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Amber_lv 09-18-2006 09:47 PM

I've heard bare is good but never tried it

hunbun 10-03-2006 04:54 PM

i got my sample of everyday mineral today! very excited to try it out later tonight and tomorrow. any tips on how to apply it?

hunbun 10-04-2006 10:42 PM

okay, so i think i need some help with this, or different samples.
i tried the EM intensive formula. it looks and feels a bit heavy on me, and i don't feel like i've applied that much. tips and hints anyone?

KellyV 10-05-2006 03:54 PM

How much are you using?
You really only need the tiniest bit. Tap a very small amount into the lid, swirl your brush around in it, tap off the extra and then buff it into your skin. If it looks too light then add a bit more. But really, you only need a little bit.

Bare Minerals has a bunch of short "How To" videos on their website, but almost all the MMU makers have some sort of application tips you can check out.

If it still feels too heavy for you, you can always try another formula or another brand....

Sherry Lynn 10-06-2006 04:04 AM

I agree... you're probably using it like it was regular powder and that doesn't work. Tap off all the excess so the brush looks like there isn't any powder on it, and then buff your face with it. Good luck!

abaddon248 11-14-2008 08:08 AM

YOu dont have to buy from bare minerals or just sheer cover.... there are about 150 different sites that create their own formulas and are priced great and sometimes are better quality then the known name brands.

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