![]() |
I know he doesn't pick up on hints very well. I need to be straight with him all the time. A couple of nights ago I was SO exhausted and still had to have a bath myself (because I'm finding it really hard to wake up in the mornings to shower, when I'm waking up at midnight to give Layla pills) and it was around 9:00 at night and I still hadn't had anything to eat. Scott said "Well you should have made something then, it's not my fault" so I sarcastically said "There's half a cucumber in the fridge, I guess I'll eat that when I'm done my bath so I have time to sleep tonight." I got out of the bath and went downstairs because it smelled delicious in the kitchen! He cooked! But he handed me a cucumber. He made one piece of chicken for himself, and gave me a cucumber. He thought I really wanted it. I was not happy! He just said "Well honey you need to just TELL me what you really mean!"
MEN! :mad: |
Lindsey...you better start telling this guy he needs to get a clue or you'll end up miserable relationship like me and believe me...you don't want that! Life is way too short.
I told Rex about what you are going through with Layla, and he's one to not want to spend money on pets, but when I told him she's still loving on you and acting the way she is, even he said to keep going at least for now. Give her some time. :hug::hug::hug: |
Men:doh::doh:!!!A cucumber? You should have told him where to put it!
I know how to do reiki. It does seem to work for certain people, for certain things. My teacher taught us that nobody really knows what it is, but it is "hands on healing," which has been a part of folk medicine from many different cultures forever. It certainly can't hurt Layla. Pets supposedly do well with it. |
Lindsay, a chiropractor used "manipulation of energy" to cure Gary of terrible abdominal pain that he had endured for 5 months. I'm not kidding and I wouldn't have believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes.
Three months before Gary was diagnosed with heart failure, he had terrible abdominal pain every time he ate anything - it would literally double him over. He kept losing weight because he just didin't want to eat because it hurt so bad. He had every test known to western medicine - twice! And they couldn't find anything wrong. He was desperate. A friend of mine told me about this doctor and thought he could help Gary. We went and he laid Gary on a table and tested his "energy". He manipulated all his arms and legs, even his tongue and I don't remember what else, but he worked on him about an hour. He said the energy to his pancreas was blocked so every time he ate, it caused pain. He said he opened up the energy path at that visit, but that it woudln't stay open and he'd need to come back a few more times. We left the office very skeptical, but driving away, Gary said he felt hungry, so we went to get something to eat. And for the first time in 5 months, he didn't get any pain after eating. We were floored. But the next day the pain came back. We had another appointment in two days, and after that treatment, Gary NEVER had that horrible pain again. Gary went about once a week for a month and that is all it took. The pain never ever returned. Now, I wouldn't believe that if I didn't see it, but it is true. The doctor also showed Gary how to unblock the energy and told him if he ever felt the slightest twinge of pain to use the techniques. Every once in a while I see him doing the manuevers, but very rarely. So, I say give it a shot, you have nothing to lose. |
Thank you, I had a reply on YT about Reiki too and she totally believed in it after having it done to herself AND her dog. I know it may not "cure" Layla's spine, but I think it will help all of our attitudes about it, especially after having so many reviews of this type of therapy working. I still know it's going to take time but I think I may be a little more positive about the change as well. Apparently this woman can change a person's perception inside that they BELIEVE they can and will heal, and that's the biggest step. I hope Layla will know that because lately my energy hasn't been so great.
On another note, I am pretty sure I must be cursed, or this house is, or something. First Layla goes down, and today just as I pulled into the parking lot at Scott's office, I got a sharp pain in my back. I've had it so many times before in the same spot - a pinched nerve. After a VERY uncomfortable drive home, I struggled to get upstairs and laid in bed with a heating pad. I stayed there for a couple of hours and tried to get up to use the washroom and I cried in pain, I couldn't even sit up. I ended up crawling on my hands and knees to the bathroom, and I was able to get back down here for the computer. Scott's the only one still standing! What a life. I should have known with how much good luck we had in the last few months, it couldn't last forever. |
Today I am finding it really hard not to cry.
How is your back today? I cannot blame you for wanting to cry. It's like the sky is falling in on you, but things will get better. Hang in there Lindsey. Sometimes that's all we can do.
