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pope1982 04-01-2009 08:07 AM

I agree with your parents that it's not genuine. If anything, it's probably condescending! I say, show you are the better person and play her game this once, give her enough rope to hang herself.
You know the old saying "fool me once,"...

Lindsey 04-01-2009 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Blueyes (Post 91010)
Lindsey..there is a world of difference between a religious/church going person, and a spiritual person. It's so disturbing to me when a person makes such an issue out of being "religious", but doesn't have the first clue how to treat people the way Jesus taught.

I agree completely.
She makes a huge fuss out of her kids not going to church anymore, especially Scott. The way he tells it, he still has his beliefs, he still has faith, he just doesn't feel he needs to go to church every week to feel it. The main thing is that he is a GOOD PERSON. He treats people well and has a good conscience. His mom may go to church every week but she is lacking basic manners and respect for other people. It doesn't make her any better a person than he is, or than I am, or than anyone else is!

Lindsey 04-01-2009 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by pope1982 (Post 91015)
I agree with your parents that it's not genuine. If anything, it's probably condescending! I say, show you are the better person and play her game this once, give her enough rope to hang herself.
You know the old saying "fool me once,"...

I think the only person who believes her is Scott. But I will go along with it, I will give it another chance, and hopefully she is more respectful even just if it's to keep her son from being angry with her.

Mandy 04-01-2009 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Blueyes (Post 91010)
Lindsey..there is a world of difference between a religious/church going person, and a spiritual person. It's so disturbing to me when a person makes such an issue out of being "religious", but doesn't have the first clue how to treat people the way Jesus taught.

Exactly!!!! I agree 100% with you. :thumbup:

As the saying goes "Practice what you preach"

judy 04-01-2009 12:39 PM

Whatever she does or says, just remember that she is a psycho.

Lindsey 04-01-2009 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by judy (Post 91044)
Whatever she does or says, just remember that she is a psycho.

Great advice lol :D
She was talking to Scott on msn this morning at work (I hate that... I don't even use msn at work. I do use the internet quite a bit but I figure there's gotta be a line somewhere) and I guess her computer at home froze while she was typing something so she called him immediately to continue the conversation, and of course to tell him to say hello to me for her.

Gina 04-01-2009 05:18 PM


Lindsey, seriously this woman sounds like Monster In Law... This woman is RUDE, Obnoxious , Insensitive , shall I go on.. She knows dam well what she says and her daughters are just like her.. You or any other girl will never be good enough for her son.

Yes you love Scott , but trust me Scott will never sever that tie. Tell me a little about his dad ? Does she rule him to? What kind of relationship did she have with her MIL ? some women tend to forget they married someone's son to.

Janet gave you good advice, when she insults you give it back to her with a smile but give her the zing to.. UGH! I hate women like her who does she think she is , and that her crap doesn't stink.. sorry!

If you marry Scott she will never leave you alone, and you will have three MIL's for the daughters will act like his mom.. You should speak to their husbands and see if they open up. I doubt it their wives would be all over them.

You have a tough call to make , your falling in love but like I once told you , you marry a family when you say I do. You may take him away but deep down he may resent you later on in life. I have seen this happen where the women hated their MIL and years down the road the couple end up divorcing.

Pope I am sorry to hear that your MIL did not attend the wedding, her loss. I had a friend his mom hated his wife to be. She to did not attend the wedding, but they made up months later. It was shame for she missed out on the most important day of her sons life..

Lindsey you have been given great advice from all your surrogate moms here.. lol.. Listen to your mom she will guide you. Your young , pretty and a smart girl don't settle.

celstu1 04-13-2009 11:38 AM

When you marry someone, you marry their family too.... think about that! :) Good Luck!

Lindsey 04-13-2009 12:47 PM

I have not had the pleasure :rolleyes: of seeing his mom again since the last meeting, although they were in the city on Thursday night. Scott left to meet them to pick up some things while I had a friend at my house (spending the night as she was passing through town) Scott's mom called earlier that day to arrange when they'd be in and I heard Scott say "I don't need to go there for anything" and his mom said "Well I guess not unless you want to visit with us for a little while" and Scott said "No I don't really need to" ... Then he told me when he met them at his house his mom kept asking where he was in such a hurry to go, and he just said "Back to Lindsey's, she has company and we're visiting" And his mom wasn't pleased but she didn't say anything more.
Anyways, we just spent Easter weekend with my family and friends back home while his parents went to BC. On our way back to the city late last night he said to me "I love visiting your family. I feel way more comfortable there than I even do at my own parents' house" I told him I'm glad he said that because I feel more comfortable there too.

DianaB 04-15-2009 08:01 AM

It sounds like Scott is working on severing the apron ties to his Mom. It will take a while but eventually his Mom will accept it.

I have a SIL that would much rather be here than his own parents house too. It makes me glad that he enjoys being here and sad to think of what he grew up in. It wasn't the best home life. Scott's learning the difference between the two and it will help him to decide what he wants his own home to be like.

Blueyes 04-15-2009 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 91716)
It sounds like Scott is working on severing the apron ties to his Mom. It will take a while but eventually his Mom will accept it.

I have a SIL that would much rather be here than his own parents house too. It makes me glad that he enjoys being here and sad to think of what he grew up in. It wasn't the best home life. Scott's learning the difference between the two and it will help him to decide what he wants his own home to be like.

I completely agree with Diana. My best friend has a SIL just like this, too.

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