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Lindsey 05-15-2010 04:41 PM

I'm just worried about the fact that I can't ALWAYS be there. I don't know how long they will allow me to keep bringing her to work. Until she walks, she will not have bladder function back so I will have to express her at least once during the day, and since we moved it is not feasible at all for me to drive home to express her and drive all the way back to the city. I wouldn't make it in an hour. And keeping her boarded somewhere just can't be done financially. I know I'm probably looking too far into the future, and I should concentrate on her getting better NOW. But, I'm terrible at not having things planned out in the long run.

Shada 05-15-2010 04:49 PM

Lindsey, Layla is showing you that she is and will get better!!
Her reflexes are proof that her spinal cord is healing. If she had no reflexes at all... that would show a different story. Her brain is getting a signal.
Which she acts on. Good girl Layla!!!
Prayers sent for a full recovery. [HUGS]

Gina 05-15-2010 06:05 PM

Oh Lindsey thats encouraging news. Baby steps remember!! I have her and you in my prayers.. Continue loving her thats all you can do at the moment , she know your the best mommy .. She will get there.. Keep the faith...

Janet 05-16-2010 06:01 AM

Keep healing Layla!!! We're all praying for you!!

judy 05-16-2010 04:10 PM

Dogs live in the moment, and she may not even miss running around right now.
I think that you do mind more than she does. Not that I blame you Linds - I would be just as heartbroken, but it is too soon to give up hope. I really have to agree with Gayle that this doctor is a bit negative. Hope keeps us going.

She might be perfectly happy just as she is right now. She really is in no pain, is spending all of her time with you, and it sounds like her spirits are good. Of course, we will all be praying fiercely for a full recovery! I think she will be fine given time!

Lindsey 05-16-2010 04:38 PM

Thank you all so much. I took her to reiki alone today and I was amazed... instead of her usual squirmy, uneasy self in new surroundings, I put her on the couch between us and the woman started working on her, and she laid right down against my leg and barely moved. Every once in awhile she'd jump up and look at the woman's hands, and the woman just laughed! She said she probably feels the energy and thinks "What the heck is this person doing to me?" Anyways, I was so impressed with everything today. She said that Layla seems to trust her a lot more and just let the energy flow into her body. After about 25 minutes, she finished with Layla and asked me if I had ever felt Reiki energy before. I said no. She told me to stay where I was and she came around behind me. All I could feel was heat through my head and down my neck. It was weird!

Layla peed a bit on her leg when I expressed her last so I washed her off and decided it was probably time to change her blanket in her crate anyway, since it hadn't been changed since last weekend. So I got her a new fleece blanket and thought, I wonder if a pillow would fit in there? I grabbed an old pillow too, and it fits perfectly! So now she has a nice soft place to be laying. She seems to like it so far.

Yesterday I met some women from town at a clothing party the woman next door was hosting. That might be a topic for a new thread later! Anyways I tried to talk about Layla with some of them and I think they just considered me the crazy dog lady :( One woman said "Oh your dog is your baby until you have a real baby and then it's just a dog." and she was laughing about bringing her baby home and being so worried about the dog being okay with it, and now she just thinks it was hilarious to care that much :( When I told her about Layla being paralyzed and we're spending most of our time looking after her, she immediately looked for a way to get out of the conversation.

I'm so glad I have so many of you here who understand the love I have for Layla.

gja1000 05-16-2010 07:14 PM

Lindsay, I wish so much that all of us lived closer to each other. We indeed do understand how much Layla means to you and how much you love her. We all would do exactly the same thing for our dear furbabies. I wish we were closer to be able to help you with Layla. It is overwhelming to have her so dependent on you. I understand. But you are doing such a good job and I know Layla is very very happy. It is hard for you to never have a break and I wish I were closer to "babysit".

I'm really glad to hear the last reiki session went well. I know that it will help. I hope you have a good week.

judy 05-17-2010 05:43 AM

People can sometimes be intentionally cruel. Why would this woman tell you this when she knows that you are so concerned about Layla, love her as your baby, and give her healing all of your time. Most people do not stop loving their pets with all of their hearts once they have children.

I know a lot of my friends, who are mothers and grandmothers, who discuss their dogs with as much love and concern as you feel about Layla. Whoever I talk to asks about "the babies," meaning Max and Annie. I discuss my daughter and grandchildren, but my heart is big enough to love them all!

Next time, ask if her if her heart can only contain a certain amount of love, and could not expand to still love her pets?

Lindsey 05-17-2010 06:40 AM

Thank you Judy. I think when I have children I will love them a lot, but I can't say I would love Layla any less and think she's "just a dog". I have ALWAYS loved animals more than I love most people. I have always been able to bond with animals better than with people. I don't think I could ever look at her and say she's JUST an animal, and not as important as anyone else in my family.