Much love and prayers for all of you. |
Thank you. My back is okay, still sore, but at least I'm at work. Luckily I just get to sit at my desk all day.
Layla is at the university today getting physical therapy. She was so upset in the car this morning, I hope she's doing okay. I can't stop worrying. I am doing better now than I was a week ago, though. I know it will get better. I felt like such a failure yesterday when we got home and I hadn't emptied Layla's bladder since lunch time because I didn't have another pee pad at work, and when we got home at around 6:00, she had started leaking from an over full bladder. Scott was pretty upset and I apologized and he said "Don't apologize to me, apologize to Layla. It's her bladder you're going to explode." It's just really hard. I don't know if I'm getting it all empty and it's frustrating and she can't help me because she can't feel anything. Sometimes all I can think about is crying. I don't even want to get up in the mornings because I just want to sleep until she starts getting better. |
Lindsey, nothing is cursed. You have been under SO much stress. When your mind can't relax, your body can't relax, either. No wonder your back hurts! I'm so very sorry you feel bad. Get in the bed with Layla and stay there all weekend PLEASE!!
Lindsey , Diana hit it on the head.. MEN DON'T HAVE A CLUE!!! go with your gut feeling this other girl knows EXACTLY what she is doing!!!! You tell Scott that you Don't Like him going out with her .. Period ! End of Story!
Sorry that you have been having back pain... I am glad to read that your feeling better... You are under so much stress.. and like I told you earlier today on FB , Layla is not in pain, and you do have to expect a little pain with PT , there is no reason your friends are telling you to put her down, Like the other lovely ladies mentioned she needs time to heal , she was just operated on.. OMG.... Your above and beyond doing the best that you can.. You need postive energy and support. Not the opposite... Please give her time to heal and hopefully she will progess .. Hugs and kisses to you... |
Lindsey, I've been following your threads on here and YT, and my heart is aching for you. You are being so strong and exactly what Layla needs. Anyone who tells you to put Layla down is probably not a pet owner, and does not have any idea the bond we have with our babies. Especially since she is still happy and has no pain at all, it breaks my heart to think that anyone would eve suggest that.
Your strength is what will get Layla through this, and you have every right to have an adjustment period where things seem cursed and bleak. At the end of the day, you are there for Layla and your positivity will help her heal. The alternative methods you are trying can only help Layla so I would definitely agree with you to continue with that. :) As far as your boyfriend goes, I agree with what you told him. You are more tolerant than I am :rolleyes: I have zero tolerance for that type of behavior, especially since this girl seems like a piece of work. Stay strong, girly. There is hope and there are so many people praying for you :) |
Thank you all for your support!
Last night we were all sitting on the futon and she was between us and in the blink of an eye she was on the floor :eek: Scott called it "graceful" and there was no thud or hard hit on the floor, but she still got down on her own which is a huge mistake on our part. I was upset all night, I felt sick about it. I should have been watching her better. She didn't twist her back or fall on her back, so Scott is trying to reassure me it's okay. All she wanted was a drink of water. From now on she's only going to be in her crate unless she's going to the bathroom of we can have our hands on her constantly. |
I am sorry to keep venting but I am finding it really hard not to cry today. I have tried to stay strong and positive for a long time and everytime I feel sorry for myself I push it away and now I can't keep it inside any longer. I want to do everything over again and do things differently. Things are just really hard right now. It's hard to function at all.
Lindsey, we all wish that we could go back to the past and enjoy previous times. You need to give Layla time to heal. It's hard to say at this point exactly how things are going to turn out and it sounds like her healing is going to take some time but that she has had some small progress. Being patient and letting her heal is going to be hard but that's what she needs right now. It sounds like Layla is still very happy and is doing pretty good inspite of her surgery. Hang in there, Lindsey!! :hug:
I mean I wish we would have taken her to the college sooner. I wish we would have gotten her to the specialists sooner. It took a long time to realize that the regular vet, or ANY regular vets just don't have the knowledge to deal with what was going on. Her vet kept saying she's still doing great, she still has deep pain sensation, she still has an 80% chance of recovery. And it wasn't until later when we visited her again and she pinched Layla's toes and said "Well she got her deep pain sensation back" ... but no, she didn't. Her pulling her leg away is NOT deep pain sensation, because she has no idea she's doing it. So really we have no idea how long she actually went without it. The vet said she had it the morning of the surgery, and had it the night we took her in to start with, but obviously her definition is different than the real definition. The same thing happened with her acupuncture vet, she considered pulling away to be deep pain too. I said no it's not, the surgeons and specialists said she has no deep pain sensation until her BRAIN recognizes that something is hurting her.
