![]() |
No big deal, right! I think I have a fungal infection in my lungs. Should have kept going to doc until they gave me an antibiotic. I have an appt at 1:30 tomorrow. I'm actually blowing the whole day off tomorrow. I need a break to give myself an attitude check. |
I'm typing from my new laptop I got today. I picked the Dell 14Z and it seems a little slow, but it's probably my basic internet service.
I have chats with my boss quite often that she is too demanding or that she's asking things of me that no manager has ever asked of me. She is aware that she's asking more, but was told that I can handle the load. She has some really good times, but not often. Janet, I'll ask my new NP for some wonder drugs tomorrow. My shoulder still gives me grief, but I'd summed up that my is nerves and stress. How long will you take the meds? I know I have mineral rights to my inherited land and that there are quarterly checks for the pipelines and that my sis is banking it for herself, but I know that she needs it more than I do (for now) and that my parents would want me to leave it alone. I would like to know how much it is. |
Janet, it was a couple hundred a year and she puts it to good use with her foster/adopted kids, so I'm ok with her taking it .. just wish she'd be open about it.
I don't blame you Sandy....I much prefer someone to be honest and open.....but it is just too hard for some...not sure why.
Sandy, glad that you have an appointment to have your lung checked. Thanks for explaining the surgery. It sounds like you really had an ordeal with it.
I understand letting your sister have your share of your oil profits. It does sound like she could use it. Do you have to turn in your share for income tax reasons? If so then you should receive a statement with how much you receive. Janet, I'm so happy to hear that the meds are working for you!! I can tell in your posts that you're feeling much better!!! Yay!!! Glen has the flu. He was up in the night sick to his stomach. Hopefully he'll stay in the bedroom until Dean goes down for a nap. I really don't want the kids to catch it......but it is going around the schools. I never like to expose others if I can help it. I checked with Amy and Tammy today to see if Dean could go over there but they were both busy and Jaci lives too far away to take him there and then go pick him up. We've had a cold snap come through......brrrrrrrr!!!! I'm so ready for snow!!! |
Oh Dear Diana, I'm sorry Glen has the flu, it's going around down here, I hope I escape it. I sure hope the kids, especially Dean don't get it. |
The stomach flu is going around here too. So many kids out sick. I've been lucky not to get it yet, but I'm keeping my hands extra clean.
Glen's better today!! I'm so glad because he's always on the verge of death when he's sick!!! Yesterday he kept to the bedroom quite a bit so I didn't have to hear his complaints!!
Nothing much going on today again!! Just Dean and me and a pile of laundry and housework that I need to get busy on!! |
Doc said it's allergies on top of just coming off the Christmas crude. She sent me for chest xrays and bloodwork. And, I liked the new doc and NP. She gave me steriods and cough syrup with codeine, so I don't know if I coughed last night or not because the codeine knocked me out!
Feeling much better today, but goofing off at home again to catch up on some rest. |
This sounds really dumb but it does usually work......put Vicks Vaporub on your feet with socks on when you go to bed. Any time I've done it it's worked!!! Hope you get to feeling better, Sandy!!
Oh Diana..... :sidesplit::sidesplit:
Sandy you should be feeling better in no time. That's what the Dr. gave me...Robitussin with codiene and it sure did help. Now with the pain...the steriods are working wonders. Quote:
Doc called back yesterday evening to say that the chest xrays show mild pneumonia and calleld in another prescription. I coughed a lot last night and it seems to be breaking up today. I think it was probably full pneumonia over the holidays and is now at it's end.
I feel better, but have little energy. It's a bed to recliner day! |
I've done the Vicks thing several times and it's always worked for me. Last winter Glen even tried it and, he hated to admit it, it worked for him too. Being diabetic and taking several meds I have to be careful with cough medicines so this is a wonder for me!!!
I know......it sounds so weird.......but so does sleeping with a bar of soap for leg cramps........but it works!!! Elijah had a couple of basketball games this morning so Glen and I went in to watch. Our recreation commission has games for the younger kids so Elijah's involved with that. They won both of their games. The first one was very exciting!! I've got to start asking questions so I can understand more of the game!!! After that Glen and I went to a local restaurant and had lunch........a grilled chicken salad for me.......trying to stay on my diet!!! |
Sandy, I'm sorry you have been so sick! I think you should stay home from work for a couple more days!
