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gja1000 09-12-2011 07:40 PM

Lindsay, I'm so glad you checked in - sorry life has been so hectic lately - it will surely slow down sometime. Did you find anything at the bridal weekend? I think I remember from FB that you were going. Take care! Hope things get better.

Tiramisu 09-12-2011 11:46 PM

Regular Monday ... All my managers are out at an offsite in Galveston, so I'm goofing off ... Got the first 100 gals of propane delivered, but water heater needs a small part replaced before lighting ... Now, its tuesday and I have terrible acid reflux so I can't sleep until it passes.

gja1000 09-13-2011 04:36 AM

Blah Sandy! Too much stress with the move - take care of yourself! You are going to be tired today! Hope you can "goof off" again!

Tiramisu 09-13-2011 04:19 PM

Good day

Janet 09-13-2011 04:23 PM

My son and I went to Mom's today to mow and trim her yard. She was paying someone to do it so we just told him we could handle it from now on. Didn't really do much else...little bit of laundry. Real exciting day... :)

Tomorrow I will be meeting my brother Jerry at Mom's to start in on the spare bedroom. That shouldn't take too long and then we'll start on the living room. After that...the kitchen, attic and then her camper. I will be glad when it's all done.

Tiramisu 09-13-2011 05:36 PM

I'm proud of you, Janet.

gja1000 09-13-2011 05:45 PM

Janet, what are you doing with her house and things? That is a big job!

Janet 09-14-2011 02:38 AM

Right now we're just going through everything, throwing out the trash, boxing up like items and I guess we're going to have an auction. I don't think there will be enough for an auction but we'll see when we're all done. I'm letting those who want something have it. I know Mom would rather her things go to family instead of some bidder.

gja1000 09-14-2011 04:36 PM

This has been a busy week! Trying to get ready to go to Oklahoma on Friday and Colorado next Tuesday. The hardest part is making sure Gary has enough medications, enough insulin, and enough oxygen. Oh and then there is all the hunting STUFF. Man, I don't know how two old coots (Gary and I) can have so much hunting STUFF! LOL!

He got a new insulin pump which he definitely needed - his current one has a big crack in it and I just knew it was going to die any moment. Without the pump Gary would have to take a shot every time he eats, and he does NOT like that drill. We go for pump training tomorrow - I hope it is simple to use. I'm going to take both pumps to CO - that is always a worry when you travel, that your insulin pump will fail. We always take stuff to give insulin by shots, but we always hope we don't have to do that while on vacation. We never have so far (knock on wood). If we can learn how to use the new pump tomorrow, we should be fine since we can take the old one as a backup, just in case the new one fails.

We are going to look like the Beverly Hillbillies with all the STUFF we are taking with us!

Tiramisu 09-14-2011 06:25 PM

Sounds like you have all under control, Gayle. Has anybody heard from Judy or have I missed her posts?

Good goof off day ... Left work at 12:15 to get cable/inet/phone hooked up and didn't go back since it was almost 2:30. Forgot to change cable turn off date at apt, so I have enjoyed an evening of no tv.

I tried to post house pictures this morning from work, but it wouldn't work. Jeff's coming in Friday night to do a couple of things on the house, so I can move in next Friday. My kiddos and y'all have kept me positive she I've felt overwhelmed lately.

gja1000 09-14-2011 07:02 PM

It's easy to feel overwhelmed with all you've got going on. But you will get through it - if I did it - you can do it too. Just keep plugging away and before you know it you'll be moved in and things will be back in order.

Lindsey 09-15-2011 05:51 AM

Yesterday, Scott had oral surgery. They cut open his gums to take out wisdom teeth that were growing sideways and impacting his other molars. Since I can't take time off work yet, my grandma took him in. She called me when she got home and seemed surprised that I wasn't off work until 5. She said they'd try to deal with things there until then. I thought Scott had told her about that but there was nothing I could do. When I got there after work, I realized the problem. I had no idea her water was shut off all day because they were doing work on the sewer lines! The whole street in front of her place was ripped up. Scott had been throwing up when they got home and they couldn't even flush the toilet. I felt really bad about that.

