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Janet 06-13-2011 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 120850)
I'm not surprised at all that your brother is not doing well - since he stopped taking his meds. If he's had a heart attack and has high blood pressure, and not taking his meds, he will likely have another heart attack or a stroke. He's got chronic bronchitis (or worse - COPD) from smoking. There's not much to do about that except stop smoking and it doesn't sound like that is going to happen.

But he's made a choice to stop his meds, so he will have to suffer the consequences. It's sorta sad that he doesn't want to take care of himself.


Originally Posted by judy (Post 120851)
That is a shame about your brother, Janet. Sounds like my mother, who had heart failure, and kept smoking until she died of emphysema. I have never forgiven her for that!

I will pray for him to come to his senses.


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 120857)
I'm glad that Jerry and his wife came over and spent some time with your Mom. I bet you did look like a pair.....with your Mom in her coat!!!! Should have taken a picture!!!

I'm sorry that Jerry's health isn't good. What is he thinking by quitting his meds without talking to a doctor? I hope he comes to his senses and decides to take better care of himself.

My whole family is nuts...:rolleyes: Not sure why Jerry quit taking his meds...not the smartest thing to do, but it's his life I guess. Pretty selfish and thoughtless if ya ask me. Oh well. At this rate and the way his health is he won't be here long either. I just don't understand him.

DianaB 06-13-2011 01:13 PM

Getting old is just hard!!! I'm sure that he's tired of taking meds.....and paying for them. Plus it's easy to tell ourselves that we just don't need them. The mind can play tricks on us!!!! I hope someone talks some sense into him......especially about the smoking!!

Tiramisu 06-13-2011 03:00 PM

Sometimes I think about not taking meds, then I do out of habit.

Today, I got up on time (I've been dragging), drove to work without road rage, worked my desk top, my girls were behaved, so it was a good day.

Janet 06-13-2011 03:30 PM

I've been wanting to 'downsize' my meds too but only if it's okay with my Dr. Jerry is 8 years older than me so that makes him somewhere around 64 ? He has really bad knees and won't have anything done with them, won't quit smoking, overweight, and eats all the wrong things. He just got tired of taking them I guess.

Great you had no road rage Sandy....I can usually find a driver that I'd like to bump into...lol I'm glad you're here and that you had a good day.

gja1000 06-13-2011 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Tiramisu (Post 120875)
Sometimes I think about not taking meds, then I do out of habit.

Today, I got up on time (I've been dragging), drove to work without road rage, worked my desk top, my girls were behaved, so it was a good day.

You've been through a lot lately, Sandy! I think that you can say, "it was a good day" is wonderful! I've been dragging too, lately and haven't been though anything like you have. You must have a TON of strength and fortitude!

Tiramisu 06-13-2011 06:07 PM

Not sure what made me this way except the good fortune of a great family.

gja1000 06-13-2011 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Tiramisu (Post 120889)
Not sure what made me this way except the good fortune of a great family.

Families can be great! You are lucky to have such a wonderful one! And I'm sure you reciprocate for them too.

judy 06-14-2011 05:21 AM

Keep on going Sandy! You are wonderful!

judy 06-14-2011 05:40 AM

Yesterday was a rainy day, which I love. I get things done in the house, and just relax. I spent about an hour and 1/2 listening to a book on the computer. Heaven!

So here I am, at about 8:30, waiting for my coffeemaker to beep, planning my lovely, lazy day. I love my morning coffee. The phone rings, and Steve (SIL) called to tell me about a job app he just filled in online, in which they asked for his ethnic group. He was amazed to see that there were many different, very explicit choices like Philipine Asian, etc. Then he saw "white" as a choice. I thought it was odd. Usually that choice is "Caucasian." He saw it as a prejudice to whites. I saw it as many people do not know what caucasian means, so white is used. I also thought it a bit racist towards other groups. This is not anything I want to get into at any time of the day. Steve is also an "angry young man," so he goes on and on about so many injustices. Thank goodness he got another phone call, and I was able to have my coffee in peace!

But, no! The phone rang about two minutes later, and it was Jessie on her cell phone. She was on a school trip with the third graders. There was a lot of noise in the background. Sixty or so third graders can quite a ruckus! She was chatting away, and I was trying to hear her, ignore the yelling, laughing, and so on, and have a nice conversation with her. I still had not had my coffee. I was quietly wondering why she chose this time and place to call anyone to chat. Finally, they got to Lake George, and she had to go.

As I sat here, after reheating my precious cup of coffee in the microwave, I had to laugh at myself. I love them both so much, and am so grateful that they love me and call me so often. But, not before my morning coffee please!!!

Janet 06-14-2011 11:25 AM

I could actually feel your pain Judy....LOL. I don't have much problem with my morning coffee, but it seems that during the day....during the hour from 1-2 either the phone rings or that's when the therapists come for Mom. I don't watch TV much at all during the day except during this one hour...Days of Our Lives. I'm just gonna start telling them they have to come before noon or after 2 PM....I just want that one hour of peace during the day. LOL

DianaB 06-14-2011 12:28 PM

My peace starts when Dean and Karlie leave!!!! Dean is learning to scream as soon as Karlie gets close to him or when he wants something......Grandma's been popping him on the mouth or the bottom when he screams!!! Karlie thinks that she has to talk non-stop unless the tv is on!!!! When they leave I take a deep breath and enjoy the peace and quiet!!!!

Tonight's "The Alley" at church.......I have to put on a messy wig and run through the kids singing "O where is my hairbush"!!! And the kids are putting make up on Dae Lynn and I while standing behind us!!! Should be a fun night!!!! Wanna' trade me places this evening??????

Tiramisu 06-14-2011 03:10 PM

Another good day. Good lunch with my departing boss. He's been a pleasure.

gja1000 06-14-2011 05:28 PM

Sandy, I'm so glad you had a good day today. It's nice to have co-workers that you admire and respect! I'm hoping your days just get better and better!

Janet 06-14-2011 06:06 PM

You're braver than I am Diana....LOL....I'm sure you'll have a great time.

Sandy...it's always a little sad to see a co-worker leave especially if we really enjoyed working with them. I'm so glad you're back!

judy 06-15-2011 07:09 AM

That does sound like fun, Diana! I am always so pleasantly surprised when children do something as a group, like a play. They always surpass my expectations. Have a ball!

Dean's screaming, and Karlie's non-stop talking do not sound like fun! Hang in there, you know they both will grow out of it. Of course, they will then grow into new, who knows what, strange behaviors! Love just doesn't come for free!

Today is Mackenzie's 14th birthday!!! My little angel is really growing up! She is so special, and I love her soooooo much!

I am going over there at about 1:00. Talk about a crazy house!!! I just smile and say"that's wonderful" to most of what the adults say.

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