Whatever the Vick on the feet helps, I bet it leaves your feet really soft:D Would sure be worth a try! I have been doing laundry all day, fun fun! I have also had a hungry day, so I've been fighting with myself to not eat. I have lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks, so that helps to keep me going. I also got the brace off of my knee after 10 weeks. I start physical therapy on Tuesday for 6 weeks, and I'm really scared that they'll hurt me! BUT...I have a major goal...I want to go to Paris for the last 2 weeks in April to SEE MY BABIES!!!!!!! |
Betsi! Paris is the springtime! WOW! OK girlie, you gotta get that leg working so you can GO TO PARIS IN THE SPRINGTIME!!!
I've been hungry off and on all week - sometimes I gave in, sometimes I didn't |
Sandy you take better care of yourself you hear???? Glad you're on the mend, but be careful not to let yourself get so run down. Another couple days off won't hurt.
Betsi....Paris???? What a great time to be going too. I know you'll be busy with the kids, but you will have to take lots and lots of pictures. I know I'll never make it to Paris, so I'll just have to enjoy it through you. Yesterday, I spent most of the day at the sewing machine. Started off paying the bills and then cleaned the kitchen a bit. Then finally got the sewing machine out to make belly bands for the boys. They still have to wear them whenever they are loose in the house which is most of the time. The last time I made any was a few years ago and they are getting so ratty looking and falling apart. So I sat from 1:00 until 9:30 cutting out and making belly bands. I shouldn't have to make anymore for a few years I think. I made so many that I took half to use and put the other half up for later. There are still some of the older ones that are usable, but quite a few I need to toss too. I was so tired that when I got things put away that I washed up and got in bed with my laptop. Checked things out on FB, but when I came to 4WT my shoulder was hurting so bad I just couldn't sit up anymore. I'm down to 2 prednisone a day now. Usually it doesn't hurt, but maybe from sitting all day and then trying to type on the laptop was just a tad much for the day. This morning it's not hurting at all (still in bed..lol), but I sure have the 'pins and needles running through it. Planning on running to town today before we have another winter blast. Need to pick up just a few things, but mostly the dogs are out of food. I was using Life's Abundance and it was shipped directly to the house so I never worried about it. Since I'm trying to cut costs, I cancelled that and paying less than half of what I was, but now I have to remember to get some.. :) |
Janet, sitting at the sewing machine for hours is what has caused your neck pain to flare up. It will probably settle down since you are still on Prednisone, but don't do that again till your neck is completely well. I created a similar issue when I was a teenager by sitting at the sewing machine for hours. Back then they gave me a cortisone injection for my problem - so definitely no more sewing for a while.
I wish you'd take a pic of your new belly bands and tell me how you made them. I have a boy who I can't find the right size for. the extra small is too small and the small is too big. I could make them too, but I don't have a pattern. If you just told me how you did it, I could do it too. |
I think I just caught up! I didn't realize how many days I haven't been on!!! I haven't been on fb much either. I have been doing little, long needed chores in the house, made also much needed phone calls, etc.
All of the illnesses! It sounds like Glenn and Gary have recovered, Sandy, you feel better, but should have gotten your butt to the dr. sooner! Pneumonia with your lung issues...well, you know what I mean! Janet, it sounds like this might be a lot of stress winding up in your muscles. Stress finds spots in the body to torture us until we pay attention to it. It is wonderful that you have gotten the Florida house sold!!! Now that the estate is done with, maybe your stress levels will go down. Diana, I cannot wait to see pix of your greenhouse! You can plant heirloom veggies in there, I think. People up here do that in the warm weather. Your weather is a bit warmer than ours, so maybe it would work. Betsi, good news that you are brace free, and have lost so much weight! Paris and your babies...what a wonderful adventure! I know how you miss them! Janet, I saw a post that Ricky is thinking about moving out. Of course he will be fine, but it is just so hard to let go!!! I still remember how my heart hurt when Jessie moved out! If he cannot handle it financially, he can move back home! I am going to visit Jessie and the kids today. We are into winter, snow and all. It's not very cold, not is there much snow, but I don't like going out in the cold or the snow, so have been home. I am bored!!! I have a busy week, so that will be good. |
I should have realized that sitting at the sewing machine would have caused me problems Gayle, but the whole time I was sitting there it really didn't bother me until I sat in bed on the laptop. Today when I went to town, it was really hurting and the tingling was so annoying. As soon as I got home I took a Lortab so it's feeling much better right now. I will be calling the Dr. tomorrow I think. As soon as I started the lower dose of prednisone, the tingling started up and then slight pain. Don't want it to get as bad as it did before.
