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judy 03-22-2010 03:41 PM

Oooh! You have a week off? Is it Spring Break already?

Sorry you woke up to a mess, but, puppies are on the way! That is nice!

Janet 03-22-2010 04:26 PM

Yes...spring break has arrived...yay. I did get started on the cleaning though. My bathroom just sparkles and I got rid of a lot of meds that had expired and put some old stringy towels in the whelping supplies. Got my dresser and closet cleaned and put away my winter clothes and got out my summer attire.

While I was scrubbing my tub/shower I got down on my knees and then when I went to stand...my right knee popped out or something, but I couldn't straighten it for about 45 minutes. I just hobbled along...lol. Wasn't gonna let it stop me. I'm still having trouble with my right arm also. Got the last of my hepititis shot series last week and it's been sore and achy since.

I can sure tell I don't get a whole lot of physical exercise...I'm so sore already. I still have Rick's dresser and closet to clean out tomorrow and then the rest of the room. Hopefully I'll be able to get it all done.

Hope I'm not as sore tomorrow, but I'm sure once I get my self moving I should be okay.....I hope.

Blueyes 03-22-2010 05:44 PM

WOW Janet!!! You've gotten so much done! I wish I could get motivated like that:rolleyes: I hope you wake up feeling great in the morning!

judy 03-23-2010 05:41 AM

Slow down Janet! Popped knees and aching arms are not good for you!

Knowing you though, nothing will stop you from your spring cleaning. There is nothing like a clean, organized house!!!

Janet 03-23-2010 02:27 PM

Well my bedroom and bath is finally done. Feel like I'm dying, but it's so clean and organized again. Gee only 7 more rooms to go. I really hurt. Guess I really don't get any exercise. Once I get up and moving I'm fine until about 4 in the afternoon. Then I start getting really sore again. I'm getting too old for cleaning... LOLOL

gja1000 03-25-2010 05:03 AM

Hey everyone, I am home now and back in the work groove as spring break is over. UGH! I posted some pix of wildflowers, etc in the pictures thread!

paula1961 03-25-2010 06:11 AM

Hi Gayle! So glad you're back and that you had a wonderful time on your spring break! Now I will go look at your pics.:)

Janet 03-25-2010 04:19 PM

I'm glad you're back safe and sound Gayle. I've already checked out the wildflower pictures...they're beautiful!

I got the living room and family room done today. Basically I just switched the furniture in each room and totally cleaned anything and everything. Right now I'm sitting in my recliner and everything looks so nice.

I think I'm stopping though. I've only got 3 days left of spring break and I'm ready to get out of the house if the rain will ever stop.... that and if I can move without pain....:D

DianaB 03-26-2010 10:50 AM

Wow, Janet, you've been on a cleaning frenzy!!!! I'm glad that you're not going to spend your whole spring break cleaning because you deserve some "you" time!!! Get Lynne and GO SHOPPING or something!!!

gja1000 03-26-2010 05:27 PM

Janet, I am completely amazed at your cleaning frenzy. I don't think I have cleaned that much in my entire LIFE! :p

Janet 03-27-2010 05:06 AM

Well, I hadn't really 'deep' cleaned since I painted last year. It needed it soooo bad. I feel much better now knowing the dust bunnies are not going to unite and start a rebellion. Just makes me feel safer... :)

I kind of relaxed yesterday morning and then in the afternoon I went grocery shopping. Since Ricky lost his job it's been a little (well more than a little) tight financially. Our tax check was deposited so I had to get some groceries. We were out of everything. I did well though...bought quite a bit and bought healthier items. Salmon, Tilapia, some fruit and lots of veggies and no 'white' stuff. No...I'm not dieting...I always fail at that, but I'm going to try and take a more relaxed look at the way I eat. Hopefully I'll lose some weight, it not, maybe I'll feel a little better by eating right.

Not sure what I'm going to do today or tomorrow. I should go see Mom and maybe take her somewhere, I haven't seen her all week, but I've spoke with her everyday...sometimes twice. It's suppose to be a pretty day so I do need to get out. Tomorrow is suppose to be rainy all day long. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

gja1000 03-27-2010 08:54 AM

Gorgeous day here too, Janet! Sunny, 80 degrees this afternoon. I went to the nursery and bought my tomatoes and peppers. I'm watching women's basketball right now, and have one more game to go this afternoon, then its off to planting before the games start up again this evening.

There's a big garden festival going on downtown and I'd love to go, but alas, too many BB games to watch and too much to do here. Maybe tomorrow....

paula1961 03-27-2010 11:14 AM

It's beautiful here today too!
I have been outside trimming the grass around my tulips. They haven't bloomed yet but it won't be long! I can't wait to see them in bloom.
I even had the puppy out there earlier, she ran around the yard like she was a big doggie lol. She's had 2 rounds of shots so I thought it was safe to let her in the grass.
You all have a great week-end too!! Enjoy the wonderful weather:)

gja1000 03-27-2010 06:29 PM

Well, I got my tomatoes planted and one little jalapeno pepper plant. After planting, we celebrated by going to Red Lobster for crab legs :D Janet, wish you were here!

Here's a couple of pictures of my tomatoes.

gja1000 03-27-2010 06:31 PM

4 Attachment(s)
oops! I hit the wrong button, here's the pix

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