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Blueyes 01-08-2012 06:40 PM

Oh Janet, I had that kind of doorknob on my bedroom when I was little! I remember thinking that they were diamonds and we were rich, lol! I wish I had my doorknob, and I'm so glad you are keeping them. When you get ready to move in to YOUR house, you can put your diamond doorknobs back on:D

DianaB 01-09-2012 08:46 AM

Sounds like you need to knock Steve in the head, Judy!!!! Welding usually isn't the most fun job but it does pay good. How childish that he couldn't last more than one day! My SIL worked at a welding job inside of railroad cars. It was hot and dirty and I felt so sorry for him but he did it for years and even went back later to work again. He worked so hard but he knew that he had a family to support. He needs to grow up!!

Gayle, I know that you'll do good getting ready for your test. I hope that it all goes well.

Betsi......if you need support with your diet just let us know or call me personally!! I've found that it works so much better when you have support!! We've been trying to get back on our diet but we're all finding it difficult to get as serious about it. I think that once we get a few weeks under our belt without any temptation we'll do better. I did gain about 4 pounds over the holidays but I'm excited to get it off and get going again!! Good luck, Betsi!!

Linda, I'm jealous of you and your quiet home!! I very seldom get that now and I miss it!! Wanna' trade places for awhile? LOL

Janet, I love the glass door knobs!! Why don't you have them mounted onto a board and turned into a coat hanger or a towel hanger? Then you can still keep them out and display them!!

You could also just hang one up to hang your purse on or use them to hang your jewelry!! So many ideas!!

Here's some ideas from Pinterest.....


Lindsey 01-09-2012 10:49 AM

Janet, my parents have those knobs in the cabin! My mom would never get rid of them either. I saw a cute idea on This Old House where they made a shelf for the bathroom with tap handles for hanging things on but I think it would be cute with doorknobs too, like what Diana was saying! Here's a link to the how-to http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/how-...317867,00.html

I have decided to start a diet too. Well, not really a diet, but just thinking about eating more healthy foods and getting more exercise. I know I told Scott to slap me if I ever said I want to lose weight for our wedding, but now I do. But not just for the wedding... I haven't been feeling so great about myself lately. I think my metabolism has slowed down a lot so I used to have no problem eating chips every night but now I do! I went shopping on the weekend and I found the cutest dress at Guess, which was on sale and then had an additional 40% off... it was a size bigger than I normally wear, and when I tried it on, I couldn't even zip it up :( I handed it to my cousin, who has three kids and looks fantastic, and it fit her like a glove! So that's it, I'm going to get skinny again.

I had a great weekend with my friend who came to dress shop :) It has been a year and a half since I've seen her!!! My cousin was great too, but she had to go home after shopping so we didn't get to spend that much time together. My friend and I went back to the city after supper and visited with Scott's friend, who is also his best man and will be paired with my friend at the wedding. They got along great, and the two of us started reminiscing and we were laughing so hard we were crying! It only took one of us to say one word to remind us of something else and we'd laugh all over again... the guys had no idea what was going on but it was fun anyway :) Then Scott drove us to a country bar to meet up with my old roommate for her birthday. I hate that bar to begin with and it's even worse now than I remember! I am not a big fan of country, and neither is my friend who came with me, so she immediately bought us shots :eek: and I had to buy her one back later... and a few drinks... and we only stayed for an hour but I still felt it yesterday :rolleyes: I'm not quite as young as I used to be!

judy 01-09-2012 12:28 PM

Jess is so angry at Steve. I really think he needs a good psychiatrist! Or a good beating on the butt with a switch, but he's too old for that. The example he is setting for the kids is horrendous, and I just have lost interest in any of his excuses. I told him that last time he turned down a job because it was too far away. I am not getting involved, as always, but I am plenty worried! Who knows how this will end up? This is a time for prayer.

I am going out with my womens' group for dinner tonight. I m back on my diet though since I gained 7 pounds since the end of August. I've lost 2 pounds already, and know that I will go back down. It's the everyday eating after the weight loss that seems to be troublesome. I have to get over to the gym and set up a time and day with a trainer. I can't just diet. I need to exercise also.

I love doorknobs Janet! Light switchplates too. I think those little finishing touches make the room so beautiful! I am so glad you have the diamond knobs!!!

Gayle, hope you are done with your test, and all is well!

gja1000 01-09-2012 04:47 PM

Janet, we used to have those door knobs too and I put one on an antique door we put in at our old house. I loved using it everyday. I've seen the door knob accessories like everyone has suggested, but like someone said, when you move back into the house, I would put them right back on the doors.