I'll take a picture of the pattern with measurements I use and a picture of the belly bands and get it posted soon. |
Take good care of yourself, Janet! I hate for you to be in pain.
I guess I'm weird, but I have never really dreamed of traveling to France or Italy or anyplace like that. I just need to see my kids! I'll be lucky if I get to see them twice a year, so I don't care if I never leave their apartment, lol!! I can think of lots of things I'd rather spend money on than plane tickets! But... I'm going to Paris!! I know I'll be excited. I would like to see the architecture and the artwork, and go to a couple of designer perfume houses:p |
Betsi.....Wow!!! Paris!!!! Better get a move on with your therapy!!!! Can I shrink down and catch a ride in your pocket?? LOL........I would love to go to Paris but, like Janet, would love to see pictures when you get back home!!!
You'll NEVER guess what I have cooking on the stove right now............OCTOPUS!!!! Amy bought one a while back to cook for a family night but it hasn't worked out so she gave it to Glen because the men have a Wild Game Feed night at church tonight!!! It smells so fishy that I'm really not liking the smell. After it cooks for awhile then I'm going to peel the skin off.....cut it into smaller pieces and fry it. It's really shrunk down since I've started cooking it. Glen's going to be disappointed in how little there will actually be!! I'll let you know later how it tastes. Judy, my greenhouse isn't very big so I'm not sure what I'll be growing in it. I really just wanted to winter over some houseplants and outdoor plants but I'm going to have to do something to insulate it or it will cost too much to heat. I've been reading some forums and have gotten some great ideas. I also found one woman that has a greenhouse and she plants directly in the soil of the greenhouse and grows her garden. It was so cool but her greenhouse was much, much bigger. We'll see what I actually end up doing and if I outgrow this one we can always buy a larger one. This is the one I was talking about........ http://forums2.gardenweb.com/forums/...035853.html?60 I don't know if any of you have ever checked out this forum site but they have topics for everything!! It's interesting to read some of the posts! Well, Dean was his ornery self AGAIN this morning. Glen was watching him before I got up and Dean found some baby powder and pretty much dusted all the furniture in the living room!!! I looked and looked but couldn't find the bottle but......sure enough.......pretty soon he had it back out and was dusting his toys with it!!! Grandma was NOT happy!!! Oh.....and Glen......he was in the office the whole time this was going on!!! You can't leave an almost two year old where he doesn't have anyone watching him!!!! Not much went on this weekend. Went to Elijah's basketball game on Sat. morning. He really gets into it!! They won both games!!! Betsi, congrats on losing the weight!! I'm having trouble staying with my diet but the girls are too. We're trying just not quite getting it done. Are you on a special diet? Which one? We're doing Atkins. |
Diana, in would love to have a greenhouse...nothing big, just big enough tonged flowers started for spring. Use to get them at the in-laws, miss them and the greenhouse so much. Maybe someday, have other things I'm saving up for to....all takes time. :)
I sure don't have any suggestions about Deans terrible two's. I didn't have to go throughbthat with Ricky, I was very blessed and lucky. I dont see how you can get anything else done ...lolol. Little guy has so much energy and curiosity. |
Just thought that I'd let you know that the octopus wasn't too bad. I boiled it to make it tender and it turned purple and shrunk!!!! Glen was surprised to see how small it was before I fried it. I cut it into little tiny pieces because they were expecting 100 men at the supper. I tasted a piece before I fried it and I have to say that it tasted like chicken!! LOL Can't say that I will ever be cooking THAT again!!! Thank goodness......it smelled so fishy!!