I cried on the way to work today. I woke up being happy but Scott was in a terrible mood, and there was a lineup at the college for dropping off animals. We were supposed to stay there with Layla but it was already past 8 (we both start work at 8) so Scott asked if we could just leave her there in her crate in the waiting room. He ran out the door and I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to her, just left her there alone with tons of other people and dogs all over the place. I felt like I was walking on eggshells around Scott and couldn't say a thing because he'd snap. He said he didn't sleep well... well he was asleep at least 2 hours before I was, and in bed longer this morning too. Anyways, by the time we were a block away from work, tears just started pouring. My heart is so broken over Layla and it is so hard for me to push through every day.

gja1000 05-17-2010 07:02 AM

Always, we have good days and bad days. It's even more pronounced during times of stress. Sometimes we feel like we can conquer the world, other times, just a tiny misstep will through us off into fits of tears. That's normal. It doesn't make it any easier, but it is normal.

Take it one minute/hour at a time. You can do anything for one hour. Usually at the end of the hour or day, things look a little better - if not, then keep telling yourself, "I can do anything for the next hour" and keep moving forward!

It might be a tough day, but there will be better days, I promise!

Lindsey 05-17-2010 07:18 AM

Thanks Gayle. I told Layla today on the drive in to be positive even though her doctor might not be. I told her that we have to prove she's getting better because we know it and she just has to try really hard and show the doctor all she's got. Yep, I gave my dog a little pep talk. Maybe I am going crazy :confused:

I am hoping Scott will be in a better mood after work so that we go shopping and get an exercise ball before we pick Layla up. Her therapist showed us last week how to bounce her back legs on it to start getting hip flexes, but of course we don't have one at home. And then WHEN Layla is better, I can use it to work out too :)

The one she used with Layla is a long oval shaped one. I've never seen one like that before but she told us a store we might be able to find one in, so I guess we'll look. It's better shaped for a dog's body.

judy 05-17-2010 02:14 PM

You are such a loving Mama to Layla! I hope you got her exercise ball. Scott needs a smack on the back of his head.

Lindsey 05-17-2010 02:21 PM

Lol! I think Scott has cheered up a little now. I'm just having a terrible day at work so I think I deserve to be the grouchy one!

I think my little pep talk worked with Layla. Her therapist called and said she has even more extensor tone than she did on Friday and can now hold her own weight for 5 seconds!

There's still no deep pain, still no other feeling. But we're getting there. I think. I know I can't get my hopes up too high right now because as the swelling goes down in her spinal cord is when we'll see the most rapid improvement, and that's what's happening now. I can't expect her to keep recovering at this rate. So it's gonig to be tough when it slows down.

There's another yorkie on YT who is showing the SAME symptoms Layla was showing before she went down. This yorkie was actually paralyzed in all 4 legs, but got up the next day and is now walking around, etc. I am trying to convince them to take him to a neurologist ASAP, but I think they feel kind of like I did... I thought that she'll be better after a little rest, no need to rush anything. But nobody needs to go through this heartache :( I'd rather be safe than sorry. I hope they get help for their little guy soon.

Marilyn 05-17-2010 06:39 PM

Lindsey, so glad that Layla is showing some improvement. You're doing such a good job with her!!! Hang in there!!!

MaddieBoo 05-17-2010 10:25 PM

Still thinking of you Lindsey and Layla! Thanks for being so vigilant and updating us so often. I've been thinking so much about Layla so I hope you are getting all my good thoughts. :) You are such an amazing Yorkie Mommy, you deserve an award!

Lindsey 05-18-2010 06:56 AM

Thank you! I don't think I'm being amazing, I think I'm just trying to do what anyone would do for someone they love. I wish I wasn't going through this right now, but someone up there must have thought that we could handle getting Layla through this. I feel like I'm so much closer to her now.

She's trying to sleep behind me in her crate, but her ears keep scanning the room. I think she wants the guy in the office beside me to stop yakking on the phone.

Lindsey 05-18-2010 07:21 AM

2 Attachment(s)
By the way, I think she's in the running for one of the cutest sleeping dogs in the whole universe. She must have had a few rough hours this morning. She's gently snoring behind me.


Janet 05-18-2010 01:29 PM

Aww Lindsey...she looks like a little angel sleeping there.

judy 05-19-2010 06:39 AM

It's good to see her! She looks so cute sleeping in there! I don't see why you can't continue to bring her to work. She certainly doesn't look like she's bothering anybody! Besides that, remember that you are the only person there who does your job. You can bring her every day for as long as you want!

