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I agree!! I bet Mackenzie is having a blast!!! With her voice I'm not surprised that she'll be the head singer!!
We've had some evangelists at church this weekend with their 3 boys, Tim and Rochelle Enloe.....some of you may have heard of them......they travel all over the U.S.!! Anyway, they are good friends with our pastor and his wife so they all came out here on Saturday afternoon and rode the 4-wheelers. Glen borrowed enough 4-wheelers that there were 5 of them out there. Pastor and his wife also had a grandson and granddaughter with them as well......the kids all had a blast going just as fast as they could go across the meadow while the adults stood and watched!! After church today we had a birthday party for little Karlie and Dean. Today was Karlie's birthday and the 5th was Dean's birthday. Dae Lynn and Damon had a housefull with most of Damon's family there and most of our family there!!! It's so hard to believe that my little guy is one already!!! The year has flown by and has been filled with so much laughter with this little one!!! I love having babies around.......and I love even when they get older!!!! Then we had church again this evening, as usual, but afterwards Tim and Rochelle were packing up to leave and they invited me to come into their camper and meet their yorkies!!! They looked so much like Jazzi and Reuger....in fact, their boys had commented on it Saturday when they were at the house. Their large yorkie was very blonde....he really had very little dark color in him,.......would that make him a blue yorkie? He was very pretty but very unsual!!! You just never know where you're going to find another yorkie lover!!! |
I'm so glad Steve let her go to the party. This is such a great age to spread her wings a bit. MacKenzie has such great talent!
We had the time change......I just hate it!!! I find that it's harder and harder to adjust to it!!! I wish that who ever's in charge would just keep it on daylight standard time!!!!!
We don't have it here, but now tv shows are all on an hour earlier lol. We finished watching the Bachelor at 8 last night instead of 9 :D
I want to stay on daylight savings time year round too Diana. I just love having more daylight after I get home from work.
I love having more daylight of an evening too and wish it would just stay this way too. Today I picked up our taxes...just have to have Rick sign them and take them back tomorrow. We get a bit of a refund so I hope it's enough to pay the property taxes...lol. One of these days.....when I hit the lottery of course......I'm going to pay everything off and then rent us a place to have a great get-together...lol.
I also went and had the pre-op done for my carpal tunnel surgery on Monday the 21st. I'm glad it's finally here...so tired of having numb hands. I'm only having the left hand done this time so I won't be completely helpless.. :) I'll have the other one done when school is out if not sooner. |
Janet..hope your surgery goes well! Good thinking only having it done on one hand at a time. My sister had it done on both and she couldn't do anything for herself!
I just know that you're going to like having your surgery done so you won't have numbness anymore!! I'm sorry that you have to have surgery though!
I had Dean today!!! He's such a cutie!! He's shrugging his shoulders so now when you ask him a question he'll give you a shrug!!! He also has learned to nod his head up and down.....but it takes a lot of thought on his part to do it!!! I just love watching him learn new things!!! It's so hard to believe that he's one already!!! |
I took Abi to Forever 21 this afternoon. We shopped till we dropped. She tried on so many things and she got some really cute things. It's fun to shop with her.
Mom decided to driver herself to her house....so I spoke with Diana on the phone, went to an auction, but they didn't have anything I was interested in, went to a place to look at mattresses...way to high in price and then went to Subway for lunch. Called my friend of over 35 years and cried like a baby....just had a mental breakdown I guess, but I knew I would once I heard her voice. Then came home and rearranged the living room furniture, did some laundry, swept the floor and then relaxed the rest of the evening.
Today is gonna suck I can tell already....Mom is having loose stools again...time for the diaper. She has been doing wonderful for the last 3 days and getting so much stronger. I had really hoped she would be able to go home...she was hoping so too. She was off the Vancomycin for a couple days and most likely the C-diff isn't completely gone yet. This happens everytime they take her off the medicine. They even taper it off and it just comes back. Looks like another med she'll be on the rest of her life.....that and the diapers. So...off to start my 'fun' day. |
I had several calls to make today so after I took Abi to school I came home to do my calling. I had to make the boys an appointment to get them groomed. I bathe them, but don't clip them. Then I had to call the lawn people, our lawn is in pretty bad shape and I need to have it aerated and compost put down. I just don't feel like doing that because it is a tremendous amount of raking to get the compost spread all over the yard. Then I had to call the security system people. We've never had a security system, but we got a really good deal on one and since we are gone for several weeks in the summer, we thought it might be a good idea to have one. Well, I had the garage door replaced week before last and the sensor on that door was reading open - when the door was closed. I called the security company and they solved the problem over the phone, pretty nifty! Last, I had to call for a doctors appointment for Gary. WHEW! I'm ready to go to work and get some rest. LOL!
I am just so sick of work. Ugh. But on a positive note, Layla's rehab vet just called me to ask a favor. We haven't taken Layla to rehab in a long time because we can't afford to buy a new package with our upcoming trip. But right now, her vet has a group of students to teach and there aren't any good "back" dogs in the hospital right now. She asked if Layla can come play with them for a day :D The vet med students get to learn, we get a free rehab session, and Layla gets a day away from the office. Win, win, win! |
Lindsey, you definitely sound overworked!!!
How cool that Layla gets to go back for another session!! I'm sure the students will just fall in love with her!!! I had Dean and Karlie this morning while Dae Lynn went and cleaned at the church. Dean is sooo grouchy....especially when Dae Lynn is here. I keep blaming it on teeth!! He hasn't handled getting any of his teeth well so it's a good guess. I'm also trying to get my bedroom rearranged.....it hasn't been done for so long and it's so dirty under everything. Yuck!!! I'm excited to get it done though!!! |
I came back to the lake on Friday where Gary is staying, to spend the weekend with him. We went to the county fair yesterday and had a fun time. We watched the pig judging and we looked at all the livestock, sheep, cattle, chickens, rabbits, etc. Then we looked at all the crafts and arts building. We ate a corn dog, and then walked down the midway of the fair.
Then we left and went into town to get some tomato plants. I've got to get mine in the ground! Now it's Sunday and Gary is still in bed and I'm enjoying some quiet time surfing the net. |
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