I got Scott home and tried to get a handle on his medications. Gayle, you might know, can he take penecillin and ibuprofen at the same time? He's on both of those, and I know the ibuprofen is supposed to be 3 times stronger than regular. He also has oxycodone for if the pain gets too bad, but he just took one of those so far, before bed last night. The penecillin and ibuprofen are every 6 hours, and the schedule for the ibuprofen means he has to get up at 1 am. I wasn't sure yesterday about anything so he took the penecillin an hour and a half later and then had to get up at 2:30 in the morning again for that one. He has to take these for a week, and if he can take them both at once it would really help me sleep a little better! That alarm wakes us both.

Anyways, I made him some chicken broth to drink last night and made some Jell-O before bed so he can try to get some of that down today. I feel so bad for him!

It wasn't until I was going to bed that I remembered I have a bank meeting right after work today and I haven't had a chance to go over my finances to figure out what I need to change around. Oops! I have a job to get out today at work and tomorrow is my day off. I'm counting down the hours!

DianaB 09-15-2011 08:14 AM

Jaci had her wisdom teeth taken out a while back so I know what you're going through with Scott. Jaci did pretty good and by the next day was almost herself again and she doesn't handle pain well.....hopefully Scott will get along as well as Jaci did.

Sandy, I know that you're excited about your house but if you can....take your time and don't get too stressed. Stress takes a lot of the fun out of things. Hugs!!

Gayle, I had to laugh at the thought of you wrestling Gary to the ground to get him to wear his oxygen!!! I'd like to see that one!!!! I'm sure that packing to go with Gary is a lot like going with a baby......you feel like you have to take everything even if you might not use it.......just in case!!! You'll have a blast once you get there!!! I hope the hunt is successful for Gary as well!!

Jessica.....good luck on your tests. Gayle had a great suggestion about talking to the teacher about the test and knowing what parts to study.

Janet, It sounds like eerything is going pretty good on cleaning your Mom's house. Sometimes when the auctioneer has a small auction he'll put two of them together so more people will come. You might want to check and see if that's a possiblility.

We're home.....we're home!!!! We had a great time in Eureka Springs with the seniors from church!!!! I ended up being the youngest one.....with my bil, sil, and our pastor and his wife being close to our age. The rest were older but sill a lot of fun!!! We went shopping after we had checked into our motel. Then we went to a music show in the evening. It was good and the performers were so talented at playing so many instruments but there was one man that really stuck out and he sang "Arlington" that's sung by Trace Adkins and he sounded JUST like him!!!

The next day we drove around Eureka Springs and went to a hotel that was haunted. No, we didn't see any ghosts....nor did I expect to....but the design was just beautiful and I enjoyed seing the antiques around it. It was the Crescent Hotel.

Then we drove out to the Passion Play and took a walking tour where people dressed up as characters from the Bible did a little talk about themselves. It was soo hot but so interesting!!! We also saw a Bible museum that was there......and they had some Bibles from the 1500's and one page from an original Guttenburg Bible worth $100,000!!! There were other rare Bibles there as well. I had a man that worked there come and tell several of us about them and it was so interesting!!

After that we had supper there in a dinner theater....then another group sang and did comedy!!! They were better than the first group we saw the day before!! The man that I thought was so good was a part of this group as well. He works here then goes to the other place and sings again!! Again he was awesome and I wondered why someone with so much talent was working in such a small town like Eureka Springs!!! After supper we listened to a couple of others dressed in costume......one was David as a shepherd boy and he gave demonstrations on using a sling!!! Another gave a demonstration on pottery and compared it to how we are like clay.....molded by God. Very good!!!

Then we watched the Passion Play!!! It was just awesome!! It was the first time that Glen and I had seen it. It's an all outdoor play about Jesus' last days and is played out in a valley and hill across from the seating!!! Just awesome and highly recommended if you're ever there!!!

The next day we went and saw the Chist of the Ozarks statue by the Passion Play. We didn't have time to see it the day before. Then we drove out and went to Onyx cave. It wasn't very big but still interesting. We drove through Joplin and looked around at the devestation and rebuilding. They are rebuilding and still cleaning up. Whole neighborhoods are gone. So sad but you can see that in time......like years.......they'll be up and going again. It's just amazing how some houses were gone but every once in a while there'd be one that just had minor damage.

Tiramisu 09-15-2011 03:53 PM

Regular day for me. Still having problems with a couple of my girls, so I'm about to offer changes to their managers.