When Dae Lynn got home from work she asked me if I'd been in her bathroom and I said that I was looking for diapers for Dean......well, I guess that he had powdered her toilet and had headed for the door shaking as he went!!! She had a big laugh out of it!!! I figure it was Glen's fault for not keeping a good eye on him!!! This morning he's pretty calm and right now is sitting by my side, sucking his thumb with his eyes glued on Mickey Mouse!!! Probably won't last for long!!! We're getting ready to head to town in just a bit. I need some silicone sealer for the greenhouse to seal the places where the air can get in. We've got some beautiful weather today so I'm planning on being outside. There's a donkey basketball game at the school tonight that I think that Glen and I might go to. Some of our friends are actually riding donkeys and playing basketball. Should be interesting!!! |
Diana, Donkey Basketball sounds fun! I haven't seen that in years! OK, WHERE did you get an octopus to cook?? Was it tender? It's funny that it tasted like chicken, lol!!
I started Physical Therapy today. I'll go 2-3 times a week for 6 weeks, and I just know it will help:) |
I'm so glad you get to have your therapy. It really helped my right arm when I had pain. I know you'll be feeling better in no time.
I haven't checked this thread for awhile... PARIS? OCTOPUS? BASKETBALL ON DONKEYS??? You guys have gone nuts without me checking in :p
I have been keeping busy I guess. We went to Scott's year-end party (basically their Christmas party, but in January) on Saturday. The CEO of his company was there. He has never been there before! He did a looooong speech about the direction of the company and how he was just in Santiago and Sydney and all these other fabulous places around the world. Anyways, it was an open bar :D and many drinks later, we were laughing and talking with Scott's coworkers at our table. We were having a great time! All of a sudden Scott's boss is behind him and Scott turns around to talk, and then I notice the CEO is there talking to him!!! So I turned around in my chair and he crouched down to talk to us and somehow we got talking about travel. Scott said we had just been talking (because we actually had) about taking a year and working somewhere else in the world. The CEO thought that was a great idea and was so happy we loved to travel. Scott said we just went to Europe and he actually proposed on the Isle of Capri. His boss kind of looked blankly, so Scott said it's in Italy, near Sorrento. The CEO said yes, he has spent some time there, and after everywhere he's been, he thinks it's the most beautiful place in the world. We agreed. Then he just kept talking about someone who ruled over the Tiber area from the Isle of Capri, and that is why his oldest son is named Tiberius. He was conceieved there in Capri. We were like "Ohhhh..." soooooo awkward lol! We recovered somehow though and I think we made a good impression. Eventually, the CEO left to mingle more, and we turned around in our seats and the other 6 people at the table were staring with their jaws on the floor lol! It was good though, I hope he remembers Scott. Two weeks ago, on the weekend, Scott said to me, "Let's go for a drive to visit my grandma for the afternoon" so we got in the car and drove 2 hours, visited for 2 hours, and drove 2 more hours home. It was such a spur of the moment decision. Yesterday morning, Scott got a call at work from his dad, and his grandmother had passed away. We are both so happy we made that trip that day. It was so random. We hadn't seen her since last summer. We will be travelling again this Thursday for her funeral. Scott's sister and her family will likely be staying at our house for two nights on their way down and their way back to Edmonton. |
What a great experience with the CEO and hopefully he'll remember Scott. Maybe Scott should send him a note letting him know how great it was meeting him and discussing travel. Doesn't hurt to 'butter ther bread' so to speak.. :)
Please give Scott my deepest condolences on the loss of his grandmother. So good to know he was able to visit with her one last time. |
Lindsey, glad y'all got to see Scott's grandmother, you'll be in my thoughts.
Betsi, are they using the shocker thing? Always my favorite. Diana, I never remember which is calamari and which is squid, but I don't really care for any of it. I would love a greenhouse, but I'm too afraid of snakes and spiders. Judy, hope you enjoyed the kiddos. Janet, Has your whirlwind settled down a little? Gayle, stay dry this evening. It's raining hard here. I had a really good day yesterday, but the rain has brought my sniffles and cough back ... Probably allergies on top of the crud. Carol and I are getting on better. I think she realized that I won't roll over and take all her dodo. I'm still not progressing on my house like I thought I would, but it's good. I have an appointment on Monday with the colonoscopy doctor. Then, I go back next Friday for anger chest X-ray. They haven't got my bloodwork yet and I know I'm anemic because I'm bruising really badly. I took good care of myself and don't understand why I'm falling apart. It's codeine time ... Good night. |
Sandy things are slowing down a bit finally. We should be closing on the house in Florida sometime next month if all goes well. Then we will just have to wait until April 11th and the entire estate should be ready to close.