Betsi, Judy, Diana, dieting is the story of my life and I get so tired of it. I don't care what anyone says, I will never get used to eating low fat, low calorie food. It doesn't taste as good and it never will. Sigh. About the only way I can lose weight is to cut my portions way down and eat food that is not outrageously fattening. I do pretty well counting calories. Anyway, I'm back on track and I'm hoping to lose a few pounds before summer.

Judy, I hope Steve pulls his head out of his A$$, but I fear that won't happen.

Well, I survived my colonoscopy, but just barely. The prep yesterday was just awful. This may be TMI for some so stop reading now, if you want, Lol! My butt started burning so bad about half way through through the prep. It is the stomach acid coming out that causes the burning. I finally found a site on line that said to put on vasaline and that saved my life.

So we were at the outpatient surgery site this morning at 6:30 and everything went fine.............until I woke up. OMG! :eek: the sedation medication made me so sick, I just wanted to die. They gave me Fentanyl and Versaid, which I had never taken before. I haven't had surgery since 1966, so I haven't taken many pain meds. LOL!

I didn't throw up in the center so I got to leave but I felt horrible. Then of course I threw up two times on the way home. I went straight to bed and slept for 3 hours and felt some better when I got up. Now in the early evening, I feel better. I tell you what, if I ever have this done again, I will do it differently! Everything looked great but I did have one tiny polyp which they said was pretty normal for my age. It is cold and rainy so it was a good day to stay in and sleep.

Blueyes 01-09-2012 06:13 PM

I'm glad your tests came out ok, Gayle. I haven't had that done in quite awhile, but it's just awful. I'm sorry you got so sick afterwards. That just sounds miserable! I hope you are off tomorrow. Tests like that aren't as easy to get over as they used to be:rolleyes:

I haven't done a thing today. Slept late, folded some laundry, and listened to it rain:) Oh, I did go get a few groceries, too. I had to towel off my big hairy dogs every time they came back in the house. Kinda like trying to dry off a mop, lol!!

DianaB 01-09-2012 06:42 PM

Poor Gayle!! That sounds awful!!! You'd have thought that they would have already known about the Vaseline and let you know ahead of time so you could be prepared. I'm sure that you got some much needed rest after you got home. I hope you don't have any more problems from this procedure!! Sounds like something that I'd like to skip having done!!!

gja1000 01-09-2012 09:01 PM

I am feeling MUCH better this evening. WHEW! I must tell you my sil had this done last month (different doctor) and his prep was much easier and he didn't have any problems after the scope like I did. So, just because I had problems, doesn't mean you will. Everyone should have this done at least once after age 50. It is an easy way to detect colon cancer. I think since I had a tiny polyp, I will need one again in 5 years. I would do it again, but not the same way as this one.

Janet 01-10-2012 03:37 AM

I had to drink that stuff I think it was called 'GoLight' and it was just horrible. The first couple if drinks were not too bad, but the rest of the time as soon as it went down it came back up. Like you Gayle....I was so sore and that's when the hemorrhoids appeared. Not going to do that again.

Sometimes I think it just not worth aging!! When I was coughing my head off last week, I felt my neck snap. This time it goes down my left side and is 100 times worse than when I had the MRI done for the right side. I was hoping it was just a pulled muscle, but I really think it's a pinched nerve. There are times it feels like little hairs on my hand are moving, but for the most part, I'm in a lot of pain.

Calling the dr this morning and hoping to leave out the middle man and go straight to PT. I don't think I can stand this much longer, It is so painful and I can't get it comfortable.

judy 01-10-2012 08:57 AM

I have never heard of the vaseline cure either, Gayle. Good to know. I am so sorry you got sick from the anesthetic too! I bet you did lose a good 3 pounds though! (every cloud has a silver lining). As long as there is only one small polyp, and you feel better, it did work out well in the end.

Janet, what happened with your neck? Are you still coughing? It sounds like your body is still not back to normal since Mom's passing. Stress can weaken us so much! Are you eating healthy? Veggies and fruit? You might want to add these to your diet. I hope you feel better very soon!

Gayle, I don't think Steve even knows his head is up his *ss, so getting it out would have to be if he tripped and it just popped out!

Janet 01-10-2012 10:03 AM

Judy, I still eat junk. Like this morning in had toast w/pnt btr and coffee. Lunch was tomato soup. Yesterday was cereal and pizza. I do need to eat much better foods.

I was in a bad coughing spell Judy, and felt something in my neck. It started hurting and I thought it was a pulled muscle, so I used a heating pad and it hurt using it so I used ice and that seemed to help some. It has just gotten worse and very hard to tolerate, especially bouncing on the bus.

