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Janet 04-25-2011 03:11 PM

Forgot to add... Today I ran my route of course, then went to town to run some errands. It was raining so Mom decided to stay. I took my cherished ;) laptop in to be checked out. The updates were failing to update and as hard as I tried ( with help from MS online ) I just couldn't figure it out. Hopefully they will and all will be right in my world again...lolol

DianaB 04-26-2011 09:55 AM

I have Dean today!! He's taking a nap at the moment!!! He's learning sooo much!!! He's been learning to talk!!! I just love it!!!!

judy 04-30-2011 03:36 PM

I went to a class on how to make some fancy kind of collage today. It was fun, and the artist who taught it pulled me on the side, and told me that mine were the best. I felt like teacher's pet, and I liked it!!!

It's not really anything I would want to do much, but it was a very nice technique.

Janet 04-30-2011 05:35 PM

Okay....let us see.....please.

gja1000 04-30-2011 08:24 PM

Judy, that sounds fun! I'm not crafty at all, but I love to look at crafts!

I took my computer to the genius bar at that Apple store today. It has been freezing up 1-2 times per day. Also, I couldn't update my calendar on my iPad becasue I couldn't sync my iPad becasue my computer operating system was too old.

They couldn't find anything wrong with it to cause it to freeze, so they just installed a new operating system, thinking that might be why it was freezing up. So far, so good, everything seems to be working fine except my school email. I need the domain name which I will have to get at school on Monday. Then I should be able to download all my email stuff from school. I have email on my iPad and phone so it is fine.

It always makes me so nervous to do a computer upgrade, I always think something terrible is going to happen. LOL! I do love Apple though, I spent 2 hours at the store today with my computer and it only cost $29.00 for the new operating system. They installed it for me and didn't charge me anything.

Janet 05-01-2011 05:27 AM

I got my laptop back yesterday and spent most of the morning putting it back to the way I had it.
It wasn't letting all the updates update...lol and was running slow. Could not figure it out so it was restored to original condition. All updates loaded and working great. Lost some of my favorites links, but I probably didn't need them anyway....I hope.

Still need to download Skype again so will have to do that some time.

gja1000 05-01-2011 03:57 PM

We have had such a busy weekend, but we got lots of things accomplished. So far my computer is running great after the trip to the genius bar and the operating system upgrade. Keep your fingers crossed. LOL!

Today I watered the yard. It is a BIG chore, dragging the hoses all over the yard. I like to be outside, so I don't mind and it is good exercise.

Then we met a couple who want to rent our house in Austin and they want to buy it if they can get approved for a loan. They are from Mexico and don't have any credit - they don't have bad credit, just none. So, they are working with the bank to establish some credit so they can buy the house. I sure hope after they live in it, they'll still want to buy it!

The husband works for a moving company so he unloaded the attic for us. He was so very very nice and wouldn't take a penny, although it was hot as the devil up there! Now, Gary and I have to go through everything and bring it over here (NOT MUCH), take it to Goodwill or to the dump. They want to move in July 1 and we'll be gone pretty much till then, so we have to get the house cleared out before we leave May 25th. WHEW! Lot's to do!

DianaB 05-02-2011 12:31 PM

That's great, Gayle!!! Too bad that you have to hurry and get things out but, knowing you, you'll have everything gone through and put away or given away before you know it!!! That was really nice of the man to help you clean out the attic!!!

Janet 05-02-2011 02:44 PM

Wonderful Gayle! it' always nice to have a renter and even nicer if they want to buy. We have a rental in town and sometimes it's a pain trying to take care of two places. I sure wish I had your energy! :)

gja1000 05-02-2011 02:58 PM

LOL! Janet! I have NO energy today. I'm so tired I had to come home at 3:30 and take a nap. I know I'll be up all night, but I just couldn't go any longer!

DianaB 05-03-2011 11:03 AM

Gayle, have you ever thought about getting one of those little tractors that water your lawn? I have an old one and they work great!! You just hook them up to the hose and lay the rest of the hose where you want the tractor to water and it will follow the hose then you don't have to move your sprinkler all the time. I love mine!!!

Glen went and got me some dirt for a new flower bed that I'm making. I had to dig up some plants that I already had planted there. I can't wait to get things moved and growning......it's going to take a few years to get it the way I want it!! I love hostas and that's what I'm mostly planting!!

Janet 05-03-2011 03:35 PM

I love host as too. Lynne has some big beautiful ones.

judy 05-04-2011 07:25 AM

$29 for a new operating system is so inexpensive! Toshiba wants you to promise them your home and 2 grandchildren for a new hard drive!

Last night I lost my internet service on my laptop, ad thought, "Here we go again!" I really don't want to do what you are having to do, Janet. Restoring all my stuff is so much work! Then I went on my i Pad, and had the same problem!

It wasn't my router, so I figure it was my cable company. I have our town's phone company providing phone, cable tv, and internet. I have to say I was glad because service would come back, and I had nothing to worry about.

I haven't transferred anything to my iPad from my PC. I don't know yet what I want to transfer. Actually, I have in mind to take my pic, music, and I don't know what else yet off of my hard drive and onto back up devices. I don't need them on my laptop, and am always afraid it will crash and I will just lose them. I have to decide what to put them on. I have had very bad luck with external hard drives, flash drives (my favorite) don't hold enough, and neither do sd cards. Someone told me to use dvd discs. I really have to check it out.

Today, I am going to Jessie's to help Brandon with math. It's raining out and I'm happy to stay home until then!

Lindsey 05-04-2011 08:18 AM

Judy, DVDs will hold about 7x more information than a CD. We use them at work quite often if we're burning a copy of a large project for a client, including photos and drawings.

I agree, that's really cheap for a new operating system!!! So far we haven't dealt with any Apple products, but I might switch over someday. Our cellular provider just got iPhones this week, and we did look at them, but we might go with Android instead when it's time to switch!

We had quite a day yesterday! First of all, we were driving to work in the morning and got stuck behing some traffic. I was watching in the side mirror as the car behind us tried to change lanes, and changed lanes right into the side of a city bus that was coming up quite quickly beside us! The bumper exploded and flew forward, hitting our car. Scott stopped and checked, but luckily there was no damage to us.

Last night, Scott had overtime work to do at home, and he thought it would take until about 2 a.m. to have it finished. I fell asleep on the couch downstairs and went up to bed around 9:30. Since he couldn't WATCH the hockey game (his team, Vancouver, is in the playoffs), he had it turned up loud on the stereo upstairs. I couldn't sleep through that anyway, so I flipped through a magazine in bed. All of a sudden I heard what sounded like power surges.. loud electrical buzzing. My lamp started flickering and going out. The sound kept happening. Scott yelled at me to come look, so I found my way up to the top floor (in the pitch black, even the streetlights were out!) and we saw huge sparks on top of a power pole at the end of the street. It was surging too, on and off, and it was so bright! Sparks were flying about 10 feet in the air and there was fire at the base. It was really crazy to see! I called my dad (he's a lineman for the provincial power company) and he said it was probably a substation blown from faulty or old wiring, and they'd probably be sending a crew to fix it and we'd have power back in the morning. Well, we had power back in the morning! But Scott didn't get his work done. Oh well! His company is a bit more lenient than mine with those issues!

judy 05-04-2011 09:12 AM

3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Janet (Post 119894)
Okay....let us see.....please.

It was fun to do this, but not really something I would want to pursue. I can see combining mediums, like picture #2, which is pottery, and some stones and rocks I glued on.

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