Everyone has a different story. And from what I'm reading, most dogs who start walking again were put on steroids immediately after surgery. Layla has been given NO steroids. In fact she's completely off all her medication already. Most people are saying do NOT start physical therapy until weeks after surgery, but Layla started immediately after surgery. I just don't know what to do or what to think and I'm scared that nobody is taking it as seriously as I am. If she's laying on the bed beside me, Scott will start playing with her and pushing her over so she will bite at his hands. She has tipped herself backwards in her crate and can't get up and he doesn't worry about it. She is supposed to be kept as still as possible. Scott falls asleep at night while I stay awake if she's crying. She's not crying for no reason. She will stop if I get her what she wants, or move her bedding to make it more comfortable for her. I know that Scott doesn't have the same bond with her that I have, but he keeps saying it's hard on him too but he has to just get on with life. I am telling him I'm still trying to adjust. I am the one with her all day, worrying that she's eating and drinking enough, she's not staying in the same position to get bedsores, she's having her bladder expressed.... I'm trying my hardest to keep her happy even though she needs to be cooped up in a crate for the next couple of months. And yet he yells at me for being absent-minded lately with other things. I am just starting to feel very very alone. I know that Layla loves me and she knows that I'm doing what I can to save her, and she is grateful to be with me every second we're together. That's what is getting me through the days. But this is so hard. |
Lindsey I can't even begin to imagine how hard this all is on you! If I could change it for you........I would in a second! You are one terrific girl and you are doing such a great job with Layla! It's only natural for you to have up days and down days. Hang in there sweetie. If only the rest of us lived closer to you, we could step in and help ya but unforunately we don't so we just hope that maybe a little something we say can at least make you feel a little better for a little while.
I am looking forward to the day when you post and say guess what........Layla walked today! I know it's going to happen. I just don't know when.:) |
Lindsay, it is so hard, I know it is. You are doing such a good job. Why don't you ask the docs why they started her PT so soon when other sources say not to. Maybe there is a good reason in her case and if so that might ease your mind, as well as why no steroids.
I am so happy I could cry! Talk about a roller coaster day!
When we picked up Layla after work it took about an hour, and we didn't get to see her vet because she was in surgery. We were told she did about the same as last time, and the vet would call us later when she was done surgery. Well, I just got that phone call. She said she tried assessing her deep pain sensation again and there was no response. However, she felt that her left leg has toned up quite a bit, and while she was massaging and stretching her back legs, Layla did seem to notice that she was being massaged. It's not definitive, but it seemed like she knew. And, the biggest thing, is that she confirmed what Scott and I thought we noticed in the past few days - she seems to be able to hold her own weight for a split second after holding her back end up. We can pull her up and she stiffens her legs and if we pull our hands away there's a tiny fraction of a second that she can hold it before her legs give out. I can't even explain how overwhelmed with emotion I am right now. All I wanted was a sign, just a tiny glimpse of progress, and here it is. I joined a yahoo group today called Dodgers List full of pet owners with dogs who have IVDD. There is a wealth of information with these people and I learned the things I am doing wrong and have committed myself and Scott to keeping Layla on STRICT crate rest for the next 8-10 weeks. We've decided until at least the end of June, she is only coming out for potty breaks, range of motion exercises, and her other treatments and therapy. No laying on the bed, no sitting on the couch, no sitting in the grass. Nothing but laying in the crate. It's the best thing we can do for her right now. |
Thank God!!! You poor baby! This has been awful for you, but here it is - the good news you have been waiting for. She will recover because you are right there with her, and she gains strength from your love.
I am sending you hugs, and, of course, prayers. Please give Layla a kiss from me. |
LINDSAY! This is the BEST news EVER!!! This is exactly what you needed, a sign that things ARE improving. You have done the very best that you can with the information that you had - and now - you have even MORE information!!!
I'm so happy for you, wish I were there to give you a BIG HUG! |
I am so thrilled for you and Layla Lindsey!!! Such wonderful news. Remember to take one day at a time and thank God for each improvement...no matter how big or small.