I did call the dr today, took a lortab and now waiting on the dr to call me back. Seems there is always something.

Tiramisu 01-10-2012 05:09 PM

Not a boast by any means, but I'm one of the lucky ones that gets the colonoscopy every three years because of diverticulosis and polyps. I've only had a couple of problems. Once they only twilighted me because of insurance coverage and I woke up too soon. I told the doc it felt like a hard labor pain. Then, the last time I got too dehydrated and it had problems finding a vein. I'm due again, but don't have anyone to drive me home after.

I've had SIL issues in the past, and am not jealous to walk in your shoes. Does Steve have side jobs to support them?

gja1000 01-10-2012 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by judy (Post 124906)
I have never heard of the vaseline cure either, Gayle. Good to know. I am so sorry you got sick from the anesthetic too! I bet you did lose a good 3 pounds though! (every cloud has a silver lining). As long as there is only one small polyp, and you feel better, it did work out well in the end.

LOL Judy! It DOES have a silver lining! I still don't have much of an appetite! So maybe this will help me get my diet back on track!!!

GOOD NEWS! The path report came back and the polyp was completely normal so I don't have to have another scope for TEN YEARS!!! I'm so excited!!!

Janet, I am so sorry that you are having neck pain again. I know that is so miserable. Gary is having neck pain again also. He is going to the doctor Thursday and will ask for another epidural pain injection in his neck. His last one was back in March so I'm sure they will give him another one (you can have 3 per year) and since that one lasted 9 months, I'm hopeful this one will too. Maybe you could ask your doctor about that type of injection.

I feel much better today but I was still "fuzzy headed" until about 3:00PM today. I do feel almost normal now. Sandy, I can't imagine having a scope every three years. If you don't find any one to drive you home, I'll come to Houston and drive you. Just let me know.

DianaB 01-11-2012 10:43 AM

Gayle, I'm glad that you're feeling better. I would have it done if my doctor recommended it......I just wouldn't look forward to it!!!

Janet, that's awful that your neck is hurting again.....and worse than before. Call the doctor's office and let them know that you're having bad pains and need to get in quickly!!!

Dean is into EVERYTHING!! Yesterday he climbed up his highchair and tried to pour himself some coffee. The coffee pot had turned off but was still hot so his hands got burned a little......not enough that you could tell it....Thank goodness!!!

He got a little riding motorcycle for Christmas and a tool box with tools and he turns his motorcycle over and "works" on it. Right now he has the measuring tape out and is pretending to measure things. He amazes me at what he understands.....he won't be two until March!! And he's talking soooo much!!!

Karley and Kiley had a basketball game last night in town so Glen and I went to watch. They played a really hard team so it wasn't the best to watch but Karley amazed me at her efforts on the court. She really got in their face!!! My nice quiet Karley!!! Even Tammy commented on how aggressive she plays!! I really enjoyed watching but I really need to figure out what it all is about!!!!

gja1000 01-11-2012 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 124934)
Karley and Kiley had a basketball game last night in town so Glen and I went to watch. They played a really hard team so it wasn't the best to watch but Karley amazed me at her efforts on the court. She really got in their face!!! My nice quiet Karley!!! Even Tammy commented on how aggressive she plays!! I really enjoyed watching but I really need to figure out what it all is about!!!!

Wish I were there Diana, I would love to explain it all to you. Basketball is my GAME!!! I LOVE IT!

DianaB 01-12-2012 09:20 AM

I know it is, Gayle!! I thought of you several times while I was watching the girls!!!

I'm about to go crazy!!! Dean is into EVERYTHING!! I know that I say that everytime I'm on here but it's true!! I can't hardly be on the computer because I have to keep going and get him out of things. He's learned to open the front door so he keeps letting Jazzi out.....she goes out every time the door's open......then she scratches and scratches for me to open the door and let Reuger out so she can jump on him and be mean.......so Reuger won't go out and Jazzi won't come in and it's awful!!!

Then Dean gets into the pantry and pulls out crackers and chips to eat. Today he's found dog biscuits from Dae Lynn, I guess, and he's feeding them to the dogs. I don't feed them dog biscuits!!! Now I don't know where he's put the box!!

A while ago he had a little chair on the footstool and was sitting on it......now I can hear paper ripping in his bedroom so I better go check and see what he's doing!!!.........Ok, nothing was torn and he had on one of his sister's shoes!!

DianaB 01-12-2012 09:21 AM

I know it is, Gayle!! I thought of you several times while I was watching the girls!!!

