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gja1000 06-20-2011 06:04 PM

I haven't had the heart to hook it up yet!!! I found out what SHOULD work, but you know how that goes. I'm just trying to update it and for some reason the apps that I have purchased may not transfer in the update. They told me what to do in case that happens, so we shall see. Maybe I'll take the plunge here in a bit.

gja1000 06-20-2011 06:17 PM

GUYS! I just found the most delicious flavoring for water. It's called a water enhancer - maybe you know about it, I sure didn't. Since I've given up sodas and I really don't care for plain water, I've been searching for flavored water.

This is called Mio Liquid and it is found in the area where they have the powdered drinks, e.g., koolaid, and Crystal Lite. I got the sweet tea and also the berry pomegranate. You just put a squirt of the liquid into plain water and the flavor is so intense. I can see where you could get too much!!!

My daughter says Walmart has it and our regular grocery store (HEB) has it too.

It's really GOOD! I'm going to take some to school to squirt into the bottled water I keep in my fridge. YUM!

Janet 06-20-2011 06:58 PM

Oh Gayle....I would have been so frustrated. That seems to be the kind of luck I have. I still haven't got my IPad2 updated, but I think I know what's wrong so I'll check it out tomorrow. If not...I'll take it to the store one day this week.

Sandy I hope everything works out the way you want in the divorce. I know it has to be hard...that's why I'm still here. My husband would make it extremely hard for me. We've separated before so I know how awful it will be for me.

Today I really didn't do a whole lot. No ambition. This afternoon I did run to town to make a deposit and then to Wal Mart to pick up just a few items.

About 4:30 my brother Brad came over....grrrrrrr!!!! He had texted and said that when he wanted to see Mom it would be to take her somewhere else to visit...not at my house. Well...he came and brought his B_____ wife with him. I didn't say a thing...just walked on down the hall to my room. I didn't want to cause a scene so I stayed there till they left about 50 minutes later.

I don't want him here....so...I'm going to send an email to let him know I expect him to follow through on his promise. I truly don't want any more to do with him. Also...when/if he comes to pick Mom up and take her someplace....I will no longer tolerate him just dropping by unannounced. This is MY home and he can not come and go like we have no say so or plans.

Tomorrow I'm planning on starting in on the closets and get them totally cleaned out and done. I've got one done, but I'll probably check it out again just to be sure. I want stuff out of here...I feel cluttered...lol.

Tiramisu 06-20-2011 07:34 PM

Gayle, I had seen the commercials and almost bought some at cvs, but I'll def take your opinion and try it now. I'm tired of the crystal lights.

Janet, I'm lonely, but actually enjoy only having my own closets to clean.

Janet 06-20-2011 07:42 PM

We're always here for you Sandy. That's another reason I'm still here....afraid of being lonely....wondering if it could be worse than where I'm at. You're in my prayers Sandy.

gja1000 06-21-2011 03:55 PM

Well I FINALLY got everything up and running on my phone - WHEW! It took hours, I tell ya!

I got some work done today in between trying to get the phone right. I feel better. My class starts July 11th and I think we are going out of town the week before the 11th, so I needed to get things finished up with the course.

When I got home, Gary wanted Chinese food, not so good with my diet, but I ate chicken chow mein without the noodles, so it was OK.

Now I'm home, chillin' - well as much as you can when it is 98 outside. We "may" get some rain tonight or tomorrow. I surely hope so! I think Sandy got some this morning!

Tiramisu 06-21-2011 04:07 PM

My apt got some rain. I spotted and got me some Mio and a small watermelon. Good evening.

judy 06-22-2011 06:56 AM

I don't see anywhere that I have to update my ipad. How do you know when to update, and why do you need to update it? I don't have any pictures or music on it. I never transferred things from my pc.

I want to take these things off of my computers. I walked into a new computer store in my daughter's town, and spoke to the owner. He was great! He told me to just use my 8 g flash drive. He said that will hold all of my pix, music and documents that I really want to save! I have had too many computer crashes, and don't want that feeling of panic whenever the
computer acts up!

Kassidy was playing a game on my ipad on Tuesday. She told me she had to tell me a secret, so we went and sat on the steps. She said she thought she had bought 100 brains on a zombie games, and that they were very expensive. She was going very fast when she got onto the game, and then found out how much they cost, and got scared! She was so cute! She is honest, and very bright, so I was pretty sure she did see how much they cost after she clicked on to buy them. I checked my credit card, and there it was. $89.23 for 100 brains!!!@

I got on the phone, with Brandon whining in the background "when are we going to the pool?" I was ready to really let him have it, but he is only 10, so I just yelled for a second. They shut up real fast, because Grandma never yells at them.

The most annoying part of this whole thing is calling Apple!!! You have to respond verbally and if he said one more time "I'm not sure if you said yes or no. Please repeat the answer," I was going to jump in the car and go to Apple headquarters yelling my head off! It turned out that iTunes doesn't have a customer service phone number, and that I have to email my issue to them on a form. Okay, I filled out the form, and got a nice response yesterday that my money will be refunded, a once in a lifetime event! OMG! The letter also explained that there is a problem with some iTunes apps, and how to prevent this from happening again. Very nice, actually.