Jeff's having animal issues at his farm, so he's only driving down for the night and a couple hours on Saturday, to get everything finished up so I can move.

Tiramisu 09-15-2011 03:56 PM

Regular day for me. Still having problems with a couple of my girls, so I'm about to offer changes to their managers.

Jeff's having animal issues at his farm, so he's only driving down for the night and a couple hours on Saturday, to get everything finished up so I can move.

gja1000 09-15-2011 04:57 PM

Yes Scott can take ibuprofen and penicillin together - if - his stomach can tolerate both at the same time. I hope he is feeling better today - the throwing up was from swallowing blood and from the medication they gave him for sedation or anesthesia. Hopefully, he is feeling much better today.

Diana, it sounds like you had a great time. I jsut love Eureka Springs!!! I wish the weather had been cooler for you.

Sandy, I sure hope you get moved soon!

Lindsey 09-16-2011 06:44 AM

Diana, that looks like a cool play to see! I'm glad you had fun!

I was okay the day after I had my wisdom teeth out too. I ate Christmas dinner a few days later :D Scott had worse problems than me though and it was a little more extensive. Since his teeth weren't through the surface, and never would be (they were literally growing directly sideways through his gums, and would never grow up and out of his gums) they had to open the gums right up to get the teeth out. Yesterday he was in bed all day, but wasn't nauseous at all. He ate some jello, some apple puree, and some tomato soup. This morning he said he's feeling much better.

Thanks Gayle, I will let him know he can take both at the same time. We'll see how it goes!

As I posted in my other thread, I am considering leaving my new job :eek: I just don't know. The first week was great, but since then I've just been feeling more and more like it isn't the right fit. I don't know!!!! My career is in high demand right now so I don't know if it's worth sticking around in a place where I'm really not as happy as I think I could be. Leaving my first job gave me a little courage I think! The other offer I considered is still posted in that company's job openings, and the other interview I had at Scott's company did go well, I found out, but he knew I had already taken another job. I sat with him for supper at Scott's company's golf tournament last weekend, and he told me if I am not happy at my new job, he is still looking..

Lindsey 09-16-2011 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 123001)
Lindsay, I'm so glad you checked in - sorry life has been so hectic lately - it will surely slow down sometime. Did you find anything at the bridal weekend? I think I remember from FB that you were going. Take care! Hope things get better.

I forgot to reply to this part :) The wedding showcase is this Sunday! It turns out a few friends from my hometown who are also getting married next year will be coming to the city for it too. There is another bigger one next weekend too. I have to register and pay for that one though, while this one is free. I sent my cousin (bridesmaid) a message asking if she'd like to come with me, next weekend if she has no other plans and doesn't have her kids for the weekend, but she didn't get back to me so I guess she's not interested or is busy. My matron of honor is having her son's birthday party 5 hours away so I can't ask her lol! I may end up dragging Scott along :rolleyes:

gja1000 09-16-2011 03:16 PM

Lindsay I would definitely leave. Life is too short to be miserable at your job. If the other place told you they are still looking, then I'd jump on it!!!!!

Janet 09-16-2011 03:35 PM

Didn't really do much today. Ran the route and then after I got home at 4 I went to town to the lawyers office to pick up some papers to transfer Mom's money to an estate account. That's all done now so I can start paying her bills that have come. I plan on doing that in the morning.

I've come down with either a bad head cold or allergies. The gravel roads that I drive down are so dusty and whenever I stop at a stop sign all the dust comes into the bus. I'm taking some over the counter stuff, but not sure if it's working yet. My head is all stuffy and I just feel tired.

Still not sleeing very well. Part of it I know is my fault...lol. For instance I went to bed last night around 8 and woke up at 11, 1:30, 3:00 and again at 5. Not much rest. Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight.

gja1000 09-16-2011 06:14 PM

I'm in Oklahoma tonight. We had a nice drive up here. We took the back roads and went through a million little towns, well 12 at least. It takes a little longer but definitely more interesting than zipping up the interstate. We stopped and bought some chocolate at this amazing little store. I'm tired but not sleepy yet. It's only 9:00PM, and mom is sound asleep.