I'm about to go crazy!!! Dean is into EVERYTHING!! I know that I say that everytime I'm on here but it's true!! I can't hardly be on the computer because I have to keep going and get him out of things. He's learned to open the front door so he keeps letting Jazzi out.....she goes out every time the door's open......then she scratches and scratches for me to open the door and let Reuger out so she can jump on him and be mean.......so Reuger won't go out and Jazzi won't come in and it's awful!!!

Then Dean gets into the pantry and pulls out crackers and chips to eat. Today he's found dog biscuits from Dae Lynn, I guess, and he's feeding them to the dogs. I don't feed them dog biscuits!!! Now I don't know where he's put the box!!

A while ago he had a little chair on the footstool and was sitting on it......now I can hear paper ripping in his bedroom so I better go check and see what he's doing!!!.........Ok, nothing was torn and he had on one of his sister's shoes!! He sure is keeping me hopping!!! I'm ready for naptime.......WHEW!!!!!!

Janet 01-12-2012 10:10 AM

Gayle I'm so glad everything came back good on the colonoscopy. Ten years till another one??? WOW!! [

I think I will ask the Dr. about some kind of injection. I honestly don't know how much longer I can take this. I started taking the muscle relaxent and take the Lortab. I can sleep alright, but during the day and on the bus....I just can't get my arm comfortable or pain free. It's horrible.

That is so cute that he's trying to 'work on' his motorcycle...LOL. It sounds like I'd be hanging him on a nail on the wall....LOLOL. He would wear me out. Can't believe he was going to get himself some coffee. He is a hoot!!

I haven't been able to type much, my computer is still in the shop and it's so hard typing with the iPad. I get it all typed and then hit something and the post is gone. Ricky is letting me use his for a little while.

It's been one thing after another here. Rick's favorite uncle passed away on the 6th and then a cousin he was fond of in New York passed on the 9th. He was a pallbearer at his uncle's funeral which I think helped him with his loss.

Looks like I may have the Florida house sold. I haven't told my brothers yet and won't till I know for sure. They don't have to sign a release like they did when I bought Mom's. The potential buyer is suppose to call the attorney down in Florida and get instructions on what she needs to do. She told me she definitely wanted it. It was appraised at $22,500. I will be so glad to have it sold, it was the last thing needed done. Then the whole estate can be closed on April 11th.

gja1000 01-13-2012 03:51 AM

Hmmmmm.......... today is Friday the 13th..........:o

gja1000 01-13-2012 04:59 AM

I read on FB where shoveling snow hurts your neck/arm. You probably shouldn't be doing that AT ALL right now. I know, I know, Gary says the same thing, "Well someone has to do it" (OK, we do not shovel snow in Texas - but he says that about other things he shouldn't be doing).

Ask your doctor about an epidural injection in your neck for the pain. Gary went to his ortho doc yesterday and he is getting one (just waiting for them to call us to set it up). The last one he had was in March, so it lasted 9 months!

DianaB 01-13-2012 06:26 AM

Janet, I hate to hear about you having pain in your arm again. I hope that you can find something that helps. Don't shovel the snow......ask the guys to help you out.

I'm wondering if Dean is starting into the "Terrible Twos". He'll be two in March so it could be that he's becoming more independent. Whatever it is........it's about to drive me crazy!! Even Glen saw it yesterday when he was home and he finally stepped in and got onto him. Discipline was never Glen's strong suit when we had kids.....I was the one who did all of that......so it sounds funny to have Glen getting onto Dean.

It was really cold here on Wednesday night and we got some light snow. I went to let the dogs out before bedtime and our ONE chicken was huddled by the front door trying to keep warm. We had a rooster.....which was just beautiful, but mean......and he finally disappeared. I'm glad because he went after the kids and even Dae Lynn. But now we just have one poor hen so I picked her up and took her to the garage to spend the night with Mollee!!! We have a heater in the garage for Mollee because she's getting old and has trouble getting around. When I checked later the hen was right beside the heater!!! Poor thing!! I feel sorry that she doesn't have any other chickens to cuddle up with when it's cold. She lays an egg every day in the same place so she's worth keeping but in reality probably a coyote or bobcat will probably get her one day. We also have 6 ducks but the same thing will probably happen to them as well. That's how things are in the country.

Nothing much going on here today......except keeping Dean out of trouble!!!

judy 01-14-2012 07:08 AM

After the terrible twos come the worse threes! They really can drive you mad!!! I wish you luck, Diana!!! Good thing Dean is so adorable!

