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Gayle, Be careful cause my dogs love rabbit poop, we have lots of rabbits that go through our fence and leave poop all over the place, it's nasty till we can get the yard cleaned up from winter. We even had one liveing on or around our frozen pond this winter, he's in for a suprise when it starts to thaw LOL, drove the dogs crazy cause the pond is fenced off and the rabbit would run around on the pond knowing the dogs couldn't reach him. I will be so glad to get the pond filled in this summer.
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Yes, I am afraid of the boys eating bunny poop. Right now the rabbit is in a BIG pen - but of course, my dear dear husband wants her to be free in the back yard, but I too, think the boys may snack on the poop!
OK, here's the scoop on the bunny. She (yes, I said SHE) was a show bunny. The show was over so you know where she was going this week - yep, to the dinner table. So, Gary brought her home. He has wanted a bunny for a while now - and living in the country with a big yard, there was no stopping him. Actually, I didn't have a chance to stop him as I didn't even know it till he brought her home. Her name is Angel, and she is really cute. She's very tame. Of course, she's a little scared with the dogs running round and round and round and round and round her pen. But when you pick her up she just cuddles right up to you. I've attached some pictures of her and one of how Rex has spent yesterday and today - with his nose and paw through the bunny pen fence. LOL! |
Gayle, I think that I'd shoot my husband if he brought home a rabbit as a pet!!! Especially with the two dogs!!! They would drive me crazy......barking and whining......wanting in and out of the house......yep.....CRAZY!!! Hopefully Rex and Rowdy will get used to it and calm down in a while. But I don't know if you'll ever be able to let the rabbit loose in the yard with them.......maybe if you really worked on it......I don't know.
Bad news on my MIL......she passed away last night. I started another thread about it so you can read that. I sure wish that it wouldn't have been on Valentine's Day. It's likely to be a stressful week if the family starts going through her stuff.......remember she was a hoarder, however she collected antiques so there are some nice things in there. |
Gayle...Angel is beautiful. I've heard that rabbits can be trained where to go in a house? is that true? I bet she is soooo soft.
Gary has THREE doctors appointments today starting at 8:30 so we are getting ready to leave. Oh yes, I fed the bunny some cabbage and celery, and bunny food too. I kinda like the bunny (did I say that???). But I don't know what we are going to do with him this summer when we are gone to Arkansas for a month????? HELP!
You can accidentally leave the bunny pen gate open! Jessie had a bunny for a few years. I don't remember him running around the house, but he was a sweetie.
My dogs love bunny poop! They get it in the front of the house. Is it really bad for them? Sometimes, I look down and see them chewing away in the yard. Either it's bunny poop, or bugs. Rex looks like he has a new mission in life. |
I'm going to Kassidy's basketball game. I told her last night that I'm coming, and she said, "Grandma, you better set your clock for 6:00 because, you know, you live further away than we do."
If you ever need someone to take care of you, make sure you get everything right, and remember all the things that you ever told her, Kass is your girl! I better go...I don't want to miss the big game! |
Unlike most of you...lol...I don't have to worry about the dogs eating bunny poop. What a topic...LOLOL. But you know if you feed them....something comes out the other end. I was just wondering though.....if a dog eats bunny poop and then poops....who's poop is it? :D
Last night my niece Dusti took me out for supper at the Olive Garden. It was so good and I ate way too much, but enjoyed the time with her so much. She is the daughter of my older brother. Mom seemed much better last evening than she did earlier in the day. It was such a relief. She still has fluid on her lungs but they are trying to get it off. This morning I have to clean a few areas of carpet where Joey had a bit of diarrhea. I'm also trying to catch up on the computer and then I'll head over to see Mom a little later. Still have laundry...a never ending job it seems. Sometimes I wish I lived alone...it would be so much easier keeping up with things. Also wish I could go down to only two dogs, but that will never happen. Guess I'll just have to keep on..keeping on...like I have been. Did want to say that the weather has been in the 50's and 60's and I have been having thoughs of flowers and veggies....lol. Now the weather is going to drop back down. Mother nature is such a tease! |
After work yesterday we went to Subway :) I have been craving a sub for weeks! We went to my grandma's house to visit for an hour or so, and then left to visit my friend and her husband, because they were house sitting for her parents. They live about 3 hours from us, and her parents' house is right in the middle!
We got there around the same time, and Scott and Tyler were watching videos of him sledding up north, and Jen and I went through some of her horrible wedding photos! Their photographer was so bad, so Jen has been going through them all in photoshop and fixing them up herself. She even had to hound them to get all the pictures! They were married in September and finally just got them now. Anyways, then we played Wii for awhile, and then around midnight decided to get in the hot tub. I'm not usually a fan of outdoor hot tubs in the winter because my hair and ears freeze so badly! But theirs isn't so bad because her dad has put up walls around it to cut down on the wind. We ended up sitting in the hot tub until almost 5 am! Jen and I went in before the guys, and hung out in front of the fireplace with Layla :) We didn't wake up this morning until 11ish. Jen made us some waffles for breakfast and we were on the road home around 2. When I got home, I put a load of laundry in, crawled into bed, and fell asleep until 7! I should probably make us something to eat now, and hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight! But it's all worth it :) We had such a good visit! Since they moved away I rarely see them anymore. |
Lindsay! That sounds like such a fun evening/night! I love sitting in the hot tub in the winter, but it isn't nearly as cold down here. Of course, we don't have one now though. Once when we lived in Oklahoma, we got in Gary's uncle's hot tub and it started to snow. The cover was the kind that folds into fourths (kinda hard to explain). Anyway, we made a tent out of it so that it was just over the middle of the hot tub but like an upside down V in the middle so we could sit there and not get snow on our heads! LOL! It was FUN!
It was almost 80 degrees today, and I've quit complaining about using the air conditioner - it just is what it is!
We were sitting in the back yard just before sunset and there were FOUR pairs of cardinals in our ornamental pear tree right beside us. It was soooo neat to see them. I think they roost right behind our back fence line. It is wild back there, no buildings, and they come and go that direction so I think that is where they hang out! We worked at the Austin house today trying to get more things hauled away, given away and ready to sell. The neighbors came over and asked what we were going to do with the house. Gary said we were going to sell it, but I'd be willing to rent to them - or their family I should say. They have lived next door to us for about 15 years. They are from Mexico and are really nice people. The husband's sister and family has been here living with them for a few months. It would be so great if they were interested in renting or buying our house. I know that is highly unlikely to happen, but one can dream! LOL! |
I didn't sleep well for some reason last night. Up around 2 a.m. and back to sleep around 4 a.m., BUT....I did sleep till 8:30. I was going to go see Mom this morning, but we've had rain/sleet/ice overnight so I'll have to wait until some of it melts a bit. It will give me some time to catch up here at home.
Gayle...even though 80 is pretty hot....I would love to have that weather here. So tired of winter, but hey...it can't last much longer can it? Before I do go to visit Mom I need to stop by her house to check on things, get mail and checks. We were paying her bills yesterday and had one more bill to pay....and no checks. She can sign her name (not the greatest) so I write out the checks and she signs them. If she keeps going like she is...they may let her go home Monday or Tuesday. Her 88th birthday is Wednesday and she doesn't want to spend her birthday in the hospital. I hope she gets her wish. |
Janet, I'm glad to hear that you are getting some rest, even though you had to be awake 2 hours during the night. It could be worse though, my granddaughter came in to her mom and dad's bedroom at 4:00AM and said, "I don't feel good" so they let her get in bed with them and then she promptly threw up in the bed. :eek: Nothing like changing the bed linens in the middle of the night.
Janet, you might consider having your mom put you on her checking account - i know that might be an issue with your brothers, not sure, but if she isn't able to sign the checks, at least you'd still be able to pay her bills. You don't have to have a power of attorney for her to just put you on her checking account. Do you (or someone) have her power of attorney for health care and one for finances? If not, you should do that NOW! |
Today was Gary and my anniversary - 29 years! We agreed to not get each other anything since I spent so much money on the house. We had a fun day together. We did some shopping, bought a purple martin house, and had dinner at Red Lobster. Janet, I wish you could have gone with us - I know how much you love Red Lobster!!!
You will never believe this - I hardly do, on the other hand, it makes perfect sense to me. Brooke, Abi, and Emma are moving over here with us this weekend, instead of moving into our old house. Why, you might ask? I'm saying why why why? :eek: It's because my 34 year old daughter is afraid to stay at my house in Austin. It's in a lower middle class neighborhood, with lots of Hispanic neighbors - a few Black, a few Asian and a few White neighbors. She has never lived alone - she left my house to be married. And the main reason is that she won't have anything to "do" in Austin. I'm just shaking my head. It's OK, but it will be grand central station here. They will only be here till April 15 when they will move to Houston. Abi is going to do the last 6 weeks of school down there, which I think is good - she'll meet some friends for the summer and next school year. If Abi didn't have to finish up her club volleyball play (she's a starter on a good team), I think they would just move to Houston this weekend. But they have to stay in Austin till April 15. They will arrive on February 25 and Gary will leave to go camping/fishing for a month on March 5. So really it will only be us four girls most of the time. BUT we only have a king sized bed (mine) and a twin bed for my daughter and the two girls. :eek: Oh, and only ONE closet for them. Brooke and Emma will sleep in the travel trailer until Gary leaves and then for the week after he gets home. It is parked in our backyard. Then I suspect I will get kicked out of my king bed, or have to sleep with Brooke or Abi - which is OK (I think). We have a twin aero bed that we can set up in the office or in the extra bedroom for Emma and Abi has a bed in the extra bedroom that she or Brooke can sleep on. It would be so much easier on everyone if they stayed in our Austin house - but NOOOOOOOO - - - - Oh Well, I guess it will be like a big ole slumber party for a few weeks. They'll be gone to Houston 3 weekends, and then we'll all be gone the week of spring break - so it really isn't that many nights. I think my daughter said it would be 26 nights they would actually be here. Of course, when they move to Houston I'll miss them like crazy, and wish they were still here with me! LOL! Grand Central Station, I tell ya. I may go live in Assisted Living with my mom. LOL! :D |
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