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Janet 10-15-2006 07:50 AM

Okay everyone.....I left a list of at least 15 things on it that at least half could have been done this weekend. They did about 4 and none are completely done. I wish I felt like going outside and doing some of it, but I have an excuse...I don't want to go out and breath in more dust and ragweed. They feel fine....so guess I'll go on strike for awhile and only do what pleases me and see if it's noticed.

The sick card didn't work real well, because they were outside most of the time. Wonder if he'll notice he doesn't have clean clothes for tomorrow??????:)

Marilyn 10-16-2006 10:58 AM

Y'all are so conniving!!! If I went on strike, my husband would be livid. I could never do that to him. But then, he helps out a lot, and its give an take on both sides. We just can't function well when things aren't good at home.

Janet, hope this all works out and he helps you more. I'm praying for all of you.

rivermom 10-16-2006 11:09 AM

I too hope everything works out. I am like Marilyn, if things aren't right at home I can't function with anything. My happiness or a calm mental state of mind is the only way I can do anything. :p

Janet 10-16-2006 12:56 PM

Well, ladies he apologized for being so selfish!!! Where's that thread about "surpirses"....LOL I told him even though I'm home during the middle of the day, there was no excuse for me having to do or feeling like I have to do everything. That if I didn't do it, it didn't get done, unless I complained. He said from now on just make a list of things that need done, because sometimes he just doesn't see it and doesn't feel it's as important as I do. So....I feel better...but we'll see!

RLC12345678 10-16-2006 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Janet
Well, ladies he apologized for being so selfish!!! Where's that thread about "surpirses"....LOL I told him even though I'm home during the middle of the day, there was no excuse for me having to do or feeling like I have to do everything. That if I didn't do it, it didn't get done, unless I complained. He said from now on just make a list of things that need done, because sometimes he just doesn't see it and doesn't feel it's as important as I do. So....I feel better...but we'll see!

That was very very nice of him!!!!!!!!! Now stay on him! Just because he apologizes does not mean he's off the hook. He needs to follow through. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

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