I'm feeling better. Still having a bit of pain in my left shoulder and neck area, but the Lortab seems to help some. Will be off the Prednisone in a few days and also the muscle relaxant. The only thing I still have a problem with is the tingling in my arm...wow. I'm planning on calling the Dr either Thursday or Friday. His office is closed on Wednesdays. Even though I was having so much trouble with the laptop and worried I wouldn't get my pictures of mom from my iPad back to my computer...it's all worked out. I have them on CD now and will be getting them printed out at Wal Mart...the quality is a little better than my printer. I feel I'm getting my happy back. I'm not quite as down, of course I'm still missing my mom and wanting to talk with her, but doing better. I owe most of it to all of you and my friends that live nearby for putting up with my depression, the loss of my mom and for me just being a real downer. I love you all so much! |
Thanks Janet and Sandy. I think we all knew it was coming, and I think even she knew it was coming. She has been so lonely since her husband passed away a couple of years ago. She didn't know what to do with herself. Last weekend, she kept asking "Who will take this when I'm gone?" about her pictures, puzzles, books, etc. It was like she wanted to make sure that was all planned out. When we left, she gave Scott the biggest hug she has given him in years, and he was so happy! Scott said this morning "She had a good run" and now she is with her husband again.
How amazing that Scott knew to go see his Grandmother. My condolences on her passing to both of you.
Sandy, I think yoiu need to come up here for a couple of weeks. It is very quiet, and you would be forced to relax and gain your strength back! It is great that you are getting happy again, Janet. You have been through a dark tunnel, but, as you know, there is always light at the end. It seems that you have come through and are back in the light! I haven't heard from Jessie in 2 days, and am beginning to worry! The machine keeps picking up. I know she has just been too busy, but we touch base every day, at the most every other day. We ran into nthe supermarket on Sunday, and she forgot what she needed to buy, which bothered her. It bothered me a lot too, but I didn't tell her that. I think she is just too stressed, too busy, and needs to slow down. MS is so stress related. Her immune system is compromised as it is, and stress causes the symptoms to get worse. |
Sandy, Calamari IS squid!! I don't know if they have another name for octopus.
Sorry for all of the tests you have coming up. I hope they all go well. Lindsey, talking to the CEO could be good for Scott!! Hopefully he'll remember the connection and remember his name. I'm so sorry to hear about Scott's grandmother. Thank goodness you both went to visit her and have good memories of that visit!! Janet, I'm glad that you're feeling better except for the tingling. I do think that going to have it checked out is a good idea!! And.....thank goodness you were able to keep your pictures!! I REALLY need to get mine put on a cd too before I have computer problems. Judy, I'm sure you're worried about Jessie, especially with her MS. I hope you're able to get in touch with her soon. Tell her that all of us on 4WT want her to slow down and take care of herself!!! It ended up that we didn't go to the donkey basketball!!! Glen was finally in the tractor working so I didn't make him stop and go. He spent so much time fixing the greenhouse that he really needs to get some farm work done. I'm so ready for snow!! I'm worried about not having any moisture and the dryness moving into the next year. So many are suffering with drought and I don't want it to be here as well. I know that God will take care of us though. |
I'll mail you a bottle of snow!
I spoke to Jessie, and she is tired. Actually, I spoke to Steve because Jessie was sleeping. He andd I had a long talk, and even though he is not working, I jusr love him. |
For the most part, sounds like things are going good those here at 4WT, I'm so glad. We all still have a few little obstacles, but we have each other to get through them.
Today I did some odds and ends around the house and did some more work on getting my computer back to the way it was. I had lost my Word program, but did some searching and was able to get it reinstalled. Yay...it's coming together nicely. The bus ride home was a little on the slick side. It started to spit a little rain/sleet on my way to pick up the kids and by the time we left school, it was snowing hard with ice underneath. Had to really watch the intersections. Made it home fine though, I'd much rather drive my bus on these bad roads than my van. I'm hoping the roads are better tomorrow so I can go to town and pick up some paint. Need to get it to Mom's and also put a For Rent sign in the yard. This weekend I'm hoping to get it all painted, Rick said he would help. It really shouldn't take too long. |
Judy, I'd love to have some snow!!! Sadly I would like more than you can ship!!!
Janet, you're going to have your Mom's house looking so cute that it's going to be hard to rent it out!!! I hope that just the right person rents it from you!!! |
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