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HALEY 12-10-2008 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by donna1990 (Post 83701)
I just can't believe that a daycare center could have cats.

it an in home daycare she only takes about 3-4 kids...

HALEY 12-10-2008 04:28 AM

I have two yorkies, but as most of you already know they are non-shedding dogs that is the only reason i got these dogs cause i have bad allergies too, i bath these dogs once a week also, and i keep my house very clean, i mop every day, dust 2-3 times a week, run the sweeper every other day, plus clean the bathroom, wash bed sheets twice a week, just to keep the dust down in the house cause of my allergies, i also have an air purifier, and change the furance filters and air filters every change of season, which gets expensive, but worth the money. now with micah having them, its crazy,, i been watching him very close to see what triggers them, i'm writing down everything... so we will just have to see what happens, i did notice his nose getting all stuffy, monday night, that was from being in daycare all day, that's why i think its the cat, could be wrong...

2tiredmom 12-10-2008 04:34 AM


You are just getting ran though the mill here. I hope things get better soon.
They don't need for you to get down as well. When my son was 2 they tested him for allergies but that was 19 years ago and they did it where I had to hold him
and they did the tests on his arms. Found out he was allergic to dust, ragweed and grass pollens. Your still in my prayers. :justahug:

HALEY 12-10-2008 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by 2tiredmom (Post 83730)

You are just getting ran though the mill here. I hope things get better soon.
They don't need for you to get down as well. When my son was 2 they tested him for allergies but that was 19 years ago and they did it where I had to hold him
and they did the tests on his arms. Found out he was allergic to dust, ragweed and grass pollens. Your still in my prayers. :justahug:

I wonder why they aren't doing it until he is 4 years old? is there a reason they changed it? i really want to take him to a specialist, but i need my peditrican to send me to one for my insurance to pay for it!

donna1990 12-10-2008 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by HALEY (Post 83729)
I have two yorkies, but as most of you already know they are non-shedding dogs that is the only reason i got these dogs cause i have bad allergies too, i bath these dogs once a week also, and i keep my house very clean, i mop every day, dust 2-3 times a week, run the sweeper every other day, plus clean the bathroom, wash bed sheets twice a week, just to keep the dust down in the house cause of my allergies, i also have an air purifier, and change the furance filters and air filters every change of season, which gets expensive, but worth the money. now with micah having them, its crazy,, i been watching him very close to see what triggers them, i'm writing down everything... so we will just have to see what happens, i did notice his nose getting all stuffy, monday night, that was from being in daycare all day, that's why i think its the cat, could be wrong...

When do you find to work? You are doing everything right.
Tricksie's hair is long and she does shed some. Do you keep your yorkies short?

HALEY 12-10-2008 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by donna1990 (Post 83736)
When do you find to work? You are doing everything right.
Tricksie's hair is long and she does shed some. Do you keep your yorkies short?

i do most of my cleaning that i can in the morning (4 am) while micah is sleeping, run home at lunch or at night.. its very hard, Micah did help me bath the dogs last night :) he's so helpful. and yes my dogs are always shaved.... i use to do the fancy bows and dress them up.. but that life is way over for me, i can't even find time to dress myself up let alone dogs... ;)

Ponyup 12-10-2008 10:55 AM

i read somewhere a long time ago that you can be allergic to cats, but not dogs; but not the other way around. When someone is severely allegic to cats it's usually do to like a protein or something in there salava. & with the way cats clean themselves & everything else that's why people can't be anywhere near them. The congestion could be causing the ear pain. When my sinuses get bad my whole head hurts, my cheeks & forward are the worst, but it sometimes gets to my ears too. Plus with this up & down whether lately my sinuses are going nuts from that too.

HALEY 12-10-2008 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Ponyup (Post 83738)
i read somewhere a long time ago that you can be allergic to cats, but not dogs; but not the other way around. When someone is severely allegic to cats it's usually do to like a protein or something in there salava. & with the way cats clean themselves & everything else that's why people can't be anywhere near them. The congestion could be causing the ear pain. When my sinuses get bad my whole head hurts, my cheeks & forward are the worst, but it sometimes gets to my ears too. Plus with this up & down whether lately my sinuses are going nuts from that too.

