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gja1000 05-16-2011 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 120195)
Today I went and visited with mom in between routes. Then came home and mostly loafed....lol. Now I need to get started on some laundry....again.

How is your mom feeling today?

lynne b 05-16-2011 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 120198)
Come on! It is 5:30! It's time to get this over with. My butt is sore from sitting on this bench. I'm going to be in bad traffic all the way home now and that does not make me happy! Please choose a jury and let us go home!

Doesn't the court system suck!! They have no regard for any ones time. I hope you don't get picked and you get to go home soon.

lynne b 05-16-2011 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 120199)
How is your mom feeling today?

Hope your mom is doing better and you are able to get some rest.

Janet 05-16-2011 05:36 PM

Mom is still in the hospital and feeling a bit better. When we took her to the hospital, didn't know if she would make it out of the ambulance, she was so bad. Her potassium was dangerously low. They were able to get it back to normal but this morning it dropped down to critical. As of this afternoon..she is feeling better. Not sure when she'll be released. It's pretty rough going right now....trying to call as many home health aides as I can to gather as much info as I can, so its all pretty time consuming. Thanks for asking and for the prayers. Need to get to bed now and get some rest. Love ya all!

gja1000 05-16-2011 06:05 PM

Janet, I'm so sorry to hear your mom is having so much trouble. It is very very hard, I know.

YAY! I didn't get picked for the jury! I'm soooo happy BECAUSE it was a child sexual abuse case with the father as the abuser. Man O Man! I did NOT want to hear all that evidence. We got out at 5:45 and I was so glad to be out of that courtroom!

Janet 05-16-2011 07:28 PM

That one would have been horrible to have to listen to.glad you didn't get picked.

judy 05-17-2011 06:59 AM

Janet, I'm so glad Mom is doing better!

Gayle, I was on a jury where the daughter was accusing the dad of sexual abuse and the dad was accusing the daughter of lying. I had worked in the middle school this child went to, years before. I was so glad when one of the witnesses turned out to be a teacher I had worked with. I was excused from the jury and the extra juror took my place. I was sick to my stomach thinking about how I would vote on the jury.

There was no real way to tell who was innocent and who was guilty in this case. I knew the population of kids in that area, and knew the daughter could easily have been lying. When I worked there, a girl ripped her own shirt, and ran out of the library crying, claiming that the library teacher had molested her. He did no such thing, but had to be moved to another school for "safety issues." The girl did it just to be cruel. These kids were horribly brought up!

I am so glad you got off this case! It is terrible to hear these things, true or not.

judy 05-17-2011 07:11 AM

I am sitting here listening to water dripping into a pot from the gap around the sky light on my roof! It has been raining very heavily for the past few days, and I noticed the leak yesterday. It was small, but has gotten more consistent today. I called the office, but it will be raining through the weekend, so I can't see how it can be fixed.

The homeowners' association probably will tell me that they are not responsible and I will have to pay for repairs. It seems that whenever anything happens, they are not responsible! We are all so annoyed at them!

Then Jessie called me this morning to "remind" me of Mackenzie's chorus tonight. Her memory is not good. I think it is a combination of the meds she takes and the MS. It could just be the meds, but I never argue with her about what she thinks she told me, or thinks she did. It breaks my heart, but I don't want her to kinow any of this. She does very well with the kids, with her life, and so on. Sometimes, a little delusion can be better. I know Mackenzie works around it, and I'm sure Steve does. We never discuss it either, although Mackenzie is a little bit open with me about how she manages her Mom.

So, I guess I'm going to a concert tonight. I said to Jessie that I would be there unless there is too much of a downpour. Her answer was something about, why, can't your car go through the rain? Yes, my car can drive through rain, but the roads are dark and dangerous, there is flooding in my area, etc. Sometimes it gets disheartening to be overlooked, no matter what the reason.

Lindsey 05-17-2011 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by judy (Post 120208)
Janet, I'm so glad Mom is doing better!

Gayle, I was on a jury where the daughter was accusing the dad of sexual abuse and the dad was accusing the daughter of lying. I had worked in the middle school this child went to, years before. I was so glad when one of the witnesses turned out to be a teacher I had worked with. I was excused from the jury and the extra juror took my place. I was sick to my stomach thinking about how I would vote on the jury.

There was no real way to tell who was innocent and who was guilty in this case. I knew the population of kids in that area, and knew the daughter could easily have been lying. When I worked there, a girl ripped her own shirt, and ran out of the library crying, claiming that the library teacher had molested her. He did no such thing, but had to be moved to another school for "safety issues." The girl did it just to be cruel. These kids were horribly brought up!

I am so glad you got off this case! It is terrible to hear these things, true or not.

Oh my gosh that is terrible! I remember when I was in school, there were a couple of girls that were two years younger than me, in Grade 6, and they accused their teacher of molesting them. There was a huge uproar and they were going to go to court, he was close to losing his job, and eventually they finally admitted they lied. They were just angry about grades or something. :eek:

Lindsey 05-17-2011 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by judy (Post 120210)
I am sitting here listening to water dripping into a pot from the gap around the sky light on my roof! It has been raining very heavily for the past few days, and I noticed the leak yesterday. It was small, but has gotten more consistent today. I called the office, but it will be raining through the weekend, so I can't see how it can be fixed.