Poor hen! It was so nice of you to put her in the garage. I don't want cats in the house because I don't want the litter, but I won't have outdoor cats because of the coyotes, so I know what you mean.

My friend Debbie is here, so I will see her later. I think the kids will probably sleep over too.

It is snowing and very cold out, so I will be staying in for the most part. I wish our supermarket was open, but their insurance company is paying out very slowly, so they are saying they may reopen in May. When they are open, town is much more lively. It is pretty empty now, except for the tourists. Boring!

I gained 7 pounds!!! I have to go back onto the medifast diet to get back down, but my downfall has become candy. I love candy like Werthers, or tootsie roll pops. I found sugar free candy, and this is the third time I have had a whole evening of the runs! I googled it, and the sorbitol can cause this. I thought I found a great substitute for that craving, but nooooo! On the bright side, I did lose 1 pound!!!

I need a sweets substitute. Any ideas?

DianaB 01-14-2012 02:53 PM

How about sugar-free gum? Or try eating cheese sticks. If you stay away from carbs in a few days the cravings go away. I know......it's hard to do!!

The girls and I were going to get serious about our diet on Jan. 2 .......and we did but it has been hard. I gained about 4 pounds over Christmas......not too bad.....so now I'm trying to get it back off. Dae Lynn and Amy are back to where they were so hopefully we'll be on the path to losing once again soon!!!

I went to town this morning and watched Elijah play basketball!! He plays on a little league since he's not old enough for school sports yet. He did pretty good!!

I finished an art project for Dae Lynn.....a late Christmas gift. I'll get some pictures posted soon......and I gave Jazzi a bath yesterday. She needed it sooo badly and had so many tangles but we worked on them and she looks pretty good. I have a few more that I need to work on but I thought that I'd let it go for awhile. Poor thing!!!

I know.....it's kinda' dumb to feel sorry for a chicken!!! But she's the only one left!!!

Judy, have a good time with your friend, Debbie!!! I'm sure that you'll enjoy her company!!

Janet 01-14-2012 06:33 PM

Don't worry....I have no intention of doing any shoveling of snow. The most I ever do if any is a path from the back door to the bus. Other than that, I'm on the lawnmower with a snow blade. This recent snow really left some drifts. I was able to drive right through getting out of my drive in the bus, but when I got home....I backed up, got stuck and when I tried to go forward again...the back end of the bus slid off into the yard. I radioed for the Transportation Director to come pull me out if he wanted me to drive in the afternoon, so he did. The a neighbor came down with his backhoe and cleaned our drive out. If he hadn't Ricky would not have been able to get his truck out of the garage to go to work. Just one reason why I will not be living out here when I'm old. Too much snow and too far to town on bad roads.

Today I went into Mom's and washed all the outlet and switch covers. Also went to Wal Mart to get some paint chips to see if I can get close to the same color. She painted the bedroom ceiling the same as the walls and I don't want to paint the ceilings. I don't know how I'm going to paint anyway until this arm gets better. Then the only thing left to do at Mom's (till spring) is wash out the kitchen cabinets.

I did get the Florida home sold. It will take some time for everything to get done, but we will definitely be able to completely close the estate by the first week of April. Then everything will be done. It will be a relief for sure.

After I got home today....I didn't do much of anything but sit in the recliner and nap. I really need to get off my butt. Just being in at Mom's washing those faceplates I was wore out. It has got to be becauses I just am not active. Drives me nuts getting so tired so fast. Need to get this weight off too. I've really gained since Mom has passed. Too embarrassing to say how much, but it's not healthy!

I'm on Ricky's computer still. I don't ask to borrow it very often, but typing on the iPad is too stressfull. Once I get a post completed I'll hit the wrong button with my finger and lose it all.

Not sure what's on the agenda for tomorrow, I just know I can't be sitting all day. Wish me luck!

gja1000 01-15-2012 05:46 AM

I hope everyone gets back on the diet track without too much difficulty. I know I'm trying but I'm having good and bad days.

Judy, I hope you have a good time with your friends.

Janet, I hope you are feeling better.

Gary and I went to the deer lease today to pick up the last deer feeder and stand. Now, everything is home. I'm so glad! But I'm really tired and so is Gary. Gary is going to look for a lease closer to home. I'm sure he'll find one.

gja1000 01-15-2012 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 124984)
Just one reason why I will not be living out here when I'm old. Too much snow and too far to town on bad roads.

Also went to Wal Mart to get some paint chips to see if I can get close to the same color. She painted the bedroom ceiling the same as the walls and I don't want to paint the ceilings. I don't know how I'm going to paint anyway until this arm gets better.