Oh I have been thanking God with all my heart! I have been told to thank Him ahead of time for her full recovery, so I've done that too!
I just did her range of motion exercises and then stood her up again, and she held it for a whole TWO SECONDS before her back end fell sideways. I am so proud of my little girl! |
How wonderful that you've seen a sign of improvement!!!! :cheer: I'm sure that the group you've found will have a lot of information and encouragement for you!!! Good news!!!!
YIPPEE!!! This is just the beginning of her full recovery!! She's taking baby steps..that's the best way to begin any journey!!
I'm so thrilled for you, Lindsay. I could just do the happy dance!
Lindsey, I am so happy for you and Layla, sounds like she is on the road to recovery. I am so glad you found the yahoo board, I hope they can answer all of your questions and give you good advice on what you should be doing or what to expect. Good luck
Thank you all for so much love and support! Layla can still stand for a few seconds tonight before her legs collapse. We have to pull her to a standing position, but she can hold it. I am beyond thrilled! And to think, a few weeks ago my biggest worry was getting her to not poop in the living room :rolleyes: Now she can poop wherever she wants as long as she can walk first :) I am so excited for her therapy tomorrow, I hope the vet is as thrilled as we are with her progress over the last day!
Lindsay, will you be taking her for another Reike session? I hope so as I think that really might help "awaken" the connection between her brain and spinal cord.
Yes, Gayle, we'll be going for Reiki again on Sunday :) The woman said that she just started working with another paralyzation case too, an 18 year old boy who was in a car accident and is now paralyzed below the waist! She said she is confident she can help both the boy and Layla, but she can't say to what extent they will heal.
After updating about Layla's condition yesterday, I got a reply from someone on the IVDD list and she said that's a great sign that Layla shows she could almost hold her own weight, because that means that there are some signals to her legs from her spinal cord! I guess that's obvious but having it said to me like that gave me tons of confidence in her. Last night she would stand for a few seconds everytime we tried. Her right leg is weaker and she tends to start falling to that side, so Scott leaned that side up against her crate and she stood for about 5 seconds! Her feet also seem to be a lot more sensitive to touch now. There's still no deep pain response, but touching now gets an immediate reflex of pulling back or kicking, instead of having to squeeze like we did last week. |
This all sounds so wonderful Lindsey!!!! It may take some time, but everything seems to be looking up for precious Lelah!!! Still keeping her in my prayers.
Go Layla!!! I have such faith in that little girl! She is not going to let this stop her!
I am so thrilled about the improvement.....even slow progress is better than no progress!!!!!!
Keep up the good work Layla:thumbup: |
That is such amazing news Lindsey! Your strength and support of Layla and her recovery are paying off!
I'm just so thrilled for you. Every time I read an update from you I get so excited! :) Encouraging smoochies from Lucas! :2hearts2: |
Thanks everyone! I'm trying my hardest to stay positive. Layla is back with her original therapist now because she's back from her time off. We were so excited yesterday with Layla's improvement, and she told us that yes, Layla is improving from the last time we saw her, but she's just improving reflexes. There is still no sign that her spinal cord is healing or will ever heal. She said even her being able to hold her own weight is just a reflex. It just made me feel like crying :( I guess I should stop getting my hopes up so high.
What do the people on the yahoo board say about her progress? I think this therapist is being a bit pessimistic - I think people need something to hang onto, something that instills hope, and I think those signs are there. I don't think it is necessary to dash all hopes. I would consult with the "experts" on the yahoo board and see what they think.
SHE IS MAKING PROGRESS! Baby steps, baby steps, are just fine!!! |
She is better than she was a week ago, I just have to remember that. On the yahoo group, they just tell me "Be happy that she's not in pain, she loves you, and anything beyond that is just icing on the cake"
I wish I could feel that way. She is still my baby but it hurts to see her struggle or know she can't do things she could do before. I know I mind more than she does. |
Yes you are right, you mind much more than she does. YOU are her whole life and whatever she can or can't do doesn't matter much to her as long as YOU are there! That is important to remember. I still believe she will recover - my mom's doxy recovered after about 4 -6 weeks. It was a long time, but he walked again. I think Layla will too!
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