The homeowners' association probably will tell me that they are not responsible and I will have to pay for repairs. It seems that whenever anything happens, they are not responsible! We are all so annoyed at them!

Then Jessie called me this morning to "remind" me of Mackenzie's chorus tonight. Her memory is not good. I think it is a combination of the meds she takes and the MS. It could just be the meds, but I never argue with her about what she thinks she told me, or thinks she did. It breaks my heart, but I don't want her to kinow any of this. She does very well with the kids, with her life, and so on. Sometimes, a little delusion can be better. I know Mackenzie works around it, and I'm sure Steve does. We never discuss it either, although Mackenzie is a little bit open with me about how she manages her Mom.

So, I guess I'm going to a concert tonight. I said to Jessie that I would be there unless there is too much of a downpour. Her answer was something about, why, can't your car go through the rain? Yes, my car can drive through rain, but the roads are dark and dangerous, there is flooding in my area, etc. Sometimes it gets disheartening to be overlooked, no matter what the reason.

Do you have anything outlining what the homeowners' association IS responsible for?? If not, you should demand it. When I lived in my condo they would cover anything structural, roofing, piping outside the unit, heat, etc. When I paid my monthly fees I knew exactly where that money would be going!

I'm sorry you're having problems dealing with Jessie's memory loss. It probably is best to just not let her know. I hope it stops raining and you can make it to the concert!

Lindsey 05-17-2011 07:29 AM

We are pushing through our list of things to do before we leave! We gave Layla a bath and haircut last night to get her ready for her vacation too :D

Today is rainy, which is nice! It has been so hot and windy and dusty! On Sunday I was only outside for maybe 2 hours and I got a sunburn!

gja1000 05-17-2011 08:15 PM

Fun day! Went shopping with two girlfriends in a little town about 50 miles from Austin, Marble Falls. We browsed little shops, thrift stores and antique shops. We didn't buy a thing, but we had a great time. We ate breakfast at a little local restaurant in Austin, then we ate lunch at the Bluebonnet Cafe in Marble Falls. Doesn't that sound like the best little joint? Well, it is famous for pie, and we had banana cream, coconut cream and peanut butter. MMMMMM!

Gary sold the rest of the furniture in the house, plus his tools. We have only one lonely coffee table left and I guess it will go to the Salvation Army.

judy 05-18-2011 06:58 AM

Sounds like fun Gayle!

I went to the concert, and had a wonderful time. The chorus teacher sang a tribute song to the graduating seniors. She wrote it, and sang about each of the seniors. Mackenzie and I had tears in our eyes, as did several of the seniors. I love a small school!!!

Then Kass told me that she had a soccer game today, Mackenzie wants to sleep over on the weekend, and Brandon and Kass wanted me to come home with them. It is great to feel loved!!! I have a very strong need to have my own life, apart from anyone in particular. I need to keep boundaries, or I feel so claustrophobic. I think I was just born this way, needing tons of freedom.

I realized last night that they all get it, and love me so much anyway. Isn't that wonderful? I think to be loved for just who you are, faults and strengths is the greatest gift!

Then, Richie, the head of maintenance here, came over to see my leak. He'll re-tar around the skylight for me. It will probably have to be replaced in a year or two, and I have to pay for that. He is also making a window fitting for Wendy's air conditioner (she is the manager), so he's going to make one for me, and fix the window that is broken. We have casement windows and can only use portable air conditioners. When I asked him how much he wants for the work, he just waved his hand. I only have to pay him back for the Plexiglas. So, I still don't know what exactly is covered, but, at the moment I am happy. Word around here is that some people get lots of things done for them, and some people get nothing extra done. Good that I'm in the first group! I did write a letter to the Board re my steps and the snow and ice situation. I did, however, add in that I was not complaining about Wendy or our maintenance staff, who have been nothing but helpful whenever I asked. I do want to know about liability with the steps, and that might kick the Board's butt into some action!

Blueyes 05-18-2011 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 120220)
Fun day! Went shopping with two girlfriends in a little town about 50 miles from Austin, Marble Falls. We browsed little shops, thrift stores and antique shops. We didn't buy a thing, but we had a great time. We ate breakfast at a little local restaurant in Austin, then we ate lunch at the Bluebonnet Cafe in Marble Falls. Doesn't that sound like the best little joint? Well, it is famous for pie, and we had banana cream, coconut cream and peanut butter. MMMMMM!

Gary sold the rest of the furniture in the house, plus his tools. We have only one lonely coffee table left and I guess it will go to the Salvation Army.

Marble Falls is our "go to" town when we are at our friends ranch! It's about 30 minutes away. We have eaten at the Bluebonnet so many times:p

gja1000 05-18-2011 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Blueyes (Post 120225)
Marble Falls is our "go to" town when we are at our friends ranch! It's about 30 minutes away. We have eaten at the Bluebonnet so many times:p

Betsi, isn't it just a great little town. And the Bluebonnet Cafe is just the BEST!

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