Lindsey 05-19-2010 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by judy (Post 110180)
It's good to see her! She looks so cute sleeping in there! I don't see why you can't continue to bring her to work. She certainly doesn't look like she's bothering anybody! Besides that, remember that you are the only person there who does your job. You can bring her every day for as long as you want!

Before this happened I was actively trying to find a new job. I know I can't find another job where I can take her with me. Before we have kids I wanted to find a place that would give me better benefits for maternity leave and stuff like that. At the office where Scott is working now (not the same company as him) they will pay 100% salary for maternity leave! So I was really looking to get to a better company like that. Plus I get treated like crap here. But Layla is more important to me so if that's how it is, I will put up with crap.

Scott and I had another huge fight this morning and last night. My brother is not speaking to my family anymore, and I feel like it's my fault. My baby Layla is paralyzed. I'm getting yelled at at work for this drawing not getting done and I don't know why the program isn't working right. I feel like my life is falling apart. I have a doctor's appointment for a physical this morning and I'm sure he'll be able to tell how unhealthy I am right now.

Blueyes 05-19-2010 08:19 AM

I'm glad you are going to the doctor! I don't know what's up with your brother, but I know you are NOT responsible for the way other people behave.
Layla looks so comfy and sweet in her crate. I bet she loves being with you all day:)

paula1961 05-19-2010 08:59 AM

Layla looks so sweet! I saw the pic you put on YT too and it was also adorable!

Lynsey you need to take good care of you so that you can continue to do well for Layla. I'm glad you are going to the dr.

Lindsey 05-19-2010 09:06 AM

I went to the doctor and got my physical. I also mentioned a couple of spots on my skin that have popped up over the past few years, one on the bottom of my foot, and another on my hand, and they've been growing. The one on my hand has probably actually been about 7 years or so, and it has gone from looking like a blue pen spot to a larger blueish gray spot that is raised from the skin. Anyways, he's referring me to a plastic surgeon to have them removed and tested for skin cancer. Just finally speaking up about them has lifted a huge weight off my chest. I just want to know for sure and stop worrying.

I told the doctor about Layla and he said being spiritual is so important for health and he's happy to hear I've been praying for her. He gave me "homework" for my next appointment this fall, keeping a food and activity diary, list of supplements and vitamins I take, and also a spiritual journal. He said he will pray for Layla too, and he hopes I have good news when I see him again this fall.

Lindsey 05-19-2010 02:04 PM

Well, my little Layla Bean has done it again... now she has even more strength than she had on Monday and can hold her weight for 10-20 seconds! They did acupuncture on her and started her on the underwater treadmill. The therapist said sometimes that can get things going. And she also said that Layla has been improving tremendously in the past 5 days, so that's great! I spoke with another vet last night who specializes in rehabilitation and she talked about laser light treatment too, saying it can regenerate cells and in turn that could regenerate nerves. I'm going to ask about it tonight.

paula1961 05-19-2010 02:31 PM

I truly believe that Layla will have a full recovery!! She is such an amazing little girl!!:):) It is awesome of you Lynsey to have done what you have for her!!!:thumbup:

gja1000 05-19-2010 05:16 PM

Oh Lindsay, you are having such ups and downs right now! I'm so sorry and I so wish I could give you a big hug!!!

I think it is wonderful that you had a doctors appointment now and that he was so supportive. That is rare these days, in my experience. I feel a lot of support, prayers and hopeful signs radiating around you and Layla. I'm thinking that she is making progress in leaps and bounds and that in and of itself is the best sign!

Stay strong, you will come out of this a better/stronger person, I just know it!

judy 05-19-2010 05:33 PM

It sounds like you have a remarkable doctor! He really cares deeply about you and Layla.

I think Gayle is right. There is a lot of positive energy around you. Soak it up!

Lindsey 05-19-2010 06:36 PM

I am trying my best! We talked to her therapist after work today about laser light therapy, and I requested it so she is going to consult with Layla's surgeons and see if they would approve. I talked with a holistic vet who specializes in rehabilitation and she suggested it to me. I also asked on a paralyzed pets forum and the yahoo group and both places gave me positive stories about laser therapy. So I'm hoping her surgeons say it's okay! Anyways, before we left, her therapist told us that it is amazing to see her progressing this quickly, and told us "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it!" Lol... and she said it's really exciting to see her now and see how far she's going to go.

I can't stop thinking way to go little Layla! I told her to prove this negative therapist wrong and she's starting to do it! We even got a smile out of the therapist today when she was talking about how great Layla is doing!