I did get the Florida home sold. It will take some time for everything to get done, but we will definitely be able to completely close the estate by the first week of April. Then everything will be done. It will be a relief for sure.

I've really gained since Mom has passed. Too embarrassing to say how much, but it's not healthy!

I'm on Ricky's computer still. I don't ask to borrow it very often, but typing on the iPad is too stressfull. Once I get a post completed I'll hit the wrong button with my finger and lose it all.

I hope you get to move sooner rather than later!! :)

Janet, you can take a chip of the paint off the wall (in an inconspicuous place like in a corner behind the door) and take it to Lowe's or Home Depot or any paint store and they will color match the paint. It works really well, I've done it before and I know it would work fine for the walls to match the ceiling.

I'm so glad the FL house is sold - I know you are ready for this to be over.

Diana, Judy, Betsi and I are in the same "weight gain" boat. It is so hard, but all you can do is TRY! That's where I'm at, trying to get back on the healthy eating and portion control, track. Some days I do good, some days not so good, but I am trying and that's all I can do.

Look into the keyboard for the iPad - actually the iPad is blue tooth so any wireless keyboard should work with the iPad - but they do make keyboards specifically for them. Here's a link to the keyboard that goes with the iPad - but really any wireless keyboard should work. http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC184

Janet 01-15-2012 05:59 PM

I would like to move too, but until I can find a job that will support me, I'll be here. I've been looking, but jobs are really hard to find and I have got to have insurance. Things are not so bad right now. Since he found out the house is in my name only, he has stepped up a bit and that's good. If it was intolerable, I'd be out no matter what, but it's okay.

I think it's great that they can match up the paint so easily now. Really makes it much easier. I'll probably go to town tomorrow and get the paint and what few supplies I'll need. Normally I would be driving the bus but Monday was a built in make-up day in case we had to make up a snow day. Since we don't, we get it off. Don't know why they would have our make up days in January and February, doesn't make much since to me since those are the months we get a lot of snow.

DianaB 01-16-2012 08:15 AM

That is odd that your make-up day is before most of the snow!!! Oh well, a day off is a day off!!!

The girls and I are pretty much back on the diet but I think that to start losing again I need to start getting in some exercise!! Obviously chasing Dean isn't enough!!! LOL

Glen got the greenhouse unloaded yesterday!!! I'm so excited!! I've got to get some silicone sealer to seal some gaps. I don't know if we're going to heat it. I guess that will depend on what I end up doing with it. He did put in some new florescent lights and a couple of plug ins. It's just set up to use an extension cord from the house but some day he'll probably have it set up with electricity.

He did have one broken window when he got here but he said that it actually broke when he was putting a clip on the window before he moved it. I'm surprised!! He must have drove very slowly across the low water bridge because it's pretty rough!!

Janet 01-16-2012 05:45 PM

This morning I called the dr first thing and was able to get in at 11:00. He rolled his little chair up to examine my neck and shoulder. I told him he must be a good shot because the first touch sent me standing and screaming, it also brought tears to my eyes. I was so embarrassed, but it hurt like heck! He doesn't think it's a pinched nerve, he seems to think it's more of a twisted/sprained/pulled muscle from when I had that horrible coughing spell.

He gave me a stronger muscle relaxant and some Prednisone. He said if I didn't feel some bit of comfort within a few days to call back in and they will schedule physical therapy. I am so anxious to find out if the new meds will finally give me some relief.

Today is Rick's birthday. The poor guy isn't thrilled that he's 59 now and the next one is 60. LOLOL. Ricky and I bought him some socks and a pair of jeans, things he needed and wanted and then I took the easy way out and bought some mini cupcakes.

Tomorrow it's back to the bus driving...how fun. I need to remember to have a new wiper blade put on, probably won't be hard to remember since it's suppose to rain tomorrow.

Finally got my laptop back. Had to put my antivirus back on and then run a couple scans. Should be good to go except for seeing if my external hard drive will be able to add back whatever I've lost. If not, I'll add it back as I go. Guess I know what I'll be doing most of the time tomorrow... :)

2tiredmom 01-16-2012 06:50 PM

WOW.. Everyone's so busy busy busy. Over the weekend my daughter Jennifer and I went out with our soon to be Daughter in law. She invited us to go and watch the bridemaids pick out their dresses. It was a fun day just getting to know the girls and all. Then we went to lunch. At 3 the guys had to go get measured for thier tuxes. Our son Dustin asked my hubby if he would like to go be fitted so he went too.
While we were waiting on the guys I went dress shopping and found a dress. Only spent $38.00. Not bad for mother of the groom dress. LOL. Had today off so I cleaned carpets, Then Jen and I went to Ft Wayne to find a dress for her. We did.
spent $24.00 on hers. So it was a productive day. Back to work tomorrow.
Everyone have a great week.

gja1000 01-16-2012 08:36 PM

Gosh Linda, you got some really great deals!!! I can't wait to see some pix of the wedding.

