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donna1990 12-03-2008 12:13 PM

And to add more about my emotional well being, when Cory had his tonsils and adnoids removed, the tubes in his ears, they brought him to me after the surgery, he had just a little blood coming out of his nose and ears, I FAINTED. Thank God I had my husband and Mother-In-Law with me. I think I felt more physical pain than he did. He was just 18 months old.

Tiramisu 12-03-2008 12:31 PM

Our babies being sick is one of the most helpless feelings in the world. My son had his first eye surgery at 17 months and had a reaction to the anesthesia. I aged many years waiting that day!

Janet 12-03-2008 02:40 PM

I have been so blessed with Ricky having such good health. I thank God every day that he's been healthy and has had no serious injuries.

2tiredmom 12-03-2008 03:45 PM

Oh Haley, I'm so sorry he's still having problems. Motherhood can really be the pits. Please know that I'm praying for you and the little one. I wish I could help

HALEY 12-04-2008 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Tiramisu (Post 83365)
Haley, I'm sorry! Like I said, you're the Mommy and you'll do what you feel is best for your baby boy.

sandy im sorry im just frustrated...

HALEY 12-04-2008 04:08 AM

I took him to med express yesterday, and both ears are red and swollen, she couldn't tell me if he has an ear infection cause of the swelling What????? she couldnt see if he had an ear infection!!! she asked for his peditrians number and i gave it to her.
she came back in the room and told me to make an appointment today, The peditrian didn't want her to give him anything cause of the back to back antibiotices he just had. So make the kid suffer!!!
i asked her what about the swelling? tylenol or motrin, that's there damn answer to everything, i asked what was causing this does he have allergies or what? she don't know and can't test Micah until he is 4 years old... well can't anyone give me an answer to what the hell is going on with his ear??????? i am so pissed right now..
so i went home and called the washington emergency line, and told them who ever is on call to call me now!!!! she called back and i explained everything to her.. and she told me to double up motrin and clairton for the night so he is comfortable and when to call today to make an appointment to tell them she said he is to be seen today!!!! so here we go again,,, i am not leaving that office till i have an answer and if they can't answer me then send me to a damn specialist!!!

2tiredmom 12-04-2008 04:16 AM


I'm so sorry you and Micah are going though this. Does he drink alot of Milk?
My son was allergic but he out grew it. When he lays down for a nap do you give him anything to drink then? Just trying to throw out some things there. I'm still praying for you both. Good luck today.:o

HALEY 12-04-2008 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by 2tiredmom (Post 83413)

I'm so sorry you and Micah are going though this. Does he drink alot of Milk?
My son was allergic but he out grew it. When he lays down for a nap do you give him anything to drink then? Just trying to throw out some things there. I'm still praying for you both. Good luck today.:o

Thanks Cecil, no he's not allergic to milk, he is just allergic to strawberries...
Thanks for your prays im just so sick of no one answering me, im just in tears right now...

donna1990 12-04-2008 06:02 AM

Good luck today, stick to your guns.
Cory was the same way and I had to clean every inch of his room, walls, windows, furniture everyday. I used Lysol, it did help.
I bet you are fit to be tied.
My prayers to you sweetie and that precious boy.

HALEY 12-04-2008 06:06 AM

thanks Donna, i'm calling them now but no one is answering yet,,, im not leaving a message,, i want to talk to a person!!!!

donna1990 12-04-2008 06:08 AM

Why don't you just walk in and demand some help?

HALEY 12-04-2008 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by donna1990 (Post 83437)
Why don't you just walk in and demand some help?

im going to do more than that today girl if i don't get some answer's, i got a 10:30 apt.. gotta run, wish me luck.... it takes 1/2 hour to get there, going to pick him up at daycare and run and get my mom she's going with me,, micah don't like long car rides, he screams his head off, so im nervous enough with out that added on top of the ride...

Marilyn 12-05-2008 04:55 AM

Oh, Haley, know you have your hands full!! Hope all went very well yesterday. It's definitely time to see a specialist!!!

donna1990 12-05-2008 06:02 AM

Now I am getting worried.

Tiramisu 12-05-2008 06:37 AM

We usually only hear from Haley while she's at work. My guess is that we won't hear until Monday. I sure hope she got Micah in to see the doctor AND that they got him some relief.

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