in the early morning and again in the late afternoon evening. So, although she may be playing it up for you, it may be real.

Go for as much help as possible. Your mom needs it and so do you!

gja1000 01-18-2011 05:41 PM

I had a really long day today! I didn't leave work till about 6:00PM - that's really late for me. I can bring anything home to work on so I generally don't stay that late, I just bring home whatever I"m working on. But today, I just stayed.

My class starts on Friday - I'm ready though, but just barely! :rolleyes:

Janet 01-19-2011 08:11 AM

Today....I'm here on the computer when I should be getting things done. I will though in a few minutes...I just wanted to visit here first. I don't think I will be going into Mom's....I'll just call her a few times and see how she is doing.

paula1961 01-19-2011 02:12 PM

Today..one bathroom is finally finished. It got painted and cleaned really good!! Only 6 rooms left to paint:rolleyes: At least we've gotten started on it. We had been talking about it for months lol!

gja1000 01-19-2011 05:01 PM

Oh painting - one of my least favorite activities! But I'm glad you are getting started, that's most of my battle, just getting started!

Another long day with a 4 hour meeting this afternoon - I thought it would be contentious, but it was not - just looooong.

Tomorrow will be a much easier day. I don't have anything scheduled, so I may actually get some things DONE! YAY!

JJJ 01-19-2011 06:49 PM

school :o

gja1000 01-20-2011 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by JJJ (Post 115926)
school :o

How many classes are you taking?

Lindsey 01-20-2011 06:33 AM

I went out for supper with my old roommate last night and it was so good to get out and talk with a girl again! Lately it's just been me and Scott, all the time. I got caught up on all my hometown gossip lol!

Janet 01-20-2011 07:40 AM

So far, I've done my morning route, used the leaf blower to get the snow off the porch and folded some clothes. Now it's computer time and then I'm going to clean out a closet or two....maybe.

lynne b 01-20-2011 09:44 AM

Went today for a 2nd cortizone shot, 1st one helped with the pain alot...not completely but alot...hopeing the 2nd one continues to help. I really don't think it will be a permante fix but hope it helps for a long time.

It's snowing here now and the weekend is suppose to be crappy...really needing to make a road trip...needing to take Nik to a show breeder to see if he thinks Nik will be showable. Not getting my hopes up....if he's not then i will be done breeding for a long time.

Janet 01-20-2011 02:47 PM

Keeping my fingers crossed for Nik.

gja1000 01-20-2011 06:52 PM

Funny car story! When I went to get my car out of hock (I mean the shop :rolleyes:) today, I started it up and looked at the information panel - it's a scroll through screen that gives you the direction, your average miles per gallon, your oil life, tire pressure, etc etc. There are about 7 or 8 screens. I couldn't believe my eyes, because I couldn't read the screen. IT WAS IN SPANISH!!! LOL!!!

I immediately got the service technician and said, "Change it back to ENGLISH". I thought he would automatically know how - but NOOOOO, he didn't and had to get the instruction book out and still couldn't find it! I had to go on to work in Gary's car so I was a bit worried about why all the words on the dash were in Spanish.

Turns out my GENERAL MOTORS car was built in MEXICO! When they were working on my car, they had to take the battery out to fix the car and when they put it back in everything reverted back to factory settings IN SPANISH.

Did any of you see Toy Story 3? If so, do you remember when Buzz Lightyear went into Spanish mode and was speaking only Spanish. The other toys were frantically reading the instruction manual to try to change him back to English. That is exactly what was happening at the car dealership today. On retrospect it is pretty funny - at the time I was kinda worried about what the did to my car!!! But now, I can say that just like Buzz Lightyear, my car was in Spanish mode! LOL!

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