I know what you mean - my head fills like its going to pop off today with all the pressure! But i just keep myself moving... but with Micah it could also be his molars adding to the pain he had a mild fever friday night... so i'm keeping him on the tylenol for a couple more days plus the clairton at night - he is still messing with his ears. so when Mike gets home i might have to make him another dr. apt. there going to get sick of seeing me, but i really don't care... if my son is in pain there going to do something about it, right?

judy 12-12-2008 06:26 AM

Poor little Micah! I'm glad the doctor put him on a regimen though. At least it's not an infection, and a lot of people do grow out of allergies. If not, as you know, you work around them.

My daughter was allergic to one cat and none of her others. My oldest gd was also severely allergic to birds when she was around Micah's ago. She outgrew that.

The fever is probably from the molars. He is at the age where he may be sick for 2 weeks and then the picture of health in a flash, especially with the teething.

I really feel for you too. It sounds like you aren't sleeping much. How is Thomas the Train? How many times have you seen it now?

HALEY 12-15-2008 04:53 AM

Judy, i think i know all the trains by name now :D, we'll this was his last week on Clairton, he is still pulling at his ears, and they cancelled his apt. for the 26th i guess there taking that day off, which pisses me off, cause Mike took that day off to take him to the doctors, so i will be calling for another follow up for his ears..
I never did sleep much, but being home alone, i try and get up early so i can get some cleaning done while Micah is still sleeping. so we can have some play time together at night...

donna1990 12-15-2008 12:22 PM

Micah still sick

Originally Posted by HALEY (Post 84079)
Judy, i think i know all the trains by name now :D, we'll this was his last week on Clairton, he is still pulling at his ears, and they cancelled his apt. for the 26th i guess there taking that day off, which pisses me off, cause Mike took that day off to take him to the doctors, so i will be calling for another follow up for his ears..
I never did sleep much, but being home alone, i try and get up early so i can get some cleaning done while Micah is still sleeping. so we can have some play time together at night...

I am praying that you keep your sanity, I would be nuts at this point.
Thinking of you and that baby everyday.

Gina 12-15-2008 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by HALEY (Post 83699)
No it didn't go good last night, didn't even think about daycare having that damn cat!!!!! He was all stuffed up again last night, i think its the cat!!!.... he was cranky and miserable.. I might have to find a nother new daycare for Micah!! I'm going to see how he is this weekend, if he's not suffy. or nose running then i know for sure he is allergic to cats... She puts the cat upstairs when the kids are there but still,, i even forgot she had that cat til i called Mike and he said it might be the cat they have.. My mother even thinks its the cat... might be...
oh crap,,, im going backwards instead of forwards here... I told her at daycare today to make sure that cat is far away from my child and she said its always upstairs when the kids are here..

I am allergic to cats.. its their dander... Even if a cat is put away but it roams there at other times.. The cat hair is around.. Don't want to upset you but that can be your problem.... Give him a hug and kiss from me.. Poor little guy..

Marilyn 12-16-2008 04:47 AM

Haley, if it does turn out to be the cats, please don't blame yourself too much for not thinking of this sooner. You are being a fantastic mom and we all do our very best as we go along this wonderous adventure. We all look back and say if we'd only done this, if we'd only thought of that. Don't do that to yourself. Micah loves you and your doing an amazing job!!!

So sincerely hope that things get better very soon!!

HALEY 12-16-2008 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Marilyn (Post 84112)
Haley, if it does turn out to be the cats, please don't blame yourself too much for not thinking of this sooner. You are being a fantastic mom and we all do our very best as we go along this wonderous adventure. We all look back and say if we'd only done this, if we'd only thought of that. Don't do that to yourself. Micah loves you and your doing an amazing job!!!

So sincerely hope that things get better very soon!!

Thanks Marilyn, it just drives me crazy,,, doctors apt. one after the other, Christmas coming soon, and Mike out of town, they sent him back for another week, i am so pissed right now, he was suppose to be done with that job last week. oh well have to go with the flow right now.... and i'm looking for another job.. it's just crazy at my house right now, never ending...

Marilyn 12-16-2008 10:13 AM

Girl, I'm about to fly up there and take you our for a spa day!! I've not had time for one of my own though, so we can just dream for now. Know that if it was possible, that is what we would be doing today!!

HALEY 12-16-2008 10:17 AM

That does sound like a wonderful idea, i never been to a spa ever in my life... :(

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