Janet, I sure hope the stronger muscle relaxants and prednisone help. I know you must be miserable.

My school was closed today too, so Gary and I drove up to a lake about 50 miles north, where he will be taking our trailer with his aunt and uncle and fishing for a couple of weeks in March. We found some really nice camp sites and reserved them. Yesterday we drove to a lake even closer (about 25 miles) and picked out camping spots for another couple of weeks.

Usually Gary and his aunt and uncle fish for a month about 160 miles south of Austin and I have to drive down every weekend to check on Gary, organize his medications and change out his insulin pump. Now, he will be so close I can go out anytime I want. I am so thankful they will be closer. I hope they catch some fish though. The lakes are down so much this year, I'm unsure if the fishing will be any good or not.

My school starts back tomorrow so I will be much busier now for the next few months. I'm looking forward to it though, I love starting a new class. I'm teaching health policy this spring and I have 21 students in my class. I've taught this class before so it is much easier when it is not the first time teaching a class.

We are having such a weird winter. It was 77 degrees today. Tomorrow a cool front is coming and it will only be 60 on Wed. Then on Thursday the forecast is back in the 70's. I would like to have a bit more cold weather. We've hardly had any days below 60. I know those of you up north would love that, but I would like to be cold for just a little while before is gets dastardly hot again this summer.

gja1000 01-17-2012 06:05 PM

Gary is not feeling well at all today. His neck is killing him and they haven't called to schedule his pain injection. They have to get clearance from his cardiac doc to stop his blood thinners for 3 days so that they can do the injection. They must be having trouble getting hold of her.

He could barely turn his head back and forth this morning. He was in so much pain. When I left him, he was in the recliner with a heating pad and a pain pill. He was also having trouble breathing, so I gave him a breathing treatment and set up his oxygen. I think he was just hurting so bad that he was not breathing well because his blood oxygen level was OK, but he felt like he couldn't get enough air.

He was a little better this evening, but I don't think he's been out of the chair all day. He certainly has not moved since I've been home. I feel so sorry for him (and you too Janet), I know he is miserable.

Janet 01-17-2012 06:21 PM

The weather here has been so INDIANA...lol. This morning when I woke up it was 59 degrees. During the night we had storm warning, thunder and lightning. On my way to pick up the kids in the afternoon, it was in the 30's, snowing, misting and sleet. Tonight getting into the teens and the wind is blowing so hard. I know I sound like a broken record......but, I want spring!!!

Gayle I feel so bad for Gary. I usually have a pretty high pain tolerance, but this has been horrible. Last night before bed I took the muscle relaxant.I slept pretty good but I didn't want to start the prednisone until this morning. After just two doses, could feel a difference....still hurting, but not bad where I would get sick in my stomach. If the meds keep working at this rate I'm hoping to be pain free by the time the meds are gone. I still have the tingling, but maybe it will go away too.

This evening I fixed a meatloaf. I love meatloaf..lol. I didn't fix a big meal, but did add some peas and some yellow hominy. Very nice meal. I used 2 lbs of hamburger and between the three of us....well, we can probably make a couple sandwiches and that will be it.

I sure hope Gary can get in for his injection soon, it's just not right to make some one wait so long.

gja1000 01-17-2012 06:27 PM

Wonderful news Janet! Maybe it will reduce the inflammation SOON and you will be pain free!!! Oh, and if you haven't taken much Prednisone, be aware that it can cause insomnia. When Gary takes it for his asthma, it is not unusual for him to stay awake all night watching movies. Of course, he doesn't have to go to work the next day. :roll eyes: So, just in case this happens to you, you will understand that it is the Prednisone.

Janet 01-17-2012 06:33 PM

Thanks for letting me know Gayle. I don't remember the dr telling me that. You watch...not only will the prednisone keep me awake, but I'll be thinking about it too and that won't help either.... :D

gja1000 01-17-2012 06:39 PM

It doesn't keep everyone awake, so hopefully, it won't affect you that way, but just in case it does, I think it helps to know.

Tiramisu 01-17-2012 07:13 PM

We're a sad lot ... Bad necks and shoulders and busy grand babies and lazy son-in-laws and crazy bosses. Life is so great. My boohoo today is this nagging dry cough. One of my admins convinced me to go get it checked. Im worried because I haven't had my lungs checked since i was cleared after the lung surgery. I needed to find a new doc closer to where I live, so I'm trying a nurse practitioner on Thursday.