So....we went to the pool and had fun.

gja1000 06-22-2011 01:05 PM

WHEW! What an experience Judy and yes, it is a very good day when you get a nice refund without causing a scene! Apple is usually a great company to deal with.

You only update your iPad when a new operating system comes out. Yours is new so no need to worry. I need to put the new operating system on my iPad - well it's been out a few months and I just haven't done it. Some of my apps are not running well and I got a new app (free) last week that won't run at all and I'm sure it is because the app was written for the new operating system.

To update you hook your iPad up to a computer that has iTunes on it - not sure if PC's have iTunes??? When you connect the iPad to the computer (with the cord that plugs into the wall - the cord comes out of the big block and hooks into a USB port on the computer. When iTunes detects the iPad, and there is a new operating system available, it will ask you if you want to upgrade. You can call Apple and they will help you with this the first time, if you want.

judy 06-22-2011 01:23 PM

Easy peesy!!!

I'm going to get dressed to go to Mackenzie's Middle School graduation! She starts high school next year. OMG!!!

I am very excited for her. I can't wait to see my grandkids! I just sent them home yesterday, but I am still excited!

DianaB 06-22-2011 01:37 PM

Gayle....I'm glad that you got everything going again!!!

Judy.....I know that you're going to be the proudest grandparent at graduation!!!!

Today I have Kera, Daya, and Dae Lynn and the kids over. We're cleaning out our two guest rooms for them to come and stay with us. I had the closets just FULL of stuff so this is a big job!!!! They'll be coming back tomorrow to hopefully get it all finished and put away!!!

I also bought a used camera off of Craigslist. I've always wanted a nice camera to take professional-like pictures of the family. I've been looking for awhile and ended up going over what I told Glen that I would spend but I really think that this will be a great camera. I would have liked to have a step up from this one but it just really was too expensive. I'm so excited for it to come!!!!

Janet 06-22-2011 02:30 PM

Glad you have everything working right again Gayle. Sometimes these things can be such a hassle. I did go to Best Buy (to the Apple section) and spoke with a rep concerning updating my IPad2. I told him that when it's done it says that the server timed out. He said that had to do with my Internet provider. That it probably just wasn't fast enough and to try updating between midnight and 5 am when it's not as busy. I have DSL but he said I needed faster. I'll try tonight and if it still doesn't update then I'll speak with my provider.

Be careful buying nice things off of Craigslist Diana. I know that here in Indiana...most things are not what they seem. I hope yours is exactly what you expect. It's so funny that you've mentioned a new camera. I also was interested in a new one with all the bells and whistles, but there is just no way I would understand how to use all the features. I haven't used all the features on the camera I have now or my IPad. I'm really not the brightest when it comes to some of this tech stuff.

Today was a wonderful day. Ricky and I took Mom to her house. Then we donated 2 large plastic tubs of clothing, what a great feeling. They were my mother-in-law's clothing and were very nice. Then we went to Lafayette to the Best Buy store.

While Ricky waited in the car, I went in to a Merle Norman store to check out Vera Bradley purses. Didn't buy one, just looking this trip, then we went to K-Mart. Then we went to a drive-up
restaurant called Dog N Suds. They bring the food to the car. We both had a footlong coney, onion rings and a big frosted mug of root beer. It was sooooooo good!!

After we arrived home, Jerry and Betty brought Mom home and she fell coming in the door. She has two big spots on her shin where the skin is tore off. Yes...we are home and back to reality. :)

gja1000 06-22-2011 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by judy (Post 121127)
Easy peesy!!!

I'm going to get dressed to go to Mackenzie's Middle School graduation! She starts high school next year. OMG!!!

I am very excited for her. I can't wait to see my grandkids! I just sent them home yesterday, but I am still excited!

JUDY! I know exactly how you feel. Abigail will be in high school next year too. It's so hard to believe!

Diana, I know what you are going through. When my mom came to live with me I had to clean out two closets also. I never thought I could do it, but I did! Then this year when Brooke, Abi, and Emma stayed with us - again I had to clean out space for them. It was much easier since we had just moved and purged before moving, yet, it is still always a chore I think.

I hope things go well with them staying with you. Do you know how long they will be there?

Tiramisu 06-22-2011 03:00 PM

Looks we all had fairly good days. I watched rain falling to replenish the earth, thanks God. I got a call from my lawyer that I should come in tomorrow to look at papers and that we might get this over with in a few days. I might my little house after all.

Gayle, I'm so itchy. Is it because I don't drink enough water?

Tiramisu 06-22-2011 03:03 PM

I think my Chrissy moved to high school too, but she's in a small private school and I'm not sure they separate and I think she is on schedule to graduate in two more years.

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