DianaB 09-16-2011 08:09 PM

Janet, try taking some meds like Tylenol PM or there's an ibuprofen PM. I took some of the ibuprofen PM while we were on our trip and I slept so good but not hard enough that I had trouble waking up in the mornng. Maybe you should get some over the weekend and try it before you take it on a work day. It would help you get some much needed rest.

Gayle, I hope you have a good time on your trip with your Mom!!! We bought some sugar-free chocolate in Eureka Springs and I soooo wish that I would have bought more of it!!! It was sooo good!!!!

Lindsey, I agree with the others......if you're not happy with your new job and there's an opening at another place that you applied.....then go for it!!! No reason to waste your time where you're at.

Sandy, I hope you get a lot done this weekend on your home!!! I can't wait to see pictures after you move in!!!

Today I ate a late lunch and my blood sugar dropped on me enough that I was shaky. I hate that feeling and today it pretty much drained me. I finally perked up after 2 or 3 hours. I think that by not eating any carbs it takes longer for the blood sugar to come back up. I did check it soon after I ate and it was much better but the feeling of being low lasted a lot longer.

judy 09-17-2011 06:39 AM

That sounds bad, Diana! Do you carry a sucking candy or a juice with you? I remember people with diabetes doing that.

Hope your trip is good, Gayle.

Janet, I am not surprised you are not sleeping. Maybe a long walk before bedtime would help. All of the adrenalin you have had in your body lately has to work its way out, and be replaced by calming chemicals your body makes. Exercise does create some calming hormones.

Linds, I haven't read your job posts yet. I'm sorry to see that you aren't happy.

Sandy, how is the house coming along?

I haven't been on for about a week! I've been busy and also making the transition from summer to fall. My friends are gone, the pool closed on Tuesday, and it is not summer anymore!

I went for my last swim on Tuesday, and said goodbye to the pool. All of my bathing suits are washed, and so are my pool towels. I took my plants inside, and the hummingbird feeder has to be washed out and put away. I bought winter bird feeders, but I have to wait until bear hunting season is over before I put out any feeders.

It is, as usual, so beautiful here. The leaves are changing, and there is no other place I would want to be in the fall.

I went to Cobbleskil, a town about an hour from here, yesterday. The flood has ravaged some towns. You can see houses leaning on their sides because the water eroded the foundations. Whole towns have been wiped out. The road crews are out, repairing, all over the place. Coming from NYC, where road work takes years, if it is done at all, I am so impressed with how quickly repairs are
done here. On my trip, yesterday, I saw a field of corn completely wiped out. I remember seeing them planting that field in the spring or early summer. All of that work! There are wooded areas where the trees have all been knocked down by the flood. Nature is amazing! Trees that were there for years and years, all down, with their roots pulled out. The trees and land will take care of themselves, but there are many people whose homes have been wiped out. They have no money, and these families are who I worry about. Where do you go up here when your home or your trailer has been washed away?

I'm in two writing groups. One overloaps the other because of the flooding. I don't like this schedule, but I love the writing groups. I have to call my pottery teacher, and go get some of my work done over there. I had put away all of the things I had wanted to do in the house for the summer. It's a good thing I did that, because I really am not sure now what I want to get done. That summer break put things into perspective, and now I am looking at things with a new eye.

The kids are good; back in school, and doing their usual. Steve is as grumpy as always. Jessie has been having really bad headaches, and I am worried that they might be new symptoms of her MS. She will go to the doctor before long if they don't go away. They could be migraines, or stress headaches, she says. I worry about her all the time.

I'm going into town today to read something I wrote at an art gallery opening, along with other writers. It should be fun. I hope they have good food there!

I have been keeping my weight down, but it's up to 130, from 128.5 or 129, so I will have to cut back a bit. I have added fruit, more veggies, and this week, I am adding dairy. Next, I get to add grains, and that's about it, I think.

Janet 09-17-2011 02:37 PM

Take some pictures please Judy....I just know it has to be really beautiful there.

Today...I woke up tired, didn't sleep well again. I got busy anyway and rearranged my bedroom and put some of the plastic tubs of Mom's things that I want to save in a closet until after everything is out of her house. It looks really nice, but boy am I pooped!!! It's only 6:30 and way too early for bed, but I'm soooo sleeply. I'm taking your advice Diana and taking a Tylenol PM tonight. Hopefully it will help.

