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gja1000 01-27-2011 05:41 AM

Diana! I don't know how I'd keep up with a 1-year old!!! LOL! I much prefer running around with a 14-year old! I don't know how you do it! Makes me tired just to think about it.

I'm getting ready to take Abigail to school and then the boys to the groomers. Gary decided to take his car to get the oil changed, so I'm going to go pick him up for breakfast after I drop off the dogs. Another BUSY day!

DianaB 01-27-2011 09:51 AM

Gayle, I'm starting to wonder how I'm going to keep up with a one year old!!!! He's starting to develop some temper and attitude. Even though he isn't talking he makes sounds to let you know what he's thinking!!! He's been getting in trouble for some of the sounds he makes!!! It's funny to get on to a little boy who can't talk yet for his attitude!!!!! We have a hard time sometimes keeping a straight face!!!

paula1961 01-27-2011 10:00 AM

I couldn't keep from laughing when you were talking about Dean's attitude Diana! Ryan definitely has one too lol! He throws fits when he doesn't get his way. He is so spoiled!
Is Dean walking good yet? Ryan is taking a few steps on his own, then falls down and tries it again!:D You need to post some new pix of Dean. I will of Ryan too later on today. They sure are hard to keep up with now aren't they?

Janet 01-28-2011 10:43 AM

About all I can handle of the young ones any more is a short bus ride...:) I'm not use to the babies but I sure love watching their expressions and the way the act. You both need to post some pictures of the little guys.

I hope you and Glenn are doing better Diana.....

Today I visited Mom right after my route this morning to make sure her phone is working correctly. The phone company actually had to come in to do the repairs. I told her I needed to get some laundry done which I'm doing and catching up on a few other things too.

gja1000 01-29-2011 06:08 PM

I went to Abigail's volleyball games this morning at 7:30 :eek: they won two games and lost 2. I left after four games but they kept playing.

Then I dropped off some shredding at the "clean your clutter day". A local home organization company had a drop off event. You could drop off things to give away, boxes, and some other things for recycling. A document shreading company was also there and you could drop off three boxes of paper for shredding. I had 4 years of taxes and mom had two years to be shredded. I was so happy to not have to sit in front of the shredder and do that!

Then I went to the grocery store and walmart. Now I'm pooped, I sorta don't feel good, so I'm sitting in front of the TV watching basketball.

Janet 01-30-2011 03:39 PM

Today I spent the entire day with Mom in the hospital. I overheard her tell someone I was her lifesaver......melted my heart!!!

Last night my SIL hooked Mom up to dialysis so I could go home and get some sleep last night. I was home, showered and in bed asleep by 8 PM or a little after. Woke up around 5:30 this morning feeling so refreshed and ready to tackle the day. Did two loads of laundry and then headed to the hospital. Mom needed two units of blood today and the Dr. ordered this med to help stop her bleeding. We just have to wait and see if it works. Her lowest blood pressure today was 77/46, but the new blood has helped that and the change in dialysis fluid will help it too.

gja1000 01-30-2011 06:05 PM

Today Gary and I went to breakfast, then I vacuumed all my floors and mopped the kitchen. I usually don't have to do this but my housekeeper missed coming this week because her daughter had a baby. Pretty good reason, huh!

Then I took a little nap. I didn't feel good last night and I have developed a nasty cough. Today I feel better, but the nap felt good.

Next mom and I went to the UT college basketball game. Then I fixed dinner and now I'm watching more basketball on TV. I should be doing something productive but I'm not. Oh yeah, I did two loads of laundry somewhere along the way.

Lindsey 01-31-2011 08:04 AM

I had such a busy weekend! On Friday afternoon my brother called me at work and asked if we could take the girls for the night. We picked them up after work, took them home, and had a fun night. We played games and watched a movie on the projector.