Its time for my yearly overall physical ... Colonoscopy, mammogram, etc. Then, I'll start with the dental work. I went for new glasses last week.

My laptop is so bad, I can't get it to load and run turbo tax. I'm trying to decide if. I can get by with a netbook. Any suggestions?

My boss is only getting needier, but I'm trudging rough.

My ex, who gave me a really hard time for being on facebook too much, invited me to be his Facebook friend. He's certifiable.

Love you all.

gja1000 01-17-2012 07:50 PM

OH SANDY!! OK first things first, why did you have lung surgery? Yes, you need to get that dry cough checked. It's probably just residual from your Christmas crud, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

So sorry about the zany boss - it would be so yucky to go to work everyday to that environment.

I am so sorry you have to have a colonscopy - mine set me back about 4 days last week. DON'T WANT TO DO THAT AGAIN! :mad: Things in my lower track are still not quite back to normal and it was EIGHT DAYS AGO!

Your ex is a piece of work - aren't you glad he's your EX! :D

DianaB 01-18-2012 08:42 AM

Linda, it sounds like you had a good day!! What great buys you got on your dress and your daughter's dress!! I can't wait for pictures!!

Janet, I hope the meds give you some relief. It sounds like you hurt so badly.

We're not having the wild weather that you're having. Our temps have been pretty mild.....except we did turn a little colder yesterday but we haven't any precipatation besides a little bit of snow. We're hoping that we don't have a dry winter.

Gayle, Poor Gary. I hope he feels better soon. I know that you'll take good care of him though!!

Sandy, Sorry about your crazy boss!! You definitely need to be checking into your lung situation.

I've been cleaning my greenhouse and trying to figure out exactly what I'm going to do with it. I really don't know anything about them so I have some cheap books ordered from Amazon about greenhouses. I really wanted to have it to keep houseplants in and winter them over but with this greenhouse being covered in glass that's not going to be too practical unless I find a good way to insulate it.

Dae Lynn finally got into it with Damon's lawyer's secretary!!! She's been trying to get a release date from his lawyer ever since his last court date in December with no luck. She called yesterday and the secretary gave her all kinds of excuses and a couple of times Dae Lynn called her a liar.....well, not exactly in that term but the same as. The woman finally told her to never call back but that she would call HER when she had news. Dae Lynn ended up calling a woman who worked at the jail who gave her the information that she needed. Damon's lawyer has been a real jerk to them, not seeing Damon and not giving them information. The secretary even went so far as to tell Dae Lynn that their case wasn't important.......and Dae Lynn let her know that it WAS important to them!!! I'm so proud of her for standing up to this woman and staying calm in spite of being so angry!! She is certainly her father's daughter in that regard!!!

So Damon's release date is March 8th. It's going to be tough having him out.

We have a new young man at church and we took him out to eat on Sunday. He's had an alcohol problem and has been through the Teen Challenge program. He was very interesting to listen to and maybe, fingers are crossed, he may be helpful to Damon in the future.

Janet 01-18-2012 11:20 AM

You're right Sandy...we are one heck of a group..lol I don't remember you having lung surgery either, so what's up with that? If you haven't had a check up, of course you need to get that done. Sometime I wish I could find a nurse practioner here. I mean, I like my Dr., but sometimes I would feel more comfortable with a woman to speak with.

Sorry that it's your turn to have computer problems. Maybe it just needs a tune up? I've thought about netbooks too, but the keyboards are small. I'm so use to the normal size keyboards I find it very hard to get use to any of the smaller ones. I'd definitely play with them in a store first.

Sandy is there anyway you can tell your supervisor she's a pain in the a$$? :D Would a good talk help any or does she even have a clue? I really don't have any advice, just wish you the best in this situation.

Your EX sounds like a real piece of work. He must just want to be able to keep an eye on you. Make sure all your settings are set so he can't see your page.

I'm on my laptop now....Yay!!!! It's has taken me two days to get it back where it should be and I still have a few things to tweak. Then I have to download iTunes again so I can update and sync my iPad. Wow....so much to do when these darn things crash.

I am pleased to announce that the prednisone is a wonder drug for me. Maybe a very slight pain now and then, but just after 4 total doses....I am mostly pain free. I am so relieved. It was getting so it was making me a nervous wreck. So....lesson learned....get to the dr. and not wait anymore. Geesh....took me long enough to learn that didn't it????

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