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Tink 11-17-2006 06:27 PM

red98vett, calcium is a natural sedative that might help you in your sleep problems. It calms and is of course, good for your bones, which tend to become brittle and weaker in us women as we age. It shouldn't hurt to give it a try! I know it really helped my daughter when she had sleep problems while pregnant.

blowry 11-17-2006 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Tink
I saw a few things ont hat list that I wasn';t aware of, so thanks for posting it!
I have a few of the symptoms, and just feel lucky to not have more.

I do have night sweats, wake up several times during the night, get confused at the oddest times, get weepy over things much easier than ever before, my legs ache and I absolutely HAVE to have my 8 hrs of sleep each night now.

I went for my flu shot today so I hopefully won't have to deal with that this year on top of this.

I don't get the night sweats but I do get the hot flashes...like I'm sticking my head in a hot oven....I LOVE IT!!!!

red98vett 11-18-2006 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by RLC12345678
Villette, what kinda saliva test did you take?? I'll run it by hubby and see what he thinks you should do.

LOL What kind ?? A pain in the butt kind that you get up and have to do it before COFFEE :eek: It was a 6 panel test that you do at home - bring it back to the doctor and they mail it out - does that help ??

oh - for those hot flashers out there a friend said a natural progesterone Cream - called 'Emerita' REALLY helped her - I don't have them - but I bought some anyway - if anything it cant hurt right ???

click on Menopause/perimenopause

adn Rebecca - I would LOVE to hear what your husband says cause I'm thinking I may have to go back to see the dr. again ...I've put it off for 1/2 year now -

Willow 11-19-2006 02:47 PM

I tell my husband I can't wait for menopause because I can't wait to be done with my monthly visitor, but truth is, I am happy just waiting! I am not so sure I will like the hot flashes or emotional upheavels that come with it. I am emotional enough LOL

My mom just went through it a couple years back and on occassions it sure seemed like she was 13 and I was the mom. That wasn't fun!

elli 11-19-2006 09:14 PM

I had a hysterectomy in 1990 and was on hormones for years till I found a lump in my left breast inOct 2005. My lump was malignant, needless to say hormones were a real no no. My doctor and my nurse practioner both recommended vitamin E and 1 capsule 2 times a day did help me with hot flashes. Ladies, please have your mammograms.:thumbup:

Brooke 11-21-2006 04:38 AM

I have never had a hot flash yet but I sometiems get night sweats...My sleeping patterns have changed so now in stead of sleeping through the night ALL the time I some times get up at 4:00 AM for the day!!!! I have also gain 15 pounds that will not come off... The one thing I do like about geting older is the exsperience I have gained along the way...

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