On Saturday, we took the girls home and then checked into our hotel room for Scott's company's "holiday party" which is well past the holidays lol. Our room was beautiful! It had a sleep number bed (we spent some time finding our perfect settings lol), a really nice living room area with a couch and big LCD tv, and the bathroom even had granite countertops! Scott went to visit a friend for awhile, and I just watched tv and painted my nails :) Oh yeah, Layla was allowed to come with us too, and she loved it! She was such a little superstar strolling around the hallways in her cart and all the people fussing over her lol. She sure doesn't like elevators though :rolleyes:

The party was lots of fun! I got to do some networking and there was so much good food and even an open bar! After the dinner and speeches, there was a dj and the dance floor was opened up. We checked on Layla a few times, and she was content just sleeping in her bed :) We stayed down at the party until the end, and declined when Scott's boss and his wife and a bunch of others were trying to convince us to go to the bar with them. We headed up to our room to sleep!

On Sunday morning, my brother and the girls came to the hotel to swim because there's a pool and waterslide there. Scott joined them, but I sat on the side and watched because I wouldn't have time to shower and dry my hair before checkout! When we left, we ran some errands and got home in time to make some homemade pizza and relax for the evening!

Next weekend I just want to stay home and do nothing!

gja1000 01-31-2011 08:54 PM

UGH! I am sick. I stayed home from school and just slept and laid around most of the day. Upper respiratory crud, bad cough, and general malaise. No fever though, so it could be worse. Hope to feel better tomorrow!

Janet 02-01-2011 05:52 AM

So sorry you're not feeling well Gayle. Hopefully you'll be on the mend real soon. I sure wish I had a housekeeper....know anyone that wants to clean my house but without pay???? LOLOL.

We are in the middle of 1-2 punch winter storm. Last night we had some snow and ice/sleet. Everything is pretty slick right now. After 1 this afternoon we will get punch number 2. More ice/sleet and then upwards of 10 inches or so they say.

Looks like I'll be here for a few days unless I can talk Mom into letting me go home. If they will let her eat normally....I may go anyway.

DianaB 02-01-2011 11:29 AM

Gayle, I'm sorry that you're not feeling well. There is a lot of stuff going around and you've probably caught something. I know that you'll take good care of yourself so I won't remind you to make sure you get enough sleep, drink enough fluids, and just generally do nothing much!!! Hugs!!!

Paula, Dean is walking EVERYWHERE!!! He's doing more walking than crawling now!! And he's into everything!! He used to stay pretty much here in the living room and kitchen but he's found a whole new world at Grandma's house past those two rooms!!! I finally got a new battery charger for my camera so I'll get some videos of him walking for ya'!!!

Janet, I tried to keep all of this snow to myself......but it's to big and I can't contain it!!! Sorry!!! Just stay warm and safe!!!

Janet 02-01-2011 01:57 PM

You need to stand outside Diana and call all this snow/sleet/ice back...lol. Right now I'm looking out this rather large hospital room window and it is sleeting so hard and thick and the wind is gusting. It's suppose to turn to rain and then start freezing and then the overload of snow on top. I'm not happy. I would really like to be at home during all this....aggitating my son...lol...but I'll just have to pull double duty when I get home.

It's been a rather long day of nothing but weather news on the TV. I've been on the computer some so that has helped, but I'm sooooo bored.

The county I live in ...Clinton...is under a level 1 travel emergency, no one is allowed out on the roads, the factories and all businesses have shut down. You know it has to be bad if Wal Mart closes.

gja1000 02-01-2011 04:43 PM

Oh Janet, stay in!! I do wish you were home though! I know how boring the hospital can be - but truth is some employees won't make it to work and those that ARE there might not be allowed to leave, so they may be short handed, or have very TIRED employees - thus, it's probably good that you are there. And if they lose power, the best place to be is the hospital cause they have to have backup generators. Whoo Hooo!

Janet 02-02-2011 04:26 AM

I was really hoping I could go home for awhile sometime today, but it doesn't look promising. We'll see. If not today....I will walk tomorrow.....lolol. Today we have 40 mph winds and 22 degrees, expecting a couple inches of snow.

lynne b 02-02-2011 06:02 AM

Gayle, i hope you are feeling better, with the way your tempatures change from 70/80* to however cold it has gotten it's no wonder you would get sick. At least here it pretty much is a steady tempature, mostly cold though.

Janet, i posted on your other thread but forgot to say i hope your mom is feeling better, especially since she got some solid food in her belly. And i hope you get to go home soon, i know i am getting cabin fever just being home yesterday and now today.

I did cook a turkey yesterday and just made Stove Top Stuffing MMMMM it was so good, leftovers today!!

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