Tomorrow I'm meeting my older brother Jerry in at Mom's to bring things down from the attic. We cleaned out and boxed the items in the living room so now have room to bring stuff down. There are a few things I'm anxious to see and bring home. My younger brother has yet to help do anything. He did come Friday and went through the old 45 records to see which ones were his and that was about it. The three of us made plans to meet on Sunday, but Brad called Jerry and cancelled. Jerry wasn't too happy with him. Told him that we were going to go ahead and box things up and he could just buy what he wants. Brad seems to bring out the worst in us. Brad still doesn't call me...only speaks to me in person.

I really wish all this was done. I'm ready to change jobs. There was an ad in the paper for a secretary (my skills) at the Sewer Dept. but I need to get all this stuff done first. Mom's monies were all transferred to an Estate Account so this morning before I rearranged my room...I paid all her bills that were due.

The last few months we sat down and did them together....I felt really alone and missed having her here to tell me..."you just fill them out, I'll sign my name"....LOL.

Just a quick question....I've been keeping track of what time Jerry and I spend at Mom's going through things and cleaning...can we charge that to the estate? Jerry is upset that Brad will inherit the same as us and not do any of the work.....me....I don't really care....I'm counting on Karma to bite him in the arse!!

gja1000 09-18-2011 12:04 PM

Judy, you are so busy and doing so many fun things!!!

Janet, things will work out for you - just look at Sandy! I know it sucks right now, but in time, everything will be better.

I drove about 11 hours yesterday, about 700 miles, but I am so glad I got home yesterday. Today I have the whole day to get ready to go to Colorado day after tomorrow. I've been to the grocery store, washing, packing and getting Gary's medical stuff ready to go. FIFTEEN oxygen tanks, oxygen concentrator (pick that up tomorrow), oxygen tubing, insulin pump supplies, insulin and back up insulin (in case you drop a bottle and it breaks), insulin pens and needles (in case the insuliln pump stops working and you have to give insulin shots), nebulizer and nebulizer medication, 10 days of daily medications (we won't be gone that long, but I like to have extras), medications for headache, cold, cough, etc. (we'll pretty much be in the boonies for 5-6 days).

Now, this doesn't count the MOUNTAIN of hunting clothes, boots, long handle underwear, etc etc. Oh, did I mention THREE GIANT ice chests and three suitcases. Like I said before, we will look like the Beverly Hillbillies driving down the road!

judy 09-19-2011 06:02 AM

I am speechless, Gayle! You are such a wonderful person. You take such care of Gary, and really knock yourself out to make sure that his health issues are taken care of. And, you don't complain! Now, that's love!

You are an inspiration to me. I also cannot believe how much energy you have!

DianaB 09-19-2011 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by judy (Post 123061)
I am speechless, Gayle! You are such a wonderful person. You take such care of Gary, and really knock yourself out to make sure that his health issues are taken care of. And, you don't complain! Now, that's love!

You are an inspiration to me. I also cannot believe how much energy you have!

I agree!! I think that you are amazing to do all of this for your husband!!!! BTW.....don't forget the kitchen sink.......you didn't have that on your list!!!!! LOL

Janet, I hope the pill worked. They usually help me.

As for paying yourself for cleaning......I would think that you could......after all you ARE the executor of the estate but I'd check with your lawyer first. You also can take executive fees out for being the executor. I don't know what's fair so again....ask your lawyer. Sounds like Brad is definitely acting spoiled!!!!

Judy....I'm so sorry to hear that your days at the pool are over!!! I know that our pond has been too cool for awhile and I really hated that. Your activities sound like so much fun!!! I'm glad that you've gotten involved in some things that you really enjoy!!!

This last weekend was ........hmmmmmmm.......stressful.......and fun!!!! On Saturday I went to a few garage sales. It was raining.....finally......but I knew that a few of them were inside. I found some shirts for myself. I know that I'm losing weight but still I wanted something "new". Besides Amy will be able to wear them later. Glen watched the kids while I went because Dae Lynn got to finally go up and visit Damon. She said that they had a good talk and she was pleased with how things were going with him (which made today a HUGE surprise to all of us.......you'll have to read my other post.). Being with the kids ALL day is so stressful......but Glen knew that and he came home to help fix supper and help out.

Yesterday after church Glen and I were invited to Jaci and Nate's house for lunch. We took the 4-wheelers and rode all over everywhere!!! We went probably 30 miles or so and didn't make it back until well after dark. It was a lot of fun!!! Being with Jaci always makes us smile because she is such a fun person. Nate is more serious but they balance each other out!!! Jaci is the wild one.....Nate is the cautious one....and that's VERY evident when they are on the 4-wheelers!!!

While we were riding we came across a place that had a greenhouse but there was no house there and the gate was locked. I've been wanting a greenhouse really bad so we found out who owns the property and Glen's going to call and ask them if they'd be interested in selling it. It's not quite as big as I'd really like but it will let me know how much I'll really use one. I've really been getting into growing orchids!!!! They are soooo pretty and right now I have one that's rebloomed and two more that are getting ready to rebloom as well!!! I really hope the man sells it!!!

judy 09-19-2011 02:23 PM

Sounds like you had a good weekend, Diana. I bet Jaci gets her adventurous side from her mama! Seems like you and Glen are getting along well.

I got out for a couple of errands today. I took the dogs, and then went to the dog run with them. They are sleeping on the kitchen floor right now!

It is such a beautiful day today!!!

Janet 09-19-2011 03:49 PM

Jerry and I worked at Mom's. It was our second day in the kitchen and Wednesday we'll be able to finish that room up. Then we will have to start in on her camper and that will be about as bad as the whole house...lol. Won't be much longer and then it will be all done.

Mom's car insurance is due the 29th, I'm hoping to get something done with it before then. If we turn it back in (since it was a lease) they will charge the estate for the balance. There may be another dealer willing to buy it and then we can pay off the balance of the lease and they will be able to make a profit when they sell it.

Tomorrow I have to run to the attorneys office again and then the jewelers. I inherited Mom's ring and had it resized. Well it was warmer and my hand must have been swollen because now it is really loose. I have a few more things to do and then relax at home till the afternoon route. I may even treat myself to a nice lunch.

Tiramisu 09-19-2011 05:19 PM

Sounds like we all had a regular day, except we had rain!!!!

Almost ex is trying to draw divorce out more, but I'm not giving in or playing any more games. I told my lawyer that I'm about to go all country hick tire tool on getting this settled. I'm ok, just aggravated with this. He says I don't get half for the tractor because it was a gift ... He financed it, in his name, mine not involved.

I need to get back on match.com and make my profile totally different ... Looking for a wild man!

gja1000 09-19-2011 06:28 PM

LOL! Sandy you make me laugh!!!! You go girl - I can just see you swingin' that tire tool.

Janet, it will be over soon, but it is so much work - take care of yourself!

Janet 09-20-2011 02:29 AM

It is a lot of work, but it's been okay. Jerry and I have gotten along really well in this stressful situation. We both remarked that during all this at Mom's, we've agreed on almost everything.

gja1000 09-20-2011 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 123085)
It is a lot of work, but it's been okay. Jerry and I have gotten along really well in this stressful situation. We both remarked that during all this at Mom's, we've agreed on almost everything.

I'm really glad to hear that. How is he feeling?

Janet 09-20-2011 04:09 AM

He seems to be feeling okay. He is still smoking but his daughter bought him those non-nicotine cigarettes, no smoke, just water vapor and he uses them quite a bit. He gets in a coughing spell at times that scare me, but he comes out of it. I just make sure I do whatever may hurt him. Thanks
for asking about him.

DianaB 09-20-2011 10:45 AM

I'm glad to hear that things are going well with Jerry. I wish that he was feeling better and am glad to hear that he's smoking the replacement cigarettes.

Have you found anything special at your Mom's???

My Mom's not a collector of anythng much. I don't figure that when I get her things that I'll get any surprises. She does have a nice bedroom suit that was my Grandma and Grandpa's and I've let her know that I want that. It's not antique but it is a really nice set. Other than her jewelry (and there's only 2 or 3 rings) and pictures there's not much I would like to have.

gja1000 09-20-2011 05:24 PM

We are in Amarillo tonight. We drove about 500 miles today and have about 350 to go tomorrow. Tired, but happy to be over half way there! We stopped a lot as Gary is not supposed to ride for long periods without getting out and walking around. I hope I can sleep tonight. Sometimes I have a hard time in hotels.

Janet 09-20-2011 05:42 PM

We've found a lot of interesting things. Good thing I have an attic and an attic in both garages. I have my Dad's duffle bag from the Navy. In it are 3 set of whites and 3 sets of dress blues and one pair of jeans. All with his name.... Already in a tub in the garage attic. I also have the little jumper skirt and jacket that my Mom made for my older sister when she was just a toddler. She made it out of Dads Navy coat and put the buttons on it too.

I also have diaries my Dad wrote while in the Navy and all the letters he wrote to Mom. My brothers don't want those kinds of things, but they mean the world to me. I inherited ALL the family pictures, but I gave each brother what should be theirs.

When I was little, we use to have our milk, cottage cheese, juice and cheese delivered to the door and it was put in this metal type box with a fold down lid with the Dairy's name on it. Well...back in the corner of the utility closet...I found the milk bottle and Mom had taped the foil top on it. Once the foil top was removed it wouldn't stay on anymore. I remember our milkman...he was so nice. We also use to use the foil tops to get into the movie theater on Saturday mornings for free.

There are just so many things that I now have that are just too many to mention. Items I remember that Mom had on her dresser and just stuck in a box in the attic....a musical powder box. I'm real sentimental so big items like furniture or TV's don't really mean much to me...it's the family items...memory items. The only thing that is really worth anything is the ring Mom left to me in her Will. It was appraised at $2500, but I didn't tell my brothers that. I also inherited all Mom's jewelry and jewelry boxes. She had some very pretty pieces. After I picked out the pieces I remember Mom wearing the most and the ones I just liked...I let my sister-in-law Betty (Jerry's wife) and my 3 nieces pick out what they would like to have.

Mom saved everything...even the newspaper when the war ended.....just so many interesting things.

Blueyes 09-20-2011 06:57 PM

Hi everybody! I'm so glad to catch up with you all. We just got back from our friends ranch in the Hill Country. We went through Bastrop on the way down there. That's where the huge fire was.. even now it's only 95% contained. It was just horrible to see all of that devastation! There were lots of burned places near the ranch. The closest was probably 10 miles away. Everything there in just crunchy and dusty. People have been feeding their cattle hay all summer and now it is so hard to find. It is going for $160 for a big round roll!! Even the deer we saw were skinny!

We leave our camper down there so Mike will have his own pace to stay during deer season. Mark and Jan live here, but will build a house there in a few years when Mark retires. Meanwhile they have a nice cabin there. They have 200 acres that join 200 acres owned by his brother, so there is plenty of room to roam.

DianaB 09-21-2011 08:17 AM

That sounds interesting, Janet. I'm glad that your brothers don't want the sentimental things......therefore there's no arguement about who gets them. Keep all that you want......you can always go through them later and decide if you really want them when you're not so pressured to make a decision.

I did that with my Grandma's things and kept things that I thought the girls might want but she really didn't have much and the girls didn't want anything so later on I was able to get rid of it. I still have some of the more sentimental things though......it's just letting the kids know what it is.

Betsi, I'm glad that you're back!!! I'm so sorry about the fires down there and am happy that your friends' place is alright. Nothing is scarier than a fire close to where you live........I've had that a couple of time when a pasture burning has gotten out of control. It sounds like a nice place for Mike to go and hunt!!!

judy 09-21-2011 02:12 PM

Hi Betsi! It's so good to see you on here! The fires are so scary. Stay safe! Mike and Gary should get together to hunt!

I wonder when our hunting season begins. I heard that either New Jersey or Pennsylvania are starting early for bear hunting because the ppulation is so high!
The deer aren't out as much now, and I have not seen a bear yet! I want to put out winter bird feeders, but have to wait till the bears are hibernating.

Janet, I am just like you. The sentimental things are what matters. It sounds like you have some wonderful memories and things to cherish. I have my father's army uniform hanging in the closet (in plastic)! Jessie used to wear my mother's favorite cardigan sweater when she was little.

Brandon will get all of my Dad's army stuff as time goes by. I gave Jessie my mother's diaries. I could never read them, but she can, and she loves them! She has learned a lot about me!!!

Maybe you can save some of the children's things for Ricky for when he has children.

It was very nice of you to offer some jewelry to your SIL and niece! Of course you get the good stuff! You took care of her, and you are her daughter.

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