Scott told me today that when we were fighting this morning he hopes Layla didn't get too upset about it, but he said whatever we said or did must have lit a fire under her bum to get better :)

gja1000 05-19-2010 07:12 PM

I'm so glad to hear your "voice" sound stronger and more hopeful! It makes me smile to read your post! Please give Layla a kiss for me!

Lindsey 05-19-2010 08:23 PM

Thank you Gayle! I will give her lots of extra good night kisses tonight :)

judy 05-20-2010 05:36 AM

This is so wonderful! I know my heart is calmer, so I can just imagine how you feel!

I am so proud of little Layla!!!

Lindsey 05-21-2010 07:46 AM

I am still on a rollercoaster and I still cry a little most days. But I'm really trying to be more hopeful. I didn't see much change in her yesterday so I don't know if there will be more improvement today or not. I am just praying and praying for her deep pain sensation to return.

paula1961 05-21-2010 08:57 AM

I'm still praying for Layla!! And also for you and Scott. I pray that things are back to normal as soon as they can be. It's just going to take time as you already know. Let us know how she does today. Hugs to ya Lynsey.:)

Lindsey 05-21-2010 09:17 AM

Thank you Paula. I will update this afternoon when I hear from the rehab vet. I gave Layla another pep talk on the drive in so maybe it will work again! I told her to please make the doctor smile again about her progress. I don't know if Layla liked my talk because she pooped in her crate and some of it fell through the back and onto my back seat. I found the little piece in the backseat after dropping her off and already driving on my way to work. Or maybe she's just mad that I'm leaving her there again!

It's a long weekend so I'm not sure if we can take her back to rehab Monday. If not, I have a Reiki session lined up. We may do some more swimming at home this weekend and I'll work with her as much as possible.

I don't know if I mentioned this here, but I ordered an adorable pink stroller for her, and the part she sits in comes off as a carrier, and also straps into the car with a seatbelt. I'm not sure that I'd use it in the car, but we can take her out for walks with the stroller. Carrying her up and down the stairs in the house will be so much easier in the carrier than it is in her crate! So I'm excited for it to come. It was shipped from New Jersey yesterday I think so we'll get it in a couple of weeks hopefully.

This is the one:

paula1961 05-21-2010 10:07 AM

That stroller will be a big help to you I think. It's also adorable!! I saw a lady with one of them at a campground. She said she and her two doggies loved it!!

Sorry Layla pooped in your car lol. Maybe she is just a little po'd at ya for leaving her again. They can be mischevious little buggars:D

Lindsey 05-21-2010 10:10 AM

Tell me about it! Yesterday she pooped in the car on the way to work, pooped at work in the afternoon just as I was taking her out of her crate for exercises, and pooped again on the way home from work :eek: We're not sure if she knows she's doing it or not, so we may start expressing that for her too just so we know when it's there and avoid accidents!

I'm sure taking her out in a stroller around town is just going to confirm my "crazy dog lady" status with all the small town gossip, but I don't care too much anymore. I just want Layla to be happy!

paula1961 05-21-2010 11:34 AM

I don't blame ya one bit! Let 'em talk:D Layla is the most important thing right now!! I think the stroller will be great for her and especially easier for you to transport her in. You can actually take her out for walks which in turn is going to make you happier by being able to get out of the house and still have her with you:p I hope it comes in very soon!!
I know you take her to work with you but being able to take her out at home will be completely different.:) I think you'll feel much better.

judy 05-21-2010 11:47 AM

That's so perfect! I hope it comes soon! Screw the neighbors;)

Lindsey 05-21-2010 08:08 PM

Layla now hasn't progressed at all since Wednesday. The vet said she's still doing good though and she's very happy and "talkative" and everyone knows who she is and everyone stops to say hi when they walk by! That's my girl!

About the laser light therapy... she doesn't feel comfortable doing treatments on Layla because there haven't been enough studies on it. But she said the studies they have done on rats have looked very promising. She said we wouldn't hurt her feelings if we wanted to go for it and went to another vet for the treatments, just as long as we let her know so it's in Layla's file. I have read a lot of stories where laser has helped tremendously in dogs so I'm leaning towards it. I think if I don't try, I'll always wonder if it might have done something. Actually, the college doesn't even have the right kind of laser for this type of cell and nerve stimulation. But lucky for us, there are only TWO of those types of lasers in all of Canada, and one is in Saskatoon! Actually at the same clinic we took Layla for acupuncture while the college vet was gone. So it looks like I may be taking more trips back there again.

judy 05-22-2010 07:12 AM

I think that I would do the same Linds. Is it very expensive? I hope not. Don't worry that she hasn't progressed since Wednesday. Sometimes it comes in spurts.

How wonderful that she is happy though! That is what is really important. She is also probably everybody's little